Fears over vital services as EIJB announces plans to withdraw funding

Community projects across the city are facing financial armageddon following news that Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) plans to discontinue funding to 64 community projects across the city.

The EIJB is facing a financial crisis and sees slashing funds to third sector organisations as a way to tackling a massive deficit. If the recommendations are approved by board members at a meeting on Friday, the disinvestment in much-needed community services would save EIJB £4.5 million.

Although rumours of swingeing cuts were circulating for some days, the key papers announcing the plans only appeared online late on Friday afternoon – and they make grim reading for community organisations across the city.

The full papers for Friday’s meeting can be found below – and the Chief Officer’s recommendations make truly awful reading for 64 community organisations and the thousands of citizens they support.

Rubbing salt into the wounds, the EIJB also proposes cutting funding before the end of THIS financial year – two months early – forcing voluntary sector organisations to issue redundancy notices immediately. A fine early Christmas present!

For some projects, cuts on this scale would see a devastating reduction to the services they are able to provide to people living in some of Edinburgh’s most deprived communities. Scores of jobs will be lost if the cuts go ahead, vital services will be slashed and a number of community organisations may even be forced to close completely.

Restalrig’s Ripple Project announced: ‘The Ripple is devastated by the release of proposals to remove a huge proportion of health and social care funding from The Ripple in just 90 days time.

‘Please come to the Ripple next week and join us in our campaign to stop this happening.’ The Ripple provides and hosts a range of services from their busy community hub and they have set up a petition to oppose the cuts.

People Know How have already made the difficult decision to close their doors – and more will undoubtedly follow if the proposed cuts go ahead.

People Know How told service users: “Due to the drastic changes across the fundraising landscape in Scotland, it is with great sadness that we must announce that we are beginning to work towards closing People Know How including the redundancy of all our staff team.”

An online post explains: ‘People Know How was founded in 2013 and has grown to deliver services to thousands of people across Scotland over the past decade. Supporting people to be digitally and socially included through Reconnect, providing help to children as they move from primary to secondary school through Positive Transitions, and enhancing communities with projects including All Aboard, People Know How has always put people at the heart of what we do. ‘

‘A dedicated team of 24 paid staff and around 100 annual volunteers, interns, and placement students (VIPs) make all this work possible, and we collaborate with numerous funders and partners to maximise the reach and impact of the charity. In the last 4 years, People Know How has also expanded its reach to effect social change nationally as well as locally, through research, campaigning, influencing policy and our national Digital Support Helpline.

‘Due to the drastic changes across the funding landscape in Scotland, at the end of September, our Board and Chief Executive were faced with a difficult conversation in light of the lack of funding for the current and forthcoming financial years.

‘In just the last few months, we have seen devastating funding cuts across the sector and a drastic shift in the funding landscape. As a result, we have seen fewer options for long-term funding, with other funders closing entirely and leaving those that remain severely over-subscribed.

‘The Scottish Government is currently examining their approach to funding in the third sector, responding to calls from the sector for longer-term funding, unrestricted core funding, funding to accommodate paying staff a Real Living Wage and more. But as the debate continues, charities like People Know How are dealing with the reality.

‘While charities continue to close, the cost of living crisis continues, the number of children absent from schools is at crisis level and support for digital exclusion is needed more than ever.

‘The decline of available funds is directly at odds with the increasing need of the communities we support. Over the last few months, we have seen attendance to our digital groups and calls on our Digital Support Helpline increase.

‘We also recently partnered with BT to provide information about the digital landline switchover, with many groups across the country eagerly coming forward to work with us on this project. And just 2 months ago, we began our Positive Transitions support in schools for the new academic year, addressing a very real need for support felt by the children, young people and families moving to secondary school.

‘While we have funding for some projects, we will not hear back from our biggest funders until the end of this financial year and cannot move forward without the certainty that we will be able to support our service users and employ our staff beyond Christmas.

