Community cash for Strollers

Civil Service Strollers Youth FC have secured a grant from the City of Edinburgh Council to purchase new training equipment. 

Forth and Almond Community Partnership allocated £1,249 to ensure the club can continue to deliver high quality coaching to over 120 local children each week.

Club Treasurer, Claire Kidd, said “We are very thankful to the council for this grant. With all clubs like ours fundraising is so important so that we can continue to keep our monthly costs to parents one of the lowest across the area. 

“This grant will be used to purchase much needed new equipment and will be well used by the youth section. I would like to thank the Council and in particular, Elaine Lennon, for her assistance and guidance.”

The Strollers Youth section offers weekly football sessions for children and young people aged 5-19.

If you would like to find our more about the club, email 

Princes Street Gardens: Quaich-ing in our boots?

Culture and Communities Convener Cllr Donald Wilson says too many people are currently unable to make the most of one of Edinburgh’s finest greenspaces.

“Princes Street Gardens is one of our city’s greatest green assets and quite rightly holds a special place in the hearts of Edinburgh residents and visitors. 

“Our ambition is for this to be a place for people of all ages to enjoy, now and in the future. We are clear that the Gardens will remain a publicly owned and managed treasure for generations to come.

“However, if you’re a wheelchair user or pushing a pram, access to West Princes Street Gardens is currently extremely difficult from most entrances, meaning untold numbers of residents and visitors are effectively excluded from spending time in this magnificent green space.

“The Ross Theatre is no longer fit for purpose and there is too much concrete and not enough greenery. Community use of the facility, meanwhile, has dramatically reduced from its peak in the 50s and 60s.

“Rather than continue with patchwork improvements to West Princes Street Gardens on our own, we welcome the Ross Development Trust’s (RDT) support and funding approach, which allows us to set our sights much higher. It’s important to stress that while the Trust leads on delivering the project and sourcing funding, executive control and governance remain with the Council.

“Edinburgh has long benefited from the philanthropy of generous benefactors – the Ross Theatre and nearby Usher Hall being prime examples of this – and the Trust’s philanthropic giving fundraising strategy for the Quaich Project is looking to harness these benefits to continue this fine tradition.

“The project has already seen the Ross Fountain returned to its 19th Century glory alongside the complete renovation of the Gardener’s Cottage and, should the Trust reach its fundraising target, West Princes Street Gardens would again be transformed into a space for everyone to enjoy in the heart of the city.

“We share residents’ desire to reduce the disruption of the gardens due to major events and have already announced a cap on the number of event days in West Princes Street Gardens. It’s worth remembering, of course, that income raised through events already supports the maintenance of our green spaces and other important Council services.

“In line with our Development Agreement with the Trust, councillors and officers have been closely involved with the Project throughout and the model of seeking donations has underpinned the Project since it began, with councillors agreeing this approach in June 2016.

Any significant corporate donation proposals would of course be subject to the Council’s policy on advertising and sponsorship and would have to be sanctioned by the Council through our committee process – just as the initial £5m contributed by Norman Springford was.

And to be absolutely clear: there are no proposals to sell off any part of the gardens or for sponsorship deals which impact negatively on Common Good Land, and there never will be. 

“The Quaich Project is providing us with an outstanding opportunity to invest in and enhance one of the most stunning settings in Scotland. We look forward to continuing our support for this – and the huge benefits it could bring to the people of Edinburgh and beyond.”


Council launches £100,000 BAME arts fund

A new £100,000 fund to support Edinburgh-based Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) artists, practitioners and producers in the Capital’s arts and culture sector opens for applications.

The City of Edinburgh Council’s Diversity & Inclusion Fund will focus on projects that promote greater creative collaboration between black, Asian and minority ethnic artists, practitioners and producers and Edinburgh-based cultural organisations.

Grants of up to £5,000, £10,000 and £20,000 will be awarded to organisations or individuals based in the Capital to help with the costs involved in developing new performing artwork (music, dance, spoken word and theatre), film making and screenings, digital art, cultural events and creative writing.

This is the first of two cultural project funding opportunities in Edinburgh, established through the creation of the Flexible Fund as part of the new approach for Third Party Cultural Grants agreed by the Council last year. Details of a second Flexible Fund opportunity, currently planned for Arts and Health Projects, will be announced in May 2020.

Cllr Donald Wilson, Culture and Communities Convener for City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Edinburgh has a long and strong reputation for creativity and excellence in the arts and we must continue to identify new and collaborative ways of resourcing the sector, and this fund will go some way to support new talent.

“As part of our policy of widening and deepening engagement with artists and communities across the city this fund is targeted at Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic artists and Edinburgh-based cultural organisations.

“We are committed to promoting stronger collaboration, developing new partnerships and creating new funding streams. The creation of our new Flexible Fund will help nurture more new work and emerging artists and enable greater access to our funding programmes for previously unfunded groups or those who have found it difficult to access mainstream funding in the past.”

