Dogs Trust in Scotland is calling on local dog lovers to take part in the biggest ever nationwide survey to help dogs and owners of the future.
The National Dog Survey, launched by Dogs Trust, will help the charity better-understand the UK’s 12.5 million-strong pooch population and the part dogs play in their owners’ lives, shaping the support the charity offers to canine companions and their families.
Dogs Trust has two rehoming centres in Scotland, one in Glasgow and the other in West Calder, both of which find homes for hundreds of rescue dogs each year.
Sandra Downie, Rehoming Centre Manager for Dogs Trust in Glasgow, says: “Through this survey we want to learn as much as possible about dog ownership to inform what we do to improve dog welfare and support dog owners.
“Dogs Trust has been around for 130 years and in that time so much has changed when it comes to dogs being at the heart of our family.
“This is the first time we have carried out a survey of this kind and we want to hear from dog owners as well as people who don’t currently have a dog but have lived with one in the past. By gathering as much information as we can, we will be able to help people and dogs live the best lives possible together.”
The online survey asks dog owners about everything from how their dog behaves and what training they do with their four-legged friend, to questions about their relationship such as do they celebrate their dog’s birthday and do they tell them they love them.
It also covers people’s post-pandemic plans for their dog such as are they hoping to take them into the office with them or will they employ a dog walker, if they are returning to their workplace.
The survey, which can be completed online at, also asks people to say how having a dog improves their life, what advice they would give to people looking to welcome a dog into their family and what one thing could Dogs Trust do to help them and their dog live happily together.
Sandra adds: “We always love to hear tales from owners who have adopted from us, and every single one of them has a different story to tell. We now want to capture the experiences of all local dog owners so we can build a picture of dog ownership today and what more Dogs Trust can do to help them and their dogs.
“This will be the most comprehensive census of dogs and dog lovers ever completed and we would love it if everyone who is passionate about dogs could do their bit to help our four-legged friends of the future have the best lives possible.
“What people tell us today will help us make sure we are able to do everything we can to support dogs and their owners for the next 130 years and more.”
Share sustainability hacks at The Leith Collective’s ‘Let’s Talk Waste’ event
The climate is in crisis and every second counts. But what if all it took was just 6 minutes of your time to help turn things around? Local Edinburgh businesses, artists, and makers are being invited to give just a few minutes of their time to share their top tips at a special ‘Let’s Talk Waste’ event in the capital later this month.
Brought to you by The Leith Collective – crafters, makers, artists and business owners will come together on Thursday 23rd September to discuss ways in which they are reducing their waste and making a difference.
Taking place at Ocean Terminal, the evening will feature a diverse range of speakers; from a maker who creates unique works of art from items otherwise destined for landfill, to a sustainable refill shop, Weigh To Go, and local plant shop, Seb’s Urban Jungle.
The timing of the event is perfect, falling in the middle of Recycle Week, running 20th – 26th September, the aim of which is to galvanise the public into recycling more of the rights things, more often.
It also comes just a month ahead of the crucial COP26 summit which The Leith Collective’s founder, Sara Thomson, will be attending as one of 13 specially selected One Step Greener ambassadors. Her role there will be to share how she is doing her bit to tackle climate change and inspire others to follow suit.
Commenting ahead of ‘Let’s Talk Waste’, Sara Thomson explained: “The event is part of The Leith Collective’s ongoing sustainability campaign which aims to encourage people to reuse, recycle and relove everyday items, and we wanted to open up the platform to as many local businesses and artists as possible to help spread the message of sustainability far and wide.
“Knowledge is power, and by sharing inspirational stories and exchanging top tips in this accessible, easy-to-digest 6-minute format, everyone can learn something new, and together we can make a massive difference.”
‘Let’s Talk Waste’ will take place at the ex GAP store on the Ground Floor level of Ocean Terminal on Thursday 23rd September, 6pm – 8:30pm. The event is free to attend and refreshments will be provided.
Move follows unanimous advice to ministers from the four UK Chief Medical Officers
Parental consent will be sought prior to vaccination
People aged 12 to 15 in England will be offered one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, following advice from the four UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs), the Health and Social Care Secretary has announced. The Scottish Government is expected to make an announcement later today.
