Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland and Scottish Opera from new partnership to bring the therapeutic benefits of song to those with aphasia

  • Building on Scottish Opera’s ground breaking Breath Cycle project, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland is collaborating with the country’s largest performing arts organisation to improve the lives of those living with aphasia, a communication difficulty that is a common effect of strokes
  • A new research report launched earlier this month by CHSS revealed that poor mental health and loneliness are severely impacting people in Scotland living with aphasia

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (CHSS) and Scottish Opera have joined forces to develop online singing classes for people living with aphasia, which is caused by damage to the part of the brain that controls language, and in some cases leaves some unable to speak at all.

These new CHSS and Scottish Opera sessions coincide with Aphasia Awareness Month, which runs throughout June. This year’s theme is #AphasiaTogether, emphasising that those with the condition do not need to deal with this on their own.​

This new strand of creative music making with CHSS — Scotland’s largest health charity working to help people with chest, heart and stroke conditions live life to the full — expands upon Scottish Opera’s pioneering Breath Cycle project, designed to support those with a range of conditions affecting lung health.​

Following research and development sessions with medical educators, CHSS staff and people living with aphasia are working with Scottish Opera to provide supported communication and aphasia training, and help deliver the therapeutic singing, song-writing and breath control sessions.

The aim of these workshops is to improve the mental wellbeing and confidence in communication of those with aphasia and respiratory issues including COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), across the country.​

Earlier this month, CHSS launched a report about the impact of aphasia on those living with the condition which revealed that:

  • More than half (52 per cent) of people with aphasia say their condition affects their mental health
  • Nearly half (48 per cent) with aphasia said they experienced loneliness as a result of their condition.
  • 43 per cent of people with aphasia said it impacted on their ability to work as before
  • A third (34 per cent) of people with aphasia reported being treated negatively due to their condition.

CEO of Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, Jane-Claire Judson, commented: “Working with Scottish Opera to unlock the therapeutic benefits of singing and song-writing to people living with aphasia is a fantastic opportunity to tackle real issues facing people across the country.

“We regularly hear from the people we support that living with a communication difficulty following stroke can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness and have a negative impact on mental health.

“We look forward to bringing people together to experience the joy of singing with others whilst exploring the benefits of singing and song writing to their communication skills.”

Jane Davidson MBE, Director of Outreach & Education at Scottish Opera, said: “Following on from the increased awareness of our Breath Cycle II programme in 2020, which was designed for people living with Long COVID and other respiratory conditions, Scottish Opera is excited to partner with CHSS to support people with aphasia.

“The work that CHSS undertakes each year with hundreds of thousands of Scots has set really high standards in the positive integration of mental health and well-being initiatives with clinical intervention.

“As Scotland’s largest performing arts company, we feel that the values of both our organisations are beautifully aligned in this new collaboration that seeks to enhance the quality of people’s lives across the country.”

Composer Gareth Williams, who along with writer Martin O’Connor, mentored the most recent online song writing Breath Cycle sessions said: “Our encounters with the Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland team, and our first conversations with our participants who have aphasia have been so inspiring.

“Our challenge is to help people find and connect with their voices again, both their physical voices and their creative voices. There are incredible stories to tell in this community, and together we will find them and share them through song.”

Can you help us shape one of the biggest untold stories in Scottish social history?

General public and former whalers and their families sought to help co-design new online Whalers’ Memory Bank

In June 2023 the South Georgia Heritage Trust and the South Georgia Museum launched a project called The Whalers’ Memory Bank.

Supported by funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, the project is about creating a living, growing digital time capsule where veterans of the whaling industry, their families and communities can come together to contribute and share their stories with a wider audience. 

Since then, the South Georgia Museum has been busy collecting hundreds of stories, photographs and memorabilia from the former whaling communities – the response has been amazing. 

But we want to make sure we tell these stories in a way that captures everyone’s imagination. Presenting stories in a way the former whaling communities want to see, but also in a way that appeals to a wider audience so they can understand this important slice of Scottish social history.

That is why we are putting out a call for anyone who wants to join us either for a short workshop or just drop in and find out more and give us your thoughts.

Over the weekend of 22 and 23 June there are a number of opportunities to join in and help us through a range of workshops and drop-in sessions that are taking place.

Saturday 22 June – we will be at The Scottish Maritime Museum in Irvine. We will be running a workshop from 10.30am until 12.00 which we are encouraging people to book onto. We will also be running a drop-in session for general visitors to the museum from 2-4pm. 