A Panel of industry specialists will review applications for Diversity & Inclusion Fund grant awards in April 2020.

Further information on Diversity & Inclusion Fund

Who can apply?

Projects involving Edinburgh-based artists and practitioners and taking place within the City of Edinburgh boundary. Grants will be awarded to projects that promote greater collaboration between minority ethnic artists/practitioners, and Edinburgh-based cultural organisations. Projects should reach, involve, benefit and engage BAME artists and/or cultural organisations and creative practitioners.

Projects and activities could include: visual and performing arts (music, dance, spoken word and theatre), film making and screenings, digital art, cultural events and creative writing.

A total Fund budget of £100,000 is available for projects developed in financial year 2020/21 offering:
6 grant awards of up to £5,000;
3 grants of up to £10,000; and
2 grant awards of up to £20,000

The deadline for submissions is 3 April 2020 (23:59 GMT).

An online application form and further information about the fund can be found via the consultation hub.

You can also register your interest in attending information sessions.

Mentoring programme rolled out across capital

THE City of Edinburgh Council and award-winning charity, MCR Pathways, have joined forces to expand a life-changing mentoring Programme throughout the capital.

The annoucement follows the recent Care Review’s recommendations which highlighted the vital need for relationship-based practice in schools, including mentoring, to better support young people with experience of the care system.

The Care Review Report states: “Mentoring has a significant positive impact on children and young people who receive it, with evidence that it can improve educational attainment. Schools must also be supported to encourage and develop mentoring relationships for those who would benefit.

MCR Pathways will help disadvantaged young people in Edinburgh, including those who are care-experienced, to build aspirations and fulfil their potential.

Edinburgh’s commitment is to support and inspire 500 young people, over the next three years – to want to stay on in school, get the most from their education and progress with confidence to college, university and employment of their choice.

The expansion in Edinburgh follows the publication of ScotCen’s independent three-year study on MCR Pathways’ relationship-based mentoring programme.

The study found that MCR mentoring is making a statistically significant impact on educational outcomes for Scotland’s most disadvantaged young people.

ScotCen found mentoring delivers a 25.3 percentage point increase in the number of care-experienced young people progressing to a university, college or a job. In another measure, the attainment gap was closed.

MCR Pathways’ Young Edinburgh Talent has been successfully piloted at Craigroyston Community High School since October 2018 and will immediately be rolled out to a further eight schools – Broughton High School, Drummond Community High School, Forrester High School, Gracemount High School, Leith Academy, Liberton High School, St. Augustine’s High School and Wester Hailes Education Centre.

At the core of the MCR programme are weekly mentoring sessions between a young person and their mentor, who commits an hour of their time to meet in school each week. Mentors are fully trained and give their time to listen and encourage a young person.

Building caring and trusting relationships is at the heart of the Care Review Recommendations and MCR mentoring is a highly effective way for this to be implemented.

MCR Pathways is now looking for more volunteer mentors to get involved and help reach young people across the city. Andrew Kerr, City of Edinburgh Council’s CEO is leading by example with his commitment to become an MCR mentor, whilst encouraging his colleagues to sign up.

Andrew Kerr, chief executive of the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “I am thrilled that many more young people, throughout Edinburgh, will be able to benefit from mentoring and the wider MCR Pathways programme. This programme works and we have already seen the huge success it is having at Craigroyston Community High School.

“I encourage fellow Council colleagues and members of the public to get involved and help us improve the lives and futures of our city’s young people. Together we have the power to help them flourish.

“The recent Care Review highlighted the vital need for positive nurturing relationships to support care-experienced young people and I believe that, with this partnership, MCR Pathways will play a vital role in helping us fulfil our corporate parenting role.”

Established in 2007, MCR Pathways provides support to almost 2,300 young people throughout Scotland each week. Going citywide in Edinburgh is the latest development of MCR Pathways’ national rollout.

The Scottish Government is now being called on to make MCR mentoring a permanent feature of the education system and a right for every care-experienced pupil.

The recently-published Independent Care Review has emphasised the necessity of incorporating education, Third Sector and other caring adults into Scotland’s reformed Care System and giving vital support to schools for them to encourage and develop mentoring relationships.

Iain MacRitchie (above), founder of MCR Pathways, said: “We are absolutely delighted to be partnering with Edinburgh City Council and secondary schools to launch the Young Edinburgh Talent programme in the Capital.

“We are seeing across Scotland the transformational difference that positive relationships and role models can make to young people, not to mention the powerful and positive impact it has on the mentors.

“Our work in Edinburgh is an important and fantastic milestone in our journey. It enables us to help more young people who will flourish with the one:one support an MCR mentor can bring. We are very excited to be working with council colleagues, schools, and our partner organisations in Edinburgh to help our most disadvantaged young people to be determined by their talent and never their circumstances.

