Liz Lochhead to be part of North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out

lochheadScotland’s national poet Liz Lochhead will be among the participants at a major community event to be held in North Edinburgh later this month. ‘The Big Night Out’, an evening of songs, fun, poetry and protest, is being organised by the local Power to the People group.

The programme is yet to be finalised, but the event will also feature a photography and artwork exhibition.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the group, explained: “There’s going to be a couple of exhibitions on the history of protest (one is a photographic exhibition, the other is being put together by arts students from Edinburgh (Telford) College.  The main part of the night will be in the theatre and will include  protest poems and protest poetry.   We have just had word  that Liz Lochhead will be doing a turn which is great, and it’s likely that some  pupils from Craigroyston High School will also be participating in the event – I’m meeting with their teacher to discuss this further. There’s still a lot to organise and confirm but the Power to the People group are very excited about The Big Night Out.”

Power to the People’s Big Night Out will be held in

North Edinburgh Arts on Friday 29 November from 6.30 – 9.30pm.

Tickets £3. All welcome.


News from the Centipede

Pumpkin Carving this Thursday!
Muirhouse Community Shop on Pennywell Road’s the place to be for a free pumpkin carving and potato printing workshop. Session runs from 3 – 5pm – all welcome!
Watch the birdie on Friday!
Muirhouse Centipede Project are holding two free portrait sessions on Friday (25 October): 10am – 12pm and 2-4pm at North Edinburgh Arts.
The photos will be taken by professional photographer, Kenny Bean ( Each participant will be able to take away a free print of their photograph on the day as well as digital copies of their images if they bring in a memory stick.
The photographs will be used at a ‘Luminous Muirhouse’, a festival of light we are organising for November (see poster below).
The festival is to highlight the housing situation in Muirhouse. We will be painting the blue prints of a  ‘dream home’ onto the ground using glow in the dark paint that will be lit up on the night. There will also be furniture made that will represent various community group’s dream home or garden, which will also be painted with the same glow in the dark paint. The home and furniture will be designed through consultations with local community groups.
The images will be projected onto a large wall on the night for the whole community to see.
The Friday sessions are drop-in – for further information call 0131 315 6408.
Joanne McArthur
Centipede Project
Luminous Muirhouse Poster

We Will Be Free – next Friday!

WWBF Publicity

I  have attached (above) a copy of a leaflet publicising ‘We Will Be Free’, a new play by Townsend Theatre Productions, about the Tolpuddle Martyrs and their fight for justice (see blurb on back page).   It’s being hosted by North Edinburgh Arts next Friday (25 October) as part of our Power to the People Autumn programme.  Tickets are only £3 for local folk with good neighbour cards (free from the arts centre).

This is Townsend Theatre Productions second visit to North Edinburgh.  Last year, they brought us ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’  which they performed brilliantly.

Hope to see you at the performance!

Lynn McCabe



Forum to focus on sustance use

Substance use in North Edinburgh is the main theme of next week’s Forth & Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum meeting, which will take place at 10am on Wednesday 23 October at North Edinburgh Arts. 

The meeting offers an opportunity to hear from the organisations who work in this field and learn how your organisation can work more closely with them. Substances use impacts not just on the  user but on families and the wider community too, so all local voluntary and community organisations are invited to join in the discussion.

For further information call EVOC’s Neighbourhood Partnership Development Officer Kate Kasprowicz on 555 9100 or email


Last chance to book World Cafe


world cafe final

Friday’s World Cafe (18 October)  is shaping up to a great one, with Samba Sene providing some music

and a celebration of Black History Month.

The menu will include beans in coconut sauce, two types of curry and some apple crumble thanks to Abundance, who harvest fruit trees in people’s gardens for apples!

Places are limited so please call 0131 551 1671 to book your place and avoid disappointment! It costs £5 for adults and £2.50 for children.

The World Cafe’s at 5.30pm onwards at North Edinburgh Arts Centre, 15a Pennywell Court, Muirhouse (next to the library).

It would be great if you could make it!

Hannah, Alice and the World Café team


New play at North Edinburgh Arts this weekend – Couldn’t Care Less!

Press Release – Couldn’t Care Less Sept 2013.

Couldn’t Care Less, a new play examining the ups and downs of caring for someone with dementia, is opening this Friday and Saturday at the North Edinburgh Arts Centre. 

The play explores the lives of Elspeth, a former dancer who develops Alzheimer’s, and her daughter Lilly who finds her life disappearing as she gives it all up to care for her mother. It’s a dark, surreal, funny and moving play and speaks not only to those with experiences of caring and being cared for, but also the general public as our society faces up to the looming challenge of caring for older people.
 A video trailer for the show is also available on and the

Quiz and Karaoke at North Edinburgh Arts

North Edinburgh Arts will be hosting a fun Quiz and Karaoke evening at the Centre in Pennywell on Friday 20 September.


Dinner from 5.30pm and quiz starts at 7pm 

With Quiz Compere – Nick Gardner

And Quiz Assistant – Joanne Stewart
Team Prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners
Raffle Prizes
Teams 4-6 persons
ALSO karaoke with Kim Edgars & Lissa McIntyre
£7 per person (includes hot meal – meat or vegetarian – and dessert)
More information next month


A book is born!

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A new chapter: CIRCLE’s HAVEN Project celebrates Storytelling Week

Children and parents from Circle’s Haven project created a book with the help of children’s author Mike Nicholson last week.

The week-long event (29 July – 2 August) was all part of Haven’s Storytelling Week activities and culminated with a celebration at North Edinburgh Arts when storyteller Claire McNicol read aloud the new book.

Children and parents, guided by Mike, created a narrative for their story by visiting different Edinburgh locations and developed a plot from what they found on their adventures. The result of a visit to Silverknowes was a story about mermaids and pirates, so there were some fantastic ideas!

They then worked with Mike and Haven staff to drawing pictures to feature as illustrations in the new book.

Everyone involved in the project joined to celebrate at North Edinburgh Arts on Friday, where professional storyteller Claire McNicol read aloud the completed book, with help from some volunteers.

So did the pirates and mermaids feature in the finished book? Well, that’s another story!

To see a video of the completed book, visit the CIRCLE Scotland website at:

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Saturday 10 August: a day of give and take

Give&TakeAttached are details of a Give and Take day organised by  North Edinburgh Timebank and Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse. We are having a ‘swish’ (where you swap clothes) and a toy and book swap stall. There will be  arts activities in the garden run by NEA and a bike workshop run by My  Adventure. We hope to get a knitting group up and running too…

As well as this, we are organising a furniture donation. If people have large items they want to donate, they can get in touch and we can  pick them up on the Saturday morning. We are also looking for volunteers to help  with the moving and lifting, so if you know any fit, healthy people with a couple of hours to spare …


Julie Smith

North Edinburgh Time Bank  Broker

Mob:  07807002591  
