Look after your emotional health

How is your emotional health? 😊

It’s important to understand and manage our emotions, so we can feel good within ourselves and our relationships. 💜

Managing our emotions is a skill – and it’s never too late to learn new techniques.

Read our 9 top tips: https://tinyurl.com/yn7rvykn




New research proves woodland wildlife works wonders for wellbeing

The sights, sounds and smells of life in a British woodland have been proven to fill us with joy and boost our wellbeing, groundbreaking new research has revealed.

An overwhelming 90% of more than 10,000 questioned for a study supported by the Woodland Trust said their mood and general wellbeing were boosted by the wildlife in the UK’s precious woodland.

The research identified specific mood-lifting traits found in woods – from spotting a squirrel scurrying up a trunk and hearing a robin’s early-morning song, to witnessing a bird of prey soaring in the sky or feeling the crunch of autumn leaves underfoot.

But worryingly, the research pinpointed huge regional differences, with the majority of wellbeing hotspots found in the South East and parts of Scotland – areas with a higher proportion of woodland, especially ancient and long-established woodland cover.

These locations are rich in the variety of woodland plants, animals and fungi which people reported as being beneficial for their wellbeing, but previous studies have shown that only 7% of Great Britain’s woods are in good ecological condition.

The extensive BIO-WELL research was carried out by scientists at the University of Kent, with the latest research financed by a grant from the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity, the Woodland Trust.

Zoe Davies, Professor of biodiversity conservation at the University of Kent’s Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), said: “While we know that spending time in natural environments can improve our health and wellbeing, we needed to know which species, or traits of species delivered these benefits.

“This compelling new research proves that nature is good for us and spending time in biodiverse, rich woodland can be a prescription for wellbeing.”

Key findings include:

  • ninety per cent of the representative sample of more than 10,000 people across the UK agreed that woodland biodiversity has a positive impact on their wellbeing
  • the richest woodlands for wellbeing were very unevenly distributed across the UK, with lower wellbeing richness of woodlands in more deprived areas
  • woodland sounds, such as birds singing, the scrunch of fallen leaves or trees rustling in the breeze, were found to stimulate the most wellbeing responses (40.4%)
  • natural processes and behaviours (26.5%), like spring flowers emerging, triggered the second most wellbeing responses, followed by colours (23.7%), textures (7.3%) and smells (2.1%)
  • silver birch topped a list of favourite trees, ahead of horse chestnut and oak
  • blue tit had the most wellbeing benefits of woodland birds, with blackbird and chaffinch following closely behind
  • the hotspots reflect areas where there is a high proportion of woodland cover, especially precious ancient and long-established woodland cover.

Surprisingly, the research found that seasonal differences were irrelevant to the mental health benefits, meaning that, while humans may yearn for sunnier and warmer spring days after a long, bleak winter, a walk in the woods is beneficial in any weather and at any time of year.

Woodland Trust chief executive Dr Darren Moorcroft said: “The Woodland Trust is evidence based. Research like the BIO-WELL findings that we have supported is not only fascinating but vital to underpin what we do as the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity, for nature and people.

“We’re in the grip of a biodiversity and human health crisis, so it has never been more critical to improve the health of people and the planet. Proving that it’s good for us to get out among trees and nature means the next step must be ensuring that everyone in the UK has access to vibrant, nature-rich woodland where wildlife – and people and communities – can thrive.”

Martin Dallimer, Professor of environmental sustainability at Imperial College London, agreed: “If we want people’s wellbeing to improve from spending time in nature, then it is essential to make sure we are maintaining and restoring high-quality forests for wildlife and people.”

Unequal opportunities

Maps produced by the researchers showed strong regional disparity in woodland quality for wellbeing, highlighting the importance of restoring woodland biodiversity – especially in those areas which need it most.

Woodland Trust conservation adviser Sally Bavin explained: “This work shows there is stark geographical inequality across the UK in the opportunity for people to witness thriving woodland wildlife and experience the wellbeing lift that brings. This opportunity should be the right of all.

“The research’s focus on the distribution of woodland quality really fits with the Woodland Trust’s mission to improve the quality of woodlands rather than just the quantity. The research maps will allow us to target conservation efforts where they are needed most.”

Dr Jessica Fisher, research fellow at DICE, said the regional findings were ‘concerning’. She added: “The research suggests visiting a woodland rich in the variety of wildlife that supports human wellbeing is a privilege unequally distributed across society, and furthest from reach for those who could potentially benefit the most.

“Society needs a much better balance of woodland to ensure we can all access the traits that are going to boost our mental health.”

The research drilled down to discover which species were most enjoyed for their wellbeing benefits, including the top 10 favourite trees, other plants, animals and fungi. The top 10 trees were:

  1. silver birch
  2. horse chestnut
  3. pedunculate oak
  4. sweet chestnut
  5. aspen
  6. Douglas fir
  7. rowan
  8. beech
  9. larch
  10. sycamore.

Sensory Room available at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

A few months ago, we were lucky enough to receive a Scotmid coop Community Grant to improve our Sensory room. We are pleased to announce that our Sensory Room is now complete and available to book!

Designed to support those with sensory processing disorders, this is a great place to relax and relieve stress in a safe space

We also have ear defenders available if required

Contact the centre for full details or to book your time slot:

Telephone: 0131 552 5700

Email: CLD-RoystonWardieburn@ea.edin.sch.uk

Scottish Government kicks off campaign to help Scots stay ‘Onside’ with their mental health

Last week, the Scottish Government launched their adult mental health campaign aimed at continuing the conversation around mental health and raising awareness of the free resources available through the Mind to Mind site on NHS inform.

Mental health concerns affect an estimated one in three people in Scotland*, with research indicating a direct correlation between poverty, social exclusion, and poor mental health. Additionally, those from marginalised minority backgrounds are often less likely to seek or find support.

This campaign aims to address these disparities across communities in Scotland to encourage those struggling with their mental health to get the help they need.

To mark the start of this phase of the campaign, a group of Scottish personalities and community advocates came together at the iconic Hampden Park to share their experiences of mental health, emphasising the importance of staying ‘onside’ by supporting others to access support and resources available to them.

Attendees included media personality Gail Porter, viral content creator Howey Ejegi (@HoweyDon), former professional footballer Zander Murray, Founder of Diversity Scotland Tony McCaffery, and David Duke, Founder of the social initiative Street Soccer Scotland.

Their standout advice focused on the importance of talking to someone they trust about their struggles and making use of resources like the Mind to Mind site (nhsinform.scot/mindtomind).

If you’re going through a difficult patch or are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or lonely, you are not alone and support is available.

Mind to Mind (nhsinform.scot/mindtomind) is a dedicated NHS Inform resource that aims to help people who may be facing challenges with their mental wellbeing.

The site helps people look after their mental wellbeing in ways that suit them, featuring over 30 videos of people talking about their own mental wellbeing challenges in a bid to show others who may be going through the same that they’re not alone.

Mind to Mind aims to contribute to the national conversation around normalising mental health and wellbeing, giving people the courage and skills to open up and encouraging them to share their stories in a bid towards reducing stigma.

The website also provides practical advice on how to deal with life’s ups and downs and signposts where people can access further support.

Gail Porter, TV personality, said: “Mental health struggles affect so many of us, and it can be difficult to start those conversations around accessing support.

“I know that any time I’ve felt like I needed support, my first inclination is to keep it to myself and not burden anyone else – but the truth is there are so many resources out there like the Mind to Mind site, to start your journey.”

David Duke, founder of Street Soccer Scotland, said: “Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the people of Scotland has never been more important, and at Street Soccer Scotland we do that through our shared love of football.

“We believe that by engaging in sport and physical activity, our players can create positive habits through our weekly football sessions.

“With dedicated mental health and wellbeing sessions across Scotland, we provide a safe space to socialise for players as well as offering an accessible environment for one-to-one counselling, but we’re not the only resource out there.

“Sites like Mind to Mind are such a great first port of call for anyone looking to start that mental health support journey.”

Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, Maree Todd, said: “When you, a friend or relative is struggling with their mental health, it can be an upsetting and daunting time, but it’s important for all of us to understand and make use of the resources out there – help is available. 

“One of the key elements of the Mind to Mind campaign is asking us to think differently about mental health, and how we approach these conversations with each other. Visiting nhsinform.scot/mindtomind can be a really important first step, and there are so many resources that we can take advantage of to help the people closest to us to lead fulfilling lives.”

The Mind to Mind multi-channel campaign is live across radio, press, social and digital channels, and out of home advertising, supported by a PR campaign.

For more information around supporting someone living with mental health struggles, please visit https://www.nhsinform.scot/MindtoMind

*According to research from the 2022 Scottish Health Survey

Mind Your Head: More Hours, More Risk


  • 91% of all UK farmers* rank poor mental health as one of the biggest hidden dangers facing farmers today, a recent study by the Farm Safety Foundation reveals
  • The charity’s latest research also revealed that levels of mental wellbeing among young farmers have been steadily decreasing over the past four years.
  • 44% of farmers* between the ages of 41-60 yrs work more than 81 hours a week – which is longer than they did in 2023 – and longer working hours impacts on the farmers levels of mental wellbeing
  • 61% of farmers* still say poor mental health can be seen as a weakness in these challenging times
  • The latest Office of National Statistics** figures showed 44 suicides were registered in England & Wales among the farming and agricultural industry in 2022

There is no doubt that 2024 was a challenging year for farming in the UK and, given the added stress farmers are currently experiencing, ensuring farmers and farm workers prioritise both their physical and mental wellbeing has never been more important.

A recent study by leading rural charity, Farm Safety Foundation (Yellow Wellies), revealed that poor mental health among farmers and agricultural workers continues to be a major concern. In the sample of over 750 farmers, 9 out of 10 respondents (91%) agreed that poor mental health is the ‘biggest hidden problem’ facing the industry today.

The reality of a farmer’s life is that there are multiple reasons identified as contributing to poor mental health in the industry. The known pressures on farmers – including traditional farm stressors, contextual stressors and barriers to support, coupled with the impact of measures announced in the Autumn budget – are leading to increased levels of stress and uncertainty in the farming community. 

Recent months have seen farmers travel from their fields to the front of the Houses of Parliament and supermarket car parks to show their frustration at the new wave of tax measures being introduced in April 2026. Measures that are increasing levels of uncertainty and anxiety and adding serious concerns about an uncertain future for the industry and food production in the country.

The charity’s research showed that, on average, farmers worked longer hours in 2024 than they did in 2023. The average number of hours a full-time worker in the UK works per week is 36.4 hours***, however UK farmers work an average of 60 hours a week with an alarming 44% of those aged between 41 and 60 years working more than 81 hours a week.

1 in 3 farmers (33%) who work more than 9 hours a day admit to having had an accident or a near miss in the past 12 months demonstrating the link between long hours and working safely.

When mental wellbeing is factored in, the evidence revealed that farmers with lower mental wellbeing scores were significantly more likely to admit to working unsafely and risk-taking, something that raises alarm bells with the Farm Safety Foundation, especially as their research shows that the levels of mental wellbeing in those working in the industry have been steadily deteriorating over the past four years.

In the industry with the poorest safety record of any occupation in the UK, making sure farmers are prioritising their physical and mental wellbeing can be a matter of life or death. According to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) 23 farm workers lost their lives in farm accidents in GB in 2023/2024. There were also 44 suicides registered in England and Wales among the farming and agricultural industry in 2022 (Office of National Statistics).

This week (10-14 February 2025), the Farm Safety Foundation (Yellow Wellies) will be running its eighth annual Mind Your Head campaign.

The campaign will continue to raise awareness of the various challenges facing the UK’s farming industry, break down the stigma attached to poor mental health, and sow the seeds of wellbeing and resilience in the sector.

Stephanie observed: “Farming has always been one of the most demanding industries, but the added strain of long hours, rural isolation and financial insecurity is putting farmers at risk.

“For us to change the cultural reluctance to discuss mental health, we need to listen and learn what farmers are feeling, what their attitudes are and what they are doing to address it themselves.

To do this, the Farm Safety Foundation travelled to Carnoustie to launch ‘In Discussion With…’ a new series of roundtable events devised to learn more about the thoughts and feelings of various groups to both farming safely and looking after their mental wellbeing.

The event was the first of four roundtables planned across the UK in 2025 and gathered together some members of the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs to learn about the challenges of loneliness and rural isolation in advance of the Mind Your Head campaign.