In line with the recommendation of the independent Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), the government sought the views of the four UK CMOs on the wider issues that are relevant to the health of children.
The UK Government has accepted the advice of the four UK CMOs and the NHS is preparing to deliver a schools-based vaccination programme, which is the successful model used for vaccinations including for HPV and Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP), supported by GPs and community pharmacies. Invitations for vaccination will begin next week.
Parental, guardian or carer consent will be sought by vaccination healthcare staff prior to vaccination in line with existing school vaccination programmes.
Healthy school-aged children aged 12 to 15 will primarily receive their COVID-19 vaccination in their school with alternative provision for those who are home schooled, in secure services or specialist mental health settings.
Health and Social Care Secretary, Sajid Javid said: “I have accepted the recommendation from the Chief Medical Officers to expand vaccination to those aged 12 to 15 – protecting young people from catching COVID-19, reducing transmission in schools and keeping pupils in the classroom.
“I am very grateful for the expert advice I have received from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and UK Chief Medical Officers.
“Our outstanding NHS stands ready to move forward with rolling out the vaccine to this group with the same sense of urgency we’ve had at every point in our vaccination programme.”
To: Sajid Javid MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, HM Government Eluned Morgan AS/MS, Minister for Health and Social Services, Welsh Government Humza Yousaf MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Scottish Government Robin Swann MLA, Minister of Health Northern Ireland Executive
13 September 2021
Dear Secretary of State, Cabinet Secretary and ministers,
Universal vaccination of children and young people aged 12 to 15 years against COVID-19
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in their advice to you on 2 September 2021 on this subject said: ‘Overall, the committee is of the opinion that the benefits from vaccination are marginally greater than the potential known harms… but acknowledges that there is considerable uncertainty regarding the magnitude of the potential harms.
The margin of benefit, based primarily on a health perspective, is considered too small to support advice on a universal programme of vaccination of otherwise healthy 12 to 15-year-old children at this time…. JCVI is constituted with expertise to allow consideration of the health benefits and risks of vaccination and it is not within its remit to incorporate in-depth considerations on wider societal impacts, including educational benefits. The government may wish to seek further views on the wider societal and educational impacts from the Chief Medical Officers of the 4 nations, with representation from JCVI in these subsequent discussions.‘
You accepted this recommendation from JCVI, and wrote to us on 2 September 2021 stating “We agree with the approach suggested by JCVI, and so we are writing to request that you take forward work (drawing on experts as you see fit) to consider the matter from a broader perspective, as suggested by the JCVI.”
In doing so we have been fortunate to have been informed by the independent expertise of leaders of the clinical and public health profession from across the UK. This has included Presidents and Chairs or their representative of:
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Royal College of General Practice
Royal College of Psychiatry
Faculty of Public Health
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges representing all the other Royal Colleges and Faculties
Association of Directors of Public Health
Regional Directors of Public Health
national public health specialists
experts in data and modelling
We are very grateful to them for taking considerable time and effort to consult their own colleagues in all 4 nations at short notice to get a comprehensive view of the balance of informed medical opinion and experience across the UK.
The UK’s independent regulator of medicines and vaccines the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is in law the appropriate body to determine whether, based on risk-benefit grounds, a vaccine is safe and effective to use and so grant a licence. They have done so for children and young people aged over 12 years for two vaccines against COVID-19, those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna. Their assessment is that benefits exceed risks on an individual basis. We take their independent opinion as read. The MHRA position on mRNA vaccines is similar to the relevant regulatory approvals granted in the same age groups in multiple other jurisdictions including but not limited to the USA, the European Union, and Canada.
The independent JCVI is the proper body to give advice on how to deploy a vaccine which has a prior favourable risk-benefit decision and authorisation from MHRA including whether it has a sufficiently large benefit to be worth deploying on a larger, population scale. Like MHRA they consider the benefits of vaccination in this age group exceed the risks (i.e. it is better to be vaccinated than not vaccinated in this age group).
