Health and Social Care Secretary sets out priorities for system in England

Victoria Atkins aims to make health and social care system faster, simpler and fairer for patients

  • Health and Social Care Secretary sets out intention to make the system faster, simpler and fairer for patients
  • Victoria Atkins thanks staff for a week of delivery, in which two manifesto commitments were met

Health and Social Care Secretary Victoria Atkins has thanked health, social care and research staff for delivering on patients’ priorities, as she set out her commitment to make the health and social care system faster, simpler and fairer for patients.

The Secretary of State has paid tribute to NHS, social care and research staff for their hard work in a week the government delivered 50,000 additional nursesdelivered 50 million more GP appointments – both manifesto commitments – and rolled out lifesaving HIV opt-out testing to 46 areas across England.

Her words came days after pharmacies across the country began offering new contraceptive services and additional blood pressure checks, and after a breakthrough in talks to end consultant strikes, which saw the British Medical Association Consultants committee agree to put an offer on contract reform to its members.

Health and Social Care Secretary, Victoria Atkins, said: “Since joining the department, I have been bowled over by the way health and social care staff just keep on delivering for patients. The important milestones we’ve reached this week – reaching 50,000 additional nurses and 50 million more GP appointments – demonstrate real progress. 

“I have spent the past few weeks meeting doctors, nurses, GPs, pharmacists and other health workers and heard wonderful stories about how they have gone above and beyond to deliver outstanding care for patients and cut waiting lists.

“But I have also heard about their frustrations and where they feel they are not able to deliver the best possible care or where prevention or early intervention could have made a real difference. That is why I am committed to making health and social care services faster, simpler and fairer.

“We face a difficult winter ahead. And though our early winter planning is seeing some results we know there is much more to do. But having seen what our excellent staff can do I am confident that with the government’s support we can continue to deliver for patients over the coming months.”

The Health and Social Care Secretary has committed to making health and social care services:

  • Faster for patients, by making it easier to get treatment locally, improving A&E performance and cutting waiting lists
  • Simpler for patients, with joined up, integrated care, and simpler for staff, by reducing bureaucracy and giving them the latest technology to free up their time to care for patients
  • Fairer, ensuring children are protected from health harms, that health outcomes are not determined by where you live, that government supports older people to maintain their independence for longer, and that government delivers a more productive NHS that is fairer for taxpayers.

She added that she would continue to work with the NHS to manage the ongoing winter pressures. The government prepared for winter earlier than ever before and data released by the NHS on Thursday shows the government is making good progress.

Compared to the same time last year, ambulance handover delays have fallen by 28%, thousands more 111 calls are being answered within 60 seconds, and there were nearly 1,500 more hospital beds available.

The Secretary of State said: “We face a difficult winter ahead. And though our early winter planning is seeing some results we know there is much more to do.

“But having seen what our excellent staff can do I am confident that with the government’s support we can continue to deliver for patients over the coming months.”

The Health and Social Care Secretary was appointed on 13 November. She has now set out her priorities in a week in which the government and NHS hit a number of major delivery milestones:

  • NHS England data published on Thursday showed there were 51,245 additional nurses in September 2023 compared to 2019 – hitting the government’s manifesto commitment to recruit an additional 50,000 nurses six months early.
  • NHS England data also showed that for the year to October 2023, there were 51 million additional general practice appointments delivered when compared to October 2019, meeting another manifesto commitment.
  • On Monday the government announced that it had put forward an offer that will modernise the consultant contract and reform consultants’ pay structure, paving the way to end consultant strikes. The British Medical Association and Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association will put the deal to their memberships in the coming weeks. 
  • On Wednesday the Secretary of State announced funding for a research project to evaluate the rollout of the hugely successful HIV opt-out testing programme to 46 new sites across England.
  • On Friday 1 December pharmacies across England began offering the new contraceptive services announced recently as part of Pharmacy First. This is part of the NHS and government’s Primary Care Recovery Plan, announced by the head of the NHS and the Prime Minister in May, which committed to making it quicker and easier for millions of people to access healthcare on their high street.

