New capability network will help businesses in Edinburgh and the Lothians access support and unlock innovation

The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) has announced the formation of a new network that brings together leading Scottish research and innovation, education, and training providers to help unlock manufacturing innovation and drive growth in the sector across the country.  

Spanning the length and breadth of Scotland, the network is led by NMIS and includes Mountain Bike Centre of Scotland (MTBCOS), Scotland’s national centre for mountain biking innovation and excellence, based just outside Edinburgh, as a lead partner. Other partners include Energy Skills Partnership (ESP), and Tay Cities Engineering Partnership (TCEP).

The network will offer an easy means for manufacturing companies that work with individual partner organisations, to tap into the vast expertise across the entire network. Companies will also be able to access the capability partners’ own networks including the renowned High Value Manufacturing Catapult through NMIS.

Providing an open channel to share knowledge, capability, and ideas, the network is accessible to all organisations across the country that can contribute to creating a sustainable and vibrant future for the Scottish manufacturing and engineering community.

Expanding upon the ability of NMIS to address national and global manufacturing challenges and support the goal of making Scotland a global leader in advanced manufacturing, the announcement comes at a critical time as manufacturers across Scotland are recovering from the impact of COVID-19. 

John Reid, National Manufacturing Institute Scotland CEO said: “The NMIS Capability Network makes it easier for companies in the Edinburgh and Lothians manufacturing and engineering community to tap into and benefit from world-class expertise and capability.

“This is a crucial moment in time as manufacturers seek to navigate complex situations such as the climate emergency and post pandemic recovery. Now is a time to refocus, embrace innovation and seize the opportunities that so often emerge from challenging times.

“Sitting at the cutting edge of manufacturing innovation, the network partners each have a fundamental part to play in developing tomorrow’s manufacturing workforce, improving productivity, and helping companies, and people, in our community prosper.”

Business Minister for Scottish Government, Ivan McKee said: “As we begin to make our way out of the Covid-19 pandemic and look to rebuild and grow Scotland’s economy, a vibrant and diverse manufacturing sector has never been more critical to long-term recovery and success.

“Our £75m investment in NMIS continues to deliver strong outcomes even during the challenging times we are facing now – from supporting the initial response to the pandemic to playing a key role in developing and delivering our Manufacturing Recovery Plan. 

“We must utilise the experience, expertise and ingenuity of all of Scotland’s manufacturing industry to create the best conditions for the sector to thrive.

“The network is an essential part of our support across industry, academia and the public sector working to deliver greater, greener and fairer prosperity for manufacturers across all of Scotland.”

Professor Geraint Florida-James, lead academic at MTBCOS, added: “I am delighted that MTBCOS will be part of the NMIS Collaboration Network. 

“MTBCOS has been supporting companies in the cycling industry since 2014. MTBCOS is a centre for open innovation and has an extensive partnerships network which allows companies access to national and international markets.

“The relationship with NMIS will allow MTBCOS access to an expanded repertoire of expertise and resources, which will be of huge benefit to the businesses we work with. We look forward to being an active member of this exciting network.” 

Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Principal & Vice-Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde, said: “The University of Strathclyde is committed to applying its research, expertise and sector-leading approach to partnership working with business, industry and government to help Scotland recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Manufacturing will play a central role in that recovery and through our participation in this new capability network we look forward to helping companies across Scotland to innovate, develop their workforces and to drive economic growth.”

The NMIS Capability Network includes CENSIS, Construction Scotland Innovation Centre, Energy Skills Partnership, Mountain Bike Centre of Scotland, the Scottish Institute for Remanufacturing, Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering, SeedPod, and Tay Cities Engineering Partnership.

To find out more about the NMIS capability network or to enquire about joining visit NMIS Capability Network | National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS).

Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Bill: Consultation launched on legislation to improve safety

A consultation on new legislation on the sale and use of fireworks and tackling the misuse of pyrotechnics has been published.

The proposed Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Bill follows the report of an independent Fireworks Review Group which recommended tightening legislation to reduce the harm fireworks can cause.

The eight week consultation will seek views on the creation of a new offence of carrying a pyrotechnic device in a public place without reasonable excuse or lawful authority.

It is also seeking views from the public on the extension of police powers to allow a stop and search provision in relation to carrying pyrotechnics without a justifiable cause.

In addition a number of proposals will change how fireworks can be sold and used in Scotland.

These include the introduction of an offence to criminalise the supply of adult fireworks to people under the age of 18 – and the introduction of ‘no firework’ areas.

The proposed Bill is in addition to new regulations laid in the Scottish Parliament in February, which come into force at the end of June, restricting the times of day and the volume of fireworks that can be supplied to the public – as well as the times fireworks can be set off.

