Edinburgh sets 29 January date for pavement parking ban

Enforcement against parking on pavements, parking at dropped kerbs and double parking will begin in Edinburgh on Monday, 29 January.

National regulations giving councils the power to enforce the new rules came into effect on 11 December. The change addresses the inconvenience inconsiderate parking causes to all road users, in particular those with mobility issues, visual impairments, and people with pushchairs.

Following an assessment of more than 5000 roads officers have identified a small number of streets where there is significant pavement parking and have written to these properties to help them prepare for the measures.

Once the ban is in place monitoring will continue to ascertain whether any of these streets require mitigation measures, such as double-yellow lines, to minimise potential negative impacts on the wider road network.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “These new rules are about making our streets safer and more accessible for everyone, in particular those with visual impairments or mobility issues.

“I’ve heard from many people who say the change will make their day-to-day life much easier. I have also been pleased to hear that, as a result of our publicity campaign, pavement parking is already reducing in some areas.

“Officers have been working hard over recent months to prepare for the changes coming into force and have been in contact with residents on streets where pavement parking is a real problem. I am proud that Edinburgh is leading the way on enforcing the ban, and that all political parties here agree that no street should be exempt.

“I would expect everyone to adhere to the new prohibitions once in place, but we’ll continue to monitor streets across the city to make sure the impacts on the wider network are minimal.”

The Council has always supported a ban on pavement parking and has collaborated closely with Living Streets and Guide Dogs Scotland to lobby for the introduction of controls in Scotland. This will help ensure Edinburgh’s roads and footways are accessible for all, which is central to our vision of an equal, accessible and sustainable city as part of the City Mobility Plan.

The prohibitions first featured in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, though the necessary regulations required to support the enforcement and appeals procedures have only recently been finalised by Transport Scotland.

Anyone found to be parked on a pavement, double parked, parked at a crossing point or parked on a verge between roads and pavements could be subject to a £100 fine, reduced to £50 if paid within the first 14 days. There are no exemptions in place.

Find out more about the new parking rules, and report incorrectly parked vehicles, on the Council website.

Storm Gerrit: Still some disruption but the worst is over

A meeting of the Scottish Government’s Resilience Room (SGoRR) – chaired by Justice Secretary and Minister for Resilience Angela Constance and attended by a number of Ministers – was held last night to ensure appropriate measures are in place to deal with the impacts of Storm Gerrit.

Met Office yellow warnings for rain, wind and snow were live until midnight across much of Scotland last night and a warning for wind and snow remained in place across Shetland until 06:00am today (Thursday 28 December).

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) have also issued a number of flood alerts and warnings across the country.

Some train services and ferry services were cancelled and a major incident was declared by Police Scotland on the A9 at Dalnaspidal, which is now fully reopened between Inverness and Perth.

Winter weather response plans are in full effect with teams working hard across the transport network to restore services and routes as far as possible – with improvements in weather conditions anticipated today.

The storm has also left some homes across Scotland without power and Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) are working to restore power where it is safe to do so.

Ms Constance said: “Following a combination of rain, wind and snow across the country, I have chaired a meeting of SGoRR to ensure that we’re acting as quickly and safely as possible to mitigate the impacts of Storm Gerrit.

“We know that there are areas across the country where people are without power and SSEN are working to restore this where they can. Due to the strong winds, flooding and snow, it is not always safe for SSEN to access areas for repair. Local resilience partnerships are working to put in place welfare support for individuals who may be without power overnight.

“There have already been a number of disruptions across the transport network. It’s good to see that the incident on the A9 has been cleared and the road has now reopened but people should pass with care.

“Some roads remain closed with operatives working to reopen them as quickly as possible.

“Some railway lines will remain closed tomorrow (Thursday) morning as they require safety inspections within daylight hours. People should be mindful that there will still be areas where surface water continues to cause disruption – so we would urge everyone to plan their journeys in advance, exercise caution on the roads by driving appropriately to the conditions, and follow the latest travel advice at traffic.gov.scot.

“The Scottish Government’s resilience committee will continue to monitor the situation overnight and into Thursday, and keep Ministers fully updated.

