Partnership Centre construction to start soon

Contracts signed – Muirhouse building to get underway

Partnership Centre

The construction of three partnership centres in Edinburgh and West Lothian will start over the coming weeks after the financial contracts were agreed yesterday.

Council funding: for some, the wait goes on

Reprieve for some but others still await funding decision


The city council has heralded a new way of distributing grants but some highly-regarded local voluntary sector projects still await the decisions that will determine their future. And with just six weeks before the start of the new financial year, management committees and voluntary boards across the city are faced with unpalatable choices: issue redundancy notices and risk losing staff or hope that all will be well with next year’s funding? Continue reading Council funding: for some, the wait goes on

New Lottery support to strengthen voluntary sector

disabled kids on beach

Voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations will have the ability to improve their performance and sustainability, thanks to two new online tools supported by the Big Lottery Fund. Continue reading New Lottery support to strengthen voluntary sector

Still time to have your say on state of voluntary sector

Edinburgh Compact wants to hear from city’s third sector

DEADLINE Friday 29 January


Voluntary Organisations and Community Groups in Edinburgh: help us get a picture of the Third Sector in Edinburgh. Fill in our Compact Voice 2015 Survey.
Continue reading Still time to have your say on state of voluntary sector

Voluntary Sector survey: still time to share your views

compact_email_bannerThe Edinburgh Compact Partnership has had a brilliant response to our 2015 Compact Survey so far – many thanks for all who have participated.

However, we still need to hear about YOUR Third Sector organisation for our Compact Voice 2015 Survey!

All the information provided from last year’s survey was published in this infographic style Compact Voice 2014/15 report. This went to the Council and other Public Sector Organisations and has helped provide Third Sector input in decision making.

The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. We know this is quite a time commitment but we promise the results will be shared widely – take the survey now.

Thanks for helping us get a picture! 


Compact 10: planning the way ahead for Edinburgh’s third sector

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Many thanks to those of you who attended one of Compact 10’s events or took part in Compact Voice over the last year. The extensive consultation carried out with 120 Third Sector and Public Sector partners through Compact 10 culminated in the launch of the Edinburgh Compact Partnership’s new Strategic Framework and Action Plan on 24 June at Edinburgh City Chambers.

The new Strategic Framework and Action Plan is ambitious, optimistic and forward thinking. Ten years since the launch of the Edinburgh Compact Partnership times have changed, however the foundation values of the Edinburgh Compact Partnership are of no less relevance today. They are:

  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Good communication
  • Equity
  • Respect and fairness across partners
  • Co-operation with partners, communities and citizens

There are four strands to the Strategic Framework:

  • Future Thinking
  • Resourcing and Investment
  • Community Planning and Reach
  • Thriving Third Sector

Each strand has an associated Action Plan. These strands aim to deliver Compact’s Vision of

A City of active resilient communities where a vibrant Third Sector works in partnership with others to build social value and reduce inequalities.” 

This is the third Compact Partnership Strategy which continues to embrace a vision for the City where all sectors work together towards a shared goal of improving the quality of life for all citizens and communities.

The Third Sector Call to Action (see below) outlines just some of the ways the unique reach of Edinburgh’s Third Sector can drive achievement of the outcomes in the framework.

Third Sector Call to Action

See this work in action in our short film Getting it Right for Edinburgh: The Power of Partnerships

For further information about Edinburgh’s Compact Partnership please visit our website

 Sarah Wade
Development Worker, Compact 10 Project