NW Localities committee meets on Wednesday

The next meeting of North West Locality Committee will take place this Wednesday (30th January) from 6.30 – 8.30pm in the Dean of Guilds Room at the City Chambers. Continue reading NW Localities committee meets on Wednesday

Locality funding opportunity for community groups

£20,000 has been allocated to the North West Locality for the promotion of local cultural and artistic events to take place in 2019. Continue reading Locality funding opportunity for community groups

Working together: Forth & Inverleith VSF meets on Thursday


Partnership Event

Thursday 22 November at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre Continue reading Working together: Forth & Inverleith VSF meets on Thursday

North West Locality Committee meets this evening

North West Locality Committee meets tonight in the Dean of Guild Court Room, City Chambers at 6.30pm. The meeting is open to the public. Continue reading North West Locality Committee meets this evening

Talk Money tomorrow

The City of Edinburgh Council will join partner organisations in four Talk Money events held across the city to share tips and advice for managing money.  Continue reading Talk Money tomorrow

Money worries? Start talking!

Wednesday 14th November 11am – 2pm

The Prentice Centre, Granton Mains Avenue

(opposite entrance to Edinburgh College Granton Campus)

The event brings together multiple agencies who are working to tackle poverty and inequality and assist people in a range of ‘financial capability’ areas including income maximisation, debt advice, help with fuel and housing costs, free school meals and clothing grants, housing support, employability, low cost credit, etc.

Organisations taking part in the Prentice Centre event are:

  • Granton Information Centre (hosts)
  • Muirhouse Housing Association (event sponsors)
  • Changeworks
  • Family & Housing Support
  • Scotcash
  • Y People
  • Community Renewal
  • Circle
  • West Granton Housing Co-operative
  • Advice Shop
  • Dunedin Housing Association
  • Fresh Start
  • Turn 2 Us

For further information telephone Granton Information Centre 0131 551 2459 or 0131 552 0458 or email michelle@gic.org.uk or david@gic.org.uk

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meets this evening

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meets tonight at 6pm in North Local Office, 8 West Pilton Gardens. All welcome. Continue reading Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meets this evening

Mind Your Money event at The Prentice Centre

Money Advice at The Prentice Centre

Wednesday 14th November, 11am – 2pm

Talk Money Week (previously Financial Capability Week) is the annual celebration of the work thousands of organisations are doing to improve money management across the UK. Continue reading Mind Your Money event at The Prentice Centre