“Advice and information for the public is available at Ready.Scot and the Scottish Government will continue to work with all relevant agencies to closely monitor the storm and its impacts and ensure support is provided to those affected.”

Joanne Maguire Scotrail’s Chief Operating Officer said: “ScotRail and Network Rail teams have been working flat out to keep people moving where possible, but we have faced extreme conditions in different parts of the country which has resulted in significant disruption. The safety of our staff and passengers is our top priority.

“We will be working overnight and early in the morning to inspect the railway and restore services, but disruption is expected to continue into Thursday. Our advice to passengers is to check before travelling via the ScotRail website or app.”

New ‘school zone’ to bring safer streets for Dalry Primary pupils

Pupils at Dalry Primary School are set to benefit from safer streets and improved air quality with the introduction of a new ‘school zone’.

Following the results of a School Travel survey, the City of Edinburgh Council is introducing the initiative in both side streets of Dalry Primary School, covering two pupil entrances on Springwell Place and Cathcart Place.

School children shared their ideas to improve the school zone with the parents, carers and local residents following a day of engagement on 5th December.  

The Council will receive £46,000 from Sustrans’ Temporary School Streets Fund to widen the footpath outside the school and reduce vehicle traffic in the immediate area surrounding the school. 

Such ‘school zones’ offer a number of benefits for everyone, including increasing walking, cycling and active lifestyles for pupils, parents and carers, while also reducing the speed of traffic, congestion and pollution around school gates.

Dalry Primary School is working with the Council and Sustrans to collaboratively design the project, which could include some playful elements such as artwork, planters and benches or seats, so children feel safer and more relaxed.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener at the City of Edinburgh Council, said:As part of our recent survey, parents have told us that the streets surrounding Dalry Primary School can be busy with traffic and difficult to navigate safely at certain times of the day.

“This new ‘school zone’ is part of our 20-minute neighbourhood approach in the local area to create a safer, more relaxed environment for everyone to move around and spend time.

“We have seen from other similar initiatives across the city that many parents have enjoyed being able to walk and cycle more easily with their children every day, and we look forward to monitoring the results of this project and hopefully delivering the same benefits right across Dalry in partnership with local residents and businesses.

“I know that many other schools in Edinburgh suffer from the same problems, so I hope that they will be able to learn from Dalry Primary School. No parent should have to worry about their child walking to school.

Elaine Honeyman, Headteacher at Dalry Primary School, said: “The safety and wellbeing of our students is a top priority. 

By reducing traffic at pick-up and drop-off times, parents and children will feel more empowered to walk, wheel or cycle to school.

“Older pupils making their way to school on their own will be able to cross the roads much more safely. 

Limiting car access also reduces noise and air pollution, creating a more pleasant and sustainable atmosphere for both our school and the surrounding community.

Eilish MacKay, P7 Pupil at Dalry Primary School, shared her thoughts:I think this will improve safety around our school. 

“It will encourage more families to do exercise, and walk, cycle or scooter to school. 

“The improved width of the pavements will allow families to walk more safely without being squished up. 

“If we can reduce the traffic in the streets around the school, it will decrease the pollution and give us cleaner air to breathe.”

Dr Cecilia Oram, Head of Behaviour Change, Sustrans Scotland said:Creating a safe environment for young people is so important. Our latest Hands Up Scotland Survey revealed that nearly 50 percent of school pupils are travelling actively to school, either by walking, cycling, scootering or skating.

“Through the Temporary School Streets Fund, we can encourage even more families to leave the car at home in favour of cleaner air and safer streets.”

The school zone outside Dalry Primary School will reduce motor traffic on Cathcart Place and Springwell Place (where the school has its entrances) on school days between 8:15 and 9:15am, Mondays to Thursdays between 2:30 and 3:45pm and Fridays between 11:30 and 1pm.

Local access will continue for residents of Cathcart Place and Springwell Place, emergency services and blue badge holders. 

An online survey is available until 15 January 2024, where residents, parents and carers can share comments on the current safety levels of Springwell Place and Cathcart Place, alongside their feedback and suggestions for the school zone project.