‘Since September, People Know How has been undergoing a 30-day collective consultation process to assess its future and options to avoid redundancies, including pausing all new activities to prioritise the support of those using our services.

‘We have also been speaking with our partners and contacts to assess options and opportunities where possible. That consultation process has now come to an end and unfortunately, we have not found a solution to save the 24 jobs and charity and have had to make the extremely difficult decision to work toward closing People Know How.

From today, (25 October), we will be working to wind down our projects and identify opportunities for those who use our services to continue being supported by other organisations. Our staff will also be looking for new employment opportunities. We will remain open until December but our capacity will be reducing gradually until then, as our team moves on.

‘Consideration is being made on how we close in the best way possible to value all the work and achievements since 2013. We are proud of what we have achieved over the last 11 years, supporting communities to improve wellbeing across Scotland.

‘The passion we have seen in every single one of our staff members and VIPs during this time has been incredible and we couldn’t be prouder to have been part of their lives and careers. Thank you to all who have been with us on this amazing journey.’

North Edinburgh’s R2 group is a coalition of local projects who united during the Covid pandemic lockdown to support vulnerable local people with food and essential supplies.

Spartans Community Foundation CEO Debbi McCulloch, who chairs R2’s development group, wrote to politicians and members of the EIJB yesterday: 

Proposed IJB cuts to third sector organisations  

As Chair of R2 Development Group I am writing to express our concern and dismay at the current  rumours circulating within the 3rd sector about the IJB cuts to third sector grants, and potential  disinvestment from 64 community organisations.

This disinvestment appears to be part of the IJB’s in year recovery plan and savings strategy for 2025/26. We find this particularly surprising given the  consultation that the IJB have recently completed on their new strategy which prioritised prevention  and closer collaboration with the 3rd sector. 

We would also like to acknowledge that the third sector has already taken significant cuts this year  from the grant funding and has still achieved (or in many case over achieved) on the targets set, yet  the sector is facing the biggest cuts. 

In north Edinburgh, it is estimated that this will result in around £1million worth of funding being lost  to the area. We are particularly concerned that local income maximisation services could be lost as  many of us work in partnership with these services and see the difference they can make in household  income for the people we work with. This work is key to our collective contributions to reducing  poverty in the City. 

While we recognise the significant funding challenges faced by the IJB, disinvesting from the 3rd  sector for short term cost savings seems misguided. Such actions are likely to increase pressure on  both NHS and Council services, contradicting the Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, and  the Audit Commission’s strong advocacy for enhanced prevention and early intervention strategies  which are known to take time and require investment.

Evidence consistently shows that investment in  prevention is one of the most cost-effective methods to improve health outcomes and reduce  inequalities, ultimately fostering greater sustainability with economic, social, and environmental  benefits. 

We hope for a constructive discussion with the IJB and other partners on how we can best support our  communities together. We would be very grateful if you could investigate on our behalf and advise us  accordingly. 

We ask that: 

• The funding for this year is guaranteed and runs the full length of the contract. • That the 25/ 26 grants are not cut in entirety and that we can be part of a conversation  regarding how we maybe able to assist in making savings. 

• That there is recognition that is these “savings” are to go through, we are shoring up future  impacts.

We’d ask you to explore this matter further and share anything you find out with us. In particular we  would like to know: 

• What consideration has been made for the Audit Scotland, Chief Medical Officer and Scottish  Government guidance to invest in health prevention, health activities in community? • If an equality impact assessment on these proposals has been carried out and what the  conclusion of this was? 

Finally, we’d ask you to talk your party colleagues, particularly if they sit on the IJB and ask them to do  all they can to prevent these cuts.  

We know, that when local community sector organisations get cut, it can take years to rebuild projects  and relationships with local communities. As the social and health issues in our communities are  continuing to increase, we want to continue to do all we can to alleviate the current crisis and build  towards a more positive future. Please help us do this.

Edinburgh Community Health Forum (ECHF) has called for an immediate halt to the funding cuts announced by IJB.

