Excel-lent computer course at Craigroyston!

Confident Computing Course at Craigroyston

keyboard (3)

Whether you are an absolute beginner or you just want to brush up on your computing skills, this course will give you the skills you need to progress to the next level! There will be a focus on Excel and how to improve the way you use Excel as a database or for keeping records or creating reports.

Where: Craigroyston Community High School

When: Wednesday mornings, 10.30am – 12.30pm, starting now.

More info: www.joininedinburgh.org/activity/6501/ or call 0131 477 7801

Interested in finding other Adult Education classes? Take a look at www.joininedinburgh.org/craigroyston

Congratulations, Craigie!

Craigroyston Celebrates ‘Very Good’ Inspection


All at Craigroyston Community High School were delighted to read their recently published Inspection report.

The school was inspected by Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools in November 2014. The Inspection found the following key strengths:

  • A shared vision which focusses on securing positive destinations for all young people
  • Strong engagement of partners in the development and delivery of the curriculum
  • Coordinated and high quality support for young people and their families
  • Staff and partners leading developments to improve the quality of young people’s learning
  • Young people who are increasingly ambitious for the future

The Inspectors also noted that they found innovative practice at the school in partnership working and the school’s approach to developing a curriculum that focusses on employment.  This innovative will be shared across Scotland as highly effective practice.

The full report can be read on the school’s website


and at www.educationscotland.gov.uk 

or click on links below

CCHS report

CCHS evidence report

cchs logo

PoPP goes North Edinburgh!

Positive Parenting Programme


The first North Incredible Years programmes are detailed below. (Flyer and application form also attached).

Please share this information widely with your colleagues and the parents and carers you work with. Please also consider carefully if any family you are working with would benefit from this support and discuss making an application with them. Please submit any application forms to helena.reid@ea.edin.sch.uk

West Pilton & North West

Circle Haven Project Craigroyston Primary School

Wednesdays, 9-11.30am from 25 February. Crèche available.

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre Pilton Drive North

Thursdays 12.30-2.30pm from 26 February. Crèche available.

Leith & North East

Craigentinny Early Years Centre, Craigentinny Primary, 4 Loganlea Drive, EH7 6LR

Thursdays 9-11.30am from 5 March. Crèche available.

For further info contact Helena Reid helena.reid@ea.edin.sch.uk or calling 07795127954. Helena would also be happy to arrange an awareness raising session with any staff team.

PoPP leaflet

PoPP for Parents Application Form

Burns ceilidh: celebrating community at Royston Wardieburn

That Man to Man, the world o’er,

Shall brothers (and sisters!) be for a’ that


A Burns Night is about many things. Good food, shared with friends, family or neighbours – and sometimes all three! Burns is about love, about comradeship and about community but if there’s just one word that captures the spirit of Scotland’s national Bard it’s ‘celebration’ – and all those elements were there in abundance at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre last night.

Yes, last night’s Community Celeidh celebrated the memory of Burns but it was more than that – it was a vibrant, living tribute to all the good things Burns work extolls: a warm, friendly gathering of friends and neighbours of all ages, interests and ethnicities joining together to have fun in each others’ company.

Organised by Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, Granton Community Gardeners and Pilton Community Health Project’s Living in Harmony group the evening built on last year’s event and proved to be a huge success.

Around 150 people – aged from three months up to … well, a good bit older! – enjoyed a traditional Burns Supper and were entertained by the excellent Homecoming String Band and a succession of local performers, all made poosible and supported by a team of enthusiastic volunteers who were always on hand to make sure the evening went smoothly.

Congratulations to the organisers, the band, the excellent team of volunteers and the local performers who entertained us so regally on the night: the poets, the musicians, the singers and the wee dancer – you were all brilliant!

And thanks, too, the the local community who came along to support the event and whose enthusiasm made the evening such a success.

Rabbie would be proud of you all – here’s to next year!  


Visit our Facebook page for more ceilidh pictures

Anti-cuts meeting goes ahead tonight

RWCC (2)

The anti-cuts meeting will take place tonight at 6.30 in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. We hope to finish by 8pm.

Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance will be there to give us an update on what’s happening in other parts of the city and local councillor Cammy Day will join us after his surgery to answer any questions you might have about the proposed budget cuts and how they will affect our area.

We will then discuss plans for the mass lobby of the Council on 12 February when the budget will be set.

We hope you can join us.

Anna Hutchison
On behalf of WIG (Womens International Group) 

Regenerate Granton

The Granton Improvement Society has a vision to regenerate the area, aiming to provide employment, training, education and leisure activities. They are holding their AGM on 30th April when they will be electing Trustees and sharing the latest information. Why not go along?

6pm Wednesday 30th April
Royston Wardieburn Community Centre
Pilton Drive North




contact: info@grantonimprovementsociety.org

Decoding Dyslexia

dyslexiaA new Dyslexia Group for Parents is being run at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre from Wednesday 22 January. The group is open to parents with children aged baby to seven years who might be interested in learning more about dyslexia. See the poster above for more details. The group has a free crèche.

Family fun days start up for the autumn

Royston_WardieburnCommunity run family fun days are starting up again this Sunday, the 15th of September, between 1pm-5pm. Royston Wardieburn Community Centre (the big black building on Pilton Drive North) is open with arts & crafts, soft play, cookery, dance, games, sports, computers, Scottish history and more. It costs 50p per person to get in. It’s a chance to meet other people in the community and to have fun. You can pop in any time between 1 and 5pm. If you can’t make it this week, don’t worry – it’s on for the next ten weeks! Everyone’s welcome, including kids.