The project is due to be delivered in March 2024.

Council responds Tram Inquiry

LESSONS LEARNED (of course) …

A report to Transport and Environment Committee has set out the Council’s understanding of the failures identified by Lord Hardie in delivery of the first phase of the tram project, and how lessons learned can ensure future delivery of major infrastructure projects can avoid similar issues.

This includes consideration of Lord Hardie’s recommendations relating to the Council, and an assessment of the consequences of the project’s failings, such as additional costs, disruption and impact on the Council’s reputation.

The report is accompanied by three other appendices covering: the financial cost and reporting of the tram project; whether any action is to be taken with employees as a result of the Inquiry’s findings and assurance of arrangements in place for Arm’s Length External Organisations (ALEO) and contractors; and an update on any possible legal action (the final to be considered in private).

These three reports will be considered by Governance Risk and Best Value Committee (GRBV) on 28 November and, along with the report to Transport and Environment Committee, will be referred to December’s Full Council for consideration.

Council Leader Cammy Day said: “Since the start of the Tram Inquiry we’ve completed the line to Newhaven and launched passenger services, the success of which was down to the hard work of the in-house project team and partners. It’s also thanks to lessons learned from the first project, and our own improvements to project management and governance, communication and independent oversight.

“It’s worth noting too that in the nine years since the line between Edinburgh Airport and York Place was built, the service has flourished to become a hugely successful transport route for thousands of residents and visitors each day.

“While we broadly agree with Lord Hardie’s recommendations, prior to the inquiry’s announcement we had already introduced processes and strategies to help avoid some of the problems experienced in the original tram project. Not only have we applied this in the construction of the line to Newhaven, but these lessons are hugely beneficial to other major infrastructure projects.

“Of course, scrutiny of the Inquiry’s findings has allowed us to provide further, robust assurance that we understand the factors that contributed to the difficulties in the first phase of tram delivery, and to build confidence in future infrastructure delivery. We want to make sure we continue learning and improving.

“We know that serious mistakes were made in the construction of the original tram line, which caused a great deal of disruption and concern for residents and businesses, as well as impacting the Council’s reputation. Once again, I want to apologise for this.

“Ultimately, creating a better connected, environmentally friendly transport system is essential for a modern, successful city and we need to transform the way people move around if we are to achieve our net zero goals.”

The Edinburgh Tram Inquiry report was published in September and provides an account of the original Edinburgh Tram project’s progress, identifying factors that contributed to difficulties in its delivery.

The independent inquiry was commissioned by the Scottish Government following the completion of the section of tram line between the airport and York Place in 2014. Its remit was to establish why the project was delivered years late, massively over budget and did not produce the promised ‘network’ – only part of one of the originally-promised lines was eventually delivered.

The Council’s response examines and acknowledges the findings made by the Inquiry, including those around governance, the need for independent legal advice and reporting practices. It also considers the implications for future project management.

While the report broadly agrees with Lord Hardie’s recommendation, it highlights that, since the original tram project, several processes and strategies have been put in place which have helped to avoid some of the problems experienced. It’s thanks to this approach, along with lessons learned from the original project, that we have successfully delivered the Trams to Newhaven line.


Read the full report and appendices, Response to the Edinburgh Tram Inquiry. Watch Transport and Environment Committee discuss the report live from 10am on Thursday, 16 November.

New laws to safely roll out self-driving vehicles across British roads

UK Government: Self-driving vehicles ‘will help make travel more convenient and accessible, improving the lives of millions of people who can not drive

  • new Automated Vehicles Bill puts UK at the forefront of regulation of self-driving technology, in boost to safety, investment and jobs
  • an estimated 38,000 new jobs to be created in the UK from £42 billion industry
  • self-driving vehicles will make transport more convenient and more accessible, improving the lives of millions of people

New laws introduced into Parliament yesterday (8 November 2023) will put safety at the heart of the roll-out of self-driving vehicle technology and position the UK as world-leaders of this exciting £42 billion industry.