ECHF’s Strategic Development Manager, Stephanie-Anne Harris, said: “This drastic cut threatens the very fabric of our community support systems and undermines our collective commitment to health and wellbeing in Edinburgh.

“This disinvestment will lead to the closure of numerous charities and an increased reliance on statutory services, including the NHS and Council.

“Furthermore, it contradicts the Scottish Government’s and Public Health Scotland’s advocacy for prevention and early intervention strategies.

“Evidence overwhelmingly supports that investing in prevention is one of the most cost-effective methods to improve health outcomes and reduce inequalities.

“This short-term approach to achieving savings is fundamentally misguided.”

Historically, core funding for the Third Sector was managed by the Council before being transferred to the IJB.

The current proposed cuts pose a severe threat to organisations that provide essential services to some of Edinburgh’s most vulnerable residents.

Catriona Windle, Chair of ECHF and CEO of Health All Round, a charity dedicated to supporting residents in Gorgie Dalry, Saughton, Stenhouse, and surrounding areas, added: “We call for an immediate halt to cuts scheduled for 2025 and urge the IJB to engage in meaningful discussions with the sector about sustainable funding solutions.

“While we recognise the need for budgetary considerations, we cannot afford to compromise on the vital support that Third Sector organisations provide. We propose delaying cuts until September 2025 to allow for a proper conversation about the future.

“The IJB must recognise that resourcing for the Third Sector is not non-essential; it is crucial for the wellbeing of our communities.

“We implore Council leaders and the IJB to consider resuming full responsibility for funding these vital services or to engage the Third Sector in developing a strategic funding model that ensures ongoing investment in our collective health.”

EVOC, the voice of Edinburgh’s voluntary sector, said: “We are devastated to see the depth of the cuts proposed to the Third Sector in the EIJB Meeting Papers: https://bit.ly/4eZsPXL

“Our sector has an essential role to play in delivering key health and social care services for some of the most vulnerable people in Edinburgh and contributes to the four priorities of the @EdinburghHSCP ‘More Good Days Strategy’.

“Our Board and staff are meeting key colleagues and partners to move quickly on a strategic response and will share more details in the coming days.”

The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) are deeply concerned by significant third sector funding cuts that have been proposed this link will take you away from The Alliance website by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB). As part of savings to close a budget gap, two options are proposed that relate to their health inequality grants programme.

The first option would close the existing programme early, giving grant recipients only three months’ notice and saving £700,000 in this financial year. This would be extremely disruptive for both organisations and people accessing their programmes. Third sector organisations are reasonably entitled to expect to receive funding for the entire grant period. We are especially concerned that this could lead to sudden job losses and financial hardship for affected third sector workers.

The second option would be to end the grants programme entirely in future years, and develop an alternative approach, saving £4.5mn in direct costs next year and beyond. Whilst this would mean existing grants would continue for the remainder of this financial year, it would result in significant uncertainty for the future of some organisations and programmes and for the people who ultimately benefit from these supports and services.

These proposals come even though funded programmes report incredibly high satisfaction rates (91%) and – as the most recent EIJB evaluation notes this link will take you away from The Alliance website – they “have been of benefit to the city.”

Nevertheless, it is claimed that only one of the funded services represents “value for money”. Our understanding is that this assessment has been made via an additional, retrospective EIJB evaluation, and it is unclear if organisations were given adequate time and direction to monitor and evidence the value of their programmes.

The published impact assessments for these proposals this link will take you away from The Alliance website acknowledge the significant number of potential negative impacts that could arise. These include general reduction in service provision and the loss of jobs, increased pressure on unpaid carers, difficulty finding targeted support for specific conditions, and particular impacts in more deprived areas of the city.

In many cases the impact assessment refers to the availability of statutory services as an alternative, for example in relation to maternal mental health. However, the extreme pressures on statutory services, especially mental health services, are well documented.

Third sector services are in many cases supporting people who have fallen through the gaps in or been unable to access statutory services. The withdrawal of grant funding for third sector services will therefore leave those people with no support at all.

