Drumbrae Library Hub seeking donations to support Ukraine

Hello Library friends!

We have started a box for donations to help the people of Ukraine.

We are accepting:Sanitary products – nappies – dental hygiene – first aid kits – bandages – plasters – sterile gloves – wet wipes – canned food – baby formula – bottled water – dummies – baby blankets – regular blankets – thermals – waterproofs – candles – lighters – sleeping mats – sleeping bags – tents – camping pots – camping pans – camping cups – unopened painkillers – glucose tablets – water purifying tablets.

Any donations would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Granton Information Centre collecting donations for Ukraine

It is difficult to watch the events happening in Ukraine on the news without feeling helpless.

The charity GOCC Edinburgh are organising a collection for Ukrainians in need.

If you are able to help, you are welcome to leave donations of UN-OPENED toiletries, packets of nappies/sanitary products at Granton Information Centre’s office (134-138 West Granton Road, EH5 1PE) tomorrow morning between 9.30 – 12 midday and Thursday morning between 9.30 – 12 midday.

We will ensure all donations are safely delivered to GOCC Edinburgh on Thursday afternoon.

PLEASE NOTE we are only able to accept donations of the items listed above (no clothes, medicines, monetary donations, etc will be accepted at our office).

Additional items can be donated directly at the Foodplus stores mentioned in the flyer (below):

Ukraine crisis: Prime Minister announces further humanitarian aid

PM Boris Johnson announces £40 million of further humanitarian aid to Ukraine

  • £40m more aid released to provide vital medical supplies and other help to Ukraine
  • Assistance in addition to wider economic and military support bolstering the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion
  • Announcement follows PM discussions with President Zelenskyy and meeting with Ukrainian community leaders in London this weekend
  • The UK has stepped up its support to the people of Ukraine again today (Sunday) with the announcement of £40 million of further humanitarian aid to the country.

The funding will help aid agencies respond to the deteriorating humanitarian situation, creating a lifeline for Ukrainians with access to basic necessities and medical supplies such as medicines, syringes, dressings and wound care packs.

UK Government humanitarian experts have also deployed to the region to support those fleeing the violence in Ukraine.

On Saturday evening the Prime Minister spoke again to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy who updated him on the critical need for humanitarian assistance as people are forced to flee their homes and seek safety.

This evening he met Ukrainian community leaders at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in London to hear their stories about the impact of Russian violence on the people of Ukraine.

In response to the growing concern of Ukrainians living in the UK about their welfare of their families back home, today the Prime Minister also confirmed that any person settled in the UK will be able to bring their Ukrainian immediate family members to join them here. This will benefit many thousands of people who at this moment are making desperate choices about their future.

The UK also continues to support those Ukrainians who wish to remain close to home through logistical and humanitarian support to Ukraine’s neighbours.

The Prime Minister said: “In the last days the world has witnessed awe-inspiring displays of bravery and heroism from the Ukrainian people in response to those who seek to obliterate their freedom by force.

“The UK will not turn our backs in Ukraine’s hour of need. We are providing all the economic and military support we can to help those Ukrainians risking everything to protect their country.”

This latest assistance package brings the total amount of UK Government aid pledged to Ukraine this year to £140 million. Last week the Prime Minister also announced the UK would guarantee up to $500 million of loans to Ukraine through Multilateral Development Banks.

The UK also continues to supply defensive military equipment to the Ukrainian military to bolster their resistance against invading Russian forces.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said: “Putin’s regime has undertaken an illegal and violent assault against the people of Ukraine.

“The UK will provide £40 million in aid to help our Ukrainian friends, more funding to tackle what is becoming a humanitarian crisis.

“We stand with Ukraine, shoulder to shoulder, in its hour of need”.

Scotland also sends aid to Ukraine

Scottish Government to provide financial aid and medical supplies to Ukraine following Russian invasion

The Scottish Government will provide both financial aid and medical supplies to Ukraine following the illegal invasion by Russia.

Firstly, an initial £4m in humanitarian aid will be provided. As part of the global humanitarian efforts, this will help provide basic humanitarian assistance, including in health, water and sanitation, and shelter.

