QMU runs free event to support inclusive practices in organisations

The often polarising debate of inclusivity will be the hot topic for discussion at a free event to be held at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. 

As part of the University’s work in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, the Queen Margaret Business School will host a free symposium to look at the role and impact of inclusive practices in organisational settings.

The University is keen to open up this sensitive topic for debate in order to assist organisations in dealing with some of the issues around inclusion and to identify good solutions that will support recruitment practices; develop a healthy, happy workforce; and assist with positive organisational development.

Dr Thomas Peschken-Holt, Head of the School of the Queen Margaret Business School, explained: “In recent years, there has been a growing and more pronounced questioning of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) agenda, as well as the role and appropriateness of inclusive practices. These can be complex areas for organisations to navigate and respond to appropriately. 

“Queen Margaret University is keen to shine a light on this sensitive topic and open up the conversation across a range of diverse organisations and individuals. We will look beyond the often divisive headlines by exploring the underlying assumptions and practical implications of inclusive practices within organisational settings, aiming to challenge traditional viewpoints to provide audiences with a deeper, more informed, understanding.

“We hope this will be helpful in creating a positive outlook and direction, so that organisations can move forward with confidence in the development and actioning of their inclusive policies and practices.”

This event promises to provide enlightening and helpful perspectives on inclusivity from a diverse range of panel members from across Scotland. Dr Peschken-Holt will lead the panel discussion with contributions from the Director of Policy at the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, Jo Davidson; the Chief Executive Officer of Knowledge Bridge, Irene Mosota; and the Chief Executive of Sight Scotland, Craig Spalding. 

Inclusion – A Distracting Liability or A Diverse Organisational Asset?’ is particularly relevant to business leaders, human resource professionals, academics students, and anyone interested in the role of inclusivity in contemporary organisations. 

Open to the public, this free symposium will take place at Queen Margaret University on Thursday 10 April (room 2156). Registration – 4:45pm, with main event running from 5pm to 6pm.

For information and registration details, view the Eventbrite.

Talking model railways at LifeCare

FRIDAY 14 MARCH from 3 – 5pm

Looking for something to do this Friday afternoon?

Well why not come along to LifeCare Edinburgh’s free monthly talk in our fully accessible community cafe, CafeLife, on Cheyne Street!  

We will be joined by train enthusiast Eddy Williams to hear all about “The creation of model railways”.  

Free for all (but donations are welcome) with no booking required – just come along for 3pm on Friday 14th March. 

We can’t wait to welcome you!

Tomorrow: Free drumming session at South Queensferry Library

How about some feelgood drumming session this weekend?

@edmcfest director Morgan Njobo is bringing his signature drumming workshop rooted in the South African rhythms to South Queensferry Library at 2pm tomorrow – Saturday 1st March.

No fee/booking required.



Tomorrow: North Edinburgh Film Festival


The North Edinburgh Film Festival is happening tomorrow!

Join us at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre (19 W Pilton Grove, EH4 4BY) from 11am tomorrow for a fun day filled with screenings, activities, and workshops.

It’s free and there’s no need to book tickets, just turn up!

Community Hub morning at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre

FRIDAY 21st FEBRUARY from 10am – 12.30pm

Need advice, support, or just a friendly chat? Drop into our Community Hub Morning this Friday 10am – 12:30pm for a cuppa and connect with local organisations that can help.

Meet experts from:

✅Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) – money, benefits & housing advice

✅ Manor Estates & Tenants Federation – tenant support & housing help

✅ Community Police – safety & local issues

✅ Energy Advice & Home Energy Scotland – energy-saving tips

…and more!

You can also find out about how you can support your local community by becoming a Community Councillor.

Community Council recruitment is underway across the capital and Drylaw Telford’s returning officer Cllr Vicky Nicholson – who was a member of the local community council before becoming a city councillor – will be available to provide information and answer your questions

No appointments needed – just drop in! Come along, bring a friend, and let’s build a stronger community together!

Free Family History Fair at the National Library on George IV Bridge

MONDAY 28 OCTOBER from 10am – 3pm

We’re looking forward to attending this free #FamilyHistory Fair hosted by our friends at @natlibscot on Monday 28 October.

Join us and representatives from many other archives to learn how our collections and services can help your research https://nls.uk/whats-on/family-history-fair/


SATURDAY 14th SEPTEMBER from 10am – 1pm


For further information contact:

EDINBURGH TUC – telephone 0773 491 2536

or email edinburghtradeunioncouncil@gmail.com

MND Scotland announces exciting motor neuron disease research learning event in Edinburgh

MND Scotland is proud to announce a free interactive and educational research event taking place on 26 September 2024, 2pm at Bonnie and Wild Marketplace, St James’ Quarter, designed to bring together people affected by motor neuron disease (MND) and local MND Scotland researchers. 

The Lived Experience and Researcher Network (LEARN) is a project first run by MND Scotland in 2023. The 2023 pilot invited people with MND to take tours of researcher’s labs and provided useful feedback to improve engagement events for people with MND and researchers.  

This year, MND Scotland’s research team has organised a series of local events in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen to build relationships between researchers and people affected by MND and allow them to share knowledge and experiences. 

At the Edinburgh event, there will be an opportunity to allow people with MND, carers, family and supporters to meet and engage with local MND researchers, to learn more about their work, and hear from presenting researchers Prof Tom Gillingwater, Dr Hannah Smith, Andrea Salzinger and Dr Marcus Keatinge. 

Paul Jensen, research lead for MND Scotland, said: “As a charity that directly supports people living with this devastating disease, it’s so important to be able to provide these opportunities to allow researchers and people affected by MND to come together and get to know one another.

“People are so keen to hear about the fantastic MND research going on in Scotland and our events will provide that learning opportunity in a relaxed and personal environment.” 

MND Scotland supports the idea that the input and viewpoints of those with lived experience is vital to help guide research.  

Paul added: “MND Scotland is now at the forefront of involving those with lived experience in research funding calls. We know it is so important that both scientific merit and opinions of those with lived experience are used to help ensure we fund the best MND research.

“Our LEARN events will help build relationships between people affected by MND and researchers and allow them to share their opinions to help guide MND research in the future.” 

The informative and engaging event will explore the latest developments in research for those affected by MND and hopes to build relationships between those with lived experience and researchers to make sure that research reflects the needs of people with or affected by MND. 

MND Scotland invites those interested in th researceh learning event to hear more about their contribution in the fight against MND. 

 Event details: 

  • Date: 26 September 2024, 2pm 
  • Location: Bonnie and Wild Marketplace, St James’ Quarter Level 4, St James Cres, Edinburgh EH1 3AD
  • Organiser: MND Scotland 

For more information or to register, please visit the MND Scotland website:  


Building Community Wealth in North Edinburgh



For further information email: Evelyn@northedinburgharts.co.uk