Nearly £50 billion invested in Scottish Government priorities

Funding to support the NHS, reduce carbon emissions and help tackle poverty

Almost £50 billion was spent by the Scottish Government last year on public services to help tackle child poverty, reduce carbon emissions, support the NHS and secure pay deals, according to newly published official figures.

The Provisional Outturn, which compares actual spending with the funding commitments set out in the Budget, shows that the Scottish Government spent £49.3 billion in the 2023-24 financial year. There was £292 million remaining – representing 0.6% of the Scottish Government’s total budget – all of which has been carried over through the Scotland Reserve to be directed towards priority areas in 2024-25.

In 2023-24 the Scottish Government:

  • spent nearly £5.2 billion on social security benefits. This includes £429 million on Scottish Child Payment, alongside funding to introduce Carer Support Payment in pilot areas, ahead of full roll-out in 2024, and to widen eligibility for Best Start Foods
  • invested more than £19 billion in health and social care, supporting recovery and reform to secure sustainable public services, while delivering a pay uplift for NHS staff
  • provided nearly £220 million to the Heat in Buildings Programme to help deliver greener and more energy efficient homes
  • continued providing Just Transition Fund grant funding, including £16.8 million for projects in the North-east and Moray regions, in addition to £3 million to help vulnerable global communities address loss and damage brought on by climate change
  • invested almost £422 million on bus services and concessionary fares, providing up to 2.3 million people in Scotland with access to free bus travel.

Public Finance Minister Ivan McKee said: “These figures show once again how this government is prudently and competently managing the public finances while delivering funding for the things that matter to people across Scotland, not least the NHS and action to tackle child poverty.

“The Scottish Government has consistently balanced its budgets each and every year. This represented a significant challenge last year, as the continued impact of persistently high inflation, pressure on public sector pay, backlogs as a result of the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine combined to place pressure on the public finances.

“We are not allowed to overspend, so must leave ourselves with the headroom to manage any unexpected shocks or issues. The remaining funding has been allocated in full in 2024-25, allowing us to implement measures at the most optimal time rather than being constrained to a single financial year.” 

Eradicating child poverty

£16M funding to expand access to childcare services

First Minister John Swinney has announced £16 million for childcare services to help deliver his vision of a Scotland free from child poverty.

In a statement to Parliament, the First Minister set out the four priorities that will underpin the work of his government. He said eradicating child poverty would be his government’s single most important objective.

Over the next two years, the Scottish Government will provide additional funding to expand access to childcare services within six Early Adopter Community (EAC) projects.

The funding will allow expansion into to new communities, including in Fife and Shetland, and inform what childcare should look like for younger children. The investment will support the development of local childcare systems that are designed to meet families’ needs, with funding targeted at those who are most at risk of living in poverty.

Earlier yesterday, the First Minister visited a breakfast club at Capshard Primary School in Kirkcaldy to see the impact of innovative school age childcare services which contribute to the eradication of child poverty and grow the economy, by helping parents and carers access the childcare they need to find and sustain good jobs.

Speaking in parliament, the First Minister said: “In modern Scotland, it should not be a struggle to find fair work or to raise a family. So for me, and for my government, eradicating child poverty and boosting economic growth, go hand in hand.

“Over the next two years, we will invest £16 million to tackle poverty and help families, by expanding access to childcare services within six Early Adopter Community projects.

“This investment will support low income families to enter and sustain employment, with funding targeted at those who are most at risk of living in poverty.”

Swinney to outline priorities for Scotland

Eradicating child poverty is FM’s central mission

First Minister John Swinney is to set out the priorities that will underpin the work of his government today (Wednesday, 22 May), focused on a central mission to eradicate child poverty.

In a statement to Parliament, the First Minister is expected to commit the Scottish Government to eradicate child poverty and to work with business and industry to grow the economy, invest in net zero and deliver stronger public services.

The First Minister will also make clear the need for bold and collaborative action across the Parliament, focused on the priorities of people in Scotland.