They balanced the risk of COVID-19 against the risks of vaccination, including myocarditis. When forming its advice, the JCVI considered vaccine use according to clinical risk groups, thus identifying different groups according to their potential to benefit from vaccination.
For 12 to 15 year olds who do not have underlying health conditions that place them at higher risk from severe COVID-19, the JCVI considered that the size of both the risk and the benefit are at an individual level very small, and the overall advantage for vaccination, whilst present, is therefore not sufficiently large to recommend universal vaccination on their usual criteria.
They deemed the extent to which vaccination might mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on education was beyond the usual remit of the JCVI. They recognised however that given the substantial scale of the impact of COVID-19 on all children and young people, which goes beyond normal clinical benefit and risk, wider issues could, exceptionally, be relevant hence their suggestion to consult UK CMOs.
The JCVI have already recommended that children and young people aged 12 to 17 with specific underlying health conditions, and children and young people who are aged 12 years and over who are household contacts of persons who are immunocompromised are offered two doses of a vaccine, normally Pfizer BioNTech BNT162b2. They have recommended all young people 16 to 17 are offered an initial first dose of vaccine.
The UK has benefited from having data from the USA, Canada and Israel, which have already offered vaccines universally to children and young people aged 12 to 15.
The UK CMOs start from the position that the MHRA and JCVI set out on individual benefit-risk calculations for this age group, and have not revisited this. We accept that at an individual level benefit exceeds risk but this advantage is small, and we have taken the JCVI figures as the UK current position on this question.
The Chair of the JCVI Prof. Lim has been a member of our group to ensure that there is no duplication of effort or conflict between the views of UK CMOs and the JCVI. We have been fortunate to have been joined also by the lead Deputy Chief Medical Officers for vaccines Prof. Van Tam (England), Prof. Steedman (Scotland) and Dr. Chada (Northern Ireland) and the DHSC Chief Scientific Adviser, Prof. Chappell. The final advice is that of the Chief Medical Officers, but informed by independent senior clinical and public health input from across the UK.
UK CMOs have decided in their ToR that we will only consider benefits and disbenefits to those aged 12 to 15 from vaccinating this age group, including indirect benefits. Whilst there may be benefits to other age groups, these have not been considered in our advice below.
Issues of vaccine supply were not factors considered in decision making.
The UK CMOs are aware of the extensive range of non-clinical views but this UK CMOs advice is purely clinical and public health derived and has not taken issues outside their clinical and public health remit into account. There is a subsequent political process where wider societal issues may be considered by ministers in deciding how they respond to this advice.
All drugs, vaccines and surgical procedures have both risks and benefits. If the risks exceed benefits the drug, vaccine or procedure should not be advised, and a drug or vaccine will not be authorised by MHRA. If benefits exceed risks then medical practitioners may advise the drug or vaccine, but the strength of their advice will depend on the degree of benefit over risk.
At an individual level, the view of the MHRA, the JCVI and international regulators is that there is an advantage to someone aged 12 to 15 of being vaccinated over being unvaccinated. The COVID-19 Delta variant is highly infectious and very common, so the great majority of the unvaccinated will get COVID-19. In those aged 12 to 15, COVID-19 rarely, but occasionally, leads to serious illness, hospitalisation and even less commonly death. The risks of vaccination (mainly myocarditis) are also very rare. The absolute advantage to being vaccinated in this age group is therefore small (‘marginal’) in the view of the JCVI. On its own the view of the JCVI is that this advantage, whilst present, is insufficient to justify a universal offer in this age group. Accepting this advice, UK CMOs looked at wider public health benefits and risks of universal vaccination in this age group to determine if this shifts the risk-benefit either way.
Of these, the most important in this age group was impact on education. UK CMOs also considered impact on mental health and operational issues such as any possible negative impact on other vaccine programmes, noting that influenza vaccination and other immunisations of children and young people are well-established, important, and that the annual flu vaccine deployment programme commences imminently.