Officials are in discussions with humanitarian aid agencies to identify the best route to get this aid most quickly to those affected by the Ukraine crisis, including to those displaced by the invasion. 

In addition to financial aid, the Scottish Government will provide medical supplies to Ukraine.

The supplies provided are based on a list of urgently needed medical equipment, supplies and pharmaceuticals provided by the Ukrainian Government via their Edinburgh consulate.

The supplies to be provided will include anaesthetic machines, syringe pumps and bandages.

However, further work is underway to identify what further supplies can be provided and in what quantities, in order that they can be shipped to Ukraine as quickly as possible.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Scotland has given its unqualified support for Ukrainian independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and to the people of Ukraine as they bravely resist the unprovoked and illegal aggression of the Russian regime. 

“As a responsible and compassionate global citizen we will help with an initial £4 million in financial aid to provide essential help to those in desperate need.

“And we are also working with the Ukrainian government to provide medical supplies from stocks we hold. We are coordinating with other UK nations to ensure that these supplies get to where they are desperately needed as quickly as possible. 

“There will be much more that we need to do in the days to come. But one thing is already clear. Words of support are not enough. Ukraine needs our active help and support now, and we will provide as much practical support as possible, starting immediately.”

Scotland’s Humanitarian Emergency Response Fund is currently assessing the response capacity on the Ukraine crisis.

Further Economic Sanctions Targeted at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The UK government has announced its intention to take further restrictive economic measures in response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, by targeting the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR).

Following already announced sanctions measures aimed at imposing severe consequences on Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian economy, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in coordination with the Governor of the Bank of England, yesterday announced the UK Government’s intention to take further economic action against Russia by targeting the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR).

This action is taken in concert with the US and the European Union, to prevent the CBR from deploying its foreign reserves in ways that undermine the impact of sanctions imposed by us and our allies, and to undercut its ability to engage in foreign exchange transactions to support the Russian rouble.

The UK Government will immediately take all necessary steps to bring into effect restrictions to prohibit any UK natural or legal persons from undertaking financial transactions involving the CBR, the Russian National Wealth Fund, and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The UK Government intends to make further related designations this week, working alongside our international partners.

The Chancellor said: “These measures demonstrate our determination to apply severe economic sanctions in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“We are announcing this action in rapid coordination with our US and European allies to move in lock step once more with our international partners, to demonstrate our steadfast resolve in imposing the highest costs on Russia and to cut her off from the international financial system so long as this conflict persists.

The Governor of the Bank of England said: “The Bank of England continues to take any and all actions needed to support the Government’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“We welcome the steps taken today by the UK Government, in coordination with EU and US authorities, as an important and powerful demonstration of the UK’s commitment to the international rule of law.”

Ukraine Crisis: A message from the Refugee Council

This week, the pictures of traffic queues and desperate people trying to flee Ukraine reminded us all that, when you are fleeing for safety, you have no time to apply for a visa.

We know that, as someone who supports refugees and people seeking asylum, you will be concerned for the citizens of Ukraine. And for the millions of families who may be forced to make the heart-breaking decision to leave their homes in search of safety.

The Prime Minister has promised to welcome Ukrainian’s fleeing war and persecution. But we are deeply concerned that the Nationality and Borders Bill currently going through Parliament is in stark contrast to this promise.

We are calling on the UK Government to respond by strengthening safe and legal routes including a well-resourced resettlement program, expanding family reunion routes and creating humanitarian visas.

The Bill will undermine our obligation to give all who seek asylum a fair hearing on our soil by and uphold discriminating against refugees depending on how they reach our shores.

We are increasing our calls to the Government to rethink this harmful Bill  and uphold our proud record of helping those fleeing war and oppression.

As a country with a proud heritage of supporting people seeking protection, this is an opportunity for the United Kingdom to play a leading role in the international efforts to help those desperately in need.

Together we will continue to fight for the UK to become a more welcoming place for refugees and people seeking safety.

Thank you for standing with us,

Enver Solomon

Chief Executive – Refugee Council

Cost of living support for students

Students facing financial hardship due to the cost of living crisis and rising energy costs can apply for more support.

