Holyrood Elections: are you registered?

Scottish Parliament Elections Thursday 5 May

scot parliament

Voters are being encouraged to check they are on the electoral roll with less than  four weeks until the Scottish Parliament Election.

You must be registered if you want to vote on 5 May.

This is the first time 16 and 17-year-olds will be able to vote in an election, other than the Scottish Independence Referendum, following the passing of the Scottish Elections (Reduction of Voting Age) Bill last year.

Members of the public, including students and people who have moved home since the last time they registered, should check they are on the electoral roll ahead of the registration deadline on 18 April – that’s next Monday.


GameChanger community event at Easter Road

Get connected with your community this Tuesday


GameChanger are holding a free Community Event on Tuesday 12 April at Easter Road Stadium, taking place between 11am to 3pm.

The awareness day will help to showcase to the community what there is in the local area to help with their health and well-being, and is another event which demonstrates the positive impact GameChanger is having in the local area.

Attendees will be able to find out information across a wide spectrum of health issues including fitness, addiction support and mental health, as well as the related sub-topics that can help with your well-being, including information on healthy cooking, community gardening, yoga and dance.

Not only will it cover health and well-being, but it aims to highlight how to help with your employability and will offer advice on improving your digital skillset too. Information will be available for learning opportunities for students with varying disabilities and needs, as well as assistance for carers and advice on relationships and sex for young people. You can even find out what is happening at the upcoming Leith Festival.

For those with a keen football interest, you will also be able to discover a free online learning opportunity with the University of Edinburgh to study Football: More than a Game as well as opportunities for credit bearing face to face learning.

The event will take place within the Eighteen75 and Edinburgh Suites within the West Stand at Easter Road Stadium.

Scotland: we have a problem?


On Wednesday 20 April, Electoral Reform Society Scotland is hosting a free public discussion to coincide with the release of our new report One Party To Rule Them All: Does Scotland Have A Predominant-Party Problem?

The report addresses the dangers of one party dominance in a parliament designed for coalitions. This event will be a fantastic opportunity to explore what Scots want from our democracy and what we can do to help keep the Scottish parliament diverse and cooperative.


Speakers include:

  • Lesley Riddoch (journalist and commentator)
  • Angela Haggerty (editor of CommonSpace)
  • Rory Scothorne (ERS Scotland)
  • Compered by Gerry Hassan (writer and academic)

7pm – 8.30pm, Wednesday 20 April.

Blythswood Hall,
Renfield St Stephen’s Centre,
260 Bath St,
Glasgow, G2 4JP

Join the Facebook event and invite your friends here.


West Pilton West Granton CC meets on Tuesday


Dear All,

Please find attached the draft agenda for the next meeting on Tuesday 5 April 2016 at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre at 7pm.

See you there,

Barbara Robertson

WPWGCC Agenda 5th April 16

WPWGCC Agenda pdf 5th April 16

Total Craigroyston checks out

What’s Total Craigroyston ever done for this community? Well, quite a lot, actually …


Total Craigroyston, the council-led agency formed to tackle deep-rooted children and family problems in North Edinburgh, wound up last week with a ‘Checking Out’ event at Pilton Youth & Children’s Project. Continue reading Total Craigroyston checks out

Community Conference: now it’s time for action

Action Groups formed based on community priorities


Five new Action Groups have been formed following last month’s community conference at Craigroyston Community High School.

The conference, organised by Community Action North and Granton Improvement Society supported by Craigroyston High School’s Community Centre, gave local people an opportunity to identify the main issues affecting the area. Participants then worked in small groups to look in detail at these topics and went on to form Action Groups to work with others to find short, medium and longer term solutions to the area’s problems.

The Action Groups are:

  • Big Picture (Economy, Employment & Decision Making)
  • Community Spaces & Environment
  • Crime & Community Safety
  • Housing
  • Youth

More than fifty local people took part in the event and it’s hoped that many more with attend a follow up event in the autumn.

A spokesperson for the conference organisers said: “The weather on the day was really dreadfully so we were delighted that so many people made the effort to attend. There was a lot of enthusiasm and many ideas were generated at the conference and the Action Groups will now take these ideas forward and plan the way ahead. There are lots of changes happening in the area just now and it’s important that local people are involved and have a say in the decisions that affect their lives.”

If you would like to be involved in the Action Groups or want more information about CAN, email comunityactionnorth@gmail.com

Community Conference Report

Still time to make a difference in Muirhouse Salvesen


Nominations are still open for seven places on Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council, but time is running out – nominations close on Wednesday 30 March, so don’t leave it too late! Continue reading Still time to make a difference in Muirhouse Salvesen