Calling all community activists in Newhaven / Trinity / Granton / West Pilton – can you share your ideas about how decisions should be made on heating system changes coming within 5-15 years?
– How to tackle fuel poverty? Stop energy leaking out of homes!
– After gas … what? Heat pumps or heat networks?
These are big technical options being discussed right now by the Scottish Government and the City Council.
– Do you want a say in the new arrangements the infrastructure needed?
– Share your views on what will happen when gas no longer heats homes / workplaces.
– Could a Local Place Plan / a Local Energy Plan help?
This online workshop is for community organisers and residents interested in the issues. It will inform future funding applications and support for community organisations looking to take control of their journey to a low carbon future.
Invitation to Participate in Community Planning Transformation and Improvement Stakeholder Engagement Session
The Edinburgh Partnership agreed to look afresh at the role of Community Planning in Edinburgh to maximise the relationships between public sector agencies and the voluntary and community sectors to address poverty and inequality and the climate and nature emergency.
We need your views to help shape the future of community planning in Edinburgh.
These sessions aim to bring together key partners to discuss, plan, and drive forward positive changes for communities. Your insights and contributions are highly valued, and we would be pleased if you could join us.
Spaces are limited, so we encourage you to book your place as soon as possible to secure your spot at your preferred session.
To register, please email with your name, contact details, and the date of the session you would like to attend:
Wednesday, 23rd October | 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM | St. Bride’s Community Centre
Thursday, 24th October | 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM | West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre
Monday, 28th October | 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Microsoft Teams
On 7 October, we’ll be launching our Poverty in Scotland 2024 report.
A key event in annual Challenge Poverty Week, this year’s report looks in detail at how the social security system is impacting on households in Scotland, as well as offering an overview of poverty rates in Scotland for different demographic groups.
Social security is an area where both the UK and Scottish Governments can have a huge positive impact on people’s lives. But how can policymakers in Holyrood and Westminster make the necessary changes to reduce the hardship faced in Scotland?
Find out at our launch event, available to join in person and online!
Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, 99 George St, Glasgow, G1 1RD
The Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) and Save a Life for Scotland (SALFS) are calling for members of the public to learn CPR and help set a Guinness World Record on Thursday 10th October.
A livestream event – Restart a Heart Live – will be hosted on YouTube and needs 1,500 people to tune into one of the sessions to set the new record. Members of the public are encouraged join one of the sessions, which are running on the hour from 9am to 8pm.
In addition to CPR training, each 25-minute session will provide education on how to use a defibrillator and what to expect when you dial 999.
The world record attempt is being led by Lee Myers, SAS Paramedic Clinical Team Leader who has trained hundreds of primary and secondary students across the Scottish Borders in CPR skills and defibrillator awareness over his career so far.
Lee said: “Currently only one in ten people in Scotland survive an out of hospital cardiac arrest and the likelihood of that person surviving drops by 10% for every minute someone does not attempt CPR. The key to more people surviving is training in schools and with the public.
“Through Restart a Heart Live we want to train as many people as possible in how to do hands only CPR and how to use a defibrillator. By taking part in this training, we hope that people will have the confidence to attempt CPR on someone who’s life depends on it. So, join us on Thursday 10th October to support your community and be part of a Guinness World Record attempt.”
Lisa MacInnes, Director of the Save a Life for Scotland campaign said: “Learning how to help someone in the event of a cardiac arrest is one of the ways we look out for each other.
“Everyone in Scotland should know how to do CPR and use a defibrillator. Join us on October 10th to learn how.”
Stop It Now! Scotland and NSPCC Scotland are today (Wednesday, March 15, 2023) hosting ‘Public Health Approaches to Preventing Child Sexual Abuse’
The online event will look at the evidence on preventing sexual abuse and what could be done in Scotland to better protect children before abuse begins and to help with their recovery
Stop It Now! Scotland and the NSPCC are calling on the Scottish Government to develop a national strategy to tackle child sexual abuse that focuses on prevention to make the country a safer place to grow up.
The two charities, which are today hosting an event in partnership with the Scottish Parliament, say working together to stop the abuse from happening in the first place will prevent the devastating impact it has on the mental health of children and adult survivors.
They are urging the Scottish Government to develop a comprehensive and coordinated national approachto prevent child sexual abuse, which involves health, police, education, community safety, children’s services, social services, housing and the wider community. The child protection charities say it is vital that everyone understands what child sexual abuse is and knows how they can be part of preventing it.
A review of UK data revealed that 15 per cent of females and 5 per cent of males will experience some form of sexual abuse before the age of 16. This means at least 80,000 children in Scotland will have been affected by this issue before they leave high school. Although this is thought to be an under-representation of the scale of the problem and the actual number of children who have experienced sexual abuse in Scotland is not known.
