Letter: Mayhem in The Meadows

Summit and Action Plan urgently needed, says resident

Mayhem in the Meadows

Over the course of six months between May and October 1886, 135 years ago, the Edinburgh International Exhibition of Industry, Science and Art attracted an incredible 2.7 million visitors to Scotland’s capital.

An astonishing 30,000 people attended on the first day, with 10,000 season tickets sold at one guinea each.

The exhibition’s enormous main pavilion was a sight to behold. It filled the Meadows Parkland between Brougham Place and what is now Jawbone Walk. The domed roof kissed the sky at 120 feet tall and was decorated with the signs of the zodiac.

I was struck as to what our forefathers responsible for creating and attending this would have thought after witnessing the events in the Meadows on Saturday (3rd April).

What occurred has been well documented:

– https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/edinburgh-news/edinburgh-meadows-chaos-sees-teen-20319859 

– and I won’t spend much time on this, but the scenes of violence, anti-social behaviour and urinating/defecating in neighbouring streets and on the Meadows was something those of us living locally should not have to put up with.

We have had enough.

It should also be noted that this is not a one-off. Roseneath Place for example is commonly used effectively as a public toilet known as the “pee street” and the rubbish left after such occasions on the Meadows is appalling. We are sick and tired of having to go out and clean up and am sure council workers have better things to do.

Without urgent action a long summer lies ahead and what is happening is in clear breach of the Covid-restrictions.

I am conscious that this has been a difficult time for young people, especially on their mental health, but behaviour like this cannot and should not be tolerated, especially as we are going through a fragile Covid-recovery.

The Meadows is now “the place” to go for teenagers, with thousands congregating and clearly overwhelming police, who I have considerable sympathy with and are in an incredibly difficult situation. Large groups are in clear breach of the Covid-regulations and it should be noted that these are not just local teenagers, with large numbers arriving in taxis/using public transport.

A combination of deterring groups of teenagers from attending plus cracking down on anti-social behaviour for those who do is vital.  I have a few suggestions which may want to be considered/built on.

Meadows’ summit needs to be implemented very quickly to look at what can be done to try and prevent this happening again through delivering an action plan. Not something in six-months time, but now.

Such a group could involve key representatives from the Council – council officials and councillors – MP; community councils, Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links, retailers and police (am conscious given the election there is no MSP(s)). This can clearly be pulled together very quickly given the wonders of modern technology.

Some thoughts for consideration below:

  1. Licensing – it was clear from the young people queuing outside shops locally that a large number were underage and should not have been able to buy alcohol. The impact of alcohol on behaviour was clear for all to see. A reminder to shop-owners of their responsibilities is a suggestion.
  2. Toilets – a lack of toilets is an issue. We have to acknowledge that even if we manage to deter groups of teenagers attending and breaching Covid-regulations, they are not enough facilities to accommodate. The provision of some portaloos would be an option, preventing people urinating/defecating in local streets.
  3. Bins – unfortunately many are too lazy to take their rubbish to a bin or take it away. The provision of some black bins on the Meadows itself may be an issue and implementation of a BYOB – Bring Your Own Bag Campaign – tied in with some environmental messaging. Although I am conscious of the potential impact of locating bins on the grass. Potential also to use park wardens (as per 4)) to distribute bags.
  4. Park wardens – provision of park wardens handing out bags, implementing fines for those littering. The presence of someone on Roseneath Place on a summer’s day as a deterrent to those using it as a public toilet would be welcomed.
  5. CCTV – has the potential to deter if people know they are being “caught on camera”. For those engaging in anti-social behaviour there is the evidence to convict.
  6. Police – having to deal with this is a massive waste of police resources, which can be deployed elsewhere.  Groups of individuals must be deterred from attending, but there does however require to be a police presence to crack down on those who do, with a zero- tolerance message. Early intervention through a strong presence early on has the potential to prevent having to address out of control crowds later on. This includes removing alcohol, breaking up crowds and implementing fines.
  7. Parental responsibility – parents clearly have a responsibility in ascertaining what their children are up to. Could a communication maybe be sent by the Council to parents to explain what has been happening, for them to question where their children are going when out and where they have been, and to also highlight the Covid-restrictions?

Ultimately, addressing issues after they happen is much more resource-intensive than trying to prevent them occurring in the first place.

These are a few suggestions any group may want to look at. The Meadows is a much-loved and appreciated resource, and we must all act to try and keep it that way.

Yours with thanks and for consideration

Alex Orr

Man arrested following series of incidents in North West Edinburgh

Police are appealing for information following a series of incidents which occurred in Edinburgh yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, 23 March).