Responding to the proposals, the ALLIANCE Chief Officer of Development, Sara Redmond, said: “Third sector organisations provide a range of invaluable services that help to reduce health inequalities and support a preventative approach to health and wellbeing. We are therefore extremely concerned by the proposals from Edinburgh IJB that could see their entire health inequalities grant programme close.

“The EIJB’s own impact assessment acknowledges that these proposals will negatively impact the health and wellbeing of people in Edinburgh, especially in areas already experiencing higher levels of health and socio-economic inequality. In addition to the risk of job losses, these proposals also risk seriously damaging the relationship between the third sector and statutory sector funders, especially as there has been no public consultation in advance.

“Third sector organisations must be able to trust when bidding for contracts or grants that funding will be provided for the entire contracted period. They must also be consulted as equal partners to find a way forward when circumstances change, and for the responsibility to be shared for evaluating the impact of what are complex social policy agendas.

“We urge the EIJB to reject these proposals and develop a fairer way forward that will ensure people receive the support they need and that the third sector can continue its invaluable work to mitigate and prevent health inequalities.”

Work has urgently been going on behind the scenes since the EIJB papers were released and a number of meetings have taken place with more to follow in the run-up to Friday’s crucial board meeting.

Deputations are being arranged, community support is being harnessed across the city and politicians are being lobbied – and opposition to the draconian proposals has gained political support.

SNP Councillor Vicky Nicholson is a member of the EIJB board and she announced last night that the SNP will oppose the report recommendations:

Labour’s Cammy Day said in a statement on Twitter yesterday: ‘After over a decade of @theSNP cuts& under funding Edinburghs health &social care, proposals to cut the third/voluntary sector are here.

“Edinburgh Labour will propose a way forward to engage the sector, work with them & city partners and stop the in year cuts wherever we can.’

Edinburgh Integration Joint Board meets on Friday 1st November at 10am in the Dean of Guilds Room at the City Chambers.

You can read the full details of the recommendations here:


Edinburgh’s Social Care Crisis: Conference Agenda announced

SATURDAY 14 SEPTEMBER from 10am – 1pm


THE agenda for Saturday’s Edinburgh Social Care Crisis Conference has been announced.

The conference has been convened by Edinburgh Trade Union Council and is sponsored by UNITE Edinburgh Not For Profit Branch,  UNITE City of Edinburgh Council Branch, UNITE Lothian Retired Members Branch, Edinburgh EIS Branch and the Scottish Trades Union Congress.

The conference will be attended by three Edinburgh MSPs: Foysol Choudhury, Sarah Boyack and Daniel Johnson.

Des Loughney, Secretary, Edinburgh Trade Union Council says: “”The conference is open to the public, trade union and community health activists and social care users and paid and unpaid carers.

“There will be a discussion of the impact of the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board cuts that are being implemented in this financial year (£55 million).

“We are concerned that prevention services will be cut and that rising demand (mainly due to demographic reasons) will not be met.

“The conference will conclude by a discussion on the way forward in campaigning for more resources for IJBs and how can we lobby for more resources to prevent current damaging cuts.

“We will consider how we can seek to change Scottish Parliament policies in the run up to the 2026 elections.”


SATURDAY 14th SEPTEMBER from 10am – 1pm


For further information contact:

EDINBURGH TUC – telephone 0773 491 2536

or email edinburghtradeunioncouncil@gmail.com

SILENT SLAUGHTER: £60 MILLION slashed from Edinburgh’s health and social care services


TWO council-run care homes – Clovenstone and Ford’s Road – will close and third sector projects will see their funding cut by 10 per cent – £1.4 million – following yesterday’s Edinburgh Integration Joint Board meeting.

Board members were faced with a stark choice – accept the swingeing package of cuts tabled or leave the officers to do it themselves. The meeting heard there was no realistic alternative – no Plan B.