Why global solidarity and action matter for decent work in the care economy

Care matters to us all. We all want good quality cradle to grave care for ourselves and our loved ones (writes TUC’s ABIGAIL HUNT). This is only possible if the workers delivering care services have good pay and conditions.

The global care workforce is huge, totalling at least 381 million workers, two-thirds of whom are women. Worldwide this is 11.5 per cent of total employment and 19.3 per cent of female employment. 

In the UK, adult social care jobs alone contribute at least £55.7 billion to the economy and constitute around 6 per cent of total UK employment. 

Yet care work is persistently insecure and exploitative. Low and insecure pay, bad employment conditions, violence and harassment, and a limited training and career development are part and parcel of everyday life for care workers.  

Recent TUC analysis shows that care workers across the UK are earning below the real living wage and are significantly underpaid relative to pay across the rest of the economy. The median salary of social care workers and childcare practitioners is less than two-thirds of that of all employees nationally.  

On 29th October, trade unions, governments, the UN and other social partners will mark the International Day for Care.

This day, initiated by trade unions and recognised in July through a UN General Assembly Resolution, gives visibility to the care economy – and care workers – worldwide and provides an opportunity to build momentum for increased public investment and decent work in the care sector.  

Here are three ways that global solidarity and action matter for decent work in the care economy: 

  1. The care workforce is global 

In recent years ‘global care chains’ have emerged as rising demand for care services has seen migrant workers, largely female, fill care jobs – including childcare, social care and domestic workers as well as nurses, doctors and educators – in turn leaving their own children and relatives in the care of paid workers and family in their home country.  

The UK is a key link in the chain, with labour migration increasingly recognised as critical to deliver care services. In 2022 the UK Government expanded the care worker visa scheme to help tackle the ongoing recruitment and retention crisis in social care. This meant that in 2022/23 70,000 international care workers were recruited, up 50,000 from the previous year.  

But the TUC has identified that as international recruitment has increased, so has the exploitation and abuse of migrant workers.

This includes wage theft, high recruitment fees with non-permitted repayment clauses and debt bondage as well as abuse of the immigration system by employers to blackmail workers and prevent them seeking other employment. 

Therefore the fight for decent care jobs must include the experiences, priorities and needs of international care workers.  

  1. The global union movement provides solidarity and support 

Global union solidarity and joint action is critical to build care worker movements and support workers.  

Sharing insights into working conditions helps unions provide vital workforce support. Trade unions in destination countries have provided information on immigration, employment rights and common labour abuses with migrant care workers via unions in countries of origin. This toolkit produced by unions in Italy is a great example.  

Global links also help unions make the most of political opportunities. Following the UK Labour party’s commitment to a Fair Pay Agreement in social care, the TUC has been learning from sister unions about their experiences with a similar system for sectoral collective bargaining in New Zealand.  

And global bodies like the International Trades Union Confederation and Public Services International help build care worker power. From inspiring and informing unions by documenting workers’ wins in the care economy to convening affiliates to influence global policy, international federations play a key role in the achievement of decent care work.  

  1. Global labour law and policy raise the bar on domestic standards for decent care work  

Global and regional labour standards and policy have tackled historic discrimination and exploitation against care workers by setting transnational employment rights floors – and binding governments to act.  

Recent examples include the groundbreaking 2011 Domestic Workers Convention (C. 189) at the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the UN agency that sets global labour standards, secured following a long campaign led by the International Domestic Workers’ Federation.

Many unions have now turned their attention to getting their government to ratify C.189, including in the UK. From Belgium to Mexico, where it is in force, C.189 has helped extend rights such as paid leave, minimum wages and employment contracts to domestic workers.  

In 2015 governments worldwide agreed the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including gender equality (Goal 5) and decent work (Goal 8). This has increased resources and political will, putting care on the policy agenda for the first time ever in many countries. 

Important regional initiatives have also emerged. Earlier this year European social partners agreed a social dialogue committee for social services, including adult social care and childcare, covering around 9 million workers across the EU. 

Next year will bring important opportunities to reinforce the global framework for care workers’ rights.  

In May 2024 governments, trade unions and employers will discuss decent work in the care economy at the International Labour Conference, where unions will seek commitment to a new ILO standard for care jobs. 

And we hope to see the UN General Assembly build on this year’s Resolution with a more substantive agreement committing governments to building and financing comprehensive care systems – with decent work and collective bargaining at their heart.  

Follow the International Day for Care: #InvestInCare #Care2023 

Read more about TUC’s priorities for the care workforce at these links:  

Extra support for NHS this winter

£50 million to build Scottish Ambulance Service capacity

A £50 million funding boost for Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) recruitment and up to £12 million to expand Hospital at Home are among measures to support the health and care system this winter.

The Scottish Government and COSLA’s joint Winter Plan, published today, identifies new funding for SAS to support work already underway to recruit a further 317 frontline staff to help increase capacity to emergency response. It will also see 18 additional clinicians working in the call centre hub who, through additional triage, can offer patients alternative treatment routes in cases which are not time-critical, reducing the number of hospital admissions.

The expansion of Hospital at Home, which enables people to be treated at home rather than on a ward, is intended to deliver at least 380 additional beds this winter – significantly increasing the total service capacity.

The Scottish Government has been working closely with COSLA, Health and Social Care Partnerships, and NHS Boards on a number of further measures to ensure they are prepared for the winter period. This includes a Delayed Discharge Action Plan and improvements to the reporting of data to better identify specific areas for further support or escalation.

Health Secretary Michael Matheson said: “Our highly skilled and committed workforce are the cornerstone of our response every winter, both in health and social care. I am extremely grateful for their continued hard work and dedication in the face of sustained pressure. As we approach the Winter period their efforts will be vital in ensuring we deliver high quality care for the public.

“We are in no doubt that this winter will be extremely challenging for our health and social care system. Our Winter plan builds on the lessons we have learned from previous years and preparations have been on-going since spring. Our whole system approach is based on ensuring people can access the care that is right for them – at the right time and in the right place.

“Our additional investment of up to £12 million to expand the Hospital at Home service will allow people, especially elderly patients, patients with respiratory conditions and children, to receive treatments in the comfort of their own home and will crucially help reduce pressure on our A&E departments this winter.

“As a result our significant investment of over £15 million, an additional 1,000 nurses, midwives and Allied Health Professional from overseas have joined NHS Scotland in the last two years to bolster our existing workforce this winter.

“Our £50 million funding boost for the Scottish Ambulance Service will also help tackle increased demand and support on-going recruitment to drive up capacity for emergency response. This investment will also help reduce the need for people to go to hospital which is a key part of our approach this winter.”

Cllr Paul Kelly, COSLA’s Health and Social Care Spokesperson said: “As key partners in ensuring people and communities are safe and cared for over the winter period, and indeed throughout the year, local authorities have a vital role in enabling people to continue to safely access the care and support they need when they need it.

“We expect the winter to be a very challenging period across the whole health and social care system at a time when the system is already experiencing significant demand pressures and challenges with recruitment and retention.

“That is why COSLA have worked closely with Scottish Government in producing this plan, recognising the importance of the integration of health and social care, and the clear leadership role of Local Government in doing everything we can to maximise capacity across health, social care, and social work, and ensure people get safe and timely access to services during peak winter pressures.”

The Scottish Ambulance Service has welcomed the announcement of £50 million funding by Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care.

Michael Dickson OBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Ambulance Service said: “This funding will allow us to invest in frontline staff, ambulances, vehicles and our 999 call centre operations. We know that winter will be challenging but the Service, and our committed staff, are working hard to meet those challenges.

“We have a whole range of initiatives which will come into place over winter to help us meet the increased demands on our services, including work to ensure we provide the quickest possible response to our most critically ill patients and we continue to support, where appropriate, less seriously ill patients to be managed at home or in the community, avoiding unnecessary A&E visits.

“Our patients and our staff are our most important priorities, and this investment will ensure we can continue to deliver the very best to our patients whilst supporting our staff who play such a critical role in their care.”

Health and social care in Scotland: Share Your Views

What are the key issues in health and social care in Scotland? What works and what doesn’t?

Do you have any questions or issues you’d like to raise with Michael Matheson MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care?

Your suggestions will help inform the Health, Social Care and Sport’s scrutiny of The Scottish Government so please get in touch.

🎙️ Your Voice Matters in Shaping Health and Social Care!

Ever wanted to put your question to the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health, and Social Care? Here’s your chance!

Michael Matheson MSP will appear before the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee on 12th September, and the Committee want to hear from you.

Whether you’re part of the public or work in health and care, submit your relevant questions on topics such as the NHS recovery from the pandemic and be part of scrutinising the work of government.

Clare Haughey MSP, Convener of the Committee, says, “This is a great opportunity… your suggested questions may help to inform our scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s approach.”

📝 Consultation is open to all – click the link to submit your question today:

(Only questions related to the Cabinet Secretary’s areas of responsibility will be considered.

Care Home invites local community to Open Day

Strachan House  in Edinburgh will be opening their doors to the local community for an open door event complete with free refreshments on Saturday 19th August.

Taking place between 10am-4pm guests will be able to enjoy a freshly prepared buffet by the home’s Head Chef whilst taking the opportunity to meet the General Manager Gordon Philp and his fantastic team. Why not allow them to take you on a tour of the home and see everything the home has to offer? In the afternoon visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy a relaxed afternoon tea and ask any questions they may have.

The Strachan House team will be on hand to answer any queries that they may have. A warm welcome awaits every visitor and a free goodie bag upon leaving will ensure that everyone will have a little something to remember their day with us by.

Gordon Philp, General Manager at Strachan House says: “I’m excited about welcoming new visitors and existing friends of the home to our open day.

“Looking for care can be a little bit daunting, but our team here at Strachan House will do all we can to provide all of our guests with the guidance and support they may need, and answer all of their questions, big or small.

“Our open day is a great chance to enjoy everything the home has to offer in a homely and friendly setting- hope to see you all there!”

Our varied life enrichment programme keeps residents active, and provides a daily choice of engaging physical, mental and spiritual activities tailored to residents’ interests and abilities. 

Strachan House care home is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering personalised care across its care homes and hospitals. Strachan House provides residential care, nursing care and dementia care for 83 residents from respite care to long term stays.

LifeCare welcomes new CEO

We are delighted to welcome our new permanent CEO, Sarah Van Putten, to the LifeCare family.

Sarah joins us as an experienced third sector Chief Executive, with a career in health and social care spanning 3 decades. For the last 6 years, Sarah has been supporting Befriending Networks across the UK, and tackling loneliness and isolation by influencing public policy.

On her appointment, Sarah said: “I am delighted to have joined the LifeCare team as permanent CEO.

“I bring a long track record of working within and managing social care organisations. I knew of LifeCare as my great Aunt was a client and I have always been impressed by the work they do.

“Since taking up post, the commitment and passion of the team has already become evident – with staff continuously going above and beyond for the people they support. I look forward to working closely with staff, our board of trustees and most importantly the clients to identify our priorities for the next 3 years.

“I hope to bring my wider experience of social isolation policy work to help Lifecare amplify the voices of those who use our services, so that we can continue to offer those “extra years of Zest” to the people in our communities that need it most.”

Care comes home: Edinburgh nurse launches local in-home care service

Since moving to Edinburgh to study nursing 10 years ago, Courtney Bennett has long understood the need for attentive, respectful in-home care to meet the growing demand for exceptional services in her community.

After a decade in the care industry, Courtney has recently launched Visiting Angels – a care provider that cares for people in the comfort of their own homes – with the intention of not only providing high-quality in-home care for Edinburgh residents, but also to reward carers for the amazing work they do for others day in, day out.

Before launching Visiting Angels, Courtney graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a nursing degree, and she felt so at home in the city that she decided to stay and start a life here.

In her years after university, Courtney worked across the care sector in various roles, predominantly with the elderly in nursing homes and in adult social care from the nursing perspective.

After battling through her own health issues, Courtney had to take a step back from clinical nursing, but never lost the passion she had for caring for others. It was this which prompted Courtney to launch Visiting Angels; she was able to provide that high level of care to those who need it most while being able to look after her own health.

“Since finding nursing, I have loved caring for others, particularly for the elderly,” says Courtney, of her motivation for launching the company. “I love the elderly; I feel so comfortable in their company – more than most my own age actually!

“I loved my job as a nurse, but it’s no secret that it comes with its own challenges. Being a caregiver is such a difficult job, one which is not nearly championed enough. Carers deserve to be treated, valued and rewarded properly for the amazing work that they do.

“I found when I was working in care homes that no matter how fantastic the home, the team and the facilities were, there was always something which felt institutionalising and isolating about them.

“I’m a firm believer that people rest better in their own home, and that when carers are given more time for visits and properly compensated for their work, that in-home care becomes something incredibly special.

“When I decided to launch Visiting Angels here in Edinburgh, it was so important for me to think about not just our clients, but our carers as well, which is why we have policies covering minimum one-hour visits, paid-for travel time between visits for staff, and proper rewards for our caregivers’ incredible work.”

Visiting Angels’ ‘carer-centric’ approach sets it apart from other companies in the in-home care sector. Carers working for Visiting Angels feel valued and respected for their commitment to the industry.

Through both financial rewards and opportunities for career development, Courtney and the Visiting Angels team are determined to address issues surrounding the industry, which often leaves carers feeling little –to no appreciation.

Courtney is aiming to have around 20 carers on board by the end of the year. With staff turnover in the care sector at a record high, Courtney is determined to encourage caregivers to stay in the industry, by providing them with a supportive, respectful, rewarding work environment.

More than anything, Courtney wants to change the face of social care for the better, and to make it accessible to every person who needs it.

“It’s so important to get our voices heard and to make a real difference in the community. So much of our local area is underserved and often overlooked when it comes to care, so I’m really excited to be able to bring this level of high-quality, consistent care to the people of East Edinburgh.”

For more information, visit

Designing a National Care Service


Social Care Minister Maree Todd will join the first of a series of events where people can co-design the new National Care Service.

Today’s event at Stirling’s Albert Halls will allow carers, people who access and deliver care, including the workforce, and anyone with an interest to contribute to how a new National Care Service could work.

Since the regional forums were announced last month, more than 600 have signed up to take part in-person and online, with additional capacity already being made for the Glasgow event next week.

Ms Todd said: “We want everyone to have access to consistently high-quality social care support across Scotland, whenever they might need it.

“There are unique demands across the country, which is why we’re going to different areas over the next 18 months, ensuring communities across Scotland can help design a National Care Service tailored to local needs.

“Having listened to people who access and deliver care support – both paid and unpaid – as well as care providers, unions and the third sector during the parliamentary process, these meetings will allow us to work with people who access care support, have a loved one that receives care, or works in the sector to think about how to meet the needs we have heard about. This will help us ensure the legislation reflects what people need and know as it progresses through Parliament.”

“I am pleased that there has been such interest in signing up, Spaces are still available, with online events providing another option for those who want to have their voices heard if they can’t make it in person.

National Care Service

Register for online events

28 June – William Quarrier Conference Centre, Glasgow

14 July – Hilltown Community Centre, Dundee

18 July – Stranraer Millennium Centre, Dumfries and Galloway

26 July – The Corran Hall, Oban

1 August – An Crùbh Community Centre, Skye

8 August – Strathpeffer Community Centre, Highland

17 August – Isleburgh Community Centre, Shetland

22 August – The Inkwell, Elgin

24 August – National online event

Bield launches new digital hub

A NEW digital hub in West Lothian showcasing housing technology of the future won Bield stakeholder approval after its official launch last week.    

Following a tenant sneak-peek in March, Bield Housing and Care has officially opened the Bield Tech Hub in Linlithgow, having secured £75k of funding through the TAPPI project.   

The launch allowed stakeholders, including local health and social care partnerships, staff and other housing associations, to trial and give feedback on digital care advancements of the future. 