Community Safety Minister Ash Denham said: “Following the overwhelming results of the public consultation on fireworks that took place in 2019 it was clear fireworks are an important issue to the people of Scotland and that there is a strong appetite for change to improve safety.

“To help us consider the issue I appointed an independent Review Group of experts who concluded that a fundamental shift is needed in how fireworks are accessed and used.

“A number of the group’s recommendations required legislation and we have moved quickly to lay regulations which will see progress for communities across Scotland in time for this year’s fireworks period. The remaining Review Group recommendations require primary legislation which is why we are publishing this consultation today.

“I am also seeking views on how we might reduce the misuse of pyrotechnic devices such as hand held flares and smoke devices which represent a significant safety risk to anyone who comes into contact with them.

“I am committed to making our communities safer and to taking strong action now to avoid harm, distress and injury and I would encourage everyone with an interest to have their say.”

Police Scotland Chief Superintendent Linda Jones of Partnership, Prevention and Community Wellbeing said: “The unauthorised use of pyrotechnics at events is a criminal offence, inherently dangerous, and a matter of significant concern to Police Scotland.

“Pyrotechnics can burn at up to 1200 Celsius and have the potential to cause fatal or life-changing injuries to users and by-standers.

“They can emit chemicals which can trigger respiratory problems and cause irritation to eyes. The discharge of pyrotechnics can also cause panic within crowded spaces.

“There is no safe way to operate pyrotechnics unless you are properly trained – leave it to the experts at organised events.”

Chair of the Scottish Police Federation David Hamilton said: “In Scotland alone, scores of police officers and members of the public have been injured by pyrotechnic devices.

“This legislation would empower police officers to deal with this danger and would lead to safer streets and safer events for all.”

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Assistant Chief Officer Stuart Stevens said: “It is clear that the inappropriate use of fireworks can cause harm and serious injury and can distress people, pets and the wider community.

“In a minority of cases, fireworks are linked to anti-social behaviour which can put our crews and our partners at risk whilst drawing unnecessarily on our emergency service resources.

“We therefore welcome any measures to keep our communities safe, including this Bill, and we join with the Minister in encouraging everyone with an interest to have their say.”

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Plastic Surgery Registrar Eleanor Robertson said: “We are delighted that recommendations from the Firework Review Group have been swiftly translated into impactful draft legislation.

“The proposed firework legislation in Scotland will introduce controls and safeguards at purchase and limit the time and location of their use.

“This will reduce the incidence of psychological distress and physical harm, whilst still permitting their use at celebratory events.”

Scottish SPCA head of education, policy and research Gilly Mendes Ferreira said: “We were proud to be part of the Fireworks Review Group and delighted that these recommendations are being taken forward.

“The introduction of ‘no fireworks zones’ will help stop animals suffering from stress caused by fireworks.”

Read the consultation:

Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT) celebrate 30th anniversary

The Trust has reached an exciting milestone this month and celebrated its 30th Anniversary on the 17th of June.

We would like to acknowledge the extraordinary achievements of the team as demonstrated by it’s staff, volunteers, partners and the local communities across Edinburgh and the Lothians.  

Over the past 30 years, the Trust’s mission has been to provide quality greenspaces for people of Edinburgh and The Lothians and to improve mental health and wellbeing.

ELGT run an inspiring, ground-breaking, and imaginative programme of environmental and community projects that enables them to work for the benefit of people, wildlife, landscape, and heritage.

We would like to thank our board members for their videos wishing the Trust a Happy 30th Anniversary and outlining the extraordinary achievement of the Trust over the past 30 years.

You can watch our 30th Anniversary videos on our Twitter or Facebook page.

New campaign urges UK drivers to plan ahead for their Scottish staycation journeys

VisitScotland typically sees around 14 million trips to Scotland by UK residents every year and 134 million tourism day trips1, with 64% bringing their own car2, so it’s anticipated Scottish roads will be busier than ever. 

With fatigue being a contributory factor in collisions that kill or seriously injure around 50 people every year in Scotland3, drivers should also ensure they are well rested before setting out on their staycation trips and plan regular breaks.

Minister for Transport, Graeme Dey, said: “We know that drivers are keen to get to their destination but it’s really important they plan ahead before setting off on their staycation.

“Take plenty of rest stops to combat fatigue and be prepared for roads you may not be familiar with. Through this campaign, we’re providing drivers with practical tips and good advice to help them plan ahead and stay safe on our roads this summer.”

