Three Edinburgh projects are in the running for awards at this year’s National Youth Work Awards, organised by YouthLink Scotland.
Continue reading National recognition for city youth projects
Three Edinburgh projects are in the running for awards at this year’s National Youth Work Awards, organised by YouthLink Scotland.
Continue reading National recognition for city youth projects
The North Edinburgh Save Our Services campaign are holding an Action Meeting on Wednesday evening – and there may be some good news at last for the six local community projects whose Health and Social Care funding was slashed by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board last December. Continue reading Lifeline for threatened projects? It’s too soon to celebrate
Ray of hope for projects hammered by Health & Social Care grant cuts
Up to 200 council jobs in the Capital will go as the SNP-Labour administration passed a controversial austerity budget which sees £33 million of cuts to vital public services across the city. Continue reading Capital Coalition votes through £33 MILLION cuts package
Forth & Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum meets this morning (Monday 18th February) from 9:30 – 11.30am at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.
Forum members will discuss funding cuts of over £600,000 to local projects and will consider the impact this will have on the community. A plan for a local voluntary sector response will also developed at the meeting.
Loan scheme to ease burden of owning a surgery Continue reading Funding boost for GP practices
This is a reminder of the next Forth & Inverleith VSF:
Monday 18th Feb, 9.30-11.30
F34 at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre
We will be discussing the cuts to local projects, amounting to over £600,000. Continue reading Voluntary Sector Forum to focus on funding cuts
There’s still time to share your views on the City Council’s draft council change strategy and proposals for the 2019/20 budget. Continue reading Edinburgh’s budget: still time to have your say
Funding Cuts: When all else fails, order a report … or two
Campaigners representing local community organisations affected by impending cuts to Health and Social Care grants put their case for continued funding to the North West Localities Committee last week.
The projects were told that the Locality Committee is in no position to restore lost funding, however, and councillors committed only to call for reports into the EIJB’s grant funding process.
In particular, officers were tasked to look at activity (or lack of it) to support projects affected by discontinued funding since the decision was made in December. The reports will also analyse the funding spend to determine whether or not North West has been impacted more severely than other localities.
While it’s important that lessons are learned for the future, this action won’t help those projects who need support NOW, though: the Localities committee doesn’t meet again until 28th March – by which time projects will have had to issue redundancy notices to staff and, in some cases, look at closing projects down. Continue reading “You might as well build an abbattoir at the top of Pennywell Road: we’re being put to the sword”
A new 38degrees petition, “NorthEdinburgh#saveourservices” is now available online. Continue reading North Edinburgh Save our Services: sign the petition!