Sunday 23 June – we will be at The Scottish Fisheries Museum in Anstruther. We will be running a workshop from 11.00am until 12.30 which we are encouraging people to book onto. We will also be running a drop-in session for general visitors to the museum from 1.30-3.30pm. 

Each workshop will last about an hour and a half and we would welcome any former whalers and their families to come along, bring any memories or stories you want to share but, most importantly, be happy to help us shape our early thoughts and ideas on the Memory Bank.

But you don’t need to have had any association with whaling to join in. We are really looking forward to getting input and feedback from the general public so you can also either book onto one of the workshops or come and join us anytime during the drop-in sessions over the weekend should you be at either of the museums.

To book onto a workshop on either Saturday 22 or Sunday 23 May email or just drop in if you want to join us for a more casual chat at the drop-in sessions.

Please note there is an entrance fee for both museums. Workshop attendance is free, but if you wish to visit the rest of the museum once it is ended there will be a reduced entrance fee of £4 for the Scottish Maritime Museum and £5 for the Scottish Fisheries Museum.  

Helen Balfour, Community Engagement Officer for the Memory Bank said: “The story of modern whaling in the Southern Hemisphere is a controversial one with British companies playing a key role in the industry.

“These companies had a largely Scottish workforce, with many from Shetland. Now, only a dwindling number of men survive that have first-hand memories of this industry, an integral part of Scottish and Shetland’s social history. 

“As someone from a family with many connections to whaling, I am conscious that this is story well known to some but not one that is more widely understood or discussed. We don’t only want to delve into the stories of whalers, we want to explore questions such as: why was whaling so important? how did it help power the world between the wars, and what was it like to live, and work from the remote island of South Georgia in the Southern Ocean?

“We have already done some workshops in Shetland in May where we really learnt a lot from whalers, their families and the community. We want to continue that work and hope to see as many people as possible over the weekend of 22 and 23 June to help us shape and tell this hidden piece of Scotland’s social history.”

Linda Fitzpatrick, Head Curator at the Scottish Fisheries Museum who is also helping with the wider collections management of the project said: “This unique project has many features that resonate with the work we do at the Scottish Fisheries Museum to engage audiences with topics relating to the heritage and development of fishing technologies, including whaling. 

“There is no doubt that reflecting on whaling is problematic: it was brutal and exploitative, and few would welcome its return.  Nevertheless, the industry was an important feature of Scotland’s industrial development and generated a distinct and vibrant culture.  

“This is an important moment, therefore, to reach out to ex-whalers and their communities to capture the living memories of those who took part in the industry and to preserve them for the future.  

“We warmly invite anyone with an interest in the subject to come along over the weekend to either museum over the weekend of the 22 and 23 June.”

Ticket sales up at Edinburgh Tradfest

Julie Fowlis and a stage packed with some of the finest musicians in folk, brought this year’s Edinburgh Tradfest to a close on Monday 13 May with an outstanding rendition of Runrig’s ‘Fuaim A Bhlair’. 

The 11 day festival of traditional live music, talks, folk film and storytelling, saw over 80% of tickets sold for the music programme and multiple sell-out shows at the Traverse Theatre, Cameo and the Scottish Storytelling Centre.

The festival enjoyed a massive jump in trad fans coming out in support of live music, with sell-out shows and packed houses on both weekends (Triptic, Martin Simpson Daimh, Rachel Newton, Nordic Fiddlers Bloc, and VALTOS).

There was also a full audience for this year’s new commission Everyone’s Welcome to Edinburgh curated by renowned fiddler Robbie Greig and performed by Robbie and a stellar line-up of musicians including Hannah Rarity, Jenn Butterworth, Signy Jakobsdottir, Duncan Lyall and Megan MacDonald. Plus, there was not a seat to be had for Malin Lewis’ debut album launch Halocline.

The second weekend’s workshops also saw great attendance and 92% of places sold, with Bruce Ncube’s Zimbabwean singing workshop bringing home an abundance of joy-felt harmonies from an amazing standard of participants.

, over at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Svend-Erik Engh’s improve your patter session for musicians was an early sell out, as was Shona Cowie and Neil Sutcliffe’s premiere of their new show Rickle O Stanes which galloped through the story of Scotland, from its geological formation right up to its present socio-economic condition told through stories and song. 

