Lights, camera, DATA!

Calling all budding Steven Spielbergs, Kathryn Bigelows or Peter Jacksons, Netflix fans, and promising BBC Data Scientists! A national competition to design a film or tv series based on data has been launched at DATAFEST 2019 – the UK’s first ever two-week festival of data innovation in Scotland. Continue reading Lights, camera, DATA!

Voluntary Sector Forum meets on Monday

Forth & Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum meeting will take place on:

Monday 18th March, 9.30 – 11.30am

at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Among agenda items to be discussed will be the possible withdrawal of EVOC’s  support of the city’s Voluntary Sector Forums.

There will also be an update on the ongoing funding crisis faced by local projects.


National recognition for city youth projects

Three Edinburgh projects are in the running for awards at this year’s National Youth Work Awards, organised by YouthLink Scotland.

Continue reading National recognition for city youth projects

 Capital Coalition votes through £33 MILLION cuts package

Ray of hope for projects hammered by Health & Social Care grant cuts

Up to 200 council jobs in the Capital will go as the SNP-Labour administration passed a controversial austerity budget which sees £33 million of cuts to vital public services across the city.  Continue reading  Capital Coalition votes through £33 MILLION cuts package

Funding cuts crisis: Voluntary Sector Forum meets this morning

Forth & Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum meets this morning (Monday 18th February) from 9:30 – 11.30am at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. 

Forum members will discuss funding cuts of over £600,000 to local projects and will consider the impact this will have on the community. A plan for a local voluntary sector response will also developed at the meeting.

Voluntary Sector Forum to focus on funding cuts

This is a reminder of the next Forth & Inverleith VSF:

Monday 18th Feb, 9.30-11.30

F34 at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

We will be discussing the cuts to local projects, amounting to over £600,000. Continue reading Voluntary Sector Forum to focus on funding cuts

Edinburgh’s budget: still time to have your say

There’s still time to share your views on the City Council’s draft council change strategy and proposals for the 2019/20 budget.  Continue reading Edinburgh’s budget: still time to have your say

Capital Carers AGM

Wednesday 13th February from 12 – 2pm at The Prentice Centre