This week more than £5 million has been distributed to help Higher Education students in financial hardship with basics like heating and other household costs. This is part of a £37 million hardship funding provided by the Scottish Government since June 2021.

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) will meet colleges’ Further Education student support funding requirements, and have also provided a further £6 million for financial support for FE students, in this academic year.

Higher and Further Education Minister Jamie Hepburn has written to college and university principals, asking them to encourage students most in need to apply and to prioritise allocation of funding.

To further support students, Mr Hepburn has announced:

  • a £350 loan uplift for 2022-23 in higher education. This means that the most disadvantaged students can access £8,100 per year through bursary and loan
  • the introduction of a new 12 monthly payment option in 2022-23 for higher education students receiving the Care Experienced Bursary, so support is also available over the summer months

Mr Hepburn said: “Many students are facing higher energy bills and increased financial hardship as a result of the cost of living crisis.

“I have written to university and college principals asking them to ensure that discretionary funds remain accessible for students most in need and that in distributing funds, they should take account of the impact rising energy prices will be having on students, particularly those in private rented accommodation.

“I have also asked them to add students facing rising energy bills to the priority groups so they can access the funds. Students can also apply for support through the Fuel Insecurity Fund, which is distributed through third sector organisations.”

Mary’s Meals launches appeal for South Sudan

Charity calls for support to help more children affected by conflict

Mary’s Meals has launched an appeal to provide more school meals for desperately hungry children in South Sudan – the country with the world’s highest rate of children out of education.

Learning across South Sudan has been drastically hindered by years of violence and upheaval, with survival often taking priority over children attending school. Internal displacement, deep poverty and hunger mean that life for families is a real struggle.

  • Over 70% (2.2 million) of primary school aged children are not in education, with girls more likely to miss school.[1]
  • More than half (55%) of people have insufficient food intake.[2]
  • A third (31.3%) of children under five suffer from chronic malnutrition.[3]

Mary’s Meals is already feeding around 70,000 hungry children every school day in South Sudan. Now, the charity founded in a shed in Argyll, is appealing for support to reach even more hungry children with a nutritious meal at school.

Daniel Adams, executive director of Mary’s Meals, says: “Our nutritious meals are giving children in South Sudan the energy to learn, hope for a better future and some respite from the immense difficulty of everyday life.

“Mary’s Meals is one of very few organisations delivering desperately needed food to schools in this country. We are already feeding around 70,000 children every school day – and we are determined to reach even more little ones with our life-changing meals. To do this, we need your support.”

Mary’s Meals provides school meals for children living in some of the world’s poorest countries – including Malawi, Haiti, Ethiopia, Syria and Yemen. The promise of a daily meal attracts hungry children to the classroom, where they receive an education that can, in the future, be their ladder out of poverty.

In South Sudan, the charity works in partnership with local organisations, Diocese of Rumbek and Mary Help Association, to serve maize and beans to pupils at 114 schools in the Warrap and Lakes States regions, where thousands of people have fled to seeking refuge.

Moses, who works for Mary’s Meals’ partner Diocese of Rumbek, says: “Many schools were destroyed by the conflict. I have visited new primary schools that have been built far away from the towns, in make-shift sheds and under trees.

“I was there when we took the food to these communities. Words are not enough to describe the happiness of the children. They jumped with joy – dancing, singing and shouting. They were so eager to learn and attendance at the schools is rising because of the promise of a good meal.”

Abak and Aping’s story

Sisters Abak and Aping enrolled at school last year when Mary’s Meals set up a school feeding programme.

Aping (12) is in primary two. She says: “The only food we get in a day is from Mary’s Meals. That is what made us join the school since we don’t have food at home.”

The girls live with their grandmother. She is weak and ageing, but she does her best to provide modest shelter and love for the two girls who help tend a very small patch of land growing vegetables. When they are lucky enough to get a small harvest, they sell what they have to buy soap and salt.

To donate to the Mary’s Meals South Sudan Appeal, please visit:

marysmeals.org.uk/south-sudan-appeal or phone 0800 698 1212.

Care Home Operator to Provide Sanitary Products for Staff

Leading Scottish care home group, Renaissance Care, has set out plans to increase inclusivity and security among its workforce. 