Ahead of the statement, the First Minister will meet pupils at a new breakfast club in Kirkcaldy in Fife. There he will see the impact of innovative school-age childcare services in contributing to the eradication of child poverty and growing the economy – by helping parents and carers access vital childcare to help find and sustain good jobs.

The First Minister said: “Eradicating child poverty will be the single most important objective of my government – and work in other priority areas will support and drive that mission.

“I intend to build on our record of delivery. Since 2007, economic growth, per head, and productivity have been stronger in Scotland than the rest of the UK, Scotland’s core A&E units are the best performing in the UK, and measures such as our Scottish Child Payment are estimated to keep 100,000 children in Scotland out of relative poverty this year.

“I am acutely aware of the economic and fiscal realities that we face and I want to take forward measures that will help people and their families to get on in life: to enable the people of Scotland to live happier, healthier lives.

“One of the benefits of long service in politics is having witnessed the Scottish Parliament when it is functioning at its very best. That happens when parties work constructively together.

“My government will do everything in our power – working with Members from across parties – to make child poverty a thing of the past.”

Choudhury plea to Scottish Government: Make housing a priority

Scottish Labour MSP Foysol Choudhury has implored the Scottish Government to make housing a priority in 2024.  

Mr Choudhury has raised concerns over the festive period that hundreds could sadly be faced with rough sleeping this winter, with many more at risk of homelessness or living in what he says is unsuitable temporary accommodation.  

Mr Choudhury says he is often inundated with casework where constituents are in poor quality temporary housing and are concerned about the lengthy waits for housing.  

It is reported that there could be almost 30,000 people facing homelessness this year. Recent budget plans, however, will see a real-terms cut in homelessness prevention funding for local authorities of £500,000. Mr Choudhury says that this is unacceptable and that the Scottish Government must make it a priority in 2024 to give local authorities sufficient funding.  

Mr Choudhury said:  “I am reiterating my plea yet again this festive season to the Scottish Government to increase funding to local authorities, so that Councils can ensure that they can meet the demand for housing and have the capacity to build more social housing. 

“We also must ensure that Councils have enough funding to make improvements and upgrades to current properties such as retrofitting, which could help improve conditions such as mould and damp which my constituents often report to me. 

“Nobody in Scotland should be forced into homelessness or have to endure seemingly endless waiting in unsuitable housing. 

“I am imploring the Scottish Government to ensure fair funding for local authorities so that they can invest what is needed in our social housing sector and I will continue to make it a priority to campaign for this in 2024.” 

Budget choices must prioritise hardest-up families, say child poverty campaigners

“Scandal of child poverty in a rich country must end” 

Scottish child payment must rise to £30 to protect lower income families who don’t benefit from proposed council tax freeze. 

Campaigners at the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland are calling for tax and spending decisions to do more to prioritise hard up families ahead of tomorrow’s Scottish budget.

With the proposed £300 million council tax freeze set to benefit better off households they say the very least that is needed to protect lower income families is a £58 million investment to raise the Scottish child payment to £30 per week. CPAG were one of over 150 signatories to a letter sent to the First Minister Humza Yousaf last month urging him to deliver the increase. 

The Scottish child payment, which currently provides a vital £25 per week extra support for children in lower income families, must by law be uprated in line with inflation.

However during the SNP leadership campaign the First Minister said he wanted to see it rise to £30 in his first Budget. In a pre-Budget briefing sent to all MSPs the campaigners say this is the “minimum extra investment that is needed to support lower income families and demonstrate the First Minister is genuinely ‘shifting the dial’ on child poverty.”

The group have also joined over sixty other groups today to call on all Scotland’s political leaders to build a fair tax consensus that can provide the social investment needed for ‘a more equitable, resilient, and prosperous Scotland’. They say the Scottish Budget must be a ‘pivotal moment for fundamental change.’ 

Speaking ahead of today’s budget statement John Dickie, Director of Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland, said; “Struggling families desperately need a budget that will provide immediate support as well as help meet statutory child poverty targets.

