DFN celebrates decade of improving disability employment in Edinburgh

The DFN Charitable Foundation (DFN Foundation) is celebrating 10 years of tackling complex societal problems and delivering transformative outcomes for unheard voices in the UK and further afield. 

The DFN Foundation was set up in 2014 by David Forbes-Nixon OBE with a focus on working across four key pillars: education, employability, healthcare and wildlife conservation.  

Over the past decade, DFN Foundation has achieved incredible results in all these areas including setting up a school for pupils with special educational needs at Undershaw and establishing an employability charity, DFN Project SEARCH, which helps get young people with a learning disability and/or autism into jobs. 

Further work across the pillars has seen the UK charity supporting a Myeloma Research Programme improving survival rates in myeloma patients with high-risk myeloma and ensuring the survival of the British butterfly, through its work with the Big Butterfly Count.  

Founder and Chairman, David Forbes-Nixon said: “I was inspired to set up the DFN Foundation, to honour two of my personal heroes: my son Charlie who has learning and physical disabilities; and my mother who died of multiple myeloma. Over the past decade, our work has strived to create a better world in their legacy and for generations to come.

The DFN Foundation has achieved a milestone of 10 years’ operating as an industry leading Strategic Commissioning Charity, partnering with the best-in-class charities or setting up its own to deliver the best results for some of the most pressing challenges facing society.  

Founded in 2014, the DFN Foundation has strived to make a difference by bringing together the right talent, operating with a business mindset, and staying laser focused on specific goals. 

The DFN Foundation was initially focused on improving Disability Employment, Special Needs Education and Healthcare, with these issues all affecting Founder and Chairman, David Forbes-Nixon on a personal level.  

David said: “At the start, I wanted the DFN Foundation to focus on the two main causes that I was passionate about: supporting education and employment opportunities for young disabled people; and finding a cure for multiple myeloma.  

“However, as we grew, we broadened our scope and we looked to take on some of the most pressing social challenges that often struggle to attract mainstream support because they are viewed as risky, difficult or simply impossible. 

“In order to achieve this, I assembled a high-quality board of trustees for the DFN Foundation and we agreed to focus on education, employment, healthcare and wildlife conservation alongside establishing four main goals for the first 10 years. “ 

Highlights for the DFN Foundation over the past decade include establishing a world class special needs school at Undershaw, and positively influencing best practice around disability employment through a separate employability charity, DFN Project SEARCH. 

DFN Project SEARCH was founded in 2018 by David Forbes-Nixon to ensure that young people with special educational needs and learning disabilities receive high quality work-related learning and improved access to long-term paid employment.  

70% of DFN Project SEARCH graduates achieve jobs, and 60% achieve full-time permanent roles, compared to the national average of 4.8% of people with a learning disability who are known to local authorities. Moreover, DFN Project SEARCH has got 2,200 young adults with a learning disability and/or autism into jobs so far. 

DFN Foundation’s work in healthcare has looked to improve survival rates of myeloma and advance cures through strategic funding of high-quality research which will benefit patients to live longer lives.  

As part of this funding, clinical trials of Optimum MUK9 saw 75% of the sample group in the trials still in remission 36 months after starting treatment: this makes it the most successful privately funded UK myeloma clinical trials ever. 

The DFN Foundation’s effort to improve wildlife conservation have seen it look to ensure the survival of the British butterfly, through increasing awareness and sponsoring the Big Butterfly Count, a UK-wide citizen science survey. 

David said: “On our tenth anniversary year, I think it is important that we take stock and look back on all the incredible achievements that we have had as a Foundation but also look forward to the next stage in our growth.  

“As part of this, we want to continue to support Undershaw so it becomes a world class special needs school rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted across all categories and commit additional financial support to DFN Project SEARCH to help get 20,000 young disabled people into jobs by 2034.  

“We also want to support securing a route to market for OPTIMUM (MUKnine) clinical trials so that as many myeloma patients as possible can benefit from this pioneering set of drug therapies and share results globally through publications and presentations by Dr Kaiser.  

“The DFN Foundation will continue our work in partnership with The Pangolin Project to ensure survival of the Giant Ground Pangolin in the Nyekweri Ecosystem in Kenya.   

“Finally, we want to make sure that the DFN Foundation has a lasting impact and as part of our policy work we will launch the DFN Scholars programme and continue to work with Disability Employment Charter and the Centre of Social Justice and lobby policymakers in Parliament with a goal of reducing the disability employment gap.” 

Pupils take part in pioneering sustainability skills challenge

Forty-two pupils from Edinburgh and the Lothians put their sustainability skills to the test at Musselburgh Grammar as they took part in a pioneering programme aimed at developing the employability skills of the future.

