Changes to children’s justice system ‘would help break the cycle of offending’

A Bill which would see most 16 and 17 year olds in Scotland referred to the Children’s Hearing System, rather than the adult justice system, could help address underlying issues and stop young people from reoffending.

This is one of the findings from a report by Holyrood’s Education, Children and Young People Committee on the Children (Care and Justice) (Scotland) Bill.

Stakeholders told the Committee they were broadly in favour of the changes the Bill would introduce, which include raising the age at which a young person can be referred to the Children’s Hearing System to 18.

This change would lead to more young people being referred to the Children’s Hearing System. To account for this, the Committee is urging the Scottish Government to work with Children’s Hearings Scotland to set clear targets and timescales to recruit and train more of the panel members who make legal decisions with and for children and young people.

The Committee also expressed concern that the Bill effectively establishes the age of 17-and-a-half as the cut-off date for referrals to the Children’s Hearing System. The Committee believes that this is not in the spirit of the Bill and needs to be addressed.

The Bill will still allow for a young person’s offending to be handled by the adult justice system for the most serious crimes and where it is assessed to be in the public interest to prosecute.

The Committee supported this, but has called on the Scottish Government to ensure safeguards and measures are put in place to help young people better understand and participate in proceedings, whether they are attending a Children’s Hearing or a court.

Furthermore, the Committee has insisted that updated and full costings are provided ahead of the Stage 1 vote. Social work teams in local authorities will play a key role in delivering the reforms in the Bill. However, the Committee repeatedly heard about the financial pressures that local authorities face, and the Bill does not have enough information about how the additional work they will need to do will be funded.

Sue Webber MSP, Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee, said: “We welcome the changes in this Bill that will ensure that 16 and 17 year olds would have access to the Children’s Hearing System.

“As we heard time and again, where a child has committed an offence it’s important to consider why this has happened and we believe, if properly resourced, this Bill will help. It will protect children from harm and help find solutions to the problems that may have led to them offending in the first place. But improvements are needed before the Bill becomes law.

“We are alarmed that referral to the Children’s Hearing System seems to have an effective cut-off at 17.5 years old. This cut-off seems to be based on the length of time it might take for a case to be processed. We want the Scottish Government to address the delays the system appears to face and ensure that support is provided up to 18 years old, as was intended.”

Another change the Bill introduces would ensure that under-18s are sent to a secure accommodation provider, instead of a Young Offenders Institution, or prison.

There was strong support from witnesses, including Gerry Michie, Governor of YOI Polmont, and Sue Brookes of the Scottish Prisons Service, who told the Committee that: “16 and 17-year-olds, as children, should not be with us. Even if the rest of the establishment was empty, those children should be somewhere else.”

However, the Committee also heard about concerns with the financial sustainability of secure care providers. Given how vital secure care is to the delivery of the reforms within the Bill, the Committee has called on the Scottish Government to urgently investigate how the changes will affect their finances ahead of the Government’s planned release of a report on secure care in 2024.

Witness appeal following serious assault in St Marks Park

Detectives in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses after a 39-year-old was seriously assaulted in St Marks Park yesterday (Wednesday, 14 June, 2023).

The incident occurred around 12.30pm and took place near to the play park.

The man was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh with serious, but not life-threatening injuries.

Detective Constable Christina Yeoman, from Gayfield CID, said: “This attack took place in broad daylight, within a busy area, so it is likely that members of the public either witnessed the incident or may have seen those responsible.

“We are asking for anyone with information to please come forward. If you believe you can assist our enquiries, please call police on 101, quoting incident 1997 of 14 June, 2023. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.”

Men jailed for sexual offences

At the High Court in Edinburgh on Friday, 9 June, 59-year-old Rhoderick McGregor was sentenced to 10 years for serious sexual offences.

McGregor was convicted on Tuesday, 16 May, at Edinburgh High Court in connection with the offences that took place in Fife between 2006 and 2014.

Detective Sergeant Mark Brown said: “We acknowledge how difficult this has been for McGregor’s victims. Their commitment and engagement during our investigation helped ensure his conviction. Our thoughts remain with them and I hope that his sentencing gives them some comfort and assists them in moving forward.

“Investigating the abuse of children and young people is a top priority for Police Scotland. I hope this outcome will give confidence to anyone who is experiencing or has experienced abuse to come forward, knowing that we will carry out a robust investigation to identify those responsible and bring them to justice.

“No matter how much time has passed, please report it. You can be assured that you will be fully supported by our officers and our partner agencies.”

A man responsible for the non-recent sexual abuse of young people in Edinburgh has also been jailed.

At the High Court in Glasgow on Wednesday, 7 June, 2023, James Grover was sentenced to four years in prison for assaults on three people during the 1990s and 2000s.