“Increasing the Scottish child payment to £30 is a cost-effective investment that would provide much needed financial support to the lower income families who get little if any benefit from the proposed council tax freeze.

“It would make a substantive impact and demonstrate the First Minister is genuine in his desire to ‘shift the dial’ on child poverty.” 

Recognizing the challenging fiscal backdrop Mr Dickie added: “Difficult budget choices will be needed. But the right choice is to prioritise tax and spending decisions that will help end the poverty that still blights the lives of tens of thousands of children across Scotland.

“We are a wealthy country and we need all our political leaders to work together to harness that wealth to end the scandal of child poverty in a rich country once and for all.”

Child Poverty Action Group is calling for a Scottish Budget that:

•    Increases the Scottish child payment at the very least to £30 per week from April 2024, as committed by the First Minister in his leadership campaign. This investment is supported by the Children and Young People’s Commissioner and over 150 trade unions, faith groups, children’s charities and community organisations from across Scotland. 
•    Ensures sufficient resources are harnessed and allocated to fund the wider measures (including on childcare, employment and housing) set out in the statutory child poverty delivery plan – Best Start, Bright Futures.
•    Provides additional cash payments to families impacted by the two-child limit and the under 25 penalty in universal credit.
•    Invests in childcare so not only can the actions in Best Start, Bright Futures be delivered, but every parent can access the childcare they need, when they need it. 
•    Is bold in using tax powers in a progressive way to ensure sufficient resources are available to fully deliver on the actions that are needed to tackle child poverty. 

New Chief sets out her priorities for Police Scotland

Scotland’s new Chief Constable Jo Farrell promised to prioritise trust, confidence, high performance, and officer and staff wellbeing as she took command of the national police service today (Monday, 9 October).

Chief Constable Jo Farrell pictured smiling in front of a police vehicle outside Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan.

Chief Constable Farrell made a commitment to focus on threat, harm, and risk, and on prevention and problem solving, during a swearing in ceremony at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan.

She also committed to prioritising the wellbeing of Police Scotland’s officers and support staff.

Chief Constable Farrell said: “I believe passionately in the value policing brings to our communities: keeping people safe from harm, protecting the vulnerable, bringing criminals to justice, solving problems, and reducing offending. We stand up for and with our communities, which strengthens them, improves their wellbeing, and allows them to prosper.

“My operational focus is on threat, harm, and risk. Police Scotland will focus on prevention, problem solving and proactivity, and on looking after our hard-working officers and staff so our people can deliver our vital public service.

“Police Scotland is a highly credible public sector organisation known for its compassion and it attracts huge public support. It is a privilege to be entrusted with the leadership of so many talented, professional, and courageous police officers, staff, and volunteers.”

Chief Constable Farrell also underlined her determination to drive an anti-discriminatory agenda after former Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone’s statement that Police Scotland was institutionally discriminatory.

She said: “I know the acknowledgement of institutional discrimination is a difficult message for many dedicated and honourable officers and staff.

“Having considered Sir Iain’s reasons, I agree Police Scotland is institutionally discriminatory. People with different backgrounds or experiences, including our officers and staff, have not always received the service that is their right.

“The onus is on us to challenge bad behaviour and prejudice, address gaps and eradicate bias, known or unwitting, at every level. Our Policing Together programme drives this moral, legal and operational imperative so that we maintain and build confidence with all communities.

“I will bring my support and leadership to this work and our success will be measured by the improved experiences of our officers and staff, and of the public.”

Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs Angela Constance said: “I am delighted that the new Chief Constable Jo Farrell has been appointed to the role. It is very clear from the rigorous selection process, led by the Scottish Police Authority, that she has the leadership and skills that are essential to head our national police service and to meet the opportunities and challenges ahead.

“There is much to be proud of within the UK’s second biggest police service – which is in a strong place as the new Chief takes up her role.

“Police Scotland’s officers and staff and their commitment to serving our communities are the bedrock of the service’s success. From crime, road policing, missing persons, prevention, partnership, dealing with increasing vulnerability in communities, and many other areas – their work should be a source of pride and confidence for our country.