The new campaign encourages drivers who are planning a trip in Scotland to be patient as the roads get busier with holiday traffic, and prepare for the unexpected on rural roads. It also highlights that Scotland’s many country and single track roads may require new and different driving skills, particularly for those with less experience of driving in rural areas.

Chief Superintendent, Louise Blakelock, Police Scotland said: “Understandably this year, as a result of the continued uncertainty surrounding COVID restrictions, many people will look to holiday throughout Scotland and elsewhere within the UK in lieu of a foreign holiday.

“This will inevitably result in our roads being far busier than previous summers with greater numbers of cars, motorcycles, caravans and motorhomes travelling across the country and many motorists will be on roads they are unfamiliar with. 

“It is therefore essential that road users are considerate and courteous to each other, drive or ride responsibly to the road conditions and road class they are travelling on.   Road users must also be mindful of their impact on local communities and park in a safe and considerate manner, when enjoying Scotland’s countryside.

“As always, Road Policing Officers will be patrolling throughout Scotland over the coming months to influence road user behaviour, educate motorists on appropriate driving practices and enforcement action will be taken when necessary.”

Everyone has a vital role to play in keeping people safe on Scotland’s roads this summer. Four in five UK residents (84%) are planning a 2021 staycation, with two of the top ten destinations on the travel bucket list located in Scotland – the Scottish Highlands (43%) and Edinburgh (34%).4

Caroline Warburton, Regional Leadership Director, VisitScotland, said: “As we move into the summer months, better weather and further easing of restrictions, we would like to remind people to plan ahead, whether that be booking their accommodation in advance of visiting, checking ahead to see what is open and available and if anywhere is busy, move on to somewhere that isn’t.

“Through our responsible tourism campaign, we are working with a number of organisations and campaigns, including this new road safety campaign to address issues including littering, access, fires, pollution and parking/transport. We ask everyone to do their bit to #RespectProtectEnjoy our beautiful country this summer.”

The new campaign (running across social media, PR and partnerships) features advice about taking your time, planning ahead and expecting the unexpected on rural roads.

For more information visit or check out the Road Safety Scotland Facebook and Twitter (@roadsafetyscot) pages #PlanSmartDriveSmart.

£215 million to target poverty-related attainment gap

Pupils living in Scotland’s most deprived communities will be among those to benefit from £215 million of targeted funding in 2021-22 to help close the poverty-related attainment gap.

The announcement meets the Government’s commitment to pay the first instalment of the expanded £1 billion Attainment Scotland Fund in the first 100 days of Parliament, and is the largest amount awarded for a single year.

The funding will be distributed through five different programmes, nine local councils with the highest concentrations of deprivation in Scotland, known as “Challenge Authorities”, will share £43 million of investment. A further £7 million from the Schools’ Programme will be shared between 73 additional schools with the highest concentration of pupils from areas of deprivation.

Headteachers will receive £147 million of Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) which they will decide how best to invest to support disadvantaged pupils. This includes a top up payment of £20 million, recognising the new and additional challenges schools face as a result of the pandemic.

Local authority work to help improve the attainment of care experienced young people, including through mentoring programmes, will receive up to £12 million. A further £7 million is being invested in a number of a national programmes, including third-sector organisations, to support their targeted work to raise the attainment of young people.  

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Closing the poverty-related attainment gap and ensuring every young person has the chance to fulfil their potential remains central to this Government’s work.

“Our ambition is a long-term one and we know that the challenges presented by the pandemic mean our efforts to deliver equity in education are more vital than ever.  

“This first instalment of the expanded Attainment Scotland Fund, with record funding of more than £215 million, will allow headteachers, schools, councils and other partners to provide targeted help for some of our most disadvantaged pupils.

“We are providing investment across a number of diverse programmes which will benefit looked after children, support pupils in our most deprived areas and empower headteachers to invest their funding on initiatives that are right for the children in their schools.”

Letters: Children need our support, says NSPCC Scotland

Dear Editor,

Since April last year, our trained Childline counsellors have delivered more than 73,000 counselling sessions with young people who were struggling with their mental and emotional health. And more than 5,000 of these counselling sessions were with children aged 11 or under, an increase of nearly a third when compared to the year before.

However, as a charity that receives 90% of our income from the public, we know this is something we have not achieved alone, and we are hugely grateful for the dedication and commitment of our supporters, which allow us to continue this work.

One way that the public can support us is through the People’s Postcode Lottery, and since 2018, players have provided crucial funding to the sum of almost £6 million to the NSPCC to help the charity keep children safe and well.