As announced in the King’s Speech on Tuesday 7 November, the government’s new Automated Vehicles (AV) Bill will deliver one of the most comprehensive legal frameworks of its kind anywhere in the world for self-driving vehicles, with safety at its core.

The new safety framework will ensure clear liability for the user, set the safety threshold for legal self-driving and establish an in-use regulatory scheme to monitor the ongoing safety of these vehicles.

Self-driving vehicles could help reduce deaths and injuries from drink driving, speeding and driver tiredness, with 88% of road collisions having human error as a contributory factor. But before these vehicles are allowed on our roads, they will now have to meet or exceed rigorous new safety requirements, set out in law. 

The technology will also help make travel more convenient and accessible, improving the lives of millions of people who can not drive.

They can be used to better connect rural communities, improving access to essential services and reducing isolation. They can make last-mile delivery and long-haul freight services more efficient, reduce congestion and they can provide on-demand transport services.

This Bill will help cement the UK’s position as a global leader in this high tech and high growth industry, which could create up to 38,000 jobs.

It comes amid wider government funding and support for trials of self-driving technologies in the UK, like the £66 million Commercialising Connected and Automated Mobility fund which is supporting 20 projects in nearly 50 organisations to develop prototype passenger and logistics self-driving services.

Transport Secretary, Mark Harper, said: “Our new Bill ensures safety is at the heart of our plans to see self-driving vehicles on our roads, making the UK a great place to develop this technology. 

“We have the opportunity to put the UK at the forefront of a fast-growing, multi-billion-pound industry by providing the clarity and certainty for business to develop and invest in this exciting technology.

Transport Minister, Jesse Norman, said: “Today marks a landmark occasion as we usher in the future of transport, aiming at safer, greener and more efficient travel for all.

The AV Bill’s comprehensive legal framework has safety and the protection of the user at its core. This will be done through: 

  • creating a rigorous new safety framework: setting the safety threshold for self-driving vehicles in law, while giving government the tools it needs to enforce standards and hold companies to account
  • ensuring clear legal liability at all times: making companies responsible for how their self-driving vehicles behave on the road and protecting users from being unfairly held accountable
  • protecting consumers and the public: ensuring only vehicles that meet rigorous self-driving standards can be marketed as such

All self-driving vehicles will be required to undergo robust safety testing before they are permitted to drive on UK roads, and the AV Bill will ensure clear legal liability when a vehicle is driving itself by creating new legal entities responsible for self-driving.  

Every authorised self-driving vehicle will have a corresponding Authorised Self-Driving Entity– often the manufacturer – which will be responsible for the behaviour of the vehicle when self-driving. Companies will have ongoing obligations to keep their vehicles safe and ensure that they continue to drive in accordance with British laws.  

The Bill will prohibit misleading market practices, including around using ambiguous terminology in advertising material around whether their vehicles classify as self driving. Regulations under the Bill will set out specific terminology and symbols which will be reserved for marketing authorised self-driving vehicles. Unauthorised and improper use of this terminology will be against the law and a criminal offence. 

The laws implement the recommendations of the review of self-driving vehicle regulation carried out by the Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission. This landmark review brings together over 4 years of legal work, 3 rounds of public consultation, and hundreds of responses from a wide range of organisations and individuals. 

Alex Kendall, Co-founder and CEO of Wayve, said: “Today’s announcement that the government will bring forward legislation for self-driving signals to the global self-driving industry that the UK government is committed to fostering innovation for the future of transport.

“By setting out a clear path to commercialisation, new primary legislation for self-driving vehicles gives us the confidence to continue investing in research and development and growing our talent base here in the UK.

“We look forward to continuing to work with the government to cement the UK’s role as a global centre of excellence for self-driving technology that will make our roads safer and unlock new growth.”

HS2 North axed: Act of betrayal or exciting new opportunities?

  • UK Government to redirect vast HS2 savings into unprecedented transport investment across the country, benefiting more people, in more places, more quickly.
  • Scotland to benefit from funding to enable better links between the Cairnryan ferry terminals serving Northern Ireland and South West Scotland.
  • A total of £36 billion in savings from HS2 will be reinvested in hundreds of transport projects across the UK.