“Our vision is that every care-experienced and disadvantaged young person in Scotland gets the same education outcomes, career opportunities and life chances as every other young person. With the strength and depth of our partnerships with Local and National Government, we can make this happen across the country.”

Audrey Cumberford MBE – principal, Edinburgh College, said: “Edinburgh College is really pleased to see the formal introduction of the life-changing work of MCR Pathways to Edinburgh Schools.

“We have been working closely with Dr Iain MacRitchie and his team, over the last 18 months, to create a physical home for the organisation in our Granton Campus and many of our lecturers and support staff have been selected and trained as willing mentors, waiting to be matched to the right young person.

“The college would highly recommend mentoring to all of our educational and industry partners in Edinburgh as a brilliant way to support our young people to rise to their potential!”

Further information on the MCR Pathways programme and how to become a mentor is available at

Volunteers will be fully trained – they just need to give an hour per week to change a life.

Case studies

Three students from Craigroyston Community High School

Mentee, Danna, and her mentor, Sarah 

Danna was 14 when she was matched with her mentor, Sarah, a retired university professor. At the time Danna was a quiet student and lacking in confidence.

Danna says: “I was a bit confused about what I wanted to do with my future. But like when I got my mentor it’s kind of opened new doors and I now see the different opportunities and what I can do in the future. I appreciate education a lot more now because I realise that coming to school can actually be extremely beneficial for me.”

Sarah has already noticed a difference in Danna’s confidence and focus and the pair enjoy meeting weekly. Sarah says: “Danna is much more outgoing and she’s been through some tough times and, she’s come through the other side. She’s on track for being the best she possibly can be and also being happy.”


Carol-Ann was matched with her mentor, Maddy, last May. At the time, she had poor timekeeping and didn’t always take school seriously. Now, Carol-Ann shares that her mentor is a great listener and helps reassure her when things aren’t going too well. She’s become a lot more engaged with school and the pair work together to overcome challenges and help Carol-Anne focus on her future.


Reece has just recently met his mentor. He was particularly keen to be matched with someone who has similar creative interests, such as cooking and writing. Reece tells his MCR co-ordinator in the school, Laura Keast, how pleased he is to see his mentor each week, being “one of the best things about school just now” and Laura has already seen a difference in attendance.

Mind the Gap: council to review space between bus stops

A proposed trial, to be considered by Transport and Environment Committee, aims to improve bus journey times and reliability by reviewing the spacing of stops along routes.

If approved by councillors tomorrow (Thursday 27 February), a trial will be carried out on the Lothian bus service 44 using a bus stop review methodology developed by the City of Edinburgh Council in partnership with Lothian.

This service has been identified for the trial by Lothian, which has also provided a list of stops that could be temporarily closed with limited impact on passenger accessibility.

A review of bus stops was first raised by bus operators, in particular Lothian, as an essential action to be included in the Public Transport Priority Action Plan in 2018.

In Edinburgh, for a variety of reasons, many bus stops are positioned more closely together than is recommended by national planning and transport guidance – approximately 20% of stops are less than 200m apart. This can lead to slower journey times and congestion.

Bus stops highlighted for potential closure have been assessed using criteria developed as part of the bus stop review methodology. These include distance from the next bus stop, accessibility and proximity to core facilities like schools and doctors.

Transport and Environment Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes said: “We want to make travel by public transport even more reliable and stress-free, which is why we’re proposing this trial, in partnership with Lothian.

“f we are to achieve a carbon-neutral future for Edinburgh, where air quality is improved and the public can easily make healthy, active travel choices we need to encourage more people to take the bus as an efficient mode of transport.

“Of course, we know how important it is for residents to have access to their local bus stop, especially for those with mobility issues. That’s why we’ve worked closely with Lothian to develop a methodology for bus stop spacing which ensures everyone can catch the bus near their home, doctor, school or shops.”

Alan Black, Head of Service Delivery at Lothian, said: “Lothian is committed to delivering reliable, sustainable, best value bus travel for customers. We look forward to working with The City of Edinburgh Council on the bus stop review which will enhance bus journey times and improve overall reliability across the city.”

If the trial is approved by committee, officers will engage with residents affected by the changes both before and after bus stops are temporarily removed. If the trial is deemed a success it is proposed that a review of bus stop spacing is undertaken across the city, potentially focusing on one corridor at a time.

This will include moving some stops to more suitable locations rather than solely reducing bus stop numbers.

As well as being highlighted as a service which is impacted by the frequency of bus stops, the 44 has been selected for the trial because it is the only service on significant lengths of its route, making it suitable for comparative assessment following the initiative.

A series of workshops involving Council transport officers, councillors and Lothian officers contributed to the development of the methodology, drawing on guidance including Department for Transport (DfT) Inclusive Mobility, Scottish Planning Policy and Edinburgh Street Design Guidance.

The review was proposed under the Public Transport Priority Action Plan, which outlines measures to improve conditions for public transport users, in turn encouraging the public to choose public transport over private car journeys.