Around 4.30pm police received a report of a road crash on Telford Road and a man causing a disturbance before making off from the scene in a stolen grey Volkswagen Golf.

A short time later the Volkswagen Golf crashed on the A90 northbound, near the Dalmeny slip road.

The driver is then understood to have approached a number of cyclists in the Dalmeny area before being apprehended by police.

A 25-year-old man has been arrested in connection with these incidents and enquiries are continuing.

Detective Sergeant Todd Rutherford from Corstorphine CID said: “Enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances surrounding these incidents and I am appealing for any witnesses to come forward.

“In particular, I would like to speak to a family of cyclists who are believed to have been approached by the man shortly after the second crash in Dalmeny. I would urge the family to please get in touch and assist with our investigation.

“I would also ask any motorists with dash-cams who were in the area on Tuesday afternoon to check their footage in case they have captured anything which could be of importance.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland through 101, quoting incident number 2116 of Tuesday, 23 March, 2021. Alternatively you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Bus attacks: 15 year old charged

Officers across Edinburgh have been working closely with Lothian Buses to help tackle antisocial behaviour within the city.

During Monday evening (15 March), a number of buses and a taxi were damaged in the south east of the city through reckless behaviour after stones were thrown at them.

Police have confirmed that a 15-year-old boy has been charged and will be reported to the youth assessor in connection with these incidents. The investigation into the activity remains ongoing.

Chief Inspector Sarah Taylor Local Area Commander for North West Edinburgh said: “We will continue our efforts to keep our communities, Lothian Buses staff and all motorists safe, through a proactive and coordinated approach, alongside working closely with our partners.

“Officers continue to investigate these completely unacceptable and senseless incidents to ensure that offenders are held accountable for their actions.

“I reiterate our request for the support of parents, guardians and the wider public in tackling this behaviour. If you see this behaviour, or congregations at bus stops causing a disturbance, please contact police on 101, or 999 in an emergency.”

Lothian withdrew bus services from 7.30 last night in response to the series of attacks. They will announce further plans later today.


Lothian Buses has announced its intention to withdraw ALL services from 19.30hrs tonight (17 March) following months of incidents of antisocial behaviour. This will include all services operating on Lothian Buses, Lothian Country and East Coast Buses.

The company has announced that all journeys across Edinburgh which are due to depart terminal points after 19.30hrs will not operate tonight.  This applies to evening services only – NightBus services are expected to operate as normal.

Lothian has said that services are expected to return as scheduled on Thursday 18 March but will be kept under review with services diverted away from any area targeted by further attacks until it’s safe to return.

Sarah Boyd Lothian’s Operations Director said: “It is with pride that Lothian serves at the heart of our local communities and after the challenges of the last year it’s frankly appalling that the actions of a few can directly impact on so many. However, driver and customer safety is our absolute priority and so it is with deep regret that we have to take this action.

“We understand that we provide a critical service for key workers and those for whom travel is essential and we can only apologise to these customers who we know will be inconvenienced by this decision.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Police Scotland for all their efforts in helping us to maintain service this far.  I would also like to thank our customers and all of our colleagues for their continued support and patience.

“We would urge anyone with any information relating to these incidents to come forward to ensure those responsible are held accountable for their actions.”

Lyn Turner, Unite Regional Industrial Officer said: “Our members have the right to work without fear and we stand by Lothian’s decision to withdraw services from areas in which they cannot operate safely. The safety of our members is paramount.

“We would urge communities to come together and provide information on those responsible for these dangerous acts of criminal behaviour which are putting the safety of our members and that of the public at serious risk.”

City council Transport Convener, Lesley Macinnes, said: “Like everyone who’s seen coverage of the horrendous attacks on our bus services in recent days I’ve been utterly appalled by the reckless and intimidating behaviour of those behind the assaults. Enough is enough, it has to stop.

“I’m completely behind Lothian’s decision to withdraw bus services tonight as a clear message that this criminal targeting of a vital public service will not be tolerated. Anyone out there who thinks they know someone who’s involved in this despicable campaign of antisocial behaviour needs to do the right thing and report it to Police right away.”

All customers are urged to plan their journeys in advance through Lothian’s app (www.tfe.com) or website journey planner (www.lothianbuses.co.uk)

If you have any information about these incidents of antisocial behaviour, please contact the police on 101 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Another serious assault in Wester Drylaw Drive

Detectives are appealing for witnesses after a man was found seriously injured on Wester Drylaw Drive last night (Friday, 12 March).

Members of the public found a man lying injured on the road at around 7.15pm.