The 41-year-old became subject of a Police Scotland public protection investigation in 2019 after the victims, who were aged between 12 and 15 years old at the time of the offences reported their abuse.

Grover was arrested and charged on 6 February 2020 before being found guilty of lewd and libidinous practices, indecent assault and assault on 2 May, 2023.

Detective Inspector Jonny Wright, who led the investigation, said: “Over a number of years, James Grover targeted his victims and subjected them to serious abuse that was both physical and sexual.

“These individuals showed incredible courage to come forward and make us aware of Grover’s offending, allowing us to conduct a thorough investigation, which ultimately led to his conviction and prison sentence.

“I want to thank them for their bravery and support of our inquiries. I hope today’s outcome brings them closure and peace of mind.

“Police Scotland will always take any reports of non-recent sexual crime seriously and investigate robustly. If you wish to report offences of this nature please contact us via 101.”

Omni Centre death: Murder inquiry launched

A murder inquiry has been launched following the death of a 30-year-old man in Edinburgh.

Around 7.45pm on Friday, 2 June, 2023, officers were called to a report of a disturbance on Leith Street near to the junction with Greenside Row.

Edinburgh man Peter Mullen, 30, suffered serious injuries and was taken by ambulance to Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, where he died a short time later.

Following a post mortem examination, his death is being treated as murder. His relatives are aware and a report will be sent to the Procurator Fiscal.

Enquiries have so far revealed a number of people were involved in the disturbance and a 41-year-old man was also taken to hospital for treatment.

A 46-year-old woman has been arrested and charged in connection with a minor assault. She is expected to appear before Edinburgh Sheriff Court at a later date and a report will be sent to the Procurator Fiscal.

Detective Chief Inspector John Morrison said: “Our thoughts are very much with Peter’s family and friends at this very difficult time.

“We have a dedicated team of officers working on this investigation and I would like to reassure the local community that everything is being done to trace the person responsible.

“Extensive enquiries are ongoing and officers are continuing to gather CCTV footage from the surrounding area.

“We are aware that the area was busy at the time of the incident and we are again encouraging anyone who may have seen or heard a disturbance, to please get in touch.

“We have set up a website that gives members of the public access to a form to send information directly to us.

“Anyone with any CCTV, dashcam or any other footage that they think would assist the enquiry can also send this via this link.

“You can select to remain anonymous when submitting information.

“I’d like to thank the public for their assistance so far and ask anyone with information who hasn’t already spoken with officers to please call 101 quoting incident number 4094 of 2 June, 2023.

“Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given completely anonymously.

“We have set up a link to our Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the public.”

The MIPP can be accessed here:

Leith murder: Youth charged

A murder inquiry has been launched following the death of a 33-year-old woman in Constitution Street, Leith..

Around 7.55pm on Thursday, 18 May, 2023, officers were called to a report of a disturbance.

The woman was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment where she died a short time later.

A post mortem examination is being carried out to establish the exact cause of death, however, police are currently treating the death as suspicious and a murder inquiry has been launched.

Her next of kin have been made aware.

A 16-year-old male youth has been arrested and charged in connection with the death.

Detective Inspector Bob Williamson of the Major Investigation Team (East) said: “I want to reassure the community that we are treating this as an isolated incident.

“You will see a significant police presence in the area whilst we carry out investigations. Officers will be carrying out door-to-door enquiries and gathering CCTV footage which could provide the inquiry team with additional information.

“Through our investigation so far, we are aware that a number of members of the public were in the area at the time, some of whom witnessed the incident and others who came to her aid and we are asking them to come forward.

“I would asked anyone who was in the area of Constitution Street between 7.45pm and 8pm to get in touch.”

Detectives have set up an online portal to encourage members of the public to submit information, including any recorded footage.

The Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) is a website that gives the public access to a form so they can send information directly to the major investigation team and can be accessed here:

Police can also be contacted by calling 101 and quoting incident number 3555 of Thursday, 18 May, 2023. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Three jailed for violent attack in Lochend

Three men were sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday following a violent attack on a man in Lochend.

Lewis Spence, 26, Connor Steele, 23, and Bradley Logan, 25, were each sentenced to seven years in prison following the attempted murder of a 40-year-old man in Lochend Road South, on Tuesday, 15 September, 2020.

The 40-year-old man was treated at St John’s Hospital in Livingston for severe injuries.

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait of Edinburgh CID said: “This was a targeted, violent attack linked to organised criminality that occurred in broad daylight. 

“The men were arrested following an extensive investigation and will now face the consequences of their actions.

“I would like to thank the members of the public for their assistance during our enquiries, which has undoubtedly assisted in securing this conviction.