The trial will be considered by Transport and Environment Committee on Thursday, 27 February.

Read the full report, Public Transport Priority Action Plan – Bus Stop Spacing Review Trial, on the Council website.

Leith Walk set for more diversions as tram work gathers pace

The main phase of construction work to take the trams to Newhaven will begin on Leith Walk next month. The city council says the construction strategy will ‘build on lessons learned to minimise disruption.’

The Trams to Newhaven project team, along with the Infrastructure and Systems Contractor (Sacyr, Farrans, Neopul JV) and Swept Path Contractor (Morrison Utility Services), has drawn on lessons learned from the first stage of the project, as well as good practice from other European cities, to develop a construction strategy.

This will involve Leith Walk being reduced to one city bound lane between London Road and Crown Place for the duration of the works, which will begin on 28 March and are scheduled to be completed by Summer 2021.

The team’s approach will involve the establishment of large work sites to allow both utility works and tramway construction to take place at the same time, resulting in fewer traffic management changes for those affected.

Sharing information with residents and businesses as the project progresses
Letters are being delivered to residents and businesses to share information on traffic management, bin collection arrangements, cycling access and diversions for bus services.

Logistics hubs will be set up along the street to help businesses with deliveries and dispatches, as well as residents expecting large deliveries. A Support for Business package has also been devised in consultation with local businesses.

The first phase of the project is already well underway on Constitution Street, where the excavation of the road is being carried out to allow utility diversions, tracklaying and the installation of tram infrastructure.

The city’s ruling SNP-Labour ‘Capital Coalition’ are united in their support of the next stage of the controversial trams project, despite huge pressure on council budgets. 

Last week the Capital Coalition voted through yet more cuts to essential council services. The Council will make required savings of £35m over the next 12 months and planned savings of around £87m over the next three years.

Transport and Environment Convener, SNP Councillor Lesley Macinnes, said: “We are about to reach a major milestone in the project to take the trams to Newhaven, as we prepare for the main phase of works on Leith Walk.

“We are already progressing well with the first phase of the project on Constitution Street and the Trams to Newhaven team have been working closely with contractors and transport operators to plan this next crucial stage.

“We will continue to engage with residents and businesses to keep them up-to-speed with plans as the project progresses.”

Transport and Environment Vice Convener, Labour Councillor Karen Doran added: “This is a transformational project for the city as a whole, but we’re aware of the particular impact this work will have on the people living nearby.

“That’s why our team has been making every effort to share information on the process, as well as providing support to adapt to the changes for residents and businesses.”

Construction schedule

Construction will begin on Leith Walk on Saturday, 28 March while additional work will begin along the route during March. Full details of ongoing work and work scheduled to begin this spring are:

London Road to Crown Place – starting 28 March 2020, scheduled to complete Autumn 2021

Ocean Drive – starting 13 March 2020, scheduled to complete Autumn 2020
Newhaven to Melrose Drive – starting 6 March 2020, scheduled to complete Summer 2021

Queen Charlotte Street to Constitution Place – ongoing, scheduled to complete Autumn 2020

Foot of the Walk to Coatfield Lane – ongoing, scheduled to complete by Spring 2021

The full construction programme can be accessed on the Trams to Newhaven website.

Traffic Management

Traffic management arrangements have been approved jointly with members of the city’s Traffic Management Review Panel, including Lothian Buses and the emergency services, and these will be in place from 28 March 2020. Access through the site will be maintained for emergency services at all times. Diversion routes and advanced warning signage will be erected in the vicinity for information.

During main construction works there will be no stopping or waiting at any time within the city bound running lane. Traffic management plans are available online.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times on both sides of Leith Walk. While current parking and loading will be suspended, temporary car parks will be provided on Leith Walk to ensure people can still visit the area to shop and go about their business.


A bi-directional cycle lane on the west side of Leith Walk will be provided and maintained throughout the construction works. At times there will be local diversions to this lane in order to facilitate the works. These will be clearly sign posted as required.

Bus diversions

The project has liaised extensively with Lothian on the proposed traffic management to allow Lothian to develop their bus diversion route plans. Full details of bus diversions are available online.

Changes to Lothian’s network have been announced as work is set to begin Leith Walk for the next stage of the Trams to Newhaven project.

Read more here ➡️

Leith Walk will see significant traffic management in place from 28 March 2020 for 18 months, with major diversions to all bus services in this area. Main services affected include the 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 22, 25 and 49.

Information on these changes will be available on-board buses, on our website and on social media.

Lothian encourages all customers – whether occasional users or regular commuters – to view these changes and plan accordingly if affected. Full information about route changes across the network can be viewed here ➡️

The bus company said ‘We sincerely thank all customers for their understanding and patience while this work is carried out.’