“Both the First Minister and I look forward to formally welcoming the new Chief. I am sure we will forge a strong partnership, founded on a shared desire to continue the delivery of sustainable excellence within Scotland’s police service.”

Scottish Police Authority Chair Martyn Evans said: “The Authority is delighted the new Chief Constable is now in post and we look forward to working closely with her and the wider leadership team in the months ahead.”

Chief Constable Farrell led Durham Constabulary as Chief since 2019 having been Deputy since 2016 and having served in Northumbria Police since 2002. She started her career in Cambridgeshire Police in 1991.

Justice of the Peace Gillian Thomson accepted the Declaration of a Constable, an oath set out in law that every holder of the office of Constable in Scotland promises to faithfully discharge their duties with fairness, integrity, diligence, and impartiality, and to uphold human rights and accord equal respect to all people.

This morning, Chief Constable Farrell chaired a meeting with the Force Executive to set out her priorities and approach before meeting with probationary Constables and hosting a virtual session with Divisional Commanders in the afternoon.

Chief Constable Farrell’s leadership follows the retirement from policing of Sir Iain in August, following 31 years’ service, including six as Chief.

Building a new Scotland: Embedding rights into the Constitution

First Minister: Equality and rights at the heart of an independent Scotland’s Constitution

An independent Scotland would have a constitution based on the sovereignty of the people and reflect Scotland’s values as a modern, democratic European nation from day one, according to plans outlined by the First Minister Humza Yousaf.  

The fourth paper in the ‘Building a New Scotland’ series, sets out how a written constitution developed by the people in Scotland could put rights and equality at its heart, including by protecting the right to strike and giving constitutional recognition to the NHS. 

Speaking at the launch of the new prospectus paper, First Minister Humza Yousaf said: “This fourth publication in the ‘Building a New Scotland’ series sets out the Scottish Government’s proposals for how people in Scotland can create a written constitution that puts democracy, rights and equality at the heart of everything we do as an independent country.  

“To be a success, our written constitution must be one that the people in Scotland believe in, giving them the direct opportunity to shape and build a better country. It must also have the collective authority of the nation, so that those in power accept that, under the constitution, they are accountable to the people.  

“Independence would give Scotland the ability to create a constitution that provides recognition of the NHS in Scotland, giving people the right to access a system of health care, available free at the point of need.

It would allow Scotland to continue its progressive approach to human rights and equality, without the current restrictions of the devolution settlement and without the threat of the UK Government overruling our decisions or unwinding our advances.

This would ensure that our human rights and equality protections could cover all policy areas, including those currently reserved. 

“With independence, we can build a better country on that fundamental right of every person in Scotland to be treated equally, and with a written constitution, Scotland can build a new home for democracy, rights and equality.” 

The Scottish Conservatives, the main opposition party at Holyrood, are unsurprisingly less than impressed with the SNP’s priorities.

They say the Scottish government is spending over £1.4 million of taxpayers’ money to fund independence campaigning. The Tories believe this is a waste of public money when our NHS and schools are struggling.

First Minister’s speech – 19 June 2023 

Paper: Creating a modern constitution for an independent Scotland 

First Minister to convene anti-poverty summit

Targeted action to further tackle poverty and inequality in Scotland will be the focus of discussion at a summit convened by the First Minister later this week.

The anti-poverty summit will bring people together from a variety of backgrounds – those with lived experience of poverty, the third sector, academics, campaigners, local government, business, and cross-party representatives of the Scottish Parliament.

Attendees will share expertise, experiences and ideas that can be used in a collective effort to drive progress and reduce inequality across Scotland.

The First Minister said: “Tackling poverty and protecting people from harm is one of the Scottish Government’s three key priorities.  

“Working within our limited powers and fixed budget, the Scottish Government has already taken a range of actions that are making a real difference, with almost £3 billion allocated both last year and this year to support policies which are helping to tackle poverty and protect people as far as possible during the cost of living crisis.