The Group, which operates 16 care homes throughout Scotland with over 1,200 staff, launched the initiative in January with a commitment to supplying sanitary items for female staff in all its facilities with the provision of sanitary towels and tampons in all staff bathrooms.

The move is part of the group’s efforts to create a safe and happy working environment and comes following calls from The British Medical Association for these essentials to be accessible to all healthcare staff throughout Scotland.

Corinne Morrison-Gillies, Interim People Services, said: “Sanitary items are not a luxury; they are a necessity and should be treated as such by employers. The nature of our job in the care sector means our staff do not have regular working patterns therefore can easily be caught off guard by their menstrual cycle, adding undue pressure to what can be a challenging job. 

“Our staff work incredibly hard, and the last thing they should have to worry about is having access to, what we consider, bare essentials. By having free period products available in all our care homes we hope to remove barriers and create an open and safe working environment for our employees.”

Renaissance Care Group has a strong people service strategy which focuses on learning and development for individual staff members, as well as onus on creating a person-centered culture of inclusivity and care.

Scotmid Co-operative initiative helps young women in India

More than 40 young Indian women now equipped with new skills and regular income

Scotmid Co-operative has helped more than forty young women in India develop new skills and secure a regular income through a partnership with co-ops across the UK.

When the Delta variant hit India with devastating effect last year, Scotmid and a group of co-operative retailers collectively raised over £100,000 to support the crisis response, initially providing essential basic supplies, health kits and education.

The support evolved to helping young female workers to grow a sustainable future out of the pandemic through a two-year incubator programme to help them develop skills in journalism, graphic design, photography, new media, research methodology and report writing.

Pranaliben, a 20-year-old woman from Ahmedabad City, is one of the women who will benefit from this support. After completing her graduate studies from a local university, Pranaliben struggled to find sustained employment which was made worse by the pandemic.

Through her mother, a member of the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), she got in touch with SEWA Cooperative Federation and learnt about cooperatives. Now she is eager to work together with young women like herself and lead her own cooperative.

Co-operatives UK worked with the Co-operative College and Co-op News to co-ordinate the appeal, partnering with SEWA in India who are delivering the programme.

Mirai Chatterjee, Chairperson SEWA Cooperative Federation said: “Women in India mainly work informally meaning their earnings can be unreliable and as soon as the crisis hit many lost their income overnight.

“Thanks to the vital support provided by our co-operative friends in the UK, we’re helping them to form two grassroots co-operatives to create a sustainable livelihood for themselves.

“As well as learning technical skills in communications and research, around forty young women will develop leadership and business management skills, and we’re developing market links to help them secure regular work and provide income security.”

Harry Cairney, Scotmid President, said: “This worthwhile partnership demonstrates the strength of co-operation. We’re proud to be a part of this initiative to grant young women in India, like Pranaliben, the necessary skills and opportunities needed to secure a regular income.”

During the initial crisis period, £70,000 of the donation from Scotmid and other UK co-ops was used to provide emergency support. This included the distribution of 4,000 household health kits, with masks, soap and immune boosters distributed across eight states of India.

Lifesaving information about the symptoms and spread of Covid was also provided to families in rural and low-income urban areas – to dispel myths and provide accurate health information.

The remaining £30,000 is now being used to deliver a two-year programme supporting the development of two young women’s incubator co-operatives.

A grassroots media co-operative will support young women to build capacity in media, journalism, graphic design, photography and new media, whilst a second grassroots co-operative will focus on research, conducting surveys, focus group discussion and report writing. 

Scottish Government launches debt advice campaign

If you are struggling with problem debt and worried about how best to deal with it, you’re not alone. That’s the message from a new Scottish Government campaign, encouraging people in Edinburgh to get the help they need and are entitled to get their finances back on track.

Problem debt could come from credit card debt that has gotten out of control, overdraft fees or from unpaid bills. Anyone can run into debt problems, and it can quickly spiral to unaffordable costs. But there is a wide range of trusted organisations, free support and advice available to help Edinburgh locals take control of their debt and ease their money worries.

