Anti-cuts meeting goes ahead tonight

RWCC (2)

The anti-cuts meeting will take place tonight at 6.30 in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. We hope to finish by 8pm.

Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance will be there to give us an update on what’s happening in other parts of the city and local councillor Cammy Day will join us after his surgery to answer any questions you might have about the proposed budget cuts and how they will affect our area.

We will then discuss plans for the mass lobby of the Council on 12 February when the budget will be set.

We hope you can join us.

Anna Hutchison
On behalf of WIG (Womens International Group) 

Regenerate Granton

The Granton Improvement Society has a vision to regenerate the area, aiming to provide employment, training, education and leisure activities. They are holding their AGM on 30th April when they will be electing Trustees and sharing the latest information. Why not go along?

6pm Wednesday 30th April
Royston Wardieburn Community Centre
Pilton Drive North





Decoding Dyslexia

dyslexiaA new Dyslexia Group for Parents is being run at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre from Wednesday 22 January. The group is open to parents with children aged baby to seven years who might be interested in learning more about dyslexia. See the poster above for more details. The group has a free crèche.

Family fun days start up for the autumn

Royston_WardieburnCommunity run family fun days are starting up again this Sunday, the 15th of September, between 1pm-5pm. Royston Wardieburn Community Centre (the big black building on Pilton Drive North) is open with arts & crafts, soft play, cookery, dance, games, sports, computers, Scottish history and more. It costs 50p per person to get in. It’s a chance to meet other people in the community and to have fun. You can pop in any time between 1 and 5pm. If you can’t make it this week, don’t worry – it’s on for the next ten weeks! Everyone’s welcome, including kids.