“This type of violent crime will not be tolerated in Edinburgh and I hope the outcome today sends a clear message to those involved in serious organised crime, that we are committed to disrupting harmful activity in our communities and bringing the perpetrators of violence to justice.”

Anyone with information or concerns about criminality in their area can contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.

New blueprint to protect public from scammers

UK Government launches new strategy to cut fraud, pursue fraudsters and empower the public

A new elite team of specialist investigators will turn the tables on fraudsters as part of the UK Government’s new action to tackle fraud and stop scammers from exploiting people.

The new National Fraud Squad will overhaul how these crimes are investigated by taking a proactive, intelligence-led approach, backed by 400 new specialist investigators. It will work with local forces, international partners and the UK intelligence community to ensure that callous fraud cells who target millions of Brits each day are shut down.

Fraud is now the most common crime in the UK, with 1 in 15 of us falling victim, costing nearly £7 billion a year. With developments in modern technology opening up new avenues for criminals to target victims, 9 in 10 internet users have also encountered online scams.

The Fraud Strategy, unveiled yesterday, marks a step forward in the government’s fight back against scammers, in response to how these crimes have evolved.

New measures will close the routes that scammers use to target victims, including by banning cold calls on all financial products – such as types of insurance or sham crypto currency schemes – and working with Ofcom to use new technology to further clamp down on number ‘spoofing’, so fraudsters cannot impersonate legitimate UK phone numbers.

Government will also ban other devices or methods commonly harnessed by scammers to reach thousands of people at once such as so-called ‘SIM farms’ and review the use of mass texting services to keep these technologies out of the hands of criminals.

To make it easier for victims to report fraud and rebuild confidence that cases are being dealt with properly, a new system, replacing the current Action Fraud service will be up and running within the year.

Backed by a £30 million investment, it will provide a simpler route for reporting fraud online, with reduced waiting times and an online portal to allow victims to get timely updates on the progress of their case.

This improved service will also ensure victims’ reports are acted upon more effectively, using data to ensure we can continue to build intelligence as criminals continue to find new ways to target victims.

Seventy per cent of fraud in the UK either starts overseas or has an international link – to drive forward global efforts to tackle these crimes, the government will work bilaterally to raise fraud as a key priority. The Home Secretary will host the first global fraud summit in the UK to guarantee international collaboration to tackle this threat.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: Scammers ruin lives in seconds, deceiving people in the most despicable ways in order to line their pockets.

“We will take the fight to these fraudsters, wherever they try to hide. By blocking scams at the source, boosting protections for people and bolstering enforcement, we will stop more of these cold-hearted crimes from happening in the first place and make sure justice is done.”

Home Secretary Suella Braverman said: “Fraud is a blight on our country with ruthless criminals scamming the British public out of their hard-earned cash. They exploit people’s trust and steal their life savings, shattering their confidence and leaving them feeling vulnerable.

“It also fuels serious organised crime and terrorism. Meanwhile scammers are adapting, taking advantage of new technology to prey on more victims.

“It is vital we adopt a new approach to this threat. The Fraud Strategy outlines how we will use all levers available to us – through government, law enforcement, industry and international partners – to track down these criminals, intercept their scams and bring them to justice.”

To push the response to fraud at the highest level, a new Anti-Fraud Champion, Anthony Browne MP, has been appointed. He will draw on his considerable experience as the former CEO of the British Banking Association to drive collaboration with industry and represent the UK internationally.

Anti-Fraud Champion, Anthony Browne MP said: “Fraud has grown to be the biggest form of crime in the UK, causing financial and emotional distress to millions of people.

“The tech sector, phone companies and financial services firms must take responsibility for protecting their users by stopping fraud happening in the first place, and work together to design out fraud. We can use the technologies fraudsters are exploiting against them to stop them in their tracks, and I will work with industry to make sure that happens.”

In plans announced yesterday, banks will be allowed to delay payments from being processed for longer to allow for suspicious payments to be investigated, keeping cash out of the hands of fraudsters and stopping more people from falling victim.

We are working with the largest tech companies to make it as simple as possible to report fraud online, whether it be scam adverts or false celebrity endorsements. This means, regardless of which social media platform you are on, you should be able to find the ‘report’ button within a single click, and ‘report fraud or scam’ within another. TikTok and Snapchat already offer this for adverts but have committed to extending to other types of content.

