Refugee projects in Scotland awarded £2.8 million

Organisations and community groups working to support refugees in Scotland will share £2.8 million through a new grant scheme.

In total, 56 projects will receive funding to deliver initiatives designed to help New Scots settle in their adopted communities by promoting employability, education, health and social and cultural connections.

Grants awarded include:

  • £104,615 for employment and training support for refugees in the West of Scotland
  • £72,930 to help Arabic speakers in Dundee, Fife and Clackmannanshire access certification to work in the Scottish construction industry
  • £114,987 to improve mental health and reduce loneliness and social isolation of refugees and separated children in Edinburgh
  • £23,075 for English language learning (ESOL) in Midlothian that focuses specifically on preparing learners for the workplace

Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison said: “We are committed to supporting the integration of asylum seekers into our communities from day one, not just when leave to remain has been granted.

“The funding and development of these projects will support our aim to have cohesive, connected and multi-cultural communities where people can access services and be supported into employment and education.

“Scotland has a long history of welcoming asylum seekers and refugees from all over the world. In re-building their lives they help make the country stronger, more compassionate and more successful for everyone.”

This project is part funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and is part of the New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project. It is led by the Scottish Government in partnership with COSLA, Scottish Refugee Council and the UNESCO Chair at the University of Glasgow.

Scottish Refugee Council CEO Sabir Zazai said: “There is such a strong will in Scotland to support newcomers and make people feel welcome. Equally strong is the desire from refugee-led groups to make a contribution and use their skills and expertise to create flourishing, well integrated communities.

“This funding will build on all of this and allow groups and organisations to strengthen and deepen their work with people seeking safety in Scotland.”

COSLA’s Community Wellbeing spokesperson, Councillor Kelly Parry said: “I am thrilled so many local authorities have secured funding to implement a wide range of exciting projects aimed at enhancing refugee integration.

“From improving refugee employability to developing tailored mental health support for young asylum seekers, the projects being funded are both ambitious in their scope and innovative in their approach.”

UNESCO Chair at the University of Glasgow, Alison Phipps, said: “The New Scots policy is regarded with acclaim internationally, modelled on human rights and dignity for all.

“It is especially heartening to see refugee led projects at the forefront and to know that new and expanded work will take place across Scotland.”

Voluntary Sector Forum to meet next week

Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum will meet on Tuesday 20 July at 1pm via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 848 0200 7045

Passcode: 991758

We will use this following agenda to guide our discussion:

1 Welcome and Introductions

2 Pilton Community Health Project and ASH Scotland present on new work addressing smoking rates in areas of deprivation (see below)

3 Evaluating Third Sector contribution to LIP priority 3 – tackling poverty and inequality

4 LOG Update

5 Training Opportunities for third sector (EVOC)

6 Member update

Hope to see you there,


EVOC Development Worker – Community Planning

‘Levelling Up’: Community Ownership Fund opens for bids from communities in Scotland

People across Scotland are being given the chance to become owners of at-risk local pubs, theatres, post offices, sports grounds and corner shops thanks to the UK Government’s new £150 million Community Ownership Fund.

The move is part of the UK Government’s strategy to build back better from the pandemic by giving communities the power to save the local institutions that bring us together and foster a sense of community.

Details were published yesterday of how voluntary and community organisations across Scotland and the rest of the UK will be able to bid for up to £250,000 matched funding to buy or take over local assets and run them.

Up to £1 million will be available to establish sports clubs or help to buy sports grounds at risk without intervention – meaning a group of loyal supporters could become the Chairman and board at their beloved local team.

A total of £12.3 million has been set aside for community projects in Scotland, whether they be sporting and leisure facilities, cinemas and theatres, music venues, museums, galleries, parks, pubs, post office buildings and shops.

The Prime Minister unveiled more detail as part of a major speech setting out how the UK Government will continue to ‘level up’ all regions of the country as we bounce back from the pandemic.

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said: “Alongside the Levelling Up, Community Renewal and UK Shared Prosperity Funds, the Community Ownership Fund is part of a crucial package of UK Government investment to support communities.

“The funds will play an important role as we build back better from the pandemic. I encourage communities across Scotland to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities the Community Ownership Fund provides.”

The announcement follows major investment and action from the UK Government to level up opportunity and prosperity across all areas of the country, including through the £4.8 billion Levelling Up Fund and the £220 million Community Renewal Fund.

