Pay rise for children’s social care staff

Important step forward in supporting vital services

Staff in children’s social care services will see their pay increase to at least £12 an hour thanks to new Scottish Government funding.

Backed by over £19 million this year, it will ensure more than 6,000 people working in a direct care role in the voluntary, private and independent sector services receive the pay increase, which could be worth more than £2,000 a year for some staff.

It will help people providing direct care to vulnerable children and young people under the age of 18, including Personal Assistants, and all payments will be backdated and provided for all hours worked from April 2024. 

Increasing pay for children’s social care workers was a commitment set out in the 2023 Programme for Government.

Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise Natalie Don said: “This uplift is an important step forward in supporting our highly valued social care staff across Scotland. The support they provide is invaluable and the Government is committed to ensuring no-one is paid less than the Real Living Wage.

“Children’s social care services couldn’t be delivered without our private, voluntary and independent sector providers and this funding will help support the sustainability of their services. 

“The implementation of this uplift would not have been possible without close working with our partners especially with COSLA and with Health and Social Care Partnerships.” 

A COSLA Spokesperson said: “The children’s social care workforce are vital in supporting our children and young people.

“Paying them the real living wage is one way in which we can show how highly they are valued, and we will continue to work with our private, voluntary and independent sector providers on how we best support and Keep the Promise made to Scotland’s children and young people.” 

The pay uplift will apply to all workers who provide direct care within commissioned Children’s Social Care services in the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sectors, namely Secure Accommodation Services, Care Home Services for Children and Young People, School Care Accommodation: Residential Special School services, Housing Support Services, Care at Home services, and Services classed as Other than Care at Home, as well as to Personal Assistants employed through Self Directed Support (SDS) Option 1, who provide Care at Home to under 18-year-olds.

Hospital at Home for Older People

£3.6 million investment as capacity increases by 57% to exceed targets

The Scottish Government is continuing to invest in Hospital at Home for Older People with £3.6 million allocated for 2024/25, bringing total funding allocation for the initiative to over £15 million since 2020.

Recent statistics released by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) show that last year the Hospital at Home service for Older People, which provides a safe, alternative to being admitted to an acute hospital, exceeded targets in several key areas between April 2023 and March 2024, including:

  • total bed numbers have increased by over 57%, ahead of the Scottish Government’s 50% target
  • 14,467 patients used Hospital at Home, up from 11,686 in the previous 12-month period
  • the Hospital at Home service is now the eighth biggest “hospital” for older people emergency inpatients, alongside Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Stirling.

Health Secretary Neil Gray said: “These figures from HIS show that Hospital at Home is becoming an increasingly popular care alternative for elderly patients to receive acute treatment in a place they feel comfortable and familiar with.

“There are more Hospital at Home beds available and an increasing number of patients choosing to use the service.

“Hospital at Home gives people greater independence during their recovery process. Evidence shows that those benefitting from the service are more likely to avoid hospital or care home stays for up to six months after an acute illness.

“It is also one of a range of measures that we have put in place to tackle delayed discharge numbers and free up beds within our hospitals.”

Belinda Robertson, Associate Director of Improvement, Healthcare Improvement Scotland said: “This announcement of additional funding will continue to improve access to Hospital at Home services and make them more sustainable to the benefit of patients across Scotland.

“It’s heartening to see that Hospital at Home services prevented over 14,400 people spending time in hospital over the past year.

“Moreover, with our support we’ve witnessed more NHS boards and Health and Social Care Partnerships embracing Hospital at Home by establishing and developing services.

“We look forward to continuing to help services develop and share learning in the year ahead.”

Luxury Scottish care home opens its doors to families 

Open day offers first-hand insight into home more akin to a lux hotel

FAMILIES are being given an opportunity to visit Scotland’s most upmarket care home as it opens its doors for the public to see its “luxury hotel” facilities.

Taking place on June 8th between 10am-2pm, Cramond Residence is set to host a family-friendly day featuring arts and crafts for kids, along with homemade baked goods, teas, and coffees.