Network North will build better connectivity across the North and Midlands, with faster journey times, increased capacity, and more frequent, reliable services, according to the Westminster government.

And connections will also be strengthened across the United Kingdom, following recommendations made in the Union Connectivity Review.

Scotland will benefit from funding to solve the pinch points on the A75 between Gretna and Stranraer, providing better links between the Cairnryan ferry terminals serving Northern Ireland and southwest Scotland – recognising the importance of east-west connectivity within the UK.

The move comes alongside further investment in the connections with the M6 and Cumbria, and the A77 towards Glasgow.

Successive governments have promised it, but we ( the UK Government) are delivering long-awaited upgrades to the A1 coastal route between Newcastle and Berwick-upon-Tweed, improving the route to Edinburgh and strengthening transport links between Scotland and England.

We will continue to work with the Scottish Government to deliver the benefits of this investment package and improve connectivity across the country.

TUC slams Conservatives’ decision to axe northern leg of HS2 as a “huge act of levelling down”

Commenting on the prime minister’s speech to Conservative Party Conference, TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said: “The Tories have broken Britain. Today the Prime Minister confirmed what everybody already knew – he has neither a plan or vision for fixing it.

“Whether it’s failing to deliver HS2, presiding over the longest pay squeeze in modern history or record hospital waiting lists – the Conservatives’ record in government has been dire.

“We urgently need political change. The country cannot afford the Tories for one day longer. It’s time for a general election.”

Commenting on the decision to axe the northern leg of HS2, Paul said: “This a huge act of levelling down – however Rishi Sunak tries to spin it.

“The northern leg of HS2 would have created thousands of good jobs and boosted growth across the North and the Midlands.

“But these economic benefits have been squandered by the Conservatives’ gross incompetence. This failure is on them and them alone.

“The public will be rightly sceptical about more promises on transport investment for the north and the Midlands. Who can trust the Tories to deliver on anything?”

Briggs disappointment over Sheriffhall Roundabout inaction

Last week at the Scottish Parliament, Lothian MSP Miles Briggs called on SNP and Green Ministers to progress the A720 Sherrifhall roundabout.

At the start of February this year a Public Local Inquiry was carried out, to address objections which were received in relation to the project.

In his question, Mr Briggs asked if the Scottish Government has received any recommendations from the independent reporter.

In response, Minister for Transport Fiona Hyslop, said: “The Scottish Government has not yet received any recommendations from the independent reporter regarding the A720 Sherrifhall roundabout following that public inquiry, held between the 31st January and the 8th February 2023.”

Mr Briggs has previously called on SNP and Green Ministers to make progress on upgrades to the junction, with £120 million being earmarked for the project as part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.

The announcement on Thursday by Audit Scotland that the Scottish Government will not meet their infrastructure goals has raised concerns over the delivery of the project.

Lothian MSP Miles’ Briggs said: “I am disappointed to hear that and I think that people across Edinburgh and the Lothians and the South of Scotland as well, will really be wanting to see when those will be given to Ministers and how fast we can see this progress, because we need the A720 Sherrifhall roundabout to be upgraded.

“It is now over five years since the Sherrifhall Roundabout was included in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal. We need to see this upgrade urgently progressed.”

UK Government announces new long-term plan to back motorists

Plan for drivers ‘will sit alongside continued investment in public transport and active travel’

  • new long-term government plan will support drivers and put the brakes on anti-car measures
  • plan will address drivers’ everyday concerns with new measures to keep traffic moving, make parking simpler, and clamp down on overrunning road works
  • guidance to be reviewed on 20mph limits and low traffic neighbourhoods in England to ensure local support, ending blanket imposition of anti-driver policies

Transport Secretary Mark Harper has set out plans to protect drivers from over-zealous traffic enforcement, as part of a long-term government plan to back drivers.  

With 50 million people holding a driving licence in Great Britain and more than 40 million licensed vehicles in the UK, the government’s new plan will support the majority who drive, by keeping motoring costs under control and ensure people have the freedom to drive as they need to in their daily lives.