The UK Government will undertake a series of information events with communities, the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and local authorities in all parts of the UK.

The first bidding round closes on 13th August with another seven bidding rounds expected to take place over the next four years.

TUC: We can’t level up the country without levelling up at work

Commenting on yesterday’s speech by the prime minister on levelling up, TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “We can’t level up the country without levelling up at work.

“This pandemic has brutally exposed the terrible working conditions, low pay and insecurity many of our key workers face.

“But so far, there has been precious little to show for the government’s vaunted levelling up agenda. And today’s announcements will do little to change that.

“With more than 1 million children of key worker households in poverty and 3.6 million workers stuck in insecure jobs, it’s time the government moved on from empty sound bites.

“Enough is enough. Ministers must invest in good green jobs in industries of the future, ban zero hours contracts and give all of our key workers a pay rise.

“And they must invest in warmer homes, faster broadband and better public transport links across the country. That’s how we level up the UK.”

Now Open: Community Funding Available via Corra Foundation

Corra Foundation are welcoming applications from community groups, organisations and charities for a number of funds currently open. 

Focusing on a variety of themes, the grants open are aimed at supporting communities at local level, from support for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic charities delivering projects on mental health, to funding for grassroots organisations working with homelessness and small funding pots for neighbourhood projects. 

The Armed Forces Third Sector Resilience Fund, Enabling Neighbourhoods and Communities Fund and The Local Support Fund are administered by Corra Foundation on behalf of the Scottish Government. #ShiftThePower Scotland Comic Relief Fund is delivered by Corra Foundation working as an intermediary partner with Comic Relief in Scotland. 

July closing dates for two of the funds – Armed Forces Third Sector Resilience Fund and Henry Duncan Grants are fast approaching. Please see below for more information and links to guidelines and applications.  

A round-up of current funds from Corra Foundation: 

Supporting Third Sector Armed Forces community organisations whose operations have been affected by COVID-19. Up to £75k available towards running costs until the end of March 2022. 

Closing 12 noon, Fri 16th July. 

More information & application: 

Funding community-based support for mental health and wellbeing via 3 strands: 

Organisation Grants – max £8,000 for 5 years – closing 21st July 

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Project Grants – max £8,000 for 3 years – closing 21st July 

Micro Grants – max £1,000 one of grants – rolling applications 

More information & application: 

Up to £30k, multi-year funding for grassroots organisations and charities working under 2 themes:  

Gender Justice – contributing to gender equality by reducing violence and discrimination and promoting increased opportunity for women, girls and LGBTQI+ community. 

A Safe Place To Be – homelessness support including for refugees & asylum seekers. 

Closing 12 noon, Fri 20th August 

More information & application: 

  • Enabling Neighbourhoods and Communities Fund (Scottish Government Funding) 

    Up to £3,000, open to groups with strong local relationships with the community and which support people to connect and improve wellbeing – whether that’s community garden projects, children’s groups or local sport clubs. 

    Rolling application deadline. 

More information and application: 

Supporting small community-based groups delivering frontline services to people who use or used drugs, people in recovery and families affected. £1,000 to £10,000 available per year, up to 5 years. 

Rolling application deadline. 

More information & application: 

More detail on all the open grants and the application process can be found at

For questions or to discuss ideas or applications, please get in touch at  

Scotmid Community Connect cash for three local projects

Three charities based in the East of Scotland have been awarded £8,500 each, thanks to Scotmid Co-operative’s Community Connect award scheme.

Children with Cancer & Leukaemia Advice and Support for Parents (CCLASP), the Citadel Arts Group and Venture Scotland, secured the funding after being shortlisted by the convenience retailer as one of nine good causes across Scotland to receive financial support from a total pot of £75,000.

Edinburgh-based Venture Scotland, a charity which provides young people aged between 16 and 30, who are struggling with life, the chance to take part in a personal development course based in the outdoors, expressed their gratitude at receiving the lifeline funding.

David Brackenridge, CEO of Venture Scotland, said: “The pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone. However, it has been particularly hard for young people who were already struggling with their mental health before we went into lockdown.

“Scotmid’s generous funding will allow us to continue to support disadvantaged young people through our outdoors based personal development Journey programmes, to enable them to lead happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives.”

Since Scotmid’s Community Connect launched in 2017, more than £450,000 has been awarded to 54 good cause groups enabling key projects to come to life in local areas.

Harry Cairney, Chair of East Regional Committee at Scotmid, said: “The pandemic has created numerous challenges for communities to overcome and adapt to.

“Community Connect was established to enable us to extend the ways in which we can support the communities that we serve, and we are delighted to provide Venture Scotland, CCLASP and the Citadel Arts Centre, with this funding as they continue to provide vital support to their communities.”

CCLASP has provided vital support for families living with a child with cancer for the last 25 years. They offer families respite holidays at their cottage in Muthill. These holidays provide an oasis of peace for families at their darkest of times and any funds will be used to keep this amazing offering open to families needing a break.

Based in Leith for the last 10 years, Citadel Arts Group stimulates and expresses the creativity of older people through stories, memory books and lively dramas helping to celebrate the history of Leith. Funding will be used to create audio plays inspired by the stories to entertain the whole community.

In normal times, Scotmid would typically select a shortlist of community projects which its members then vote on to allocate different amounts of funding.

However, due to the pandemic, the Scotmid Board agreed that all shortlisted charities and community groups would receive equal amounts of funding within each region.

Fresh Start online AGM set for Tuesday 8th December

Fresh Start Annual General Meeting 8th December 2.15pm, via Zoom

We will be hosting the Annual General Meeting of Fresh Start (Scotland) Ltd this year via Zoom web link on Tuesday, 8th December at 2.15pm.   Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and current restrictions in place, we are unable to hold the meeting face to face and instead, ask that you join us virtually.

The formal business of the AGM consists of a presentation from the Convenor, Lindsay Wallace, on the activities of Fresh Start over the past year, together with a presentation of the Report and Accounts for 2019/20. 

This will be followed by a short presentation from Biddy Kelly, Managing Director, and video showing what has taken place over the past year.  The event will be finished by 3pm.

We would kindly ask that any questions are submitted prior to the event if possible but may be asked on the day either via the chat function on Zoom or afterwards via email.

To join us via Zoom, please click on the link below:

Or alternatively, visit

Select ‘Join a Meeting’ and enter this code: 862 2570 1177

When prompted, enter this password: 594344

It is a great opportunity to catch up on all the latest from Fresh Start and see some friendly faces and would love to you join in.

If you would like to view the Company’s accounts prior to the meeting, please click here or email us to be sent a copy.

If you can attend, please let us know, by telephoning admin on 0131 476 7741 or by replying to this email  by Friday 4th December.  If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you cannot attend. 

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.

Kind regards,


Carrie-Ann Scougall

Business Manager, Fresh Start

22-24 Ferry Road Drive

Edinburgh  EH4 4BR

Direct Line: 0131 370 9000

Head Office: 0131 476 7741

North Edinburgh community effort gets support to the vulnerable

North Edinburgh groups work together to support vulnerable residents 

It started with a meeting called by local activist Willie Black at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre on 18 March. That initial discussion got the ball rolling, lit the fuse. From there, there were email from Spartans’ chief exec Douglas Samuel, quickly followed by another from local Lifelong Learning Development Officer Allan Hosey. A community campaign was building …

The idea? To coordinate a local community response to the unprecendented challenges posed to vulnerable people by the coronavirus.

Despite years of funding cuts, North Edinburgh retains a wealth of voluntary sector organisations able to adapt to changing circumstances, so who better to take on this major logistical challenge?

While individual community groups initially started their own support schemes for local folk through Muirhouse Millennium and Drylaw Neigbourhood Centres, pooling resources and sharing information offered a unique opportunity to devise and deliver a bespoke plan to ensure that North Edinburgh’s most vulnerable residents would not go hungry or be without basic essential supplies.

That was mid-March and three weeks later, following a regular series of Zoom meetings, hundreds of local people are seeing the benefit of local organisations working together in partnership.

A co-ordinated community response to the greatest public health emergency of our lives is now fully operational and is constantly being fine tuned as new information becomes available.

Hundreds of hot food, sandwiches and essential supplies pack deliveries are now being distributed from community hubs to all who need them on a daily basis, provided by project staff and a dedicated team of community volunteers.

Reflecting on progress so far, Spartans’ Dougie Samuel said: “It’s been great to be able to play our part in a wider community effort to help and support local families.

