Feeling anxious about restrictions being lifted? Here’s how you can stay in control

Excellent advice from the National Wellbeing Hub

The majority of Covid restrictions in Scotland have now been lifted. For many this will signal the beginning of the end of the pandemic, and a return to ‘normality’.

For some of us though, this is going to be an anxious time. We might be feeling anxious about going out, meeting friends, or going back into offices without the previous social distancing measures that were in place. This reaction is normal, and there are some simple things that you can do to help yourself.

If you’re worried about going back to the office speak to your line manager – they should be able to reassure you about what will be in place to keep you safe when you return.

Equally, if you’re going to be working from home for a little longer and are concerned about the impact this is having on your mental wellbeing, raise these concerns.

We’ve put together some helpful tips on Working from Home as well as some on Supporting Teams to help managers support their staff.

If you’re worried about getting back into ‘normal’ life, talk to friends, family or trusted colleagues about how you’re feeling. You might find they share your concerns – support one another through these times.

Most places are going to feel busier, but with cafes, pubs, restaurants, and shops more accessible, outdoor spaces like parks and public gardens may be that bit quieter.

You might feel more comfortable easing yourself back into things by meeting people outdoors to begin with. Just because we can meet more people in more places doesn’t mean that we have to. Take things at your own pace and build up confidence gradually.

The pandemic has taught us all how to keep connected at a distance, and to develop creative ways of keeping ourselves entertained. Just because things are opening up again doesn’t mean we can’t continue with some of these things.

When you are out and about, try to keep in mind some of the things we still have to keep us safe from the virus such as wearing a face covering in shops and on public transport. Most of us will now have had both doses of the vaccine. While this won’t make you invincible, it does make it much less likely that you will catch Covid and that the severity of illness is lessened.

Think about your breathing. Taking slow, deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth, as you’re walking out the house. Have a listen to this 10-minute guided relaxation podcast.

Keep a routine. Regular sleep and activity will help you feel more in control. If you’re having difficulty sleeping, try Sleepio.

Be kind to yourself and other people. We’ve never had to deal with a situation like this before, so don’t be hard on yourself for the way you’re feeling. Try not to be too hard on others either. It can feel frustrating seeing people slip back into the ‘old normal’, but remember, restrictions have been tough for everyone and we will all feel differently about the easing of restrictions.

Try one of these apps. Daylight or Feeling Good are very helpful for managing anxiety, and Silvercloud has a number of programmes to help reduce stress and build resilience. Visit the Free apps and online programmes page of this site for details on how to register for these.

If you can, listen to or view our webinar session on Using Mindfulness to cope with anxiety about a Post-Covid future. You can watch a video of the session here or you can find a podcast version here, which is also available on our Spotify page.

For more tips to help with anxiety, follow this link to visit Clear Your Head.

National Wellbeing Helpline 0800 111 4191

People in the Lothians urged to keep up active lockdown habits to boost mental health

The benefits of staying active as restrictions ease have been highlighted, as new research shows worry about the coronavirus situation has risen amongst Scots.

A new phase of the Clear Your Head campaign launched yesterday to help people look after their mental health, as research shows seven in ten people in Scotland (71 per cent) are worried about the coronavirus situation, the highest level seen since mid-June1 (59 per cent).

The latest phase of the campaign is encouraging people to keep up any new habits they may have started during the pandemic.  It also highlights how making time to get active and do one thing, however big or small, can help people feel calmer and boost mood.

The website – clearyourhead.scot – gives practical tips and ideas on how to stay active and feel the benefits, including:

  • Build being active into your day by stretching, working out, walking or cycling
  • Be realistic about what’s achievable, start small and build up over time
  • Do something you enjoy, mixing things up to help make it interesting
  • Make it sociable, turning being active into a chance to catch up with people

The website also signposts helplines for those who need to talk to someone about how they’re feeling, including NHS24, Breathing Space, SAMH and the Samaritans.

Minister for Mental Health Clare Haughey said: “Life may be moving more as restrictions ease, but this can bring new challenges as people juggle work, family and other commitments. We are living in uncertain times and feelings of stress and worry are understandable as things continue to change, but there are practical things you can do to help you cope. 

“Getting outside and keeping up active habits adopted during the pandemic, even for a short period of time, will help you feel better and more in control.  It’s so important to be kind to yourself, and remember that help and support is available if you need to talk to someone about how you are feeling.”

Cycling Scotland and Paths for All backed the campaign, as organisations that recorded increases in cycling and walking rates during lockdown– and encouraged people to keep going. 

Keith Irving, Chief Executive of Cycling Scotland said: “Cycling is great for your physical and mental health. Many more people were on their bikes during lockdown and we heard from so many how much of a difference cycling was making to their mental health, enjoying cleaner air, quieter roads and reducing feelings of stress.

“As we battle against Covid-19 and move through different phases, everyday physical activity is more important than ever to look after our physical and mental health. Whether it’s a bike ride at lunchtime, when you go to the shops or at the weekend with people in your household, cycling can really help you fit physical activity into the daily juggle.

“Workplaces, campuses, schools and social housing providers can play their part by working with Cycling Scotland and partners to provide cycle parking and make bikes available to more people. Everyone can help support each other through this terrible pandemic and cycling is a great way of clearing your head.” 

Ian Findlay CBE, Chief Officer at Paths for All, said: “Walking is an easy way to reduce stress and anxiety and feel good in body and mind.  Just a 30-minute daily walk is one of the best ways to look after your physical and mental health and, as it’s something we can do from our own front door.

“We’ve been gathering stories documenting how life-changing walking during lockdown has been for many. We’ve spoken to people whose anxiety has melted away thanks to walking. People living alone used walks to see others safely, and feel connected to their communities. Some used walking to have fun as a family, while others walked to relieve stress and enjoy some time away from desks and busy homes.  We’ve genuinely discovered that whatever your situation – a walk can often help.”

For practical tips on keeping up good habits, visit clearyourhead.scot