The measures include reviewing guidance on 20mph speed limits in England to prevent their blanket use in areas where it’s not appropriate and amending guidance on low traffic neighbourhoods to focus on local consent.

As part of the ongoing review into low traffic neighbourhoods, the government will also consider measures for existing anti-driver policies that did not secure local consent. The plans also aim to stop councils implementing so called ‘15-minute cities’, by consulting on ways to prevent schemes which aggressively restrict where people can drive.

Drivers across the country will also soon be able to benefit from new technology to simplify parking payments. The national parking platform pilot will be rolled out nationwide so that drivers can use an app of their choice to pay instead of downloading multiple apps.

In the continued drive to tackle potholes, the government will support councils to introduce more lane rental schemes, where utility companies are required to pay to dig up the busiest roads at peak times. Under the proposals, at least half of the extra money raised from these fees will go directly towards repairing road surfaces.

To further clamp down on overrunning street works, the government will consult on extending fines for repairs which run into weekends and increasing current levels of fixed penalty notices.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “For too long politicians have focused on the short-term decisions with little regard for the long term impact on hardworking families.

“We’ve seen this consistently with people’s freedoms on transport. The clamp down on drivers is an attack on the day to day lives of most people across the UK who rely on cars to get to work or see their families.

“This week the UK government will set out a long-term plan to back drivers, slamming the brakes on anti-car measures across England. We are taking the necessary decision to back the motorists who keep our country moving.”

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said:  “Too often the private car is vilified when it has been one of the most powerful forces for personal freedom and economic growth. That’s why the government is taking the long-term, necessary decision to back the motorists who keep our country moving. 

“We’re introducing a plan to ensure drivers can enjoy smoother journeys, park more easily and no longer face unfair and oppressive traffic enforcement measures.

“Our plan will sit alongside our continued investment in public transport and active travel as part of a package of measures designed to help people travel in the best way that works for them.”

A call for evidence will be launched on options to restrict the ability of local authorities to generate revenue surpluses from traffic offences and over-zealous traffic enforcement, such as yellow-box junctions.

To make life easier for drivers and help traffic flow better, the Department for Transport will strengthen guidance to make sure bus lanes only operate when necessary and a consultation will be launched on motorcycles using bus lanes. Further measures and the full plan will be published in the coming days.

The measures follow the Prime Minister’s new approach to net zero announced last week, which committed to ending the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2035, while supporting people who rely on their cars in their daily lives. The long-term plan to back drivers will protect people who rely on their cars from anti-driver policies.  

The plans also follow the government’s support for drivers by cutting the fuel duty rate by 5p per litre since March 2022, saving the average driver around £100 a year. This is in addition to £5 billion government investment since 2020 to resurface local roads, and new rules to clamp down on utility companies leaving potholes behind after street works.

Have your say on the future of West Edinburgh

People living in and interested in the future of the west of Edinburgh can take part in THREE public consultations just launched.

The city council is asking residents as well as those working and visiting the area how they think it could grow sustainably for future communities to be better connected, cleaner, greener and fairer for all.

Over the next few months there will be an opportunity to comment on three separate but linked key proposal documents:

Available to view together, these proposals could substantially develop the experience of living and moving around communities in the west of Edinburgh, helping the Capital to shape future planning policy and become a net zero city.

Towards West Edinburgh 2050 proposes how we could develop the area over the next 30 years. At this stage there are no detailed proposals but instead an overarching vision to be used as a starting point for discussion.

This has been informed by the city’s current City Plan 2030 (used to guide physical development and planning applications) and City Mobility Plan (for transport infrastructure) and, as the document develops, it will be used to evolve these plans over time.

The West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan is a consultation on development to the north of Gogarburn, extending from Eastfield Road in the west to Maybury junction in the east, with Edinburgh Airport and Turnhouse Road to the north.

There are a range of new opportunities for housing in this area as set out in City Plan 2030. The aim is to create a new 20 minute neighbourhood with a range of facilities which people will need to live well locally such as schools and medical centres.