Emergency services attended and a 33-year-old man was taken to hospital for treatment to serious but not life-threatening injuries.

Extensive enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident.

Detective Inspector Alison MacDonald, of Edinburgh CID, said: “Detectives are currently carrying out enquiries in Wester Drylaw Drive and the surrounding area in order to establish exactly what has happened.

“I am appealing to anyone who was on Wester Drylaw Drive yesterday evening and witnessed what happened to the victim, or anything at all suspicious, to please get in touch.

“I would also urge any motorists with dash-cams who were in the area to check their footage in case they have captured anything which could be of significance to our investigation.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland via 101, quoting incident number 1498 of 13 March. Alternatively you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where details can be given anonymously.”

Police are still seeking information following an attack on a man in Wester Drylaw Drive which took place on Tuesday afternoon.

Police are also delivering letters to houses in Clermiston following a series of incidents over recent weeks.

On The Buses: Operation Proust continues this weekend

Operation Proust will continue this weekend, with officers on patrol in different areas of Edinburgh to tackle antisocial behaviour on and around bus services.

There have been a number of incidents involving youths across the city over recent weeks, which have resulted in the disruption and even temporary termination of services.

The focus will be on ensuring services are able to run smoothly as well as deterring further incidents of antisocial behaviour and criminality.

Chief Inspector Sarah Taylor said: “Bus drivers have and continue to provide an essential service to the public during this pandemic, including transport to and from hospitals. It is disgraceful that those who have continued to support our communities have been targeted in this way.

“Officers will be out in the community providing reassurance to the drivers and members of the public. Anyone caught engaging in antisocial behaviour or violence will be dealt with robustly.

“Extensive enquiries are ongoing to trace the individuals involved in the recent incidents and I would appeal to anyone with information to contact Police Scotland through 101. Alternatively you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Assault in Montgomery Street: Do you know these men?

Police have released a CCTV image of two men they wish to speak to as they may have information which could assist with ongoing enquiries into an assault that occurred around 1.30pm on Monday 2 September, 2020 on Montgomery Street.

One of the men is described as being white and in his late 20s to early 30s. He has short dark hair, stubble and was wearing black casual clothing.

The second man is white, in his mid-20s, 6ft to 6ft 4in tall and of slim build with fair hair. He was wearing a grey jumper, dark bottoms and black body warmer jacket.

Detective Constable Philip Wright of Gayfield CID said: ” As part of the investigation, we are eager to identify the two men in the CCTV footage and would urge them, or anyone who recognises them, to get in touch with us immediately.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 1528 of the 2nd September 2020, or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Police seek community’s support to tackle Clermiston incidents

Two men have been arrested and charged following a disturbance in the Clermiston area of Edinburgh on Sunday, 7 March.

Around 5pm police received a number calls regarding an ongoing incident in the Clermiston Park and Clermiston Gardens areas.

A 17-year-old man and a 27-year-old man have been arrested and charged in connection with alleged possession of offensive weapons.

They were due to appear before Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday and a report was submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Further enquiries are ongoing into the wider disturbance involving a group of youths which occurred on Sunday evening, and police are appealing for any witnesses to come forward.

The two men will also be the subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal in connection with the serious assault of a 48-year-old man in Drum Brae South around 3.25pm on Thursday, 4 March.

Chief Inspector Sarah Taylor, Local Area Commander for North West Edinburgh, said: “This type of mindless, irresponsible and reckless criminal behaviour will not be tolerated in our community and there will be additional patrols in the area.

“We are aware of ongoing issues with antisocial behaviour which is completely unacceptable, particularly in the midst of a pandemic when people are being told to stay at home. Local officers are working with partners to address these issues and proactively put a stop to this.

“I would urge anyone with information or concerns regarding antisocial behaviour to contact Police Scotland through 101, or speak to officers out on patrol.

“Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Always dial 999 when a crime is in progress.”

Assault on Boswall Parkway: Police release CCTV images

Police have released images of a man they wish to speak to as they believe he may be able to assist with an investigation into an assault in Pilton last summer.

The incident took place on Boswall Parkway around 8pm on Tuesday 4 August 2020 and left a man with a facial injury.

The suspect is described as a white male, aged 35 to 45 years old, between 5’10 and 6ft, of medium build. He had short dark hair and was wearing a two tone jacket with a zip across the front, and dark trousers.

Detective Constable Zaira Marker from Corstorphine CID said: “We believe the man in the images may be able to help with our ongoing investigation. We are appealing for him, or anyone who may know him, to make contact with us as soon as possible.

”Anyone with any information can call Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 3381 of 4 August 2020, or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”