The funds have been used to support our vital services across Scotland. This includes our schools service programme, helping primary school children speak out and stay safe from abuse, and our service centre in Govan, Glasgow, providing therapeutic services to families. And, of course, Childline, which provides free and confidential counselling to children and young people in need of support.

Childline is a lifeline for many children and over the past year thousands of young people have needed it more than ever due to the challenges they have faced during the pandemic. Local lockdowns, school closures, isolation and the impact of being separated from family and friends led many children to get in touch with the service over the phone or online.

The money raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery has been invaluable in helping our frontline staff be here for children during their darkest hours.

Moving forward, as lockdown restrictions continue to ease, it remains vital that children and young people know where they can access help and support.

We can only make a difference for children together, and we simply couldn’t continue to run services like Childline without the public’s support.

To find out more about how you could help us be there for children through fundraising, get in touch at

Paul Cockram,

Head of Fundraising for NSPCC Scotland

Updates to The Highway Code will make roads even safer

Highways England has drafted updated guidance for The Highway Code with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) to help road users better understand how motorways and high-speed roads operate.

More than 3,200 people and organisations responded to a consultation on the guidance, with their comments directly leading to it being amended and improved. The amendments are expected to become part of The Highway Code later this year.

The update will include:

  • clearer advice on where to stop in an emergency
  • the importance of not driving in a lane closed by a Red X
  • the use of variable speed limits to manage congestion
  • updated guidance on key factors that contribute to safety-related incidents, including driving while tired, unroadworthy vehicles, safe towing, tailgating and driving in roadworks

Jeremy Phillips, Highways England’s Head of Road Safety, said: “The updates to The Highway Code will help everyone who uses our busiest roads.

“Thanks to the input from road users, we have been able to produce clearer guidance on how to use our motorways and major A-roads which will make journeys even safer.

“The new edition of The Highway Code can give everyone on our roads the confidence that they have the knowledge and skills to safely get from A to B.”

Among the updates to The Highway Code are clearer advice on how and where to stop in an emergency, including the importance of not driving in a lane that has been closed with a Red X sign displayed and, for the first time, emergency area signage. It includes the “Go left” messaging used in Highways England’s recent £5m advertising campaign to help people know what to do in the event of a breakdown.

There is new guidance on the use of variable speed limits to manage congestion and information on how safety cameras are used to ensure compliance with speed limits and lanes closed with a Red X, including the hard shoulder.

The improved guidance also addresses key factors that contribute to safety-related incidents, including driving while tired, unroadworthy vehicles, safe towing, tailgating and driving through roadworks.

In total, 33 existing rules will be amended and two new rules will be introduced. There will also be a number of amendments made to the additional information within The Highway Code and its annexes.

Highways England has provided the amendments to The Highway Code as part of its commitment to provide clearer information for road users to further improve safety across England’s major routes.

It is vital that all road users are aware of The Highway Code, are considerate to other road users and understand their responsibility for their own safety and that of others.

View the results of the consultation.

Highways England has also launched a campaign to help road users to understand what to do in an emergency on a motorway or high-speed road.

For more information, visit the campaign webpage.

‘Transformational’ early learning and childcare expansion

More children receiving 1,140 funded hours

More than seven out of ten children in Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) are now receiving the full 1,140 funded hours.

The number of children has risen by 10,510 since February – an increase from 65% to 72%.

The latest data from the Improvement Service shows that at the end of April 2021, 118,068 children were accessing funded ELC. Of these, 102,410 children (87%) were accessing more than the statutory entitlement of 600 hours, and 84,606 children (72%) were accessing 1,140 hours.

Children’s Minister Clare Haughey said: “These figures show we are well on the way to offering all eligible children 1,140 hours of funded ELC from August 2021 –  a transformational policy that will benefit families across Scotland.

“Despite the pandemic having an impact on the construction of ELC facilities and recruitment plans across the country, local authorities have continued to make good progress in expansion plans. 

“At the centre of these plans is the drive to improve children’s outcomes and help close the poverty-related attainment gap, to improve the health and wellbeing of children and parents, and to support parents into work, study or training. I’d like to thank local authorities and all those who are continuing to work at pace to meet our target.”

Councillor Stephen McCabe, COSLA Children and Young People spokesperson, said:  “I welcome the progress that has been made towards the implementation of the 1,140 hours ELC expansion by August. This report shows that significant progress has been made by councils despite the continued challenges of the pandemic, including the national lockdown.

“We know that the additional hours will be transformational with children provided with more time to play and learn, while parents and carers will have more opportunities to work, study or volunteer. We are pleased we are on track for delivery later this year”.

Funded early learning and childcare (ELC) is available to all three and four year olds and eligible two year olds. From August 2021, the entitlement will increase to 1,140 hours a year (30 hours a week if taken term time).