“Our five family payments, including the Scottish Child Payment, could be worth more than £10,000 by the time an eligible child turns six. This compares to less than £2,000 for eligible families in England and Wales, with Scottish support providing over £20,000 by the time an eligible child is 16 years old.

“There is also much more to be done to reverse the impact of the UK Government’s policies of austerity and lack of concrete action on the cost of living crisis, which have contributed to rising poverty across the UK.

“While the Government’s actions and ideas to tackle poverty are extremely important, I also want to hear fresh ideas about what else we could be doing together. Nothing should be off the table, and I am ready to lead an honest and frank discussion on Wednesday.

“I firmly believe that all of us across society want Scotland to be the best place to grow up and the best place to live. I am determined to harness that shared ambition so we leave no stone unturned in the drive to create a more equal and more socially just Scotland.”

The summit will take place in Edinburgh on Wednesday 3 May.

Delivering for Scotland: New ministers ‘will take a bold approach’

The First Minister chaired the first meeting of his new Scottish Cabinet in Bute House yesterday, charging Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers to take a bold approach to delivering for Scotland.

Cabinet had a substantive discussion on the priorities of the government, ahead of the First Minister giving a planned statement to parliament immediately after recess. They had a further conversation around the budget that will underpin those priorities.

Friday’s discussion highlighted the importance of being an open, accessible government through engagement with the public and stakeholders and by reaching out to members of other parties in a genuine spirit of collaboration.

It also stressed the importance of building relationships with counterparts in other devolved administrations and the UK Government.

Cabinet members also reflected on their experiences in their previous ministerial portfolios and how that often brings useful perspective when taking on roles in different areas of government.

As always, a discussion on the immediate issues Cabinet members will be addressing in the coming weeks took place.

First Minister Humza Yousaf said: “I was pleased to welcome new and returning Cabinet members to our first meeting this morning. I was clear to them that I want Cabinet to be a forum for open and honest discussion.

“We all look forward to reaching out to stakeholders, the business community, opposition parties and the wider public in a spirit of genuine collaboration.

“This government has a strong track of taking forward ambitious and radical policies and reforms over the last few years, against a backdrop of austerity, economic uncertainty and of course the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Under my leadership the Ministerial team have been tasked with taking a bold approach to how we govern – not just in addressing the challenges facing the people of Scotland, but also maximising the opportunities of our many strengths.

“Our key priorities will include eradicating poverty and delivering a wellbeing economy underpinned by sustainable public services.

“I will set out more detail to parliament following Easter recess – but in the next couple of weeks, Cabinet members will be busy getting down to work on the immediate issues in their portfolios.”

Next First Minister must halt exodus from NHS dentistry

The British Dental Association has warned the future of NHS dentistry in Scotland is in doubt, and action here must be high on the agenda for the next First Minister. 

A devastating new survey of dentists across Scotland reveals:

  • An exodus is in motion. 59% of dentists say they have reduced the amount of NHS work they undertake since lockdown – by an average of over a fifth.This movement is going unseen in official data, which counts heads, not commitment, and gives the same weight to a dentist doing a single NHS check-up a year as an NHS full timer
  • Over 4 in 5 (83%) now say they will reduce – or further reduce – their NHS commitment in the year ahead. Over a third (34%) say they will change career or seek early retirement.
  • Just 1 in 5 (21%) say their practices have returned to pre-COVID capacity. 61% cite recruitment problems as an issue, over two thirds (67%) cite treating patients with higher needs requiring more clinical time.
  • A sustainable model must be in place come October. 90% cite financial uncertainty as having a high impact on their morale.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf recently stressed NHS staffing was “at a historically high level”, with ‘record’ numbers of dental staff in hospitals alongside medics and allied health professionals. However, NHS Education for Scotland data indicates an 8% drop in high street NHS dentists delivering care since lockdown, a fall from 3,038 in March 2020 to 2,791 in September 2022.

The BDA stress even this fall understates the full scale of losses in light of this new survey evidence. The Scottish Government has never attempted to make a ‘Whole Time Equivalent’ estimate of the NHS dental workforce. Most dentists combine NHS and private work, and the BDA warn that without these estimates movement to the private sector is going undetected, and workforce planning is effectively impossible.