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch secretary David Harrold told EIJB board members: “Each and every one of you is presiding over the silent slaughter of Edinburgh’s essential care services. Yet each and every one of you has the ability to stop this by speaking out.”

But despite impassioned pleas from a succession of delegations urging a rethink, board members voted without dissent to accept officer recommendations to slash costs by almost £60 MILLION in an attempt to balance their books.

As ever, it’s the most vulnerable that will suffer most – the poorest communities, carers, older people … all will feel the effects of cuts of this magnitude.

The cuts will see projects cutting back the services they currently provide and in some cases will make redundancies inevitable.

Cuts to core funding will also limit match funding opportunities, and voluntary boards and management committees now face some dreadful decisions with the start of the new financial year less than two weeks away.

Other health and social care partnerships across the country are facing the same financial challenges:

Councillor George Gordon calls on citizens to get their flu vaccination

In the first week of the winter vaccination programme, 27,000 people have come forward to get their flu vaccine, which is a great response ((writes Edinburgh Integration Joint Board member and Forth Councillor GEORGE GORDON).

We’ve all seen the devastating effect the pandemic has had in the past 18 months so it’s really important we all play our part to limit the impact this winter.  

This is a personal appeal to encourage everyone who’s eligible to get their flu vaccination this winter. COVID-19 has not gone away so it’s more important than ever to protect yourself by getting the vaccination and do your bit to ease the pressure on social care, GP surgeries and hospitals over winter. 

Many of you will already have received a letter either with an appointment or asking you to book one online. I know there’s been an issue with the scheduling of some flu appointments via the national booking system.

This means some people’s appointments are not as local as would have been expected, and a few cases where people who are housebound have been asked to go to an appointment. I know how concerning this is for people who cannot travel. 

If you have received a letter with an appointment that you are unable to attend, you can rearrange your appointment for a more local venue by going online at nhsinform.scot/flu-vaccine/invitations-and-appointments/rearrange-your-flu-vaccine-appointmen or ring the national flu vaccination helpline on 0800 030 8013 for help to re-book.

More local appointments are now available for people who find it difficult to travel. If you are housebound and normally get your flu jab at home then you will get it at home again this year, even if you’ve received an appointment letter.

It’s really good to see that so many people have been turning out to get their vaccinations. The Royal Highland Centre site experienced a slight delay in topping up vaccination stocks on Tuesday morning (5 October) due to the level of demand across other sites and some people were asked to return the following day.

This was resolved within an hour and I can assure you that we have good vaccine stocks in Edinburgh. 

Across Scotland, GP surgeries are no longer responsible for flu vaccinations for their patients. Now, health and social care partnerships manage the flu programme. In Edinburgh we have a range of drive through and walk through clinics for adults which will open at weekends during October and November.

Edinburgh’s main site is in Lowland Hall at the Royal Highland Centre which is open seven days a week and easy to access by public transport (buses 100, 200 and 400). We also have small local clinics for people who can’t make their way to Ingliston.

Children have received a letter for their parents or carers about their vaccine. If it’s been six months since your second dose of the COVID vaccine, you may also get your COVID vaccine booster at the same time as your flu vaccine. 

It’s a massive programme and this year there’s more people than ever eligible to get a vaccine which is great news. You can now get the vaccine if you’re over 50, pregnant, an unpaid carer, at risk because of an existing health condition, or because of the job that you do. You can check if you are eligible for a flu vaccine, or find more information, at nhsinform.scot/flu.

I’d really encourage you to take up that offer – go to your vaccination appointment if you have been given one or book an appointment on the online portal if you’ve been asked to do that. 

Please don’t be in any doubt – flu is serious. Getting the vaccine will protect you, your family and friends, and also our vital NHS and social care services.

Union’s ‘deep dismay’ over Edinburgh care home closures

UNISON, the union for carers, has expressed deep dismay at the decision to close an Edinburgh care home. The decision was passed by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (IJB) – which commissions health and social services from the City – at a meeting on Tuesday.

