Work together to stop No Deal Brexit, SCVO urges party leaders


The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has issued an open letter to all UK Parliament party leaders demanding action to stop a no-deal exit from the European Union. Continue reading Work together to stop No Deal Brexit, SCVO urges party leaders

Health and social care: An improving picture but more needs to be done, says EIJB Chair

The length of time people are waiting for care assessments in the Capital has fallen by almost 50% under the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB), (writes its Chair, Councillor Ricky Henderson). Continue reading Health and social care: An improving picture but more needs to be done, says EIJB Chair

 Capital Coalition votes through £33 MILLION cuts package

Ray of hope for projects hammered by Health & Social Care grant cuts

Up to 200 council jobs in the Capital will go as the SNP-Labour administration passed a controversial austerity budget which sees £33 million of cuts to vital public services across the city.  Continue reading  Capital Coalition votes through £33 MILLION cuts package

North Edinburgh Save our Services: sign the petition!

A new 38degrees petition, “NorthEdinburgh#saveourservices” is now available online.  Continue reading North Edinburgh Save our Services: sign the petition!

Ben Macpherson and Deirdre Brock pledge their support to PCHP

Two local SNP parliamentarians have added their voices to the campaign to save Pilton Community Health Project. Continue reading Ben Macpherson and Deirdre Brock pledge their support to PCHP

Communities Secretary to address EVOC annual general meeting

Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council (EVOC) is delighted to announce that Aileen Campbell MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, will deliver a speech at this year’s conference and AGM. Continue reading Communities Secretary to address EVOC annual general meeting