Another big hit at the Scottish Storytelling Centre was an emotional Hearth Fire Session which saw an incredible blend of live storytelling from Traveller Jess Smith, folk musician Sam Gillespie and basket-weaver Katie Warner, all guided by host Dougie Mackay who gifted Jess with a willow basket full of the stories and songs of the evening, to acknowledge her contribution to storytelling.

Further afield the Folk Film Gathering celebrated its 10th anniversary with a popular programme of Scottish and international films, many accompanied by live scores or introductory talks. Screen premieres included the sold out Scottish premiere of Songlines – a new documentary from Pat Collins celebrating the songs and singers at the heart of the Irish traveller community; and Itu Ninu set in a dystopian ‘smart city’ from Edinburgh-based Mexican director Itandehui Jansen. 

Plus, to close this year’s folk film gathering, musician Aly Bain introduced a screening of Mike Alexander’s film Down Home with some great chat and tremendous tunes.

Douglas Robertson and Jane-Ann Purdy, co-producers of Edinburgh Tradfest said“This year’s festival was just brilliant, we took a chance and top and tailed the music programme with two big gigs at the Queen’s Hall and the Assembly Rooms and it really paid off, with audiences returning again and again to hear more great music and support the musicians.

“The buzz around the venues was fantastic and our thanks goes to everyone who has supported us in making the festival possible. Next year we are back 2-12 May – and we can’t wait!”

Jamie Chambers producer of the Folk Film Gathering said: “2024 was a banner year for us. It was great to be back in synch with our friends at Tradfest and to be working again with Cameo Picturehouse.

“Programme highlights for us included the combined voices of Jess Smith and Joss Cameron at the Scottish premiere of Pat Collin’s SONGLINES, celebrating the links between Scottish and Irish traveller culture; the sublime, emotionally overwhelming new score composed by Luke Sutherland and Semay Wu for Alexander Dovzhenko’s EARTH; the chance to host Finnish master musicians Lau Nau and Pekko Kappi, for the premiere of Katja Gauriloff’s moving JE’VIDA; and the powerful words of Palestinian-Scottish poet Nada Shawa at our screening of Michel Khleifi TALE OF THE THREE JEWELS.”

Daniel Abercrombie, Head of Programming, Scottish Storytelling Centre, said: “Tradfest continues to enhance our programme, it is a wonderful time of year!

“We were especially delighted that so many families and young people were involved in our song and story sessions, as well as joining together to celebrate the traditions of Beltane as May arrives. Looking forward to next year already!”

Edinburgh Tradfest is supported by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland and the William Grant Foundation.

Edinburgh Tradfest will return from 2 to 12 May 2025.

Edinburgh pupils premiere new ‘Junk Food’ dance

P6 pupils from the Royal Mile and Abbeyhill Primary Schools and student dancers from Moray House School of Education and Sport came together yesterday to perform Junk Food, written and created for this year’s Pomegranates Festival.

Over the course of the spring term, pupils at both schools took part in several workshops to discuss themes such as why people dance, what dance looks like, and chose a topic of their choice to create a dance piece that was relevant to them.

The pupils chose to discuss ‘Junk Food’ and used this theme to create a short dance piece accompanied by new electronic music by Gourab Dey, with the help of students at the University. The pupils worked on themes like ‘hangry’ and what this looked like as a dance movement, and after several rehearsals they created today’s final dance piece.

Wendy Timmons, Co-Producer of Pomegranates Festival and Senior Lecturer in Dance at Moray House School of Education and Sport said: “Many children that we work with in schools experience dance as part of physical education, and therefore the aesthetic experience of being in a theatre and being on stage is completely new.

“What this project aimed to do was to create a dance piece using their ideas so they would feel more connected with the process. Today’s performance illustrates the quality of work that this process can create, and this came across in the piece.”

The Pomegranates Festival runs until tomorrow (Tuesday 30 April) and is Scotland’s annual festival of international traditional dance.

Initiated and curated by Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland it is presented and produced in partnership with Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland, Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh City Libraries, Dance Base and the Scottish Storytelling Centre. 

The Festival finishes with a finale performance on International Dance Day 29 April which includes a new piece of dance created by MC, hip-hop dancer and choreographer-in-residence Jonzi D and performed by 20 Edinburgh-based traditional dancers.

The piece will be accompanied by newly-commissioned poetry by Perth-based poet Jim Mackintosh who will also be launching his new book of poetry We are Migrant at the event, and poems by BBC broadcaster Ian McMillan. 

