The LOOPs Phoneline offered tailored information to older people on activities and services across Edinburgh over the past five years. Continue reading Staying in the LOOP: Volunteer Edinburgh trials Phoneline service
North Edinburgh Save our Services: Action Meeting tonight
Tonight at The Prentice Centre, 6 – 8pm
All Welcome Continue reading North Edinburgh Save our Services: Action Meeting tonight
Funding cuts: end of the road for LOOPS service

Over the last five years, the LOOPs partners and teams have been working closely with City of Edinburgh Council and, more recently, Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership to deliver the Local Opportunities for Older People initiative across the city. It is with sadness that we are now in the position to inform you that this work will be coming to an end in March.
Continue reading Funding cuts: end of the road for LOOPS service
Opportunities for older people to have their say
The Scottish Government are developing a new Older People’s Framework in 2019 and the Scottish Older People’s Assembly have been asked to help gather views to feed into this process.
In an effort to gather as wide a range of views as possible, we have produced a questionnaire which we hope you can circulate to your networks, feature in newsletters and encourage as many people as possible to complete (within the limitations of the timescales that we have been set, which we acknowledge are very tight).
The questionnaire is available online at
The deadline for survey completion is Wednesday, 30th January 2019.
We will also be holding an engagement event on Monday 4th February 2019, 10am-3:30pm at COSLA Conference Centre, Haymarket, EH12 5BH.
Places are limited and will be prioritised for SOPA members but if you are interested please register on the Eventbrite website and we will confirm availability.
Please follow this link to the Eventbrite website for more information and to reserve your place.
If you have any queries, please contact Caroline Clark on the details below.
Caroline Clark | Scottish Older People’s Assembly – Co-ordinator| Eric Liddell Centre, 15 Morningside Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4DP | 0131 357 1277 |
The Scottish Government are currently preparing a new National Framework for Older People in Scotland. This Conference has been organised by the Scottish Older People’s Assembly to give members an opportunity to come together and make a contribution to the development of this framework.
The event will focus on the following key objectives:
- providing an inclusive opportunity for older people to share their ideas and experiences
- identifying and gathering examples of the positive contributions made by older people
- identifying barriers faced by older people in a range of different aspects of life and ideas of how to break these down.
- gathering ideas of how to combat negative perceptions and stereotypes commonly held about older people.
Please join us to share your views, ideas and experiences.
Due to limited space, we ask that a maximum of two representatives per organisation attend. If you would like additional tickets please contact Caroline Clark on 0131 3571277
If you have any dietary or access requirements that will allow you to participate fully in this event, please let us know.
Heartbreak as funding appeal rejected … but the fight goes on
Pilton Community Health Project could face closure unless alternative funding can be found. The respected local project – Scotland’s oldest community health organisation – was one of 35 who learned last week that they would receive no funding from the latest round of Health & Social Care grants. Continue reading Heartbreak as funding appeal rejected … but the fight goes on
Dementia-friendly event at Botanics next Monday
LOOPS workshop tomorrow
Local Opportunities for Older People (LOOPS) have a workshop tomorrow (Monday 15th May) from 6 – 8pm in Virgin Money Lounge, 28 St Andrews Square, offering advice on using computers, home energy efficiency and learning a new language!
Book a place or get more info by phoning 603 8311.
In the LOOPs
Over 65? Come for tea – and bring a pal!
Enjoy afternoon tea at Friday’s Big Chinwag and help raise money to combat loneliness
We’re joining the mother of all natters this Friday to raise money to help lonely older people in Scotland and hope people aged 65+ can join us!
We all enjoy getting together for a good chat with friends, family or colleagues, but sadly 1 in 6 people over the age of 65 in Scotland feel cut off from society. Many older people can go for a month without seeing or speaking to anyone and this just isn’t right.
Please come along to Out of the Blue at The Old Drill Hall on Friday for our afternoon tea and natter – it will be great fun and you’ll be helping Age Scotland tackle loneliness in later life.
Thank you so much and hope to see you all there!
£3.50 entry, everyone welcome.