 UNISON, Scotland’s largest union, has been campaigning to prevent the closure of five council-run Edinburgh care homes, including Drumbrae. A further four council-run homes – Ferrylee, Clovenstone, Fords Road and Jewel House are all being earmarked for closure but subject to public consultation. 

Tom Connolly, UNISON Edinburgh City branch secretary, said: “The people of Edinburgh can feel very let down by this decision to close a much-needed local service, not least the elderly and vulnerable who reside in the care home and now face an uncertain future. 

“UNISON will continue its campaign to save public sector-run care homes and prevent them going into private hands. People need to come before profit and UNISON will continue its fight to save Edinburgh’s public run care homes and call for all private run care homes to be brought into the public sector.”

Greig Kelbie, UNISON regional organiser, said: “The decision to close Drumbrae was made without any public consultation and is a real slap in the face to the most vulnerable people in the city. 

“UNISON understands there is a substantial waiting list for homes in the area, so if the need hasn’t gone away then why should the services?” 

Edinburgh Integration Joint Board is chaired by Labour councillor Ricky Henderson and membership includes local politicians Councillor Melanie Main (Scottish Greens), Councillor George Gordon (SNP), Councillor Robert Aldridge (Liberal Democrats) and Councillor Phil Doggart (Conservative).

Save Our Care Homes: protest lobby at City Chambers tomorrow

UNISON will be holding a static lobby outside the Edinburgh City Chambers tomorrow (Tuesday 17th August) from 9.30am to coincide with the meeting of the Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board (EIJB) meeting taking place at 10am.

Although this meeting will not be making a final decision on care home closures, they will be planning to move forward with wider consultation on the issue, with the purpose of coming to a decision at a meeting in September.

It was UNISON’s quick actions that ensured the EIJB did not move forward with the proposed closures at their meeting on 22nd June 2021.

UNISON will be making a deputation to the meeting tomorrow and will be calling for:

  • the saving of our care homes;
  • meaningful engagement with the trade unions;
  • call for proper impact assessments; and
  • the need to have a wide-ranging meaningful public consultation.

UNISON want care homes to remain run by and for the public and not run by private companies for private profit.

If publicly owned and run care homes are not up to standard, then investment in adaptation, or the building of new care homes must be done to ensure that any demand can be met.

Staff in care home must be paid a decent wage, have access to developmental training and feel secure in their employment.

The lobby outside the City Chambers on Tuesday 17th August is only part of the union’s campaign to ‘Save Our Care Homes’ and UNISON plan to build to a bigger event for the September meeting.

You can sign UNISON’s petition here and click here for a link to a ready-made email to your MSP.

The Another Edinburgh is Possible campaign group is also urging the capital’s citizens to support the fight against care home closures:

‘Join the protest rally outside the City Chambers as the Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board meets on Tuesday 17th August. It’s likely that the board will hold a special meeting in September to make the decision to close 5 out of the 9 local authority care homes in Edinburgh.

‘We want to build a campaign that is so strong that when that meeting takes place the board has no option but to drop its’ closure plans. Three Edinburgh City Councillors sit on the board. We’ve written to the leaders of all five party groups on the council demanding that their group takes a clear and unambiguous public position in opposition to the closures.’

Ask the GP – live webinar for Polish community tomorrow

“ASK THE GP” The only public live meeting with the Polish GP in Scotland on Covid-19 vaccination for the Polish Community

“ZAPYTAJ GP” Jedyne takie spotkanie z polskim lekarzem w Szkocji na temat szczepień na Covid-19 [ENG]

In response to the needs of the Polish community in Scotland, Feniks would like to invite you to a live webinar with Dr Piotr Konieczny, a Polish GP in Edinburgh who specialises in ENT and is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

During this meeting, the expert will answer the most frequently asked questions about Covid-19 vaccination.