Teams from Musselburgh Grammar, Preston Lodge High School, Lasswade High School, Craigmount, Balerno and Galashiels Academy took part in the Powering Futures Schools Challenge presentations, where they were tasked with finding innovative sustainable solutions to five real-world challenges facing businesses today.

The challenge-setters were Scottish Water, EV charging experts Urban Fox, BritishGas, Newsquest and The Scottish Government, with the challenge topics spanning reducing water consumption, netzero targets for sports clubs and schools, improving transport connectivity and creating trusted media on climate change.

The pupils were tasked with researching the challenges and collaborating to come up with creative solutions.

Drawing on guidance from industry mentors, they presented their creative solutions to a panel of judges including Paul McLennan MSP and Colin Beattie MSP, plus representatives from East Lothian Council, DYW Borders, FutureX, University of Edinburgh, Energy Training Academy, Musselburgh Windsor FC, Lantra, Energy3 and Social Bite at a showcase event for Edinburgh, Lothians and the Borders regions held at Musselburgh Grammar this week – earning a SCQF Level 6 qualification at the end of the process. 

Powering Futures was set up in 2020 to empower the young and future workforce with the skills, knowledge and abilities to help the transition to net zero.

The SCQF level 6 accredited Powering Futures Schools Challenge has seen 643 pupils from 43 schools across Scotland participate in 2023-2024 – with Powering Futures aiming to engage a million young people in the programme by 2030. 

MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands Gordon MacDonald said: “The Powering Futures Challenge is a fantastic opportunity for young people to shape and develop essential skills for their futures.

“It is an innovative collaboration between businesses and schools which enables participants to use their creativity, problem solving and teamwork to learn about sustainability and how this can be applied through specific projects.

S5 and S6 Pupils from Balerno High School have been participating in this year’s programme taking on real-world sustainability challenges set by the sponsor, researching and collaborating on a solution, which ends with them presenting it to a panel of industry judges. 

“I want to wish them the best of luck and know all their hard work and commitment to the project will provide them with much valued skills as they embark on the world of work or further education.”

Jennifer Tempany, Co-Founder of Powering Futures, said: “We were delighted to have four teams from Craigmount and Balerno High School take part in the Challenge Programme.

“We are always blown away by the innovation and creativity shown by pupils as they tackle some relevant  challenges set by industry.

“By empowering young people through our pioneering Powering Futures Challenge Programme, we can help them develop the critical skills that employers are looking for in their future workforce as well as establishing those essential links between the businesses of today and the workers of tomorrow who will power Scotland’s net-zero future.” 

Landmark review calls on employers to boost support for autistic people

A bold new government-backed review has set out a vision for workplace culture changes to support autistic people to start and stay in work

  • Review sets out 19 recommendations to support more autistic people to start, stay and succeed in work.
  • Despite most autistic people wanting to work, just 3 in 10 are currently in employment due to stigma and lack of understanding of their needs.
  • More neuro-inclusivity in the workplace can help fill vacancies and grow the economy by unlocking the potential of thousands more people.

A bold new government-backed review has set out a vision for workplace culture changes to support autistic people to start and stay in work.   

DWP figures show only around 30 percent of working age autistic people are in employment, compared with half of all disabled people and 8 in 10 non-disabled people, despite the majority saying they would like to be employed.   

Commissioned by Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Mel Stride and led by Sir Robert Buckland KC, the Review’s 19 recommendations for businesses and government include:  

  • signing up for the Autistica Neurodiversity Employers Index to access guidance on designing inclusive processes and procedures
  • encouraging career progression by developing packages of training focused on autistic staff
  • improving recruitment by ensuring careers advisers can provide appropriate advice to autistic jobseekers
  • supporting autistic people who are already in the workplace by producing “autism design guides” to create appropriate premises, furnishings and equipment
  • working with software suppliers to develop IT systems that meet autistic people’s needs.

The Buckland Review of Autism Employment was supported by charity Autistica and includes the views of hundreds of employers and autistic people.   

It sets out how businesses and government can work together over the next five years – whether that is showcasing the successes of autism employment, developing pilot programmes in national and multinational companies, or providing tailored support for autistic staff at work.  

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Mel Stride MP, said: “I want autistic people to have every opportunity to benefit from work, and recognise that businesses and government must come together if we are to create the cultural change needed to move the dial. 

“Backed by the extra employment support provided through our £2.5 billion Back to Work Plan, this report provides employers with practical and inexpensive steps to open up workplaces to autistic people, boost employment rates and, above all, change autistic people’s lives.”