The day aims to give those looking at care options a glimpse into the home’s world-class amenities including a private cinema, library, salon, and bespoke therapy areas.

It will also allow guests to find out more about the nurse-led care provision and expertise in supporting residents living with forms of dementia.

Christian Daraio, Client Liaison Manager at Cramond Residence said: “This open day will be the perfect occasion for families to witness first-hand the comforting, homely atmosphere that we pride ourselves on.

“Our open days are always an enjoyable experience for both our team and those who come to see us.

“We have a fun-filled day planned with plenty of arts and crafts to entertain the kids. Meanwhile, adults can enjoy a cup of coffee and some delicious baked goods from our incredible kitchen team, while our specialist staff will be available to answer any questions you might have about our home.”

Set in a purpose-built facility that represents a £8m investment, Cramond Residence boasts small group living in nine distinct houses. Each house provides a nurturing environment where residents can socialise, dine, and engage in activities, contributing to a vibrant community life.

The residence not only offers a high staff-to-resident ratio but also features advanced dementia care within its general setting or in a specialised area tailored for those in more advanced stages of the condition.

Christian added: ” At Cramond Residence, residents can look forward to exceptional care in an environment designed for them to thrive during their golden years.

“Our fantastic lifestyle team constantly arranges wonderful activities, ensuring there’s always something to look forward to. The residence itself offers a warm, homely feel that provides comfort to those who stay with us.

“We’re excited to welcome guests into our home and address any questions they may have. Choosing a care home is a significant, life-altering decision, and our team is here to help ease any concerns, providing the information needed to make this important choice with peace of mind.”

Cramond Residence offers a wide range of activities tailored for dementia care, enhancing residents’ quality of life and providing relief and support through specialist facilities and trained staff.

For more details on the open day or to learn more about Cramond Residence, please visit Cramond Residence’s website or contact them directly at

Corridor care: Royal College of Nursing declares ‘national emergency’ and demands political action

Nursing staff are regularly forced to provide care to patients in chairs and corridors, compromising patient safety and dignity. RCN IS asking members to call it out and join their fight to eradicate the practice.

An RCN report reveals more than 1 in 3 (37%) nursing staff working in typical hospital settings delivered care in inappropriate settings, such as corridors, on their last shift. Our survey of almost 11,000 frontline nursing staff across the UK shows the extent to which corridor care has been normalised.

Patients are regularly treated on chairs in corridors for extended periods of time, sometimes days. We say that these instances must now be determined as ‘Never Events’ in NHS services, in the same way that having the wrong limb operated on or a foreign object being left inside a patients’ body already are. 

We’re asking for mandatory national reporting of patients being cared for in corridors, to reveal the extent of hospital overcrowding, as part of a plan to eradicate the practice. We also need members to raise concerns when care in inappropriate settings takes place. 

In a new RCN report, Corridor Care: Unsafe, Undignified, Unacceptable, our survey findings and member testimonies show the full grave picture of corridor care across the UK.

Of those forced to deliver care in inappropriate settings, over half (53%) say it left them without access to life-saving equipment including oxygen and suction. More than two-thirds (67%) said the care they delivered in public compromised patient privacy and dignity.

Thousands of nursing staff report how corridor care has become the norm in almost every corner of a typical hospital setting. Heavy patient flow and lack of capacity sees nursing staff left with no space to place patients. What would have been an emergency measure is now routine.

The report says corridor care is “a symptom of a system in crisis”, with patient demand in all settings, from primary to community and social care, outstripping workforce supply. The result is patients left unable to access care near their homes and instead being forced to turn to hospitals. Poor population health and a lack of investment in prevention is exacerbating the problem, the report says.

Professor Nicola Ranger, Acting RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, said: “This is a tragedy for our profession. Our once world-leading services are treating patients in car parks and store cupboards.

“The elderly are languishing on chairs for hours and patients are dying in corridors. The horror of this situation cannot be understated. It is a national emergency for patient safety and today we are raising the alarm. 