NHS dental care free at the point of use remains a central Scottish Government policy. BDA Scotland has long warned that any return to the service’s ‘business as usual’ model – low margin and high volume – will put practices under huge financial pressure and will likely lead to closures or movement to the private sector, with many practices left delivering some NHS care at a loss.

The SNP leadership election has seen key deadlines to reform this broken system move. The profession had anticipated the Scottish Government would reveal changes to the payment model on 1 April, that would be rolled out from October. 

The BDA stress a sustainable model must be in place come October, when the current bridging payments that uplifted NHS fees finally lapse, exposing many NHS practices to unsustainable costs.

David McColl, Chair of the British Dental Association’s Scottish Dental Practice Committee, said: “Behind hollow boasts on record workforce numbers is a service that is hollowing out.

“The majority of dentists have pared down their NHS work, and many more are set to follow. It’s an exodus that’s going untracked by government but is the inevitable result of working to a broken system.

“NHS dentistry’s survival requires rapid action, with meaningful reform and sustainable funding. 

“The steps taken in the next First Minister’s First Hundred Days will determine whether this service will have a future.”

Online poll of General Dental Practitioners in Scotland, Fieldwork February 2023, 526 respondents:

What changes in your working life do you anticipate in the next 12 months?                                                             % Net Likely      n

I will reduce my personal NHS commitment        83%                   439

I will change career/seek early retirement           43%                   178

Approximately what proportion of your income was NHS based prior to March 2020?

                                                      %                       n

100% (exclusively NHS)              4%                     23

90-99% (NHS)                             43%                   227

80-89% (NHS)                             23%                   122

70-79% (NHS)                             13%                   69

60-69% (NHS)                             4%                     22

50-59% (NHS)                             4%                     22

40-49% (NHS)                             2%                     11

30-39% (NHS)                             1%                     3

20-29% (NHS)                             2%                     12

10-19% (NHS)                             1%                     4

1-9% (NHS)                                 2%                     9

0% (exclusively private)             0%                     2

Approximately what proportion of your income was NHS based now?

                                                      %                       n

100% (exclusively NHS)              2%                     8

90-99% (NHS)                              25%                   134

80-89% (NHS)                              19%                   98

70-79% (NHS)                              14%                   71

60-69% (NHS)                              9%                     48

50-59% (NHS)                              11%                   60

40-49% (NHS)                              6%                     32

30-39% (NHS)                              4%                     20

20-29% (NHS)                              4%                     20

10-19% (NHS)                              3%                     16

1-9% (NHS)                                  3%                     16

0% (exclusively private)             1%                     3

309 respondents reported a fall in NHS work between March 2020 and February 2023 – with an average drop of 22%.

Please estimate your practice’s current overall capacity compared to pre-COVID levels.

100% (my practice is at full capacity)                 21%                  111

90-99%                                                                    17%                   91

80-89%                                                                    22%                   116

70-79%                                                                    19%                   102

60-69%                                                                    10%                   54

50-59%                                                                    4%                     21

40-49%                                                                    0%                     2

30-39%                                                                    0%                     2

20-29%                                                                    1%                     4

10-19%                                                                     0%                    2

1-9%                                                                         0%                    2

0% (my practice is not operating)                               0%                    0

Don’t know                                                                4%                    19

What factors would you say are constraining your practice from operating at pre-COVID capacity (select any that apply)

                                                                                          %                       n

Recruitment and retention problems for dentists                    61%                  304

Patient cancellations/Did Not Attends                                     44%                  220

Ongoing Infection Prevention and Control restrictions            18%                   93

Staff sickness                                                                           43%                   213

Higher needs patients requiring more clinical time                   67%                  336

For each of the statements below please rate the impact each currently has on your morale working as a dentist

                                                                             Net High impact %                     n

Inability to provide pre-COVID levels of care       61%                                           321

Financial uncertainty                                            90%                                           472

Patient Anger/Abuse                                            67%                                           352