Sir Robert Buckland KC MP said: “It has been a tremendous privilege to compile this report, and to hear from hundreds of autistic people about their experiences. This is all about them, and we couldn’t have done it without their help.

“The review can make a truly radical difference to the lives of autistic people and their families. I call on employers and government to lead this change and make these recommendations a reality.”

It is all part of the Government’s long-term plan to build a stronger economy – which has seen unemployment compared to 2010 decline, with four million additional people in work. 

The Government has already succeeded in getting one million more disabled people into employment by 2027, five years ahead of schedule, with tailored support helping claimants realise their potential.  

Access to Work grants worth up to £66,000 made working easier for nearly 50,000 people last year. The Government’s flagship Universal Support programme is set to provide up to 25,000 people with highly personalised employment support, working closely with employers to navigate any workplace adjustments required to accommodate individual needs.  

Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, Mims Davies MP, said: “There are so many benefits and positives autistic people can bring to the workplace, and this is matched by what employment can bring to them. We must make sure they get the work opportunities they want and deserve. 

“This welcome and important review will help ensure autistic people can thrive and progress in the labour market. I am keen employers get behind these recommendations, and partner with us to truly make our workforce more inclusive and welcoming.”

Minister for Social Care, Helen Whately MP, said: “We want autistic people to have equal opportunities to flourish in society and contribute to the economy.

“For too long there have been too many barriers for them in the workplace; this review is a major step to changing that. 

“This builds on our five-year autism strategy and shows our continued commitment to helping autistic people are able to lead happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.”

The review is the latest milestone in the Government’s mission to make the UK the most accessible place in the world, following the publication of the Disability Action Plan earlier this month, the launch of the Lilac Review, which will investigate the barriers disabled entrepreneurs face, and the longer-term National Disability Strategy, which will transform disabled people’s everyday lives for the better.  

It also builds on the Government’s employment and welfare reforms – including the new £2.5 billion Back to Work Plan which will help thousands more disabled people and people with health conditions to start and thrive in work.

GROW Granton: Getting ready for Opportunities and Work


The Welcoming Edinburgh are providing a free course for parents to prepare New Scots (refugees and migrants) for working in the UK.

In this course, participants will learn how to search for jobs, write job applications and cover letters, improve interview skills, and learn about work culture in Scotland and UK employment rights.

The course takes place weekly every Thursday morning over 6 weeks and subsidies including childcare, and transport can be provided.

Classes start on Thursday 8th February at Granton Hub in Madelvic House and will run from 10:30am – 12:30pm.

Please book on Eventbrite on http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/798461207967

Free employability training course at Granton Hub

The Welcoming Edinburgh are providing a free course for parents to prepare New Scots (refugees and migrants) for working in the UK.

In this course, participants will learn how to search for jobs, write job applications and cover letters, improve interview skills, and learn about work culture in Scotland and UK employment rights.

The course takes place weekly every Thursday morning over 6 weeks and subsidies including childcare, and transport can be provided.

Classes start on Thursday 8th February at Granton Hub in Madelvic House and will run from 10:30am – 12:30pm.

Please book on Eventbrite on http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/798461207967

Why is the gap in employment between disabled and non-disabled people in Scotland so large?

by FRASER of ALLANDER INSTITUTE’s Allison Cataleno and Chirsty McFadyen

Back in September, we published some initial findings on the disability employment gap in Scotland, in collaboration with the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe).  

This blog looked at the ways in which the gap in employment rates between disabled and non-disabled people has changed since 2014, finding that Scotland has lower rates of employment for disabled people compared to the rest of the UK. The gap has been closing more quickly, however. 

This initial research led us to a question: why has the gap been closing more quickly? And furthermore, what changes have happened for different groups of people with disabilities? 

Our full report, published today, models the reasons behind this change, and explores more detailed statistics on employment differences by type of disability.

Our work is based on a previous report by the DWP which looked at changes in the disability employment gap across the UK. 