The charities say that to understand the numbers of children in Scotland affected and the scale of the suffering it is crucial that a prevalence survey is conducted. At the event, leading experts will discuss current evidence on preventing child sexual abuse and explore the next steps needed to make Scotland the safest country for children to grow up.
Joanne Smith, NSPCC Scotland’s Policy and Public Affairs Manager, said: “Child sexual abuse has a devastating impact on people’s lives.
“The response, to date, has focused largely on bringing perpetrators to justice and providing some children with therapy and support. But we believe that as a society our focus should be on preventing child sexual abuse before it occurs, before people at risk of abusing become offenders, and before potential victims become actual victims. Understanding child sexual abuse, and what causes it, is a vital step towards developing effective prevention strategies.”
Stuart Allardyce, Director, Lucy Faithfull Foundation / Stop It Now! Scotland, said: “We are calling on the Scottish Government to carry out a dedicated prevalence survey to identify the levels of sexual offending against children in Scotland, alongside a national strategy for tackling child sexual abuse.
“We know that sexual abuse has an enormous impact on the mental health outcomes for children and adult survivors and the economic costs for the criminal justice system.
“We believe sexual harm towards children and young people could be reduced if we focused more on prevention, including therapy being offered to adults who are worried about their sexual thoughts and feelings towards children.”
Childlight, based at the University of Edinburgh, also launches the first comprehensive global data repository today, which will look at all forms of child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA), with the aim of being able to show the scale and nature of this abuse.
The international team, made up of experienced individuals from academia, the private sector, law enforcement and non-governmental organisations, will produce an annual report, global dashboard and index with the data that can be used by tech companies, law enforcement agencies and those who work in child protection so they can take action to prevent CSEA.
Speakers at the online event will include:
Professor Elizabeth Letourneau, Moore Centre for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, School of Public Health, John Hopkins University
Pat Branigan, Assistant Director – Together For Childhood – NSPCC
Stuart Allardyce, Director, Lucy Faithfull Foundation / Stop It Now! Scotland
MSP Clare Haughey, Minister for Children and Young People
Children and young people can contact Childline for free, confidential support and advice 24 hours a day online at or on the phone on 0800 1111.
Anyone with concerns about a child’s wellbeing can contact the NSPCC Helpline on The NSPCC practitioners provide free and confidential help and advice and can take appropriate steps to help keep children safe. If a child is in immediate danger, please call 999.
We know everyone is busy, so this event is taking place online to fit in around family, work and life. It’ll only take 1 hour and will be informative.
Did you know Edinburgh North East Scouts has almost 100 young people on a waiting list to join?
And they need new helpers to support their 14 Scout Groups in Portobello, Craigentinny, Craigmillar, Duddingston, Calton, Joppa, Stockbridge, Pilrig, Broughton, Trinity, Leith, Newhaven, Wardie and Willowbrae.
Sign up for this event to find out about the exciting things the Scout Groups get up to and flexible volunteering opportunities.
Demand by young people to join Scouts in the Edinburgh North East area is good with youth waiting lists growing. However, they need new adult volunteers to reduce the waiting list and enable more local young people to benefit from Scouting.
Edinburgh North East Scouts is looking to the local community and organisations to help change the lives of local young people. They are appealing for help to reduce the youth waiting list and support 100 more young people to benefit from Scouts.
Scouts is only possible thanks to superstar volunteers – ordinary people, like you, making an extraordinary difference in young people’s lives. They are looking for new adult volunteers to assist their existing leader and executive team.
So please consider what you can do and if you know anyone who may be willing to get involved and ask them to come along to the event too. It is possible that they may consider a job share if that was of interest to you?
Scouting has a reputation for helping young people to develop resilience, a positive character, respect for others, good community skills, as well as physical and mental fitness. Can you help inspire the doers and give it a goers of the future?
FACT 1: There are 14 Scout Groups in the Edinburgh North East area and they all want to provide more Scouting to more local young children. FACT 2: You don’t need to have any specific skills or be Bear Grylls to lend a hand. FACT 3: They have a collective youth waiting list of almost 100. FACT 4: If you volunteer as a Leader to get involved now then they can look at how your child could get automatic entry into their preferred Scout Group. FACT 5: You don’t have to have previous Scouting experience to get involved.
As a District, they want to offer your child and other local children across the Edinburgh North East area the chance to participate in all the fun experiences and adventures they do in Scouting week to week such as, camping, fire-lighting, climbing and abseiling, and yes, learning how to tie and use knots (these will come in handy in later life!).
Are you passionate about seeing local young people succeed? Are you a team player with a positive, can-do attitude? Do you enjoy fun activities? Do you want to do more in your community?
Are you more of a ‘behind the scenes’ person? Do you have a skill or hobby you can share? Then this event is right up your street. Scouts has the opportunities – you just show up, get stuck in and make memories for life!