Construction Works 

From 28 March to 11 April fencing will be erected in order to establish the construction site. Construction work will involve the excavation of the road to allow utility diversions, tracklaying, installation of tram infrastructure, public realm improvements and heritage and archaeology works.

The construction strategy, which involves large work sites being established to allow both utility works and tramway construction, means works can continue in the event of any problem being encountered during the period.

During construction, communal bins for Leith Walk will be situated at the nearest side street to the existing location. The regularity of uplifts will be increased to ensure the area is kept clean and tidy and uplifts will take place in the evening to minimise traffic in the area at peak times.

All post boxes will be removed from Leith Walk and returned once construction is completed.

The London Road roundabout clock and bronze pigeons will be refurbished and returned to an improved public realm at Elm Row, scheduled for completion Autumn 2021.

Supporting Local Businesses 

There will be a Support for Business package in operation, devised in consultation with businesses in the area, which will include a local voucher scheme, an ‘open for business’ campaign across a range of media and a business continuity fund. Full details can be found on the project website.

Logistics hubs to support Leith Walk businesses will be set up on Montgomery Street, Albert Street, Dalmeny Street and at the Foot of the Walk to help with deliveries and dispatches. These will also be the location for businesses presenting their trade waste. Help will be at hand via these logistics hubs for residents expecting large deliveries such as appliances or furniture too.

For further information visit

Alternatively the team can be emailed at

While the inexorable construction process continues, it’s easy to forget that a public inquiry into the Edinburgh’s trams fiasco continues at a snail’s pace. It was launched in summer 2014 and there’s still no sign of it reporting any time soon.

The Inquiry,under former Lord Advocate Lord Hardie, aims to establish why the Edinburgh Tram project incurred delays, cost more than originally budgeted and, through reductions in scope, delivered significantly less than projected.

The official terms of reference for the Inquiry are to:

  • Inquire into the delivery of the Edinburgh Tram project (‘the project’), from proposals for the project emerging to its completion, including the procurement and contract preparation, its governance, project management and delivery structures, and oversight of the relevant contracts, in order to establish why the project incurred delays, cost considerably more than originally budgeted for and delivered significantly less than was projected through reductions in scope.
  • Examine the consequences of the failure to deliver the project in the time, within the budget and to the extent projected.
  • Review the circumstances surrounding the project as necessary, in order to report to the Scottish Ministers making recommendations as to how major tram and light rail infrastructure projects of a similar nature might avoid such failures in future.

The trams were five years late, £400 MILLION over budget and that was for a single line, not the promised network … it’s comforting to know that lessons have been learned!

Nothing can go wrong now …


Capital Coalition votes to slash services

Edinburgh’s ruling SNP-Labour ‘Capital Coalition’ voted though cuts of £35 million to public services last night – and agreed to raise Council Tax by almost 4.8%. Labour councillor Gordon Munro abstained.

And if you think the cuts will end after next year, think again: the Council set a three year budget and plans to make cuts of £87 million over the next three years.

Council leaders say the budget will protect vital services, but opposition parties argue that the scale of the cuts will damage communities.

SNP Cllr Adam McVey, Council Leader, said: “We’ve agreed a bold budget which protects the most vulnerable in society and guarantees a fairer quality of life for future generations. It prioritises those Council services which work to help those who are most in need of our support – protecting our young people, our communities and our planet in the process.

“In the face of growth and a global climate emergency, we’ve outlined plans for the biggest investment ever to be made into new, sustainable and affordable homes in Edinburgh.

“The people of Edinburgh have told us they want their city to be sustainable, to be fair and for frontline services to be protected. That is what we are delivering with a budget which invests in the services our city needs. I’d like to thank fellow Councillors for standing up for a plan which is fair and sustainable.”

Labour Cllr Cammy Day, Depute Leader, said: “The plans passed today support new schools, sustainability and the regeneration of this city and I’m pleased we’ve been able to – yet again – agree a balanced budget, despite the ongoing financial uncertainty we and all local authorities face.

“This forward-thinking approach will provide much greater certainty to residents, to workers and to partners right across the city and will help us tackle poverty in all its forms.

“Under today’s budget, this Council is committing to do all that we can with the resources we have to improve residents’ lives and protect those services which are vital to our most vulnerable citizens. This will be supported by the thousands of new, affordable homes we’ll help to build and the community regeneration we’ve pledged to deliver.

“For too long we’ve turned our back on our fantastic waterfronts and this budget plan will allow us to move forward with our plans to regenerate Granton, providing new homes and a fantastic community for people to work and visit.”

Far from moving forward, Lib Dem councillors Kevin Lang and Louise Young believe the budget is a backwards step.

Commenting last night, the brother and sister councillors for Almond ward said: “We are sorry to say the SNP’s Council budget was passed tonight. We argued strongly for our alternative which avoided the worst of the service cuts but the votes weren’t there.