The expansion of funded ELC, originally intended for August 2020, was paused in April 2020 to give local authorities the flexibility to focus on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Early Learning and Childcare Expansion Delivery Progress Report, May 2021 (

UK Government’s response fails to address ‘very pressing issue’ of food insecurity

Westminster’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee has published the Government’s response to its second Covid-19 and Food Supply report.

Despite repeated recommendations made in the report to address high levels of food insecurity, the Committee express disappointment in the Government’s ‘lacklustre’ response.

The report, published in April, scrutinised food supply and food security in the UK in the six months following the publication of the Committee’s original Covid-19 and Food Supply report in July 2020.

Despite now being urged twice by the Committee to appoint a new Minster for Food Security and consult on a national ‘right to food’ in England, the Government’s response fails to commit to either.

With many in the UK currently experiencing food insecurity as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, the cross-party Committee had urged the Government to work cross-departmentally, conducting an annual food security report and ensuring that everyone, and especially the most vulnerable, have access to enough affordable nutritious food.

Neil Parish MP, Chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee, said: “In April, we urged the Government to maintain the momentum gained during the covid crisis to keep society’s most vulnerable people fed.

“Despite our Committee making clear recommendations, the Government’s response is lacklustre, kicking the can down the road on long-term actions which would tackle the very pressing issue of food insecurity.

“A great deal of expectation now rests on Henry Dimbleby’s National Food Strategy – something my Committee will be keeping a close eye on. We hope he will be more ambitious and that the Government will finally recognises the seriousness- and urgency- of the matter.”

Edinburgh street lighting contract puts communities at the forefront

Amey’s Edinburgh Street Lighting team have been working with the City of Edinburgh Council to upgrade over 64,000 LED streetlights since the contract went live in 2018 with works creating 20-year savings in excess of £54million. But it’s the difference the team is making to local communities that is a light bulb moment.

Through the unique way the contract was modelled the teams have undertaking over 35 community activities, each benefiting from time devoted to social value – enabling the team to give back to local people and communities.

The upgrading and maintenance programme began in June 2018 and has involved more than 55,000 street lightings, approximately 1,600 street lighting column replacements and various auxiliary electrical elements throughout the streets of Edinburgh in Scotland.

In addition to installing the most up-to-date LED technology, the team has also installed a dynamic street lighting control management system that allows for centralised, more efficient management of the lighting, reducing the need for people to report faults as these are now being automatically picked up.  These maintenance repair works has helped the city to reduce CO2 emissions in compliance with SEEP (Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme).

However, the unique way the contract was modelled has meant that the street lighting team have been directly involved in helping local communities and initiatives through putting social value at the forefront during the tendering stages of contract development.

Social value on Edinburgh Street Lighting contract is measured by a points-based system. Amey committed to achieving 720 community benefit points throughout the duration of the three-year contract, which is due to end this year, and has to date surpassed expectations by achieving 1,764 points. 

Points are obtained through Amey’s street lighting team being involved in local events and participating in community projects.

Some of the activities the team have been involved with include attending careers fair, Christmas gift collections, foodbank collections to upgrading a play area for children with both physical and mental disabilities to assisting painting a homeless shelter and upgrading the lighting at a neighbourhood centre and at a Scout hall.

During COVID, involvement in social value programmes weren’t put on hold either, the team adapted to the challenge and hosted virtual quizzes to raise money for prostate cancer and were involved in local foodbank collections for example.

A Spokesperson for the City of Edinburgh Council said: “Community Benefits are at the heart of this Contract and are measured in Community Benefits Points.

“Amey have taken this role seriously and have actively participated in events, carrying out improvement works in community setting and have received much praise from those whom they have helped. Currently, Amey have secured approximately 50 per cent more points than they are contractually obliged to.”

Nick Powell Account Director for Amey’s Street Lighting business said: “Working in collaboration with the City of Edinburgh Council has been the key to the success of this contract partnership which started in June 2018.

“Fully immersing ourselves in community life has enabled us to deliver a successful community programme which has seen the team volunteer their time at community days, career fairs Christmas gift and foodbank collections as well as upgrading a play area for children with both physical and mental disabilities – activities our team are proud to have been involved with. Due to the way the contract was set up – it’s given our teams the opportunity to be fully immersed within the communities that we serve.”

Amey recognises the opportunity to have a positive impact on the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the communities in which it operates. It has recently released it’s 2020 Social Value Plan which outlines its achievements in this space to date and ambitions for the years ahead.

For more information about Amey’s commitment to social value visit: