LOOPS survey

LOOPs – Care at Home


Over recent months EVOC has been working with a range of organisations to analyse the possibility of a Care at Home Collaborative. 

As part of this work we have put together a survey and we would be very grateful if any Third Sector organisations were able to complete it. This will help us to understand three main things:

  • What are the prevailing terms and conditions for front line staff within the sector at present?
  • What kinds of community assets might be available to support a Collaborative of the kind we are suggesting?
  • What training and services are provided within the sector?

The Care at Home Collaborative Survey can be accessed by clicking here. This survey should take about 20 minutes to complete, and will be available for 2 weeks.

Closing date for completed surveys is Friday 13th March 2015.

We will soon be hosting the next meeting of the main group to feedback on what we have learned so far. That meeting will take place soon and we will keep you posted about the date.


LOOPS phone support for older people


Last month Volunteer Centre Edinburgh launched a new dedicated phone line for people aged 65 and over living in North West and South East Edinburgh, giving easy access to information on a huge range of activities available to them.

loops nw poster

Using a dedicated direct dial number 0131 603 8311, lines will be open from 10am to 2pm Monday to Friday with a call back service outside of these times.

There are trained friendly volunteers taking calls and chatting through options along with an email service on loops@volunteeredinburgh.org.uk.

People are living longer and the new phone line aims to help people maintain a good quality of life by giving access to information on activities which can help keep us happy and healthy as well as giving us a great excuse to socialise.

The phone line is part of the Local Opportunities for Older People, or LOOPs initiative which is piloting a variety of innovative, new services across Edinburgh aimed at encouraging people 65 plus.

The phone line is hoping to reach out to as many as possible. We are hoping you will be able assist with the distribution of information to people that would benefit from the service and pass on information so that we can reach as many people as possible and tackle the effects of loneliness and isolation while improving the quality of life.

The LOOPS Newsletter can be seen on http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=0b38cc2994553b30f6e3d8565&id=2ded133f71&e=bd92abb693

Heather Yang, LOOPs Development Officer