“The Academy has become a hub for the collection and redistribution of daily lunches and weekly food parcels for members of our community. In a true ‘bottom-up approach’ numerous community partners have come together to provide a co-ordinated support over these past few weeks.

“I’m super proud of the way in which numerous organisations, many of whom who did not have close day-to-day relationships previously, are pulling together as one.”

Among the community organisations involved in the sexily titled (!) North Edinburgh Cov-id 19 Foodshare Group are: Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre, Drylaw Rainbow Club Daycare Centre, Fresh Start, Granton Community Gardeners, LIFT, Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre, North Edinburgh Arts, Pilton Community Health Project, Pilton Equalities Project (PEP), SCRAN Academy and The Spartans Community Football Academy. There may be more and apologies if I’ve missed you!

Local politicians and community councillors are also taking a leading role and community organisations like Granton Information Centre continue to provide advice and support for vulnerable people during these anxious times.

Willie Black, who continues to chair the foodshare group’s regular Zoom meetings, said: “Local People and organisations are working flat out and this has been a huge community effort. 

“The biggest challenge facing us now is that of capacity. We need the politicians to get us the resources we need to keep the momentum going, because there’s no doubt the demand will increase in the days and weeks ahead.

“In particular we  urgently need additional kitchen capacity and accessible community space for storage.

“News of additional government funding is very welcome and it’s key that this gets down to grassroots level as quickly as possible to enable this vital initiative to continue.”

The next Zoom meeting will take place on Thursday.

At the outset of the lockdown, social enterprise SCRAN Academy,  based at Fet Lor Youth Club on Crewe Road South, launched a crowdfunding appeal to raise £12,000 to provide hot meals for those who need them.

Deliveries commenced on 20 March.

SCRAN’s John Loughton explained in the appeal: “We have had every bit of earned income and work cancelled since covid19 was announced, as well as having to sadly cancel supporting our young people face to face. This has been tough. But it’s right.

“Despite this, our charity staff and volunteers, working with others, responded in less than 24 hours and have now applied our catering and community experience into creating a supply chain where we are delivering a FREE, HEALTHY and SAFE meal every day to people across North Edinburgh and Leith (initially).

“We hope to help, love and support those most vulnerable to follow advice, reduce stress and stay home. Please help us support the OAPs, frail, struggling families, those with health conditions all access one wee crucial lifeline at this stage.

“Our direct partners include Prep Table Scotland, Pilton Equalities Project (PEP), Fet Lor Youth Club, Ryvoan Trust, Muirhouse Millenium Centre and many others including support from EdinburghCatering Co., ArtFe, EdinFoodSocial and many more locals.

“We’re delivering over 1,500 meals per week, your help will guarantee us at least £1000 a week over lockdown. Roughly £12 will feed 1 pensioner everyday for a week.

“The local community, MPs, MSPs, the NHS and others are supportive and we are taking stringent industry-level measures to maximise safety and hygiene.”

The total raised so far stands at £7500.



Foundation Scotland launches community support fund

Foundation Scotland has established a new Community Response, Recovery & Resilience Fund to support local charities and grassroots organisations across Scotland.  The fund will help them respond to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and recover from its impact and is already providing grants.

Launched by the Duke of Cambridge, the National Emergencies Trust is a UK-wide fundraising appeal initiated which will distribute money through the network of community foundations across the UK.

‘Response’ is about providing emergency funding for local charities and grassroots organisations currently supporting some of Scotland’s most affected and vulnerable people and over 30 grants have reached communities in Scotland today. This includes funding to:

  • Support for the Senior Centre in Castlemilk to provide soups, meals and snacks to over 400 elderly people and ensure they remain connected via phone calls and essential health awareness updates
  • Enable the Rock Trust in Edinburgh working with young people moving on from homelessness to provide essential food, toiletry packages and mobile phone cards – ensuring vulnerable young people remain connected
  • Equip volunteers at the South Islay Development Trust with essential safety equipment so they can safely continue to distribute hot meals for their vulnerable community members on their island
  • Support Glasgow the Caring City to scale-up their successful Soap Aid campaign – coordinating with food delivery charities to ensure free hygiene packs reach as many people as possible
  • Help Wellbeing Works in Dundee – who support community members facing mental health challenges – to supplement their phone support with advice and discussion materials – encouraging good health
  • Equip the Concrete Garden in Possilpark for indