Waterfront Consultation: put people at heart of Masterplan

YOU YOU can almost hear the groans of disbelief that yet another master-planning exercise has been announced for the Waterfront of north Edinburgh (writes ROSS McEWAN). Continue reading Waterfront Consultation: put people at heart of Masterplan

Waterfront regeneration: consultation event this Thursday

Do you live near Granton Waterfront? Come along and share your ideas on the regeneration of the area this Thursday (8 November) from 2pm – 7pm at Madelvic House, 33 Granton Park Avenue.

If you can’t make it you can give your views online – https://bit.ly/2Djp6WC Continue reading Waterfront regeneration: consultation event this Thursday

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meets this evening

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meets tonight at 6pm in North Local Office, 8 West Pilton Gardens. All welcome. Continue reading Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meets this evening

Waterfront regeneration consultation to open next month

The city council’s plans to regenerate Granton Waterfront will take a step forward next month. The council will begin an intensive six month period of public engagement to deliver a ‘vibrant, well connected, new city quarter’. Continue reading Waterfront regeneration consultation to open next month

NW Locality Committee to meet on 14th November

The next meeting of the North West Locality Committee will take place on Wednesday 14th November from 6.30 – 8.30pm in the Dean of Guilds Room, City Chambers. The meeting is open to the public. Continue reading NW Locality Committee to meet on 14th November

Venue switch for Madelvic History Group

The next meeting of the Madelvic History Group will be on Saturday morning 20th October from 10-12 but there’s been a change of venue.

The meeting will now take place in Morrison’s cafe at Granton, as the Madelvic is fully booked for the weekend. All welcome. Continue reading Venue switch for Madelvic History Group

Edinburgh Shoreline Project: free training sessions

I am delighted to let you know that we have two upcoming training sessions available for free through the Edinburgh Shoreline project. Places are limited so please book by following the links to our Eventbrite page. 

Reminiscence and Recording skills

15th October, 10am-12.30pm

The Living Memory Association, Ocean Terminal, Leith


This event is aimed at training shoreline communities in how to record oral history interviews to capture the heritage of their area. 

Website editing skills

1st November, 11am-12.30pm

The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20A Inverleith Row


This event is aimed at training shoreline communities in how to add their own updates and events to the www.edinburghshoreline.org.uk and will also provide general skills on maintaining all WordPress websites.

Charlotte Johnson, Shoreline Project Manager

The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

20a Inverleith Row| Edinburgh | EH3 5LR

0131 552 7171 ext. 3035


Investigations are underway into a major incident at Scottish Gas HQ on Waterfront Avenue last night which saw thirteen members of staff treated by paramedics. Three people were taken to hospital for further treatment.  Continue reading MAJOR INCIDENT AT SCOTTISH GAS

Voice Your Choice: voting event in North West Edinburgh

Voice Your Choice Voting Event NW

Edinburgh’s employability themed participatory budgeting programme has moved into the voting stages and you are invited to attend the voting event in your locality where you can learn more about the employability projects on offer, and vote for those you would like to see become a reality in your locality. Continue reading Voice Your Choice: voting event in North West Edinburgh