The UK CMOs, in common with the clinical and wider public health community, consider education one of the most important drivers of improved public health and mental health, and have laid this out in their advice to parents and teachers in a previous joint statement. Evidence from clinical and public health colleagues, general practice, child health and mental health consistently makes clear the massive impact that absent, or disrupted, face-to-face education has had on the welfare and mental health of many children and young people. This is despite remarkable efforts by parents and teachers to maintain education in the face of disruption.
The negative impact has been especially great in areas of relative deprivation which have been particularly badly affected by COVID-19. The effects of missed or disrupted education are even more apparent and enduring in these areas. The effects of disrupted education, or uncertainty, on mental health are well recognised. There can be lifelong effects on health if extended disruption to education leads to reduced life chances.
Whilst full closures of schools due to lockdowns is much less likely to be necessary in the next stages of the COVID-19 epidemic, UK CMOs expect the epidemic to continue to be prolonged and unpredictable. Local surges of infection, including in schools, should be anticipated for some time. Where they occur, they are likely to be disruptive.
Every effort should be taken to minimise school disruption in policy decisions and local actions. Vaccination, if deployed, should only be seen as an adjunct to other actions to maintain children and young people in secondary school and minimise further education disruption and therefore medium and longer term public health harm.
On balance however, UK CMOs judge that it is likely vaccination will help reduce transmission of COVID-19 in schools which are attended by children and young people aged 12 to 15 years. COVID-19 is a disease which can be very effectively transmitted by mass spreading events, especially with Delta variant. Having a significant proportion of pupils vaccinated is likely to reduce the probability of such events which are likely to cause local outbreaks in, or associated with, schools. They will also reduce the chance an individual child gets COVID-19. This means vaccination is likely to reduce (but not eliminate) education disruption.
Set against this there are operational risks that COVID-19 vaccination could interfere with other, important, vaccination programmes in schools including flu vaccines.
Overall however the view of the UK CMOs is that the additional likely benefits of reducing educational disruption, and the consequent reduction in public health harm from educational disruption, on balance provide sufficient extra advantage in addition to the marginal advantage at an individual level identified by the JCVI to recommend in favour of vaccinating this group.
They therefore recommend on public health grounds that ministers extend the offer of universal vaccination with a first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to all children and young people aged 12 to 15 not already covered by existing JCVI advice.
If ministers accept this advice, UK CMOs would want the JCVI to give a view on whether, and what, second doses to give to children and young people aged 12 to 15 once more data on second doses in this age group has accrued internationally. This will not be before the spring term.
In recommending this to ministers, UK CMOs recognise that the overwhelming benefits of vaccination for adults, where risk-benefit is very strongly in favour of vaccination for almost all groups, are not as clear-cut for children and young people aged 12 to 15. Children, young people and their parents will need to understand potential benefits, potential side effects and the balance between them.
If ministers accept this advice, issues of consent need to take this much more balanced risk-benefit into account. UK CMOs recommend that the Royal Colleges and other professional groups are consulted in how best to present the risk-benefit decisions in a way that is accessible to children and young people as well as their parents. A child-centred approach to communication and deployment of the vaccine should be the primary objective.
If ministers accept this advice, it is essential that children and young people aged 12 to 15 and their parents are supported in their decisions, whatever decisions they take, and are not stigmatised either for accepting, or not accepting, the vaccination offer. Individual choice should be respected.
Chief Medical Officer for England Prof. Christopher Whitty
Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland Sir Michael McBride
Chief Medical Officer for Scotland Dr. Gregor Smith
Chief Medical Officer for Wales Dr. Frank Atherton
Over four in five adults across the UK have received both COVID-19 vaccine doses, with over half of all 16 and 17 year olds coming forward for their first jab.
However COVID numbers continue to rise across the UK. 28,856 new cases were reported yesterday, with 4241 of these in Scotland. The daily Scottish figure is likely to be considerably higher due to an IT problem.
Responding to the advice from the Chief Medical Officers regarding the vaccination of all 12-15 year olds, Bruce Adamson, the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, said: “We welcome the advice to offer the vaccine to children between the age of 12 and 15. It is important to give them that choice.