“Treating patients in corridors used to be an exceptional circumstance. Now it is a regular occurrence and a symptom of a system in crisis. 

“Patients shouldn’t have to end up at the doors of our emergency departments because they can’t get a GP appointment, a visit from a district nurse or a social care package. But that is the reality. Corridor care is a scourge in our hospitals, but we know the solution is to invest in our entire health and care system – and its nursing workforce.”

Don’t allow corridor care to become normalised, call it out. Find out more about how to raise a concern

Social care workers demand return of ‘missing millions’

Scotland’s largest health and social care unions protested outside the Scottish Parliament on Thursday to demand the return of the ‘missing millions’ cut from the Scottish Government’s Budget for social care workers.

Information from the Scottish Trades Union Congress’ ‘Missing Millions’ campaign has shown that £38 million of ringfenced funding for maternity, paternity and sick pay for social care workers in Scotland was secretly cut from the latest Scottish Government budget.

Workers from Scotland’s three biggest social care unions, UNISON, GMB and UNITE will protest outside the Scottish Parliament to demand the return of the cash with workers accusing the Scottish Government of “betraying” social care workers.

The ‘Missing Millions’ campaign was launched last week during STUC Congress. A Freedom of Information request has shown that the £38 million cut was pulled directly from the Scottish Government’s Fair Work in Social Care terms and conditions workstream in September 2023.

Commenting, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “Cutting the budget to improve the terms, pay and conditions of Scotland’s social care workers is, quite frankly, unforgiveable.

“This was a sleekit move from the Scottish Government with no transparency, no accountability and worse, no promise of restoring the funding.

“These were the front-line workers that cared for those most in need during the pandemic. Some even paid with their lives protecting the vulnerable and our communities from the virus.

“For the Scottish Government to cut the dedicated funding that would, in part, seek to implement Fair Work within the sector, with improved sick pay and conditions, is nothing short of betraying the workforce.

“We call on all those who stand alongside our social care workers to join us outside Parliament.

“We’re sending a clear message to all politicians, especially the Scottish Government, that social care workers are demanding a return of the missing millions and a quick U-turn to this ill-judged budget cut.”

New photo gallery showcases the ordinary moments that can make an extraordinary difference in adult social care

The Scottish Government’s ‘You Can Make The Difference’ campaign aims to support the recruitment of more adult social care workers to help address vacancies in the sector.

The campaign focuses on the difference someone working in adult social care can make to people’s lives, highlighting the rewarding relationships that develop between care workers and the people they support.

To shine a spotlight on the special moments those working in adult social care deliver every day and help to attract more people into the sector, the ‘Making The Difference’ online gallery uses photography to bring the stories of people working in and supported by the sector to life.

Social Care Minister Maree Todd said: “The new online gallery shares the stories of people working in adult social care and the people they support, celebrating the rewarding relationships that make such a positive impact on people’s lives on a daily basis.

“To help address the issues care providers are facing in filling vacancies, we’re increasing pay again to £12 per hour from April 2024, and believe the National Care Service will help us and our partners to provide consistency in further improved pay and conditions, creating clearer career pathways and ensuring a career in social care is attractive and rewarding.

Anyone who thinks they might be a good fit for a job in adult social care should visit to find out more.”

Katie Kershaw, Occupational Therapist, Leuchie House who features in the gallery said: “I love that part of my job involves talking to lots of different people and helping them on their journey through life.

“Being able to make even the smallest positive impact on someone’s daily life is something I find extremely rewarding.

“It’s great that the Scottish Government is shining a light on these little moments that make such a difference and I’d urge anyone considering a role in adult social care to go for it. There’s not many roles out there with job satisfaction like it.”

Emma Muldoon, Content Creator @SimplyEmma, who features in the gallery, said: “This campaign is brilliant as it highlights the various roles in the adult social care sector and showcases the small moments that make such a difference.

“Due to my condition, Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, I have worked with a number of care professionals over the years and they have enabled me to live life to the fullest on my own terms and independently in my own home.

“If someone has a genuine passion for helping others and making a positive difference in people’s lives, a role in adult social care is for you.”

There is a variety of roles in the adult social care sector. To help you find the right one for you visit and view the ‘Making The Difference’ gallery.

Reduced working week for healthcare staff

Implementation of Agenda for Change recommendations

NHS Agenda for Change staff – including nurses, midwives, paramedics, allied health professionals, porters and others – will see a reduction of 30 minutes in their working week from 1st April this year.

The move follows a recommendation from a working group set up to implement a previous commitment to cut the number of working hours as part of the 2023/24 pay deal. It is one of a number of measures to modernise the NHS Scotland Agenda for Change system and has been agreed with trade unions.

If, due to service pressures, safe staffing or wellbeing issues, it is not possible for a staff member to receive their 30 minute reduction they will be recompensed accordingly, until such times as the reduction can be accommodated.

Other measures agreed include:

  • a consistent approach to Protected Learning Time across all NHS Scotland Boards, and
  • a defined process for undertaking a review of Band 5 nursing roles with any Band 5 nurse able to self-apply for a review of their role if they believe they meet the criteria. 

The changes will support NHS Scotland workforce recruitment, sustainability and retention.

Health Secretary Neil Gray said: “Our Agenda for Change system recognises the value, dedication and hard work of our staff and makes NHS Scotland an employer of choice. 

“We expect NHS Boards to work in partnership with trade unions and staff to reduce the working week. This presents an opportunity to modernise how staff are rostered and work, ensuring that NHS Scotland is a leader in flexible and family friendly working practices.

“I am grateful to both Trade Union and Employer representatives for working in partnership with us to develop these reforms to help modernise our service.”

Holyrood agrees general principles of National Care Service Bill

Bill ‘not fit for purpose’ say unions

Legislation which will see the introduction of a National Care Service for Scotland (NCS) has passed Stage 1 in Parliament.

MSPs have voted for the general principles of the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill which will ensure greater transparency in the delivery of community health and social care, improve standards, strengthen the role of the workforce and provide better support for unpaid carers.

The proposals include establishing a National Care Service Charter, rights to breaks for carers and provisions to enact Anne’s Law so people in care homes have the right to be visited by their families.

Social Care Minister Maree Todd said: “We need long-term, widespread transformation to fix some of the ingrained issues within the system and ensure sustainability for the future. 

“We have spent considerable time working with people with lived experience on how to reform social care for the better. I’m grateful to the thousands of people who have lent their voices and I am determined to ensure the Bill delivers the positive change needed.

“Today’s vote shows that the Scottish Parliament also recognises this and I am grateful to them for bringing us one step closer to this urgent reform.

“This Bill is the biggest public sector reform since devolution and it is our chance to make meaningful change that we all agree is needed to the social care system. I know the people of Scotland will see huge benefits.”

Scotland’s largest trade union bodies have condemned the Scottish Government’s proposed National Care Service Bill as ‘not fit for purpose’ as MSPs approve the legislation at Stage 1.

The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) alongside the three biggest social care unions in Scotland – UNISON, GMB SCOTLAND and UNITE – have written to the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care Neil Gray outlining their shared concerns on the Bill.

The letter states that social care workers’ concerns have been ‘widely ignored’ by the Scottish Government and that, at this stage of proceedings, the Bill as drafted remains ‘firmly unacceptable’.

Last week the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee’s report into Stage 1 drew criticism from trade unions who outlined the ‘glaring deficiencies’ of the proposals on costs and operation of the service.

Commenting, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “It beggars belief that, despite repeated warnings to the Scottish Government, Scotland’s social care workers are still in the dark on the basic fundamentals of the new National Care Service.

“Our social care sector already suffers from insecure conditions and low pay. We cannot risk those weaknesses being carried over into any new system of nationalised care.

