● Research* reveals that 79% of us believe we would be more motivated in the gym if we had a ‘gym buddy’ giving us a push to hit our fitness goals
● Not only are we more motivated when working out with a partner, but studies suggest it can strengthen the relationships of those who we choose to exercise with too
● The Gym Group’s Master Trainer and expert fitness team have curated a workout specifically designed to help pairs get the most out of their gym session – whether in a couple or the best of friends – this exercise plan will help any duo reap the benefits of working out with a partner

New research by nationwide low-cost gym chain, The Gym Group, has revealed that 79% of gym goers believe they’d be more motivated when hitting the gym if they had a ‘gym buddy’ pushing them to achieve their goals.
Studies also suggest that exercising with a romantic partner can have the added benefit of contributing to long and happy relationships.
To help inspire more ‘gym duos’, the nationwide gym chain has devised a ‘Power Pair’ circuit session of exercises. This workout is specifically designed to build motivation and enjoyment in the gym while working out together.
From friendly competition and encouragement, to simply sharing the load, working out with a partner can have great benefits in staying consistent with exercise.
To support gym-goers to reap the mental and physical health benefits of ‘pairing up’ with a gym buddy, The Gym Group offers all members on its premium Ultimate membership thebenefit of bringing a friend to their gym for free, four times a month.
Hitting the gym with a buddy can provide a sense of belonging and can boost your confidence to try something new together. This could be as simple as a new form of exercise or training for a bigger challenge like HYROX – the fastest growing fitness trend that can be taken on by pairs to share the experience.
To provide gym partners with workout inspiration, The Gym Group’s Master Trainer, Jenni Tardiff and team have curated a simple but effective workout, guaranteed to bring the power to their relationship.
Jenni Tardiff, Master Trainer, The Gym Group commented: “Overall the power of working out with someone lies in the accountability, motivation, intensity, and social support it provides.
“Whether you’re trying to smash your fitness goals, stay consistent with your workouts, or simply enjoy the journey of health and wellness, having a workout partner by your side can truly enhance the experience and lead to greater success and more enjoyment.”
TheGymGroup’s ‘Power Pair’ workout
The “You Go, I Go” (YGIG) workout is a training method where two partners take turns performing exercises with minimal rest in between. One partner completes a set of exercises while the other rests, and then they switch roles. This method maximises efficiency and intensity while providing support and motivation from your partner.
Warm Up
Warm-up on any cardio machine for 5mins and perform some mobility drills and dynamic stretches
Repeat the Ski (or row), sled, box jump burpees and push ups for 3 rounds so total distance is 3km on the Ski (or rower)
● Ski-erg or Rowing machine
○ 30-40 secs hard effort, partner rests then swap
○ Complete 1km distance as fast as you can between you.
○ Stand facing the Ski-Erg machine with feet hip-width apart.
○ Grasp the handles with an overhand grip and arms extended in front of you.
○ Engage your core and lower back muscle and maintain a slight bend in your knees.
○ Hinge from your hips while simultaneously pulling the handles down towards your hips.
○ Keep a smooth and controlled motion, mimicking the movement of skiing.
○ Allow the handles to return to the starting position with control.
○ Adjust the settings on the machine as needed to suit your fitness level and goals.
● Sled Push
○ Push the sled to the bottom of the track and your partner pushes it back up x 8 (4 lengths each)
○ Load the sled with an appropriate weight, keeping it challenging but manageable. Your partner can sit on the sled for added weight or a ride
○ Drive through your legs, pushing the sled using short, powerful steps.
○ Keep your arms extended or you can do close grip with bent arms, maintain a strong grip on the handles throughout the movement.
○ Engage your core muscles and keep your back straight as you push the sled forward.
○ Partner pushes the sled back up.
Burpee Box jump or Burpee Step ups
○ Perform either exercise for 20 reps.
○ Begin in a standing position facing a box that is a challenging but safe height for you both.
○ Perform a burpee by squatting down, placing your hands on the floor, and jumping or stepping your feet back and bring chest to the floor.
○ Jump both feet forward toward the box, landing with your feet flat on the ground. Or you can step in toward the box.
○ Powerfully jump onto the box, using your arms for momentum and landing softly with both feet. Option to step up onto the box.
○ Ensure that your entire foot lands securely on the box, and keep your knees bent.
○ Step back down from the box.
○ Partner performs burpee and box jump.
○ Each partner performs 1 burpee and jump alternating until you have done 20 in total (10 each).
Partner Push-Ups
○ Aim to perform 10 push-ups each.
○ Get into a push-up position facing each other, with enough distance between you for your arms to extend fully. Option to lower knees to thefloor.
○ Perform a push-up while your partner holds a plank position on their toes or knees.
○ Switch positions after each rep.
With off-peak memberships from £13.99 and expert fitness trainers, high-spec kit and 24/7 access, The Gym Group has 233 locations across theUK – over 50% of the population lives within a 15 minute drive of a gym – find your closest gym here.