As a starting point to living and enjoying a healthier financial lifestyle, you can follow seven simple top tips and useful guides from the Scottish Government’s partners.

A new website, moneysupport.scot, from the Scottish Government includes information and links to free and impartial debt advice to help people take control and live a healthier financial life. There’s also information on other financial matters such as affordable credit options and eligibility for benefits.

Sharon Bell, Head of StepChange, said: “With many Scots worried about money and debt problems, it’s important that people don’t fear seeking support before they reach financial crisis.

“By getting in touch with us, it’s a small and vital first step to getting your finances back on track and dealing with your worries. We can help people access and utilise the resources they are entitled to and will be there to support for as long as they need.

“StepChange is proud to partner with the Scottish Government on this campaign to raise awareness of the free support and advice available. Our skilled team of debt experts will help people achieve long-term financial control.”



It’s hard facing up to problem debt and it’s easy for it to spiral. From missing payments to not opening bills or checking your statements you can quickly run into trouble and be left feeling anxious. By facing up to the facts, you can get the support you need and take back control of your finances.  Go to moneysupport.scot for help.


The sooner you ask for help, the sooner you can work towards tackling your debt and easing your money worries. Free and impartial advice is available from a range of trusted sources including Christians Against Poverty (CAP) who can advise you on practical solutions to a healthier financial life.


Everyone’s circumstances are different. By calling StepChange, you’ll be put straight through to an expert money advisor, who can provide free debt advice tailored specifically to your needs and they will be there for as long as you need them.


Creating a budget detailing your income and what you spend each month, let’s you clearly track your finances. National Debtline’sStepChange’s and Business Debtline all have useful planners available to download for free.


Understanding your ‘priority debts’ including rent can stop you facing serious consequences like being evicted. Citizens Advice Scotland has a useful guide to identify different types of debt and which ones you need to handle first.


Various schemes can assist you in paying back your debt with step-by-step assistance available from StepChange and National Debtline.


If your circumstances change such as losing your job, temporary solutions are in place to help manage your debt in the short term. National Debtline offer a useful digital guide on the various schemes in place to support you in seeking the help you may be entitled to.

For local advice and support contact Granton Information Centre – telephone 0131 552 0458 or 0131 551 2459 or email info@gic.org.uk

Help for people living with dementia

Extra £1 million will help people shape the services they need

A £1 million investment over two years will fund work with people with dementia and their families to design and shape the support they need following diagnosis.

The funding, part of the £120 million Mental Health Recovery and Renewal fund, will see the Scottish Government working with Age Scotland to enhance support giving people a bigger say in what works for them.

COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on people with dementia. Through this partnership with Age Scotland, the Scottish Government will grow the community support that have been so critical to people and their families during the pandemic.

Early investment will be focused on building community capacity with a small grant programme, with a broader community grant programme to follow in the second year.

Social Care Minister Kevin Stewart said: “During the latest phase of the pandemic I have listened to people with dementia and their families about the need for additional flexible support and investment to help address some of the particular challenges they are facing.

“COVID-19 has impacted all of us but I know just how challenging it has been for people living with dementia, their families and carers.

“Trying to reduce this impact is the basis of our Dementia and Covid Action Plan, which we have worked with a wide range of partners to implement, since its publication in December 2020.

“There is a lot of positive work to point to, and the pandemic has particularly highlighted the importance of community-led work, responding to local need. I want to build on this work and enable more local people and communities to design and shape the support they need.

“Through this partnership with Age Scotland we will invest an extra £1 million over two years to support local communities to do that.”

Brian Sloan, Chief Executive of Age Scotland, said: “We’re delighted to be working with the Scottish Government to deliver this funding, which will support the development of dementia-friendly communities across Scotland.

“The pandemic has compounded challenges faced by people living with dementia and their unpaid carers. This funding will help address some of these challenges by shaping communities that work for those who have lived experience of dementia.

“Our role is to bring the voices of carers and people living with dementia to the forefront as plans are developed, ensuring those voices are heard at every stage of the design and delivery process. By doing so, we can build communities that truly support and empower people living with dementia and those who care for them.”

Dementia and COVID-19: Action Plan