NW Locality Committee to meet on 14th November

The next meeting of the North West Locality Committee will take place on Wednesday 14th November from 6.30 – 8.30pm in the Dean of Guilds Room, City Chambers. The meeting is open to the public. Continue reading NW Locality Committee to meet on 14th November

Neighbourhood Partnership meetings scheduled

The following dates have been agreed for meetings of local Neighbourhood Partnerships (North West Locality). These meetings are open to the public and you are very welcome to attend:

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership

Tuesday 30th October, 6pm in Blackhall Library

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership

Tuesday 6th November, 6pm in North Local Office, 8 West Pilton Gardens (access from car park)

Almond Neighbourhood Partnership (Almond includes Muirhouse)

Monday 3rd December, 7pm in Rosebery Hall, South Queensferry

Western Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnership

Yet to be confirmed

Agendas and papers for the meetings will be available here: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/meetings

Talking localities with community councils

Where do community councils fit in the new Localities community planning structures? That was the subject for discussion at a round table meeting of North West councillors and community council representatives last month. Continue reading Talking localities with community councils

Granton Marina: community scepticism follows public meeting

Developers of the £500 million Edinburgh Marina at Granton say the project will create much-needed social housing and will provide 400 jobs in the first phase alone, but local people expressed concerns at a public meeting organised by community councils this week. Continue reading Granton Marina: community scepticism follows public meeting

North West Edinburgh Physical Activity Alliance Launch

Wednesday 18 July, 9.30 – 12.30

Physical activity can contribute massively to good physical and mental health for everyone, no matter their age or circumstances and physical activity is about so much more than playing sports or going to the gym.

No single organisation can be solely responsible for promoting physical activity and to enable us to develop opportunities effectively we need to adopt a broad based, community connected, partnership approach.

The launch event will take place at: Wed 18th July, 09:30am-12:30pm, North Edinburgh Arts Centre, 15A Pennywell Court EH4 4TZ, wE

Come along to find out what’s going on in your area to promote physical activity; tell people what you’re up to- put your service on the map; join the network and help make things happen

To book a place, please contact Ellie Eaton by email: eleanor.eaton@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or phone 0131 537 9351.

Continue reading North West Edinburgh Physical Activity Alliance Launch

Edinburgh International Festival offers free tickets to North Edinburgh’s young people

Friday 3 August: Five Telegrams opens Edinburgh International Festival

Edinburgh International Festival is encouraging young people from North Edinburgh to share in the opening night excitement of a groundbreaking perormance. Free tickets are available for ‘Five Telegrams‘ at The Usher Hall – and free transport to and from the event is available through North Edinburgh Arts too! Continue reading Edinburgh International Festival offers free tickets to North Edinburgh’s young people