Further measures include:

  • rolling out tailored support to victims at a local level across the whole of England and Wales through the National Economic Crime Victim Care Unit
  • launching an independent review of the challenges in investigating and prosecuting fraud to speed up the justice process, punishing more scammers and ensuring sentences match the severity of the impact on victims
  • deploying the UK intelligence community to identify and disrupt more fraudsters overseas
  • publishing regular data on the volume of fraudulent content hosted on different websites and platforms to incentivise companies to root these out and better protect users – government will launch a consultation on how best to deliver this, including regularity of publications

Wednesday’s plans build on action already taken to step up protections for victims and clamp down on the criminals responsible for these crimes. That includes:

  • legislating to ensure more victims of fraud get their money back, by requiring financial institutions to reimburse victims of authorised fraud
  • making fraud a national priority for police forces, to help ramp up the response at local force level
  • investing £400 million for law enforcement to tackle economic crime, including fraud, over the next 3 years
  • new duties on tech companies through the Online Safety Bill to put systems in place to tackle scams on their platforms and publish annual transparency reports on their work to tackle online harms

Graeme Biggar, Director General of the National Crime Agency, said: “The NCA welcomes the new Fraud Strategy and our role in the National Fraud Squad.

“Through the National Economic Crime Centre, we will drive a proactive intelligence led response, holding fraudsters to account and protecting the public from criminals who operate increasingly online and overseas.

“We want fraudsters to feel the same vulnerability they inflict upon their victims, as we target their infrastructure, expose their identities and bring them to justice.”

Commissioner Angela McLaren from the City of London Police, which is the National Lead Force for fraud, said: “We welcome this strategy and the much-needed investment in policing to deliver against it. 

“Tackling fraud requires a collective effort and we will continue to work with our partners across law enforcement and industry, doing everything in our power to pursue fraudsters and reduce the devastating harm they cause.”

Renewed appeal over attempted murder in Davidson Mains

Detectives in Edinburgh have renewed an appeal for information in connection with an attempted murder in the Davidson Mains area.

The incident happened on Main Street around 12.05am on Friday, 21 April, 2023.

A 20-year-old had been in a pub on Main Street and left the premises at around midnight.

Soon after leaving the bar, three men, dressed in dark coloured clothing and balaclavas, attacked the man with a weapon.

He was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh by ambulance with serious injuries.

Enquiries have established a dark coloured 4×4 vehicle, possibly a Range Rover, closely followed by a smaller light coloured car, possibly a Vauxhall Corsa, and a further light coloured vehicle were driving from Quality Street onto Main Street around 12.01am on the date of the attack.

A pedal cyclist also travels from Cramond Road South onto Quality Street at the time and returns minutes later.

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait said: “None of these vehicles were involved in the attack but they passed the area shortly before or while the incident was ongoing.

“The occupants may have information which could help our investigation so if this was you please get in touch and speak to our officers. If you believe this was you and you have kept dashcam footage then again we would be keen to review this.

“I would also urge anyone else who may have information about the incident but has not yet spoken to police to get in touch as soon as you can.

“Anyone with information or dashcam footage is asked to contact officers on 101 quoting incident 0010 of 21, April, 2023. Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.”

CCTV appeal following thefts in Gorgie Road and Lanark Road


POLICE in Edinburgh have released CCTV images of two women they wish to speak to in connection with thefts in the city.

The incidents happened between Thursday, 9 February, 2023 and Saturday, 11 February, 2023, in Gorgie Road and Lanark Road.

The first woman is described as aged 30 to 40, has long dark hair with blonde highlights, a tanned complexion, and was wearing a knee length coat and jeans.

The second women is described as late teens to early 20s, with a tanned complexion, long dark hair, and of slim build. She was wearing a black puffer style jacket, skinny jeans and trainers.

Police Constable Gillian Trevis, from Wester Hailes Police Station, said: “I would appeal to anyone who recognises the women in the images to please get in touch as it is important that we speak to them as part of our investigation.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact us on 101, quoting incident number 2783 of Thursday, 9 February, 2023. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.”

Police appeal for information following Davidson Mains attack

POLICE are appealing for information following the attempted murder of a man in Davidson Mains. the incident happened on Main Street around 12.05am early this morning (Friday, 21 April, 2023).

The victim, a 20-year-old man, had been n a pub on Main Street and left the premises at around midnight. Soon after exiting the building, three men, dressed in dark coloured clothing and balaclavas, attacked the man with a weapon.

The victim was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh by ambulance with serious injuries.

The suspects are believed to have left the area in a red saloon-type vehicle.

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait said: “We are appealing for anyone who witnessed or has information on the incident to get in touch.

“I’d particularly ask anyone who was within the pub on Main Street yesterday evening (Thursday 20 April) to come forward to help our enquiries.

“Equally anyone who may have seen a red saloon car in the Davidson Mains, or surrounding areas, or has information on this vehicle and its occupants, should contact officers as soon as possible.

“We are assessing available CCTV footage and anyone who may have dashcam of the incident, or vehicle, should provide this at your earliest opportunity.”

Anyone with information or dashcam footage is asked to contact officers on 101 quoting incident 0010 of 21, April, 2023.

Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.