“Children and young people have a right to the best possible health, that’s not just about protection from the Covid virus itself, but also the impact on their mental health due to isolation and other factors. The pandemic has impacted their right to education, their right to play, their right to see wider family and friends which is so essential to their development. Their education has been disrupted with two long periods of school closures.
“It is important that children are supported to make informed decisions about their own health. Children of this age group have told me over the last few months that they are in favour of having the choice to be vaccinated. That is not to say that all of them had made a decision about whether they would get a vaccine, but they wanted the option to be available to them. Of course, there have been some children who are concerned about vaccination, or who told me about parental concerns. It is important that there is no stigma attached to the choices that children make about vaccination.
“It is essential that this advice is communicated directly to 12 to 15 year olds in a child-friendly way so they can understand why they are now being offered the vaccine, and can have any questions they might have answered in a way they can understand. Children have the right to access appropriate information on decisions affecting them.
“Parents and carers will play an important role in supporting the decision-making around whether a child chooses to get vaccinated so it is important that they have all of the necessary information to support that choice.”
STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer has written to CBI Scotland calling on the organisation to reconsider its public call for a return to offices for non-essential workers.
The letter takes the business organisation to task for contradicting the Scottish Government’s view (shared by the STUC) that there should be a pause in any return to offices where working from home is possible:
Roast dinners, strawberries and cream, fish and chips – the UK is clearly a nation of food lovers. But new figures show that we are also a nation of food wasters, with the average family throwing away around £350 of food each year., the food waste collection company that hates waste, thinks that it’s time for the UK to stop throwing away so much food and find new ways to use up all of our produce.
“There are 28 million households in the UK, throwing the equivalent of a pound’s worth of food away every day,” says Mark Hall, spokesman for “We did the maths – that’s over TEN BILLION POUNDS annually.
“Think of how many needy people we could feed with that.”
Crunching the numbers on wasted food
The UK throws away over 9 ½ billion tonnes of food waste a year, enough to fill up the Royal Albert Hall 190 times over.
That’s a total of each household throwing away nearly 2kg of food each day.
And of this waste, 41% of it is thrown away because it wasn’t used in time, 28% because of personal preferences, and 25% of waste is unwanted leftovers.
With this much surplus food being produced and sold across the UK, it’s hard to believe that the numbers of people living in poverty and going hungry are increasing – especially when there’s enough food to go around.
But unfortunately, 8.4 million people in the UK are currently living in food poverty, which is where individuals or families are unable to access or afford food – a circumstance which can be triggered by a personal or financial crisis.
The Trussell Trust, a charity that aim to stop UK hunger, handed out 2.5 million emergency food parcels between April 2020 and March 2021, a 33% increase on the previous year – and 980,000 of these were for children.
Hall: “If we can make the most of what we have across the UK as a collective and find a way to redistribute the good food that is wasted to those that are hungry, we can prevent this unjust behaviour of allowing people to starve when so much is thrown away.
“We’re not a poor country, just a little collective thought will make everything so much better.”
Luckily, there are organisations and charities who are already getting stuck in to make sure good food finds its way to those who need it instead of ending up in the bin.
FareShare – who redistribute surplus food to those in need – provide enough food to create nearly 1 million meals for vulnerable people each week.
The real junk food project – is an organisation that uses food that would otherwise have been discarded from supermarkets, restaurants, and other independent food suppliers to produce meals that are sold on a pay what you want basis
Hall: “We need to expand on this incredible work to make sure it reaches more people, and really tackle the food waste crisis that is drowning the UK under mountains of rotting produce.”
Make your food go further
If like many others up and down the country you are guilty of throwing away perfectly good food, there are plenty of things you can do to try and minimise how much goes in the bin.
Why not try meal planning so you are only buying exactly what you need for the week and try cooking things in bulk and freezing excess portions for easy dinners?
Or you could get creative with new dishes to use up food approaching its use-by date, such as chucking everything into a stir fry, or a everything-but-the-kitchen-sink casserole.
Another simple trick is to make sure you are storing your food correctly to make sure it lasts as long as possible.
Hall: “I didn’t realise until recently that foods like bananas and apples shouldn’t be stored near each other or other fruits and vegetables, because they are highly gaseous and speed up how quickly foods begin to rot.