“We must see the Scottish Government take seriously the recommendations of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee’s report into the Bill. This would include improving pay, terms and conditions for social care staff, including a £15 per hour minimum wage. We also need to see Scottish Government guarantees on Fair Work and sectoral bargaining in addition to full sick pay from day one of employment.

“Our social care staff are the lifeblood of our system. We value their work and it’s high time the Scottish Government does likewise.”


Speaking ahead of the Stage 1 debate for the National Care Service Bill in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 29th February, Councillor Paul Kelly, COSLA’s Health & Social Care Spokesperson, commented: “Councils have expressed significant concerns regarding current National Care Service plans and believe there is still work to do to ensure proposals can meet aspirations.

“In particular, Council Leaders are disappointed in the decision of the Scottish Government to continue to push through legislation where a power will be given to Ministers to delegate children and justice services, despite the potential disruption to services and extensive negotiations and concessions from Local Government.

“Council Leaders remain concerned that such a move risks excessive centralisation of decision-making away from local people and areas. Leaders did agree that COSLA should continue to work closely with Scottish Government to address these concerns.

“COSLA welcomes the progress which has been made in reforming some National Care Service proposals, including that local authorities will continue to play a central role in the delivery of, and accountability for care.

“There is a pressing need to improve people’s experiences of accessing and delivering care in Scotland. Although legislative and governance reform may be part of that, the reality is that national funding decisions – including the proposed council tax freeze which has not been fully funded – will further squeeze local care and social work services which are already under incredible pressure.

“Investment in social care must be seen as a priority which can enhance the wellbeing of people, of society and of Scotland.”

Having passed Stage One, the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill moves into Stage 2 where amendments will be considered by the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee before Stage 3, when the full Parliament makes a final vote on whether to pass the Bill.

Audit Scotland: Clear vision needed for health and social care

The Scottish Government needs to develop a clear national strategy for health and social care to address the pressures on services.

Significant changes are needed to ensure the financial sustainability of Scotland’s health service. Growing demand, operational challenges and increasing costs have added to the financial pressures the NHS was already facing. Its longer-term affordability is at risk without reform.

Activity in hospitals and other secondary care settings has increased in the last year, but it remains below pre-pandemic levels and is being outpaced by demand. This pressure is creating operational challenges throughout the whole system and impacting staff, patient experience and patient safety.

There are a range of strategies, plans and policies in place for the future delivery of healthcare, but no overall vision. The absence of a shared national vision, and a clear strategy to deliver it, makes it more difficult for NHS boards to plan for change.

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland, said:Without change, there is a risk Scotland’s NHS will take up an ever-growing chunk of the Scottish budget. And that means less money for other vital public services.

“To deliver effective reform the Scottish Government needs to lead on the development of a clear national strategy for health and social care.

“It should include investment in measures that address the causes of ill-health, reducing long-term demand on the NHS. And it should put patients at the centre of future services.”

Responding to the Auditor General’s report on the state of Health and Social Care in Scotland Dr JP Loughrey, Royal College of Emergency Medicine Vice President for Scotland, said: “We welcome this report which addresses many of our recent and ongoing concerns – particularly around a lack of long-term planning and poor Emergency Department performance.

“The Scottish government must do more to address capacity and demand pressures. Hospitals are dangerously overcrowded and do not have the space, staff, or resources to provide safe and timely care for the number of patients who need it.  

“There needs to be long term strategies to maintain an adequate baseline in capacity and staffing, and deal with predictable surges in pressure.

“As we have seen time and time again across Scotland, there are simply not enough beds to meet demand and our hospitals are routinely almost fit to burst, with patients enduring long, undignified waits and demoralised staff forced to deliver treatment in inappropriate areas, such as corridors and car parks.  

“We urge the government to move away from short-term firefighting towards long term fundamental change to #ResuscitateEmergencyCare in Scotland.”