Feedback on this document will be used to finalise a masterplan for this area which will go to the Planning Committee later this year for approval. The masterplan will then guide future planning applications.

Travel connections for those living, working and visiting west Edinburgh need to be improved, and to support future growth the Capital’s local authority is working with West Lothian Council to look at public transport and active travel links in the area along the A8/A89 between Broxburn to Maybury.

Known as Broxburn to Maybury Transport Improvements this is a major transport improvement project. The project is funded through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.

The plan is to have better connected communities with major employment, education, healthcare and leisure opportunities easily accessible. This will also make it easier for more people to make more journeys by bus or by cycling, walking or wheeling.

Council Leader Cammy Day said:The west of the city is an area of strategic importance locally, regionally and within Scotland and beyond.

“It has three waterways, major rail and tram routes running through it and is home to the city’s busy airport which has more than 11m passengers passing through it every year. Leisure plays a big part in the community too.

“Every year the Royal Highland Centre in Ingliston hosts many prestigious international and national concerts, conferences, and other events. There are also several major educational establishments serving students locally and from all over the world. This all makes it a popular place to live, work and study and we need to take action to respond to the opportunities and challenges this presents.

“We’re looking to create a new neighbourhood to the north of Gogarburn and so we’ve produced a proposed masterplan with a range of new opportunities for much needed affordable housing.

“We’re also using 20 minute neighbourhood principles as in the rest of the city to make sure future residents live well locally with schools, healthcare and leisure facilities nearby. Like other neighbourhoods in west Edinburgh this new community needs to be well connected to the rest of the city, the wider region and beyond through improved public transport links.

“It’s an exciting time for the west of Edinburgh and I’d encourage you all to give us your views, whether that is online or at one of the drop in events we’ll be promoting in the coming months.”

To take part in these consultations, visit www.edinburgh.gov.uk/westedinburgh2050.

New parking controls in Leith and Pilrig from next Monday

From Monday (26 June) new controlled parking zones will become operational in some streets in Leith, meaning you’ll need a permit or pay and display ticket to park.

Zones N7 (Leith Walk / Pilrig) and N8 (Leith and North Leith)

Zones N7 (Leith Walk / Pilrig) and N8 (Leith and North Leith) will be operational from 26 June 2023. Parking permits will be available for sale from 5 June.

The new controls will mean that, during the controlled hours Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm, all parking is controlled. During those hours all kerbside space will be managed by yellow lines or parking places. Some restrictions such as double yellow lines and some parking places llike disabled bays and car club bays operate 24 hours a day.

Most parking places will be a mix of permit holder only, shared use which can be used by permit holders and visitors paying to park and pay and display bays, with signage situated at each parking place confirming the restrictions that apply.

Pay and display

The parking charge for pay and display parking in Zones 7 and 8 will be £3.10 per hour.

The signage at the pay and display and shared use parking places will indicate the maximum stay period for paying customers.

Maximum stay periods do not apply to resident permit holders in shared parking places and the relevant RingGo parking code for that location.

Payment for parking can be made using the available pay and display ticket machines, or through the RingGo cashless parking service.

Please note that the new pay and display ticket machines will only accept contactless payments and will not be able to accept cash.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “New controlled Parking Zones which will soon become operational in some streets in Leith have been designed to protect residents’ parking.

“Controls aim to address issues like commuter parking, which people across the city have told us is a problem in their neighbourhoods.

“We’ve been writing to residents and businesses to keep them up to date on when the changes but I would also encourage anyone who lives in or visits the area to visit our website to find out more about the changes and to purchase a permit, if they need one.

“As part of our Strategic Parking Review officers have spent a great deal of time speaking to residents and gathering information on each area. Once in place, they’ll also be monitoring the impact of the changes to make sure they work for everyone.

“Parking controls don’t only help to maintain priority for residents, but protect against vehicle dominance, encouraging alternative modes of transport, while improving the safety and efficiency of the city’s streets.”

Find out more > https://edinburgh.gov.uk/parking/strategic-parking-review-1/4

Find out more about all of the parking restrictions that apply across Edinburgh.