Some of our key findings include: 

  • The employment rate for disabled people in Scotland has increased by 9 percentage points since 2014. Non-disabled employment rates also increased by 3 percentage points during this time period. This increase in the employment rate has been larger in Scotland compared to the rest of the UK, although the employment rate remains lower. 
  • The employment rate has largely increased due to an increase in disability prevalence (70% of the total change), meaning that this change is primarily due to working people becoming disabled. A small portion of the change (10%) was due to a change in working patterns among disabled people. 
  • On average, Scotland’s disabled working age population grew by about 4.6% each year between 2014 and 2022, while Scotland’s total working age population grew by less than 0.1% 
  • Over half of the change in disability prevalence is due to an increase in reporting mental health-related disabilities and learning difficulties. In 2014, over a third of disabled people in Scotland reported musculoskeletal conditions as their main issue, and around a quarter reported a mental health condition or learning difficulty. These proportions have now switched. 
  • Employment rates for all types of disability have increased since 2014. Musculoskeletal conditions – those affecting arms, legs, feet, neck, and back – had significant increases in employment rates, without significant increases in disability prevalence. By comparison, rates of reported mental illness grew substantially in both employment rates and in total prevalence, although the change in employment outpaced the change in population size. 
  • Disabled people are disproportionately less likely to work in manufacturing; professional, scientific, and technical activities; or construction, and are more likely to work in education, retail, and health and social work. 

Read the full report here

Spartans: Off The Bench programme


TUESDAY 16 JANUARY from 4 – 5pm

I’d like to inform you about a new programme starting here in late January for 16 – 25yrs.

It’s an ideal programme for school leavers who haven’t got anything lined up and/or aren’t quite yet ready to make the step into more formal education or employment.

We are holding an Open Day here at The Foundation on Tuesday 16 January from 4 – 5pm for all those who are interested. 

See above for information – any questions please just let me know.

Jamie Tomkinson (Youth Worker)

Holyrood: Autumn Statement benefit changes ‘deeply concerning’

Social Justice Secretary writes to DWP on work capability announcements

Changes to work capability assessments announced in the Autumn Statement are ‘deeply concerning’ and could mean people receive less support based on a change of criteria rather than a change in their health, Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville has said.

Writing to DWP Secretary Mel Stride, Ms Somerville highlighted how the Scottish Government has taken a different approach with its social security system being based on treating people with fairness, dignity and respect.

Ms Somerville said: “I remain deeply concerned about the changes to the activities and descriptors for ‘getting about’ for Limited Capability for Work, and the mobilising and substantial risk criteria for limited capability for work-related activity.

“The changes you are proposing, including the extension of the sanctions regime, will have very significant additional impact on some of the most vulnerable people in our communities who need our support most.

“In Scotland, we have taken a different approach to devolved employability support; our services remain voluntary, and we want the support we provide to be seen as an opportunity, not a threat, with fairness, dignity and respect at its heart.

“In delivering our first devolved employability service, Fair Start Scotland, Scottish Government officials had a close working relationship with Job Centre Plus to ensure we were collectively working to provide support for the people of Scotland.”

UK Autumn Statement Back to Work Plan: Letter to UK Government

Four Square: Springboard Project

The Springboard programme is for young adults aged 16-25 who are currently either at risk of homelessness or accessing homelessness services across Edinburgh.

Participants will be able to gain qualifications in Emergency First Aid at Work as well as Elementary Food Hygiene. We will support the group with employability skills such as CV writing, Job Interview Skills and Job Applications.

We also run workshops focused on mental health and wellbeing as well as weekly social outings to encourage participants to form lasting friendships.

The programme also includes a 3-day Residential trip with the Scottish Outdoor Education Centre to allow the participants to try their hand at some adventurous outdoor activities like rock climbing, abseiling, archery and much more!

Bus fare can be covered by Four Square and lunch will be provided on each day of the course.

Self-referrals can be made by emailing springboard@foursquare.org.uk

New ‘Hatch’ Youth Employability programme launched in Edinburgh

New figures reveal worsening employment outlook for Scotland’s young people  

  • New ‘Hatch’ programme will help 16-24 year olds in Scotland who have faced barriers to employment to build their work skills, confidence and land their first job
  • Number of young people not in employment, education or training on the rise, as two in three (62%) young people in Scotland say that the cost-of-living crisis has increased barriers to finding work
  • Two in five (43%) employers in Scotland say they are less likely to hire a young person now, due to the current economic climate

KFC, UK Youth and Youth Scotland have launched a new youth employability programme in Scotland to help 16-25 year olds who have faced barriers to employment, to build their work skills, confidence and land their first job, as new research reveals the cost of living has significantly worsened work and training opportunities for young people in Scotland.

The Hatch programme, which was piloted in Manchester last year, is currently being rolled out across Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and surrounding areas. Working with UK Youth and Youth Scotland to identify young people most in need, the programme will offer participants 1-2-1 training, support, and practical work experience, with an interview at KFC on graduation. 

The launch of the programme comes as new research from KFC, UK Youth and Youth Scotland reveals the stark impact the cost-of-living crisis has had on young people’s employment outlook in Scotland. This follows recent reports from the Office for National Statistics that the number of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) increased in April to June 2023, to a current estimate of 794,000 or 11.6%.

Two in three (62%) young people in Scotland say the cost-of-living crisis has increased barriers to finding employment, as two in five (43%) employers in Scotland say they are less likely to hire a young person now, given the current economic climate.

The research lays bare the impact the cost-of-living crisis is having, not just on young people’s immediate job and training opportunities, but also on their confidence and longer-term employment outlook.

One in three (33%) young people in Scotland feel anxious about their employment, training and education prospects.  One in four (26%) of Scottish young people say they do not feel confident about finding a job in the next 5 years, with this figure rising to 28% when asked how they feel about the future in general.

For employers in Scotland the difficult economic climate means hiring young people has taken a backseat to other priorities.  Increasingly, employers in Scotland were found to be reducing training and development opportunities available for young people in a bid to reduce costs: half (49%) of employers in Scotland say they are less able to invest in upskilling young people now, while 77% of employers are worried about the future for young people given the current state of the economy and job market.

Nonetheless, employers in Scotland recognise the important role they can play in supporting young people into employment, as 89% believe that employers have a responsibility to help young people into the workforce and 88% say they want to do more to help them develop their skills.

Both employers (83%) and young people (69%) in Scotland agree that the Government needs to do more to help young people into employment and support businesses to hire and train the next generation of talent. With Greater Glasgow being home to several of the poorest areas of the country, the cost-of-living crisis is a huge barrier for young people to finding employment. 

To help reduce the barriers young people face across the UK, KFC, UK Youth and Youth Scotland are calling on government to work more closely with businesses to ensure young people are being equipped with the skills that will help them thrive in the workplace.

They are also calling for a joined-up strategy that brings together businesses with local authorities, job centres and youth work organisations to better connect young people with job and training opportunities in their local area. 

Meg Farren, General Manager, KFC UK & Ireland, said: “Young people today are facing greater challenges than ever before. The pandemic took away crucial skills and career development opportunities – now, they’re faced with a cost-of-living crisis and uncertain economy, making it so much harder to land their first job. 

“As one of the biggest youth employers in the country, we see first-hand how difficult it is for young people to build the skills and experience they need to enter the world of work and our latest research demonstrates how today’s economic climate is only making this harder for young people.

“There are buckets of talent across the UK, but all too often young people are cut out of accessing opportunities. That needs to change. That’s why we’re excited to be bringing our employability programme Hatch to Scotland, to invest in the next generation and help unlock some of this untapped potential.

“Working with UK Youth and Youth Scotland, Hatch, will help young people across Scotland to build their skills, confidence and land their first job.”

Jacob Diggle, Director of Strategy, Research and Impact at UK Youth, said: “The lingering effects of the pandemic and the ongoing cost of living crisis are having a damaging impact on the employment prospects of young people. We cannot ignore the concerns of the next generation as they attempt to enter the world of work – their success is crucial to the success of our economy and our country.

“Youth work can play a huge part in tackling the rise in youth unemployment. However, these life changing services are under strain and need more support – as highlighted by our cost of living campaign. The partnership between youth work and businesses is vital to meeting the scale of need.

“We are proud that our Hatch programme with KFC will help thousands of disadvantaged young people develop the confidence and skills they need to secure stable employment.”

Mike Strang, Youth Scotland Chief Executive said: “The Hatch programme is a fantastic opportunity for young people in Scotland who are facing multiple barriers to entering the workforce. Youth work meets young people where they are at and Hatch does that while offering tangible skills, support and opportunities for young people to realistically set their sights on employment.

“Youth employability programmes like Hatch offer pragmatic solutions and real prospects to some of the most disadvantaged of Scotland’s young people.”

Jordan McQuade, participant of the Hatch programme, said: “There are loads of barriers I faced when looking for employment. Prior to the Hatch programme, I’d spent two years trying to find a job that worked for me and my disability. The cost-of-living crisis had made the situation even worse, which made me feel anxious about my future and ability to find a job.

“However, my experience on the Hatch programme has been really positive and helped me to manage my mental health. The training has grown my confidence, and it’s been great to meet so many other young people working at KFC – I feel like I’ve made friends for life!

“Since completing the Hatch programme, I’ve been given a permanent part-time job at KFC, which is supporting me financially whilst I continue to study at college.”

Since piloting Hatch in Manchester last year, 80 young people have successfully graduated from the programme, with more than 50% finding full time employment as a result. By 2024, KFC is aiming to have upskilled 1,100 young people, ensuring they’re ready for future work, training or education through the Hatch programme.