Plus, there will be a screening of a new film by contemporary visual artist and human rights activist Mare Tralla who has been artist-in-residence at this year’s festival.

There will also be a live streamed keynote lecture by Jonzi D on ‘Decolonising the Expressive Arts Curriculum’ tomorrow – Tuesday 30 April at 10am at Paterson’s Land, Moray House School of Education and Sport, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ.

The Art of Processing a Difficult Time in our Lives

Katie Fowlie, an art specialist, and educator from the East Neuk, has been commissioned to deliver Remembering Together Fife, a project that strives to sensitively mark the Covid-19 pandemic. 

She has named the project PROCESS, and her role is to co-create something collaboratively with communities across Fife to respond to a difficult period in our lives. A series of free, bookable, and drop-in workshops are being delivered across Fife. Participants will explore the language (Floriography) associated with plants to express emotions in a non-verbal way and will create art using plant-based materials.

By gathering materials from the landscape, participants are learning immersive, process-based activities which encourage relaxation, improve mood, and encourage people out of isolation.

The workshops come about after 18 months of engagement with communities across Fife listening to individuals’ unique experiences from this challenging time. Ideas were collected to mark this experience in a way which would resonate with people across the Kingdom.

Katie explains: “Many ideas were offered during the initial engagement phase, and areas of overlap started to emerge. Most participants noted a decline in their mental health, their self-confidence, and feelings of isolation.

“There was an overwhelming desire to create something with a positive legacy, something which invests in people, and which is supportive in terms of their wellbeing.

“People shared how important the daily permitted hour outdoors became to their wellbeing. But also, how this habit was so quickly abandoned as life started to return to normal. They were keen to create something collectively which celebrated Fife’s varied landscapes while encouraging healthy habits such as slowing down and reinstating regular time spent outdoors. All in a way which enabled reflection and a chance to process how our lives changed.”

This period of co-creation will culminate in the creation of a bespoke publication called PROCESS. This will be a collection of images, reflections, words, and fragments that offers ‘how-to’ details to undertake further exploration. This publication will be gifted to appropriate organisations across Fife, as well as being free to access online.

Katie is continuing to host a series of free community workshops during the coming months as public drop-in events, alongside those offered to community groups and key workers. For updates, please follow ‘Remembering Together Fife’ on Facebook and Instagram.

‘Drop-in’ events are being hosted by: Kellie Castle, May 18th & 25th (11am – 3pm), The Larick Centre, May 20th & 27th and June 3rd (1pm – 2.30pm).

Bookable workshops [PROCESS: The Art of Foraging] started in Kennoway on 16th April, and then take place in Buckhaven on 19th April, Leven on 25th April and Methil on 4th May.

Katie will be collaborating with Jayson Byles from East Neuk Seaweed to offer cooking demonstrations and create botanical inks from foraged finds. These workshops are supported by Lateral Lab with additional funding from the Coalfields Regeneration Trust.

Fife Coast and Countryside Trust are facilitating Remembering Together Fife. Free workshop places can be booked at

Edinburgh Youth Gaitherin’s Back!

Edinburgh Youth Gaitherin’ is back in partnership with Edinburgh Tradfest to  offer an exciting opportunity for young musicians in 2024, with support from  the William Grant Foundation. 

EYG Big Band is a three-day programme for ages 13–18. It will be led by some of  Scotland’s finest musicians, who will support participants to learn traditional music  together and create their own arrangements as a group. Band tutors are Kirsty Law,  Tom Oakes and Lori Watson, supported by Shea Martin and Jonathan Foster. 

New for 2024, there will be two optional taster workshops in advance of the EYG  weekend, where young people can try out some music-making together and get to  know each other and the tutors.  

This event is for young people who would like to develop their skills on their  instrument, play with other young musicians, sing, write their own songs and learn  tunes. There will be also be exclusive performances and Q&A sessions from some of  the acts appearing at Edinburgh Tradfest. EYG Big Band is all about creativity,  making friends through music and having fun. 

Taster workshops will take place 10am–1pm on 20th and 27th April at the Scottish  Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh. 

EYG Big Band will be based at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh from 10am–4pm on  4th–6th May. The group will perform on the evening of 6th May as part of Edinburgh  Tradfest’s special commission show, Everyone’s Welcome To Edinburgh.  

Tickets and registration:

Pay-what-you-can and fully-subsidised places available. 

Make It Happen: Creative Workshops at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

Calling all local creatives, makers, and entrepreneurs. 🌈✨🎨

Ready to elevate your brand and conquer social media? Join us for two special workshops this Saturday 9 March at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre.

Rachel of Rachel Henderson Interiors will share her expertise on developing your brand and social media presence through two hands-on, creative workshops. Join us for one or both!

📍1:30pm – 3.30pm: Branding & Vision Board Workshop

📍4pm – 6pm: Social Media Workshop

Lunch and refreshments provided; and childcare is available.

Free but limited spaces available, so advance booking is essential. You can attend one workshop if that is of most interest, or book your space for both.

The workshops are aimed at local adults living in North Edinburgh (Muirhouse, Pilton, Drylaw, Granton). Part of the Make It Happen project, proudly supported by the Scottish Ecosystem Fund 2023-24.

👉Find out more and book your place at:…/make-it-happen-x-rachel…

International Magicians and Teenage Tricksters prepare for MagicFest 2023

  • MagicFest set to start – with top performers including Kevin Quantum
  • Future Magicians introduces tomorrow’s stars of stage magic today

A multitude of magicians are putting the final touches to a vast array of mind-boggling tricks and illusions as they prepare to gather in Edinburgh for MagicFest.

They range from established stars like the city’s own Kevin Quantum to new generation of teenage performers ready to baffle and delight audiences in the Future Magicians show.

Back following a successful 2023 debut, the show is a great addition to the annual Edinburgh International Magic Festival, which runs from 20-31 December and is now in its 14th year.

This time around there will be four young performers (three of them from Edinburgh) taking to the stage.   

Each has been working with a leading magician to perfect a 10-minute act to display their skills and help them on the road to becoming a professional performer. They are:

Brooklyn-Ellis Carr from Newcastle, who at 16, has already attracted more than two million social media views for his magic videos, and who has been mentored by Edinburgh’s Elliot Bibby.

Brooklyn-Ellis said: “I’ve always wanted more opportunities to perform on stage and Future Magicians offers exactly that. With Elliot’s help I’ve managed to create a mind-blowing act that I absolutely cannot wait to share. I’m so excited to get out on that stage and give it my all.”

Jack Moodie (stage name Magic Jack) is 17 and already a veteran street magician having gone down a storm while busking during the Edinburgh Fringe.

Jack said: “I did some Fringe street performing for the last two years, which was great. But Future Magicians gives you the chance to be on stage. It’s such great opportunity for young magicians. I took part last year and it’s great to be back again.

At 15 Jamie Leonard, is the youngest of the group, but performing tricks is nothing new as he fell in love with the art when he was given a magic set aged seven.

He says: “I want to develop my skills and to really make people believe what they are seeing is magic. And I love just getting out on stage and performing for all you people. That’s the best bit.”

They will be joined by Oscar Urwin, who had an even younger start when he was given a magic set by his aunt and uncle aged three.

Describing his love of the art he said: For me card magic is the most skilful. No relying on props, it’s all on the magician in the moment. I love it.”

Festival organiser, co-founder and performer Kevin Quantum, says the festival offers great entertainment for the festive period. He said: “MagicFest has everything from small-scale children’s shows to big shows for all the family and even something for the over 18s only.

It’s a brilliant way to get away from everything have a load of fun.

The range of magicians is superb and includes some of the best in the business. But I’d also really urge people to come along to see Future Magicians.

“These guys may be young but they’re oozing with talent and I’m looking forward to the day when I can sit there and watch their TV specials.”

Kevin himself has a Christmas Special, at Church Hill Theatre, which is full of magic, variety and heaps of audience participation featuring special guests – international illusionist Oliver Tabor and local award-winning magician Fraser Stokes.

There are also new collaborations with Edinburgh Castle’s The Castle of Light, Wonder and Co (the capital’s new magic shop) and The Joker and the Thief pub.

The only event of its kind in the UK, MagicFest offers:

Kevin Quantum’s Christmas Special: Straight from sell-out shows in Edinburgh and Australia, Kevin returns with a high-energy, wonder-packed family show at the Church Hill Theatre. 

Future Magicians: A welcome return for this very special MagicFest initiative where you get to see tomorrow’s magicians today. We take a group of would-be young magicians and pair them with professional tutors to prepare a special 15-minute magic act – which they then present on stage for you. 