This means:

 an end to all Council funding for community policing, putting dozens of officer posts at risk.
 removing all 130 teachers from our nurseries.
 a big cut to headteacher school budgets.
 slashing the funding for local sports and leisure centres.
 opening the door to library cuts.

“The SNP also refused to accept our fully costed plan to put more money into road and pavement repairs or into new park playground equipment.

“We always try to be optimistic but there’s no getting away from the fact this is a bad budget for our constituents.”

Earlier this week the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities warned that the Scottish Government’s Budget will hit vulnerable communities the hardest.

COSLA said the Government has not considered successive years of cuts, or rising inflation and demand and have therefore put council services at risk.

Councils have said they believe the budget will have a major impact on the Government’s ability to address the four priorities of inclusive growth, tackling child poverty, wellbeing and climate change, and puts Scottish Government commitments at risk if no further funding is found as part of the Budget Scrutiny process.

COSLA’s view is that taken on its own, the Scottish Government’s announcement of an additional £495m for councils is misleading to communities.

Councils are required to deliver an additional £590m worth of new Scottish Government policy commitments, resulting in a cut to council budgets of £95m. It is vital to note that this doesn’t account for inflation and therefore the real terms cut to the Local Government revenue budget is nearer £300m.

The draft capital budget is equally as devastating. Whilst £54m of new capital money has been announced this is negated by £171m worth of Scottish Government commitments. This leaves a £117m cut to core capital budgets of 17%. Again, if we include inflation the real terms cut to capital budgets is £130m.

This settlement does not address any of the restoration called for in light of many years of cuts.

Speaking ahead of an evidence session at the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee on Wednesday, COSLA Resources Spokesperson Councillor Gail Macgregor said: “COSLA has campaigned hard in recent months for the Scottish Government to address falling Local Government budgets.

“We called for Scottish Government commitments to be funded, inflation to be accounted for and restoration to the budget to reflect successive years of cuts to Local Government. It is unfortunate that a sphere of government in this country has not been listened to. 

“This draft budget will impact on jobs, frontline services and Local Government’s ability to address inclusive economic growth, child poverty, wellbeing and climate change and does not address the growing demand most councils are facing in relation to services.”

COSLA President Councillor Alison Evison added: “Recent benchmarking statistics have shown that 10,000 FTE jobs have been lost in Local Government since 2010/11. The impact of this on communities is real and cannot continue. 

“We are calling on Scottish Government and the Parliament to address these concerns, listen to our asks and prevent the loss of essential council services which communities rely upon.

“Make no mistake, councils and the services which communities rely upon will be at risk as a result of this budget.”

Councillors voyed to raise Edinburgh’s Council Tax by 4.79%. The tax band levels for Edinburgh in 2020/21 will come into effect on 1 April 2020 and will be:

A – £892.39

B – £1,041.13

C – £1,189.86

D – £1,338.59

E – £1,758.76

F – £2,175.21

G – £2,621.41

H – £3,279.55

Council announces latest plans for Waterfront regeneration

The latest proposals to transform Edinburgh’s largest brownfield site at Granton Waterfront – this time into a new ‘coastal town’ – have been published.

With a rich history and heritage, this former industrial land is set to become one of Scotland’s leading sustainable developments, bringing new homes, business, culture, leisure, learning and employment opportunities.

The plans will be presented to the Council’s Policy and Sustainabiltiy Committee, which meets on Tuesday next week.

A new coastal city park linking Granton Harbour to Gypsy Brae will re-connect the city with its waterfront providing the opportunity for residents and visitors to enjoy spectacular views across the Forth while experiencing enhanced leisure and outdoor activity. The plan is also set to deliver on exemplar urban design centred around climate resilience, leading the way in future sustainable development and growing the economy in an inclusive way.

The proposals will bring around 3,500 new homes of which at least 35% will be affordable, a school, medical centre, new cycling and walking routes and enhanced sustainable transport connections with the city, making a significant contribution to Edinburgh’s target to become a net zero carbon city by 2030. With an overall gross development value of around £1.3bn, the Council is committed to investing around £196m to accelerate the regeneration, attracting significant public and private sector funding to deliver the vision.

The Council’s housing association partners are currently delivering around 700 new homes for sale and rent within the Granton Waterfront area with commitment by key public sector partners National Museums Scotland, National Galleries of Scotland and Edinburgh College to work in collaboration to make this one of Edinburgh’s best places to live, work, learn and visit.

Following extensive consultation with the local community and other key stakeholders, a Development Framework for Granton Waterfront will be published by the Council today.can b

This sets out the vision, key principles and design guidance and will be considered by the Council’s Planning Committee on Wednesday, 26 February. When agreed it will be used as a guide for developers when making future planning applications to ensure placemaking stays at the heart of any future proposals.

The Framework supports the Council’s  draft City Mobility Plan as it proposes a vast network of new routes which promote walking and cycling over car use. Car parking has been reduced to a maximum of 25% or less for the area and there is a commitment to improve bus services and other forms of sustainable public transport which will include looking at the business case for a future phase of the tram. Cultural hubs and business start-up space are also part of the framework to create a diverse place for people to live, visit and work in.