The young farmers from the Angus area were, however, royally surprised when, during the discussions, His Royal Highness, The Duke of Rothesay popped in to join the conversation.

During his visit, His Royal Highness met with five members of local young farmers clubs and SAYFC National Chair Ally Brunton at the roundtable hosted by Stephanie Berkeley, Manager of the Farm Safety Foundation.

When Stephanie asked him why he was interested in what they were doing, he said: “I love the countryside and I love farming as well. And I am conscious that it’s an area that needs maybe a little bit of support and understanding that there is access and support out there for young farmers.”

He added: “Because I think in the farming world it’s maybe not talked about as much as in other sectors – and yet we know it exists”

His Royal Highness then asked the young farmers what they do to look after their wellbeing…

William Grant (22) past chair of Strathmore JAC and from a family mixed arable and beef farm beside Auchterhouse commented: “It’s a constant cycle of work work work, but then if there’s a Young Farmers meeting you might just go to that.”

Vikki Johnston (25), who farms with her family on the Glamis Castle estate and also works on a farm near Forfar, added: “Hard work is kind of ingrained in you.”

Alistair McCarthy (22) originally from Caithness but now splitting his time between home and a livestock farm near Glamis highlighted: “It’s easy to be your own critic, but you need to look for the light ahead.

When asked what they would do if they noticed someone was struggling or if they were struggling themselves, Lois Scott (26) a Primary School teacher and member of Forfar JAC commented: “You sometimes don’t realise you need help until you’ve had it.

“Sometimes it takes someone saying to you ‘are you okay’? We (SAYFC) have the ‘Are Ewe OK?’ campaign and Yellow Wellies can give you a lot of help.”

The roundtable took place at East Scryne Fruit Farm run by James and Kate Porter, His Royal Highness was also shown some of the polytunnels damaged by the recent Storm Eowyn. Something that James pointed out was just one more thing adding stress and challenge to farming life but this was farming was all about. Starting again, constantly learning and staying optimistic.

As Ally Brunton, National Chair SAYFC and member of East Fife JAC put it: “If we weren’t all optimistic about the future in agriculture, we wouldn’t have a career in the industry.”

Stephanie reflected: “It was an absolute honour to have His Royal Highness join our roundtable. We are a small charity and have been running this campaign for eight years now so, to have such a high-profile guest interested in what we are doing gives the issue greater visibility.

“This week we will release two new hero films, our traditional launch day hero film and a second one – on Valentine’s Day – featuring some very familiar farming faces which will hopefully end the campaign on a positive note. After all, positivity is something I think we could all do with a bit more of at this time.

For more information on the Mind Your Head campaign please visit:


or follow them on social media – @yellowwelliesUK on Facebook, Instagram and X using the hashtag #MindYourHead.

New survey suggests benefits system is letting down people with mental health conditions who want to work

Many sick and disabled people say they want to work to help boost their living standards – but aren’t given the right support, according to new data published on Time to Talk day [6 February].

  • New survey suggests 200k people claiming health and disability benefits are ready for work now if the right job or support were available.
  • Comes as number of young people with a mental health condition who are economically inactive due to long-term sickness reaches over a quarter of a million (270,000).
  • Overhaul of health and disability benefit system set to be unveiled in Spring to ensure it provides meaningful support to help long term sick back into work.

New research published by the Department for Work and Pensions shows that nearly half (44%) of people with a mental health condition expect to be able to work in future if their health improves.

This comes as the number of young people (aged 16 to 34) who are economically inactive due to long-term sickness and have a mental condition reaches 270,000. This number has been rising consistently over the past decade and has increased by 60,000 (26%) in the last year alone. The equivalent figure for all people of working-age (16 to 64) is 790,000 – an increase of 140,000 (22%) over the last year.

The Work Aspirations of Health and Disability Claimants survey also finds that a third (32%) of those claiming health and disability benefits believe they can work now or in future.  (5%) say that they would be ready now if the right job or support were available. This equates to around 200,000 individuals.

The survey also finds that those out of jobs overwhelmingly see work as a key part of their identity and a route to higher self-esteem, happiness and security.

In further evidence that the current system pushes people away from work, the survey revealed that 50% of people who are on health and disability benefits and are not currently in work said they were worried they would not get their benefits back if they tried paid employment and it did not work out.

 It comes as the Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall visited Workbridge charity which offers support to people who are unable to work due to mental ill health, to hear how they’re supporting people with mental health conditions into work.

Responding to the stark survey results, the Work and Pensions Secretary has said the report demonstrates the need to reform the current welfare system, so that it offers better, meaningful support to give disabled people and people with long-term health conditions a real opportunity to find work.

The upcoming reforms will be a key part of the government’s Plan for Change to boost employment by breaking down barriers to opportunity – creating a welfare system that promotes tailored pathways into work and accommodates the complex nature of disabilities and health conditions – and consequently, improving people’s living standards.

Work and Pensions Secretary, Rt Hon Liz Kendall MP said: “Today’s report shows that the broken benefits system is letting down people with mental health conditions who want to work.

“People claiming Health and Disability benefits have been classed by the system as “can’t work” and shut out of jobs and have been ignored – when they’ve been crying out for support.

“That is a serious failure. It’s bad for people, bad for businesses, which miss out on considerable talent, and bad for the economy.

“For young people in particular, being out of work can have a scarring effect that lasts a lifetime.

“On Time to Talk day, it’s time to change how we support people with long-term health conditions, such as a mental health condition, so that they have a fair chance and choice to work.”

On her visit to Workbridge, Kendall spoke to experts to hear their insights on how government and employers can better accommodate the fluctuating nature of people’s mental health – ensuring that people’s views and voices are at the heart of changes that affect them.

Being in work has a positive effect on people’s mental and physical health – providing people with confidence and independence, as well as financial benefits.

The UK remains the only G7 country that has higher levels of economic inactivity now than before the pandemic, with the benefits bill spiralling – largely driven by the increase in people claiming incapacity benefits for mental health conditions, who had not received the care and treatment they deserve.

The reforms to the health & disability benefit system due to be unveiled in a Green Paper in Spring will consider these issues and how the government can tackle these barriers to employment, and the government will work closely alongside charities, organisations and disabled people to ensure their voices help shape any proposals for reform.

The Green Paper will set key ambitions for creating a system that is fairer on disabled people – offering support into work which takes into consideration the realities of their health condition and life circumstances, and fairness for the taxpayer by bringing down the benefits bill.

The reforms are expected to build on the Get Britain Working White Paper, which set out the first steps to achieving the government’s target 80% employment rate, driving up growth and driving down poverty in every corner of our country. 

Successful steps have already been taken to offer work and life-changing support, with a record number of people with mental health conditions receiving employment advice through the NHS Talking Therapies programme.

Alongside this support, the Laobur Government has settled record funding for the NHS – so that all people can get the care they need – and have pledged:

  • 8,500 more mental health staff
  • Mental health support teams in every school
  • Open-access mental health hubs in every community

Acas tips for Time to Talk Day

Julie Dennis, Head of Inclusive Workplaces Policy at Acas (The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service), said: “Time To Talk Day is a great opportunity for employers to raise awareness of well-being at work and to be approachable and available for workers that want to talk about their mental health.

“Taking the time to talk openly about mental health can avoid problems building up and lead to improved morale at work. It might be difficult for someone to talk about their mental health so it’s important for managers to be respectful, supportive and reassuring.” 

Acas has some top tips for employers on talking about mental health at work:

  • Be approachable, available and encourage team members to talk to you if they’re having problems.
  • Keep in regular contact with your team to check how they are coping.
  • Address any individual communication preferences such as asking team members if they prefer to talk face-to-face, over the phone, through video meetings or by email.
  • Respect confidentiality and be calm, patient, supportive and reassuring if a staff member wants to have a chat about their mental health.
  • Look after your own mental health and get support if you feel under more pressure than usual. This support could be a colleague at work, a mental health first aider or a counsellor.

Breathing Space: Learn to Listen

With Breathing Space Day coming up on the 1st of February, we are calling on everyone to ‘learn to listen’ and support each other’s mental health. 💙

Here are some tips to practice your active listening skills:

🔹 Be attentive: Eliminate distractions, maintain eye contact, and show genuine interest.

🔹Listen without judgement: Create a safe space for open sharing without criticism.

🔹 Reflect and clarify: Repeat and ask questions to ensure understanding.

🔹 Validate feelings: Acknowledge emotions and experiences with empathy.

🔹 Use non-verbal cues: Nod, smile, and use open body language to show attentiveness.

🔹 Be patient and allow for silence: Let the speaker express themselves fully without rushing.

🔹 Ask open-ended questions: Encourage deeper conversation with thoughtful questions.

🔹 Offer support, not solutions: Sometimes just listening is the best support you can offer.

If reaching out to someone you trust feels overwhelming, remember Breathing Space is also available to provide a listening ear. More information in the comments!








Get Fit for Free at Easter Road!


Football Fans in Training is back!

Starting Monday 3rd February join us for a programme that is so much more than physical activity!

FFIT gets you active and provides insights on how to improve your mental health and diet to live a well-rounded life!

Open to males & females & running every Monday from 6.30-8.00pm out of our Community Hub in the Famous Five Stand at Easter Road Stadium.

Register your interest today by emailing paul@hiberniancf.org

Kickstart your 2025 with this positive life changing programme!

Parents urged to improve mental health with wild water ‘mindful dips’

SCOTTISH BUILDING SOCIETY FOUNDATION and Dr Bell’s Family Centre (Dr Bell’s) are encouraging parents to take the plunge in Scotland’s wild waters and improve their mental wellbeing.

The Foundation has provided £4,500 to Dr Bell’s to support its ‘mindful dips’ initiative which provides wild swimming sessions for parents who are looking for a break from the challenges of parenthood.  

Founded in 2006 in Leith, Edinburgh, the charity provides a welcoming space for families with young children where they can receive encouragement, support, and advice in a relaxed atmosphere.

For parents, the demands of caregiving can often come at a cost of their own wellbeing as they prioritise the needs of their children.  

Recognising the need for a respite, Dr Bell’s introduced a groundbreaking wild swimming programme, giving parents the chance to take a mindful break from the pressures of parenthood.

Designed to promote mental and physical wellbeing for parents facing stress, anxiety, and isolation, the sessions cater for all levels of swimmers, whether they are seasoned veterans or new to the water.

Held at nearby natural swimming spots, the mindfulness dips provide parents with guided experiences in cold water immersion from trained professionals, helping them to reduce stress, improve their mood, and build resilience against the pressures of life.

“Parents often put themselves last time and time again, and that often takes a toll,” explains Megan Henry, Early Years Manager at Dr Bell’s Family Centre.

She said: “This programme is about giving them a moment to focus on themselves, surrounded by nature and a supportive community. It’s not just swimming, it’s a chance to breathe, reset, and reconnect.

“Many of those who attend the sessions have never done wild swimming before, and while they may be nervous, stepping into the cold water has an immediate impact. They feel calmer, more in control, and even excited to face the challenges of parenting.”

The programme’s success lies in its holistic approach. Alongside the swims, parents benefit from mindfulness exercises, group discussions, and ongoing support from the Dr Bell’s team.

By combining physical activity with mental health strategies, the programme offers parents the support to help their wellbeing.

The Scottish Building Society Foundation’s funding has been instrumental in supporting this initiative, and will help the programme expand in the future, offering more parents the opportunity to experience wild swimming.

Paul Denton, Chief Executive of Scottish Building Society, said: “By supporting the wild swimming programme, we’re not only helping parents, we’re also creating ripple effects that benefit their families and communities.

“We’d encourage any parent who is struggling, or just needs a little bit of support to contact Dr Bell’s. While you may not want to take the plunge into Scotland’s wild waters, they will be on hand to offer help and advice where needed.

“As a mutual organisation, we are committed to strengthening communities across Scotland. The charities supported through this round of funding reflect the incredible work happening on the ground to tackle issues such as isolation, mental health, and youth development.

“All of the charities The Foundation supports are fantastic causes, and for many people, community groups and charities serve as a vital lifeline. We understand their impact, and with the support of our members, we are committed to continuing our part in helping them thrive and make a lasting difference.

“We look forward to supporting them further in 2025, empowering them to continue making a positive difference, and we are proud to be part of their journey.”

For more information on the Scottish Building Society Foundation or to apply for funding, visit: www.scottishbs.co.uk/scottish-building-society-foundation