“You can also use lemon juice to keep cut avocados fresh and put paper towels under leafy greens to make them last longer.”
Finally, look at local charities and organisations to see if there are any ways you can donate food that will not be eaten before it perishes, or try to offer it to friends or neighbours.
So all is not lost, and you can save money and reduce your waste just by planning ahead and getting savvy with the food you already have.
Hall: “But the best tip I can give you is to never go food shopping when you’re hungry – last time I ended up leaving the supermarket with everything for a barbeque and then it rained all week.
“Greed gets the better of us – buy less, make it go further.”
New research by Acas has found that over a third (36%) of British employers have seen their mental health support improve since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Acas commissioned YouGov to ask businesses in Britain about whether they had seen a change to employee mental health and wellbeing support in their organisation since the start of the pandemic. The poll found that:
Over a third (36%) said it had got better;
Nearly one in ten (9%) said it had got worse;
Half (50%) reported it as staying the same; and
6% of employers did not know.
Acas Chief Executive, Susan Clews, said: “The pandemic has been a challenging period for everyone and it’s great to see that over a third of bosses have managed to improve their organisation’s mental health support for their staff.
“However, nearly one in ten employers have seen this support deteriorate so it is important for businesses to invest in the wellbeing of their workers as they open up again.
“Acas has good advice and training on how to support and manage mental health and wellbeing at work.”
Acas advice for employers on managing mental health during COVID-19 includes:
Be approachable, available and encourage team members to talk to you if they’re having problems;
Keep in regular contact with your team to check how they are coping;
Be understanding towards the concerns and needs of your staff while they work in new or unexpected ways. For example, working from home or managing childcare while working;
Address any individual communication preferences such as asking team members if they prefer to talk over the phone, through video meetings or by email; and
Look after your own mental health and get support if you feel under more pressure than usual. This support could be a colleague at work, a mental health network or a counsellor.
“By far the best course of action for you and your baby is to get both doses of the vaccine”
Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer is urging pregnant women to get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine to protect them and their baby.
Following a recent study showing evidence of increased hospitalisations, Dr Gregor Smith is encouraging all expectant mothers to discuss the vaccine with their healthcare professionals so they can make a fully informed choice.
The UK Obstetric Service (UKOSS) published research last month which showed the number of pregnant women being admitted to hospital with COVID-19 across the UK is increasing, with many experiencing acute symptoms.
The report also suggests the Delta variant is associated with an increased risk of severe illness among hospitalised pregnant women.
Dr Smith said: “Firstly I want to thank all our healthcare staff for everything they are doing across Scotland not just in relation to the wider vaccination programme but also for their efforts to ensure good outcomes for women, families and babies during the pandemic.
“We have written to heath boards and GPs to ensure they are aware of all the latest evidence-based advice and guidance to enable them to fully discuss the very clear positive benefits of the vaccine with their patients.
“Recent data shows the number of pregnant women being admitted to hospital with COVID-19 has risen, and that is concerning. Evidence suggests that the Delta variant may be associated with an increased risk of severe illness among hospitalised pregnant women.
“We want all pregnant women to have the information they need to make an informed choice, so if you have any concerns or questions, please speak to your midwife, GP, or go along to a drop-in clinic. By far the best course of action for you and your baby is to get both doses of the vaccine.”
People struggling to secure or retain permanent employment can access free support delivered by trained advisers.
The national employment service Fair Start Scotland provides personalised and tailored support to those who have struggled to find and stay in work due to their personal circumstances. This may include caring commitments, health conditions or disabilities or other challenges caused by long-term unemployment.
A new marketing campaign has launched to ensure more people can access advice and support, including those who may be finding it more difficult to secure and retain employment as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Employment and Fair Work Minister Richard Lochhead said: “We know that for some people finding work can be a difficult process. The Scottish Government’s Fair Start Scotland service provides people with practical support and advice which is tailored to the needs of the individual.
“Centred around dignity and respect, the service is there to help those who are having difficulty finding employment.
“The pandemic has created greater uncertainty in the labour market and that is why we want to reassure people across the country that expert support and assistance is there for them. Since launching in 2018 more than 32,500 have accessed advice and support from this service and now we want to reach even more people who could benefit.”
Rachel Walker, aged 26 from Carluke, was referred to Fair Start Scotland in March 2021. The advice and support she received helped her secure an administrative role with Capability Scotland.
Ms Walker said: “The support I received through Fair Start Scotland has been first class. My key worker helped build my confidence and encouraged me to take the right steps back into employment.
“As someone who is blind I had limited pathways into work, however, Scott always kept me upbeat, and I have recently secured a role with Capability Scotland. I am over the moon and I would recommend the service to anyone looking to move back into work.”
Join EVOC for a session focused on how to re-open / re-mobilise your organisation, projects and activities safely.
About this event
Aimed at organisations and managers who are making plans to re-open / re-mobilise, this event will focus on a selection of issues including community transport, workforce and volunteers.
1. National overview: Ian Brooke (Deputy Chief Executive, EVOC)
2. Volunteers: Marion Findlay (Director of Services, Volunteer Edinburgh)
3. Re-opening Guidelines: Angela Davis (Environmental Health Officer, City of Edinburgh Council)
4. WHALE Arts Re-opening Experiences: Laura Delahunt (Enterprise and Facilities Manager, WHALE Arts)
5. Panel Q&A
Breakout group discussions:
Organising Group work
Guidance/paperwork/risk assessment discussion
Please note that this event is now taking place on Microsoft Teams.
Registration for this event closes on Tue 17 Aug at 6pm.
You will receive an email through Eventbrite by 9am on Wed 18 Aug that includes the Teams link for this event.
If you don’t receive an email please check your email junk folder or get in touch with us:
Excellent advice from the National Wellbeing Hub …
The majority of Covid restrictions in Scotland have now been lifted. For many this will signal the beginning of the end of the pandemic, and a return to ‘normality’.
For some of us though, this is going to be an anxious time. We might be feeling anxious about going out, meeting friends, or going back into offices without the previous social distancing measures that were in place. This reaction is normal, and there are some simple things that you can do to help yourself.
If you’re worried about going back to the office speak to your line manager – they should be able to reassure you about what will be in place to keep you safe when you return.
Equally, if you’re going to be working from home for a little longer and are concerned about the impact this is having on your mental wellbeing, raise these concerns.
If you’re worried about getting back into ‘normal’ life, talk to friends, family or trusted colleagues about how you’re feeling. You might find they share your concerns – support one another through these times.
Most places are going to feel busier, but with cafes, pubs, restaurants, and shops more accessible, outdoor spaces like parks and public gardens may be that bit quieter.
You might feel more comfortable easing yourself back into things by meeting people outdoors to begin with. Just because we can meet more people in more places doesn’t mean that we have to. Take things at your own pace and build up confidence gradually.
The pandemic has taught us all how to keep connected at a distance, and to develop creative ways of keeping ourselves entertained. Just because things are opening up again doesn’t mean we can’t continue with some of these things.
When you are out and about, try to keep in mind some of the things we still have to keep us safe from the virus such as wearing a face covering in shops and on public transport. Most of us will now have had both doses of the vaccine. While this won’t make you invincible, it does make it much less likely that you will catch Covid and that the severity of illness is lessened.
Think about your breathing. Taking slow, deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth, as you’re walking out the house. Have a listen to this 10-minute guided relaxation podcast.
Keep a routine. Regular sleep and activity will help you feel more in control. If you’re having difficulty sleeping, try Sleepio.
Be kind to yourself and other people. We’ve never had to deal with a situation like this before, so don’t be hard on yourself for the way you’re feeling. Try not to be too hard on others either. It can feel frustrating seeing people slip back into the ‘old normal’, but remember, restrictions have been tough for everyone and we will all feel differently about the easing of restrictions.
Try one of these apps. Daylight or Feeling Good are very helpful for managing anxiety, and Silvercloud has a number of programmes to help reduce stress and build resilience. Visit the Free apps and online programmes page of this site for details on how to register for these.