We all have the power to help young people to realise their potential. You don’t need to have been a Scout when you were younger.
You don’t even need to know how to put up a tent. Their door is open to people of all ages, genders, races and backgrounds, and they’re only able to change lives because people like you lend a hand.
There’s lots of ways you can get more involved with Scouts as a parent, carer or family member. From helping out occasionally on a family rota or as part of their Executive Committee to stepping up as a leader, their volunteering activities are as varied as you.
The good news is you shape what you do and the time you have to give. Scouts happens when a lot of us give a little … and no, you don’t have to be a Scout or outdoors expert to volunteer.
Most of their volunteers work directly with young people aged 6-18 through their Beaver, Cub and Explorer groups – helping young people gain skills for life through fun activities.
District Commissioner, Rob Whitelaw, said: “This isn’t a job application, and you certainly don’t have to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls to get involved with Scouting and in fact not many of our volunteers are!
“Do you have first aid knowledge? Are you good with numbers? Handy in the kitchen? Or are you a DIY whizz? We all have useful skills, and you can volunteer and help in many ways.
“Are you ready to inspire a generation of young people to experience fun, friendship and real adventure? The opportunities to volunteer with us are flexible. Think of something you’d like to do, and chances are it’s just what we require.
“Whatever your skills, experience and interests, we can find a role for you!”
Sign up for the online information evening on Tuesday 29th November at 7.30pm here:
Community and voluntary organisations are invited to hear about the work going on to support people from Ukraine arriving in Edinburgh.
Find out about the strategic and operational work that the community and voluntary sector is involved in to ensure a warm welcome to Edinburgh for the people of Ukraine, hosted by Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council.
Find out about the strategic and operational work that the community and voluntary sector is involved in to ensure a warm welcome to Edinburgh (and Scotland) for the people of Ukraine.
For several weeks Volunteer Edinburgh and EVOC have been involved in daily meetings with statutory partners to ensure we are helping the sector develop a strategic role and offer support on every level for the people arriving in our city.
The Ukrainian community and many community partners are also doing amazing work, as you would expect.
This online event will include representatives from:
Ukrainian Community
Community and voluntary sector organisations already delivering support
City of Edinburgh Council
Capital City Partnership
Welcome & Introduction: Bridie Ashrowan
Panel Q&A with the representatives above (please submit any questions in advance to
If your organisation would like to play a part, please get in touch:
Find out about other support available for people from Ukraine here.
EVENT LINK: This event will take place on MS teams and the link will be sent out after registration closes.
EVOC & EHSCP invite you to a shared learning and networking event focused on building partnerships and networks in Edinburgh’s NW Locality.
Hosted by EVOC and the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, this is one of four locality-based events focusing on how we can develop relationships and referral networks to improve support for clients – particularly those who might benefit by engaging with local organisations to explore preventative and early intervention ‘Conversation 1’ type activities.
Dr Linda Irvine-Fitzpatrick, EVOC’s Bridie Ashrowan andthe NW Locality Manager will discuss the interconnections and learning from the Three Conversations Model, The Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact and work within communities.
Here’s some of that wonderful feedback we received last year:
“So much out there – great to come up to date with the resources and look at the potential supports.”
The College is hosting the event both online and in-person at its Sighthill Campus from 8.30am with the aim of showcasing training opportunities available to SMEs and large companies through the Flexible Workforce Development Fund (FWDF).
The information event, taking place on Thursday 24 February 2022, will see business delegates learn about the FWDF from Edinburgh College’s Business Development Advisors, as well as meeting expert lecturers who will discuss the range of subjects available to businesses and employees.
Attendees will also hear from Tracey Bork, Head of People at Lothian Buses, about her experience of applying for fully funded training with Edinburgh College.
If delegates cannot attend in person, the College is streaming the presentations and interview taking place during the event via Microsoft Teams.
A link for the live stream and joining instructions will be available soon after registering for the event. Online delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions through a Q&A function within Teams.
The College encourages anyone who intends to attend the event in person to take a lateral flow COVID-19 test before they arrive.
The Flexible Workforce Development Fund, offered by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council, facilitated by Scottish colleges, offers larger organisations and SMEs, across the private, public and third sectors, an opportunity to apply for fully funded training for their teams.
The funding provides SMEs with up to £5,000 of free training; and larger employers (those with an annual payroll bill of £3m+) with up to £15,000 of free training.
Introduction to the College, training opportunities and funding options.
Interview with Tracey Bork, Head of People at Lothian Buses, about the client’s experience of accessing the fund through Edinburgh College.
A presentation from Edinburgh College and the Training Development team about professional training courses and management soft skills (CMI, CIPD, ILM, bespoke).
A talk on ‘Adapting to new working conditions during the pandemic’ from John Chalmers – Learning and Development Manager at Business Stream.