An exhibition of the Framework opens today at Edinburgh College Granton Campus and runs until Friday 6 March. Staff will be on hand to answer any questions at the exhibition today from 4 -7pm.

Cllr Adam McVey, Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “We’ve made a commitment to become a net zero carbon city by 2030 and the regeneration of Granton offers the perfect opportunity to showcase how this can be delivered.

“We are committed to working with the local community and partners to create vibrant new neighbourhoods where people live and travel and grow the economy in an eco- friendly way.”

Cllr Cammy Day, Depute Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council and a Forth ward councillor, said: “The regeneration of Granton will create hundreds of new jobs linked to growth of new services, business, leisure and creative industries and will strengthen the retail and small businesses that already exist.

“Our public sector partners Edinburgh College, National Museums Scotland and National Galleries Scotland, who all have land or buildings within Granton Waterfront, are committed to working collaboratively to maximise the impact of combining our resources.

“I’d encourage everyone interested in this exciting new plan for the area to go along to Edinburgh College and have a look at the plans which will be on display for two weeks from the 20 February.”

Following committee approval, the Council will work with the Scottish Government and other key partners to develop the funding strategy. A programme of temporary uses for the site and early action projects in vacant buildings or land awaiting development will also be taken forward to encourage community empowerment and activity aimed at enhanced social and economic growth and health and wellbeing.

The Council will shortly be bringing forward plans for an initial phase of development at Western Villages ahead of the wider transformation. Proposals for the development of around 400 new homes for sale and rent in the area will be out for consultation in Spring 2020.

Progress on site so far

• Over 700 affordable homes recently completed or under development within Granton  Waterfront by our RSL partners, Polha, Link and Places for People
• Council support for Friends of Granton Castle and Walled Garden and Granton Hub in Madelvic House – projects aimed at supporting community enterprise and health and wellbeing
• Lease granted to Edinburg Wake Ltd on the quarry pond for leisure use as a wake boarding park – site due to be operational spring/summer 2020
• Council appointed contractor to restore Granton Station – work due to commence in Summer 2020 to create a new enterprise hub, with completion due in early 2021
• Council contributed £100,000 towards the lighting of the Granton gas holder and a launch event. Work is continuing to seek additional funding to complete the project
• Promotion of temporary uses for empty buildings as a valuable resource for the local community while the site is being permanently developed – possible uses include
Urban Wind Turbine Pilot
Beach Box Granton – shipping containers on the shoreline to provide affordable space for cafes and leisure
The Platform – market and events at the station building and surrounding open space
Lighting of the gas holder
Adventure playground – outdoor learning space for children in collaboration with Edinburgh College
Hoarding exhibitions – animate the hoardings while showcasing work of partners and local people or organisations
Forthside festival – use the open space at Gypsy Brae for a range of outdoor activities set against the backdrop of coastal views

Meadowbank Masterplan submitted

The Masterplan for the Meadowbank redevelopment has been lodged. Surrounding the city’s new state of the art Meadowbank sports centre, the council says the development has been designed in collaboration with members of the local community.

This approach has involved a substantial programme of public engagement since June 2018, including 15 events and workshops and 680 consulation responses. Together with an independently chaired Meadowbank Sounding Board, which has met six times, this has enabled local residents, community representatives, elected members and Council officers to work in partnership to shape the plans.

The Masterplan which has now been submitted features proposals for a low car, sustainable development which pays tribute to the site’s sporting and industrial heritage. It prioritises pedestrian and active travel through its network of paths and roads.

The plans have been designed to protect rare Wheatley Elms in the area and they incorporate a number of play and park spaces, a rain garden and plans to plant more trees.

Around 600 modern low carbon energy-efficient homes are proposed in the development plan, with a minimum of 35% affordable homes. The plans also include space for a GP surgery and other community facilities.

The Masterplan for Meadowbank is is likely to be considered by members of the Development Management Sub Committee this summer. It’s one of the major developments planned as part of the Council’s citywide placemaking programme, which also involves the regeneration of Fountainbridge, Pennywell, Granton, Craigmillar and Leith.

Councillor Kate Campbell, Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convener, said: “A huge amount of work has gone into producing this Masterplan for Meadowbank. We’ve been listening to the local community throughout the process and I’d like to thank everyone for helping to shape these designs. I’m confident this plan reflects their priorities and needs.

“We’re proposing that over a third of the homes we build at Meadowbank will be affordable – with most of those for social rent. To support our ambition to be a carbon neutral city by 2030, we’re also going to create great public spaces for children to play and people to meet, walk and cycle through. We’re prioritising people over cars and keeping parking to a minimum as well as building high quality energy efficient homes.”

Further details on the plans are available


and a model of the proposals can be viewed at Piershill library.