Vincent Gambini: This is not a magic show: What makes magic magic? Is there really a Magic Circle Emergency Hotline for magicians in distress? A critically acclaimed performance of and about sleight-of-hand magic, its invisible mechanics, clichés, and what it tells us about live theatre and make-believe. Vincent Gambini presents astonishing close-up magic that invites us to question how enchantment and wonder are made within a theatrical situation. 

Cameron Gibson and Friends: Edinburgh magician Cameron Gibson presents a fast-paced magic and variety show that will knock your proverbial socks off. From classic sleight of hand to mind-reading and comedy, it has something for everyone. Every show features special guests from the world of magic and variety – so you never quite know what wonders await… 

Richard Wiseman: Mind Magic: Enter the strange world of illusion, magic, and mystery. How do magicians produce objects from thin air and defy gravity? Does the paranormal exist? Join psychologist, best-selling author, and member of the Inner Magic Circle Professor Richard Wiseman as he explores the limits of the human mind. A fun hour for all the family. 

Elliot Bibby: The Best of Bibby: After a complete sell out at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival with the Insane Magic boys, Elliot is back with a solo hour of magic. Bringing the best he has to offer from 10 years of professional shows in this comedy magic extravaganza. 

Tricky Ricky: Festive Funtime: After sell-out performances last year, the Trickster returns with more festive fun and lots of his puns in a show starring Jingles the Reindeer and his mischievous rabbit Sonny the Bunny. It’s cabaret for kids and grown-ups. 

Gary James: Wonderland: A fast-paced family-friendly show with jaw-dropping magic inspired by wide-eyed childhood memories and a career in entertainment. Gary captures the excitement and mystery from his childhood visits to the legendary Lothian Road store called Wonderland. 

Gary Dunn: Jokes & Tricks: One of Scotland’s favourite family entertainers returns to MagicFest for another show filled with mad magic and silly jokes. 

Kevin Quantum: Edinburgh Magic: Unlock hidden Edinburgh and enjoy magic that’s fooled the greatest minds associated with the city, from Harry Houdini to King Charles. Amazing moments tied to the secret stories hidden in the cobbles and closes of the capital. Objects float before your eyes, money multiplies, time stands still… 

Vincent Gambini: Out of Thin Air: Stories about magicians at magic conventions, an attempt at presenting a show in which nothing happens, and magic poems about you, the spectator. Deft sleight of hand, strange poetry, and low-key spectacle. 

Richard Wiseman: The World’s Greatest Card Trick and Other Mysteries: The world’s greatest card trick was invented in 1942. It has been performed by many famous magicians, amazed and astounded millions of people, and made Winston Churchill late for Parliament. In this intimate show, a small group of people join magician Professor Richard Wiseman as he reveals the unknown genius behind the trick and demonstrates other jaw dropping mysteries from the mind of this master magician.

Cameron Gibson: Street Magic Masterclass:  Spend a morning with professional magician Cameron Gibson to gain hands-on experience in simple yet mind-blowing magic that you can do. You will master tricks with everyday objects that you can use to entertain and amaze your friends and family. 

Close-Up Magic at The Joker & The Thief: Astonishing close-up magic at The Joker & The Thief pub with resident magician Tim Licata, one of Scotland’s most entertaining sleight-of-hand artists. 

  • Tickets now on sale – full line up and times

Edinburgh Science’s Careers Hive returns next week

Assemble a space satellite or perform a surgery: Edinburgh Science addresses the problem of pupils not choosing STEM subjects by getting them hands-on with science

Schools only 6 – 10 November

Public Open Day on Sat 11 November


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Edinburgh Science is pleased to announce the return of its annual Careers Hive, a week-long free schools event with a Public Open Day on Saturday, 11 November.

Initially developed in 2016, Careers Hive inspires S1-S3 pupils to pursue a STEM-based (science, technology, engineering and maths) career through hands-on activities, discussions with STEM professionals and workshops to equip them with skills and confidence to progress in their chosen field. Careers Hive addresses the problem of young people not choosing STEM subjects by encouraging and showcasing where they will lead.

Between 6 and 10 of November at the National Museum of Scotland, Careers Hive can be accessed by pre-booked school groups only with a Public Open Day on Saturday, 11 November.

Thursday will also see the return of Teacher CLPL (Career Long Professional Learning) Session which will provide activity ideas and discussions to take back to the classroom. The session is free to attend for any educators (e.g. teachers, youth group leaders) and doesn’t require them to have attended Careers Hive itself to benefit from.