Ask a question prior to the meeting: https://bit.ly/pytaniadoGP

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, 12 August, 19.30 (the UK time)

The meeting will be held live on Feniks’s Facebook: 


There is no need to register, but in case you do not want to miss this meeting you can sign up to the Facebook event (a notification will show up an hour before the event): https://www.facebook.com/events/845324889457595

A recording of the meeting will be made available on Feniks Facebook page and on YouTube. The discussion will be held in Polish.[PL]

“ZAPYTAJ GP” Jedyne takie spotkanie z polskim lekarzem w Szkocji na temat szczepień na Covid-19

Odpowiadając na zapotrzebowanie polskiej społeczności w Szkocji zapraszamy na spotkanie informacyjne online z dr Piotrem Koniecznym, polskim lekarzem rodzinnym w Edynburgu specjalizującym się w laryngologii, członkiem Royal College of General Practitioners. W czasie spotkania ekspert odpowie na pytania na temat szczepień przeciwko Covid-19, które można zadawać w poniższym kwestionariuszu.

Zachęcamy do zadawania pytań przed spotkaniem:

NIE PRZEGAP: Czwartek, 12 sierpnia, godz. 19.30 (czasu brytyjskiego)

Nie trzeba się rejestrować, ale zachęcamy do dołączenia do wydarzenia na Facebooku (przypomnienie o wydarzeniu pojawi się na godzinę przed): https://www.facebook.com/events/845324889457595

Spotkanie odbędzie się live na profilu facebookowym Feniksa: https://www.facebook.com/Feniks.Support.Services

Nagranie ze spotkania zostanie zapisane i udostępnione na profilu Feniksa na Facebooku oraz na YouTube. Rozmowa odbędzie się w języku polskim.

LEAP rehab service fully restored

People living in Lothian with serious alcohol and drug problems can now access help from an expanded rehabilitation service.

The Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP) is providing more placements than ever before thanks to its renewed partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council and support from the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board and The Cyrenians.

Up to 22 people can now benefit from one of the intensive three-month residential placements to overcome their addiction in a safe and supportive environment. The service provides clinical, medical and therapeutic support backed up by two years of aftercare and peer support and a family programme.

The boost will help to significantly reduce waiting times for patients looking to access the service following lockdown. It is in line with Scottish Government priorities for increasing residential rehabilitation provision.

Dr David McCartney, Clinical Lead for LEAP, NHS Lothian explains: “As a direct result of the pandemic we had to reduce service capacity to just 40 per cent. While we continued to provide some patient support remotely, our residential services were reduced to just 8 places.

“With the help of our partners we are back operating the full range of services again, helping even more people to get help and support as quickly as possible.

“The majority of LEAP patients starting the programme complete it. Nearly two thirds of them reach their goal of a long-term successful alcohol and drug-free recovery with significant improvements in their mental and physical health.”

LEAP is currently operating as a partnership between NHS Lothian, the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, The Cyrenians, Access to Industry and Rehabilitation and Recovery Team Social Workers.

It offers detoxication and therapeutic treatment for people who want to become alcohol and drug free alongside structured, practical support to get into work or education as part of people’s recovery if needed.

Patients can also access psychiatry, psychology and occupational therapy services whilst in treatment.

Lesley Taylor, Registered Manager, City of Edinburgh Council, said: “We’re delighted to be working with LEAP again to help roll-out this essential service. 

“Our team have a valuable role in providing accommodation and support, not only for the initial three-month placement but also in assisting individuals address their longer-term housing needs.” 

Linda Nichol, a volunteer with NHS Lothian’s subsistence misuse team and former LEAP patient and PEER supporter encourages anyone struggling with addiction to access the service. She said: “LEAP changed my life. It helped me recognise that I had a disease and gave me the confidence and support I needed to turn my life around.

“If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction then ask for help and get referred into LEAP. It is possible to change your whole life beyond your wildest dreams.”

LEAP is open to people who have a serious problem with alcohol or other drugs.  Anyone interested in being assessed for residential treatment should speak to their GP, health, support or social care worker. 

More information can be found at: 