The construction of the new Meadowbank Sports Centre is currently well underway with handover of the new building to Edinburgh Leisure expected in the Autumn.

Enough is enough!

Councillors will meet tomorrow to discuss six steps for boosting sustainability, tackling poverty and improving residents’ wellbeing over the course of the next decade. The meeting comes a week before the city council sets it’s budget – a budget which UNISON says will slash council services with another £33 million in CUTS in the year ahead.

Designed to secure Edinburgh’s spending priorities, in the context of increasingly challenging financial circumstances, the six programmes of work are contained within a report detailing the next phase of the Council’s Change Strategy.

Members of the Finance and Resources Committee will consider the suggestions alongside detailed proposals for agreeing the city’s annual budget next week (20 February) and planned savings of £87.3m over the next three years.

One year into a four-year plan, the Change Strategy has already achieved savings of over £30m for the Council, while delivering improvements to frontline services across the city and major investment towards health and social care, the building of new schools and thousands of affordable homes.

Since last year’s budget, the Council has made significant progress against its target to deliver 10,000 new affordable homes by 2022, with 2,000 homes currently under construction across 35 sites.

A £153m improvement is making upgrades to nearly 600 buildings, with £67m spent building new or refurbishing schools, while an additional £15.7m has been put towards health and social care.

The start of the tram to Newhaven extension is underway – we’ll have to wait and see what the final cost of that particular project will be – and more than £7.4m has been invested into active travel and cycling around the city, alongside an £11m street lighting upgrade to LED.

The next phase of the council strategy builds on this work, identifying six programmes with practical steps for continuing to achieve Edinburgh’s spending priorities in this year’s Council budget and beyond.

The six programmes are:

  • Prioritising poverty and wellbeing

Developing a long-term Prevention Strategy based on the results of the Edinburgh Poverty Commission and the findings of the Homelessness Taskforce, and redesigning Council services which maximise residents’ wellbeing.

  • Working to reach net zero carbon

Co-sponsoring the establishment of the Edinburgh Commission for Climate Action – an independent body that will advise and support the whole city to play its part in protecting our environment for future generations – and building on the city’s Net Zero short-term improvement plan with a City Sustainability Strategy.

  • Building an inclusive city

Finalising and actioning a new City Plan and City Centre Transformation strategy to guide the future shape of the city and fulfilling the ambitions of Edinburgh’s 10-year City Mobility plan to change the way that people move around the city.

  • Operating a 21st Century estate

Launching a new Land and Property Commission to better identify sites for new housing, release depots and yards for redevelopment and capital for investment, reduce costs and carbon emissions – complemented by a new Estate Strategy examining all aspects of how the Council runs and maintains buildings and land.

  • Being an efficient and modern Council

Paying the baseline Living Wage to all employees, working to close the gender pay gap and improve diversity, and breaking down stigma associated with mental health conditions. We will also be reviewing senior management structures and costs.

  • Empowering citizens and empowering colleagues

By introducing new standards for consultation and co-designing services across the Council and fulfilling our commitment of 1% of council budgets being invested through participatory budgeting by 2021.

Council Leader Adam McVey said: “We need to think big and be bold to become the type of city people have told us they want to live and work in – an inclusive, sustainable and progressive city which prioritises frontline services and its most vulnerable citizens, puts an end to poverty and acts now against climate change – and we shouldn’t be afraid to make challenging decisions in order to get there.

“That’s why we’re changing the way we do things, committing to a longer term, three-year budget plan, paving the way for record capital investment in areas like new schools, new affordable new homes and sustainable transport. The six steps outlined in this report will make sure we remain focused on our key aims while providing the best services possible for the people of Edinburgh.”

The SNP can’t run the city on their own, of course, and they are supported by Labour in a ‘Capital Coalition’ which has been coming in for increasing criticism.

Capital Coalition Depute Leader, Labour’s Cllr Cammy Day, said: “Like all Councils, we’re facing unprecedented levels of financial uncertainty and we’ll need to make tough choices in order to prioritise the big changes Edinburgh wants and needs.

“The six areas have been shaped by many years of feedback, through our budget consultations with tens of thousands of Edinburgh residents. This is about focusing on frontline services which lift people out of poverty and support Edinburgh’s ambitious sustainability goals.

“Most councils will currently be considering how to set a one-year budget. We’re going further by looking at how we will balance our budgets over the next three years. We’ll do this while also continuing to push for the powers we need to introduce innovative new funding mechanisms for Edinburgh, such as the tourist tax and workplace parking levy.”


Local government trade union UNISON is urging it’s members and the general public to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and stand up for our local jobs and services.

The union is holding a Council Budget Day Lobby from 08.30 – 10:00 at the City Chambers on the High Street

  • Stress levels at breakdown point
  • Further £33m in cuts.
  • Health & Social Care Funding Crisis
  • Hundreds of jobs to go
  • Outsourcing back