Pupils will be able to experience:

  • Grand Gallery Interactive Exhibition with four themed zones where they engage with STEM professional and try out different hands-on activities related to real jobs, e.g. perform a keyhole surgery, insulate a house, build a robot or assemble a model of a space satellite.
  • Panel Discussions in the Auditorium during which they hear from STEM professionals about their education and career stories;
  • Workshop in the Learning Centre where they explore how the skills and interests they are developing at school help them face the challenges in the future.

This year’s speakers include an award-winning climate activist, environmental scientist, and ethical influencer Laura Young aka Less Waste Laura who started, and continues to lead, the campaign to see single-use disposable vapes banned across Scotland and the UK;

Zoe Clark, Mission Manager within launch team for Spire Global, a space company harnessing the world’s largest constellation of 100+ multipurpose satellites collecting data to enable organisations to make smarter, better, faster decisions in a rapidly changing world impacted by climate change.

Zoe started at Spire Global through an apprenticeship programme, working alongside attending college and is very passionate about inspiring young minds to pursue a career in STEM;

Documentary director, tv presenter and wildlife photographer Libby Penman whose new documentary Back from the Brink, showcasing the amazing work of conservationists fighting to save wildlife across Europe, is now available on BBC iPlayer.

Laura McLister, Head of Learning at Edinburgh Science said: “Our world is facing some of its toughest challenges yet and whether it is tackling the climate emergency, harnessing the capabilities of AI or responding to global health crises, skills in STEM have never been so useful.

“However, despite so many inspiring opportunities out there many young people believe STEM subjects and jobs are not for them. Careers Hive challenges this perception head on.  

“Over 2,500 young people from across Scotland will visit the National Museum of Scotland where we will help them discover what a job in STEM really entails and share the incredible opportunities that exist if they continue to study STEM topics at school.

“Aimed at inspiring the next generation of problem solvers, Careers Hive offers a unique chance for S1–S3 pupils to try hands on activities and speak directly to career professionals working in STEM industries, who will showcase some of the fascinating jobs available and inspire the young people to think about what problems they want to solve to help build a better world.”

A teacher participating in Careers Hive said: “One pupil told me as we entered the Museum ‘to be honest, I’m here for the day out of school’.

“Come the end of the visit, he was telling me which STEM careers he was interested in, and how the event changed his perceptions about STEM. It opened all the pupils’ eyes to the wider range of STEM jobs rather than just a scientist or an engineer.”

Careers Hive is supported by a range of funders.

Edinburgh Science Learning projects reach around 60,000 people every year.

Dobbies’ Edinburgh store hosts two free foraging events

Garden gifting inspiration with Dobbies

Dobbies, the UK’s leading garden centre, is spreading festive cheer in Edinburgh by hosting two free workshops in November encouraging families to get inspired this Christmas with Gifts from the Garden.

Focusing on foraging and cost-saving methods to fill your home, the Grow How session and Little Seedlings Club workshop in Dobbies’ Edinburgh store will inspire gardeners of all ages and abilities.

Grow How, a 15-minute session that takes place on Saturday 4 November at 10:30am, will give gardeners a guide on seasonal activities. Horticultural experts will show how gardens can be foraged to create sustainable wreaths and natural decorations for the Christmas tree and home.

Dobbies’ Little Seedlings Club takes place in the morning on Sunday 5 November and is suitable for children aged 4-10 years old.

The gardening workshop is great for children who have an interest in learning about wildlife, plants and the environment, and takes place in a friendly group setting.

This educational and interactive children’s workshop will explore the changes that happen in the garden during winter, what natural items and foraged, alongside a look the history of popular decorative items like wreaths and Christmas trees.

In a bid to showcase sustainable ways families can get the home feeling festive this year, Dobbies’ CSR and Community Communications Executive, Chloë Bell, explains why these events are perfect for gardeners of all abilities.

She said: “We are always looking for ways we can bring the outside in, there’s no better way to get in the festive spirit than with some craft activities. The workshops in Edinburgh are suited for every member of the family, welcoming everyone to come together and decorate the home this Christmas.

“When decorating for the seasons, we encourage sustainable practices where possible, and foraging is the best way to use what is already in your garden.

“If you are lucky enough to find them in your garden, Pinecones and Acorns make for wonderful Christmas tree decorations and Moss, Fir, Eucalyptus and Holly leaves make a great base for a wreath.”

For more information about November’s events and to make a booking, visit