The Bield Tech Hub consists of four spaces including two bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, one kitchen space and one living space. There is also a consultation room and a dining space. Each room has been fitted out with different technologies for people to test. 

Stakeholders were welcomed to the space by Dr Lynne Douglas, Bield CEO, who said: “We are delighted to have officially opened the Bield Tech Hub and we’re sure it will bring life-changing technology to West Lothian and further afield. It was fantastic to give our stakeholders and project partners the opportunity to see first-hand what their support has facilitated.   

“It’s very important that people get the chance to familiarise themselves with this incredible tech made available through the TAPPI project and get a true insight into housing of the future.” 

The Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (TAPPI) project aims to improve the way technology is used in housing and care for older people.  Led by the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (Housing LIN), the TEC Services Association (TSA) and funded by The Dunhill Medical Trust, TAPPI seeks to address the opportunity that technology has to enhance the lives of our ageing population and the barriers that prevent its adoption. 

The funding will give Bield the unique opportunity to work with tenants, staff and partners to gain insight into a range of devices, apps and systems across a variety of housing settings.  With co-production at its heart, Bield staff and tenants will have shared responsibility to produce digital services to support independent living – a first for the Scottish housing charity. 

The Bield Tech Hub features three main technologies.  The first, Anthropos, uses predictive and analytical technologies to map individuals’ daily routines and sends insights to family or staff.  If abnormal action is detected, Anthropos intervenes to prevent a crisis moment from occurring.  This supports independent living for as long as possible by proactively averting potential injury or danger. 

Aquarate drinking cups, which track individuals’ fluid intake by measuring liquid volume automatically, are also available.  This monitoring means that optimal fluid levels are maintained, and can be personalised to reflect individuals’ needs and care.  

The third technology is Vayyar, a non-wearable, non-invasive, 4-dimensional tracking technology which supports fall detection.  It also determines room presence and tracks mobility levels and bathroom visits, all of which facilitate autonomous living.  

Lynne added: “Our team have worked hard to ensure that Bield tenants, customers and their families are beneficiaries of extremely relevant tech that could make a real difference to their day-to-day lives – we are certain that the three technologies achieve that.  

“Preventative care technologies across the board underpin our major tech revolution at Bield and we’re confident that there will be fewer falls and emergencies, generally helping people to live independently for longer and be more confident in their homes.” 

Bield’s use of innovative technology has already received major recognition – it’s ‘Inspire Phase 2’ project which utilised proactive telecare was the winner of the Transformation Award at the 2023 ITEC Awards in Birmingham. 

The ITEC Awards celebrate innovation within the sector and the positive impact Technology Enabled Care has on the lives of millions of people in the UK.  The Transformation Award honours services that have planned and implemented major transformation with a proactive and preventative approach.   

Bield is a housing and care charity committed to providing innovative, flexible and high-quality housing solutions and support for older people.  Bield Housing and Care has around 180 developments which facilitate independent living across Scotland. 

To find out more about Bield and its developments, visit or follow on Facebook @bieldhousingandcare and Twitter @BieldScotland  

For more details on TAPPI, visit  

Facemasks: Return to pre-pandemic advice for health and social care

People in health and social care settings will no longer be advised to wear facemasks from Tuesday next week (16 May).

The return to pre-pandemic guidance means that mask use will be based on clinical need based on infection prevention and control advice, meaning  staff, patients, service users and visitors will not be routinely asked to wear facemasks in health and social care settings.

It follows a review of the guidance introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic to protect staff, patients, service users and visitors, and recognises that Scotland has entered a calmer phase of the pandemic.

Chief Nursing Officer Alex McMahon said: “Due to the success of vaccines in protecting people, and the availability of treatments, now is the right time to revise the advice on wearing masks in health and social care settings and return to pre-pandemic guidance.

“We recognise that some staff may have concerns around the withdrawal of this guidance and would expect organisations to undertake individual occupational health assessments and risk assessments as appropriate.

“We continue to be vigilant in our response to Covid-19 and encourage everyone to make sure they are up to date with the boosters available to them. We are grateful for the tireless work of health and social care teams during these challenging times and to everyone who has helped them by adhering to the guidance.”