Health and Social Care Secretary sets out priorities for system in England

Victoria Atkins aims to make health and social care system faster, simpler and fairer for patients

  • Health and Social Care Secretary sets out intention to make the system faster, simpler and fairer for patients
  • Victoria Atkins thanks staff for a week of delivery, in which two manifesto commitments were met

Health and Social Care Secretary Victoria Atkins has thanked health, social care and research staff for delivering on patients’ priorities, as she set out her commitment to make the health and social care system faster, simpler and fairer for patients.

The Secretary of State has paid tribute to NHS, social care and research staff for their hard work in a week the government delivered 50,000 additional nursesdelivered 50 million more GP appointments – both manifesto commitments – and rolled out lifesaving HIV opt-out testing to 46 areas across England.

Her words came days after pharmacies across the country began offering new contraceptive services and additional blood pressure checks, and after a breakthrough in talks to end consultant strikes, which saw the British Medical Association Consultants committee agree to put an offer on contract reform to its members.

Health and Social Care Secretary, Victoria Atkins, said: “Since joining the department, I have been bowled over by the way health and social care staff just keep on delivering for patients. The important milestones we’ve reached this week – reaching 50,000 additional nurses and 50 million more GP appointments – demonstrate real progress. 

“I have spent the past few weeks meeting doctors, nurses, GPs, pharmacists and other health workers and heard wonderful stories about how they have gone above and beyond to deliver outstanding care for patients and cut waiting lists.

“But I have also heard about their frustrations and where they feel they are not able to deliver the best possible care or where prevention or early intervention could have made a real difference. That is why I am committed to making health and social care services faster, simpler and fairer.

“We face a difficult winter ahead. And though our early winter planning is seeing some results we know there is much more to do. But having seen what our excellent staff can do I am confident that with the government’s support we can continue to deliver for patients over the coming months.”

The Health and Social Care Secretary has committed to making health and social care services:

  • Faster for patients, by making it easier to get treatment locally, improving A&E performance and cutting waiting lists
  • Simpler for patients, with joined up, integrated care, and simpler for staff, by reducing bureaucracy and giving them the latest technology to free up their time to care for patients
  • Fairer, ensuring children are protected from health harms, that health outcomes are not determined by where you live, that government supports older people to maintain their independence for longer, and that government delivers a more productive NHS that is fairer for taxpayers.

She added that she would continue to work with the NHS to manage the ongoing winter pressures. The government prepared for winter earlier than ever before and data released by the NHS on Thursday shows the government is making good progress.

Compared to the same time last year, ambulance handover delays have fallen by 28%, thousands more 111 calls are being answered within 60 seconds, and there were nearly 1,500 more hospital beds available.

The Secretary of State said: “We face a difficult winter ahead. And though our early winter planning is seeing some results we know there is much more to do.

“But having seen what our excellent staff can do I am confident that with the government’s support we can continue to deliver for patients over the coming months.”

The Health and Social Care Secretary was appointed on 13 November. She has now set out her priorities in a week in which the government and NHS hit a number of major delivery milestones:

  • NHS England data published on Thursday showed there were 51,245 additional nurses in September 2023 compared to 2019 – hitting the government’s manifesto commitment to recruit an additional 50,000 nurses six months early.
  • NHS England data also showed that for the year to October 2023, there were 51 million additional general practice appointments delivered when compared to October 2019, meeting another manifesto commitment.
  • On Monday the government announced that it had put forward an offer that will modernise the consultant contract and reform consultants’ pay structure, paving the way to end consultant strikes. The British Medical Association and Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association will put the deal to their memberships in the coming weeks. 
  • On Wednesday the Secretary of State announced funding for a research project to evaluate the rollout of the hugely successful HIV opt-out testing programme to 46 new sites across England.
  • On Friday 1 December pharmacies across England began offering the new contraceptive services announced recently as part of Pharmacy First. This is part of the NHS and government’s Primary Care Recovery Plan, announced by the head of the NHS and the Prime Minister in May, which committed to making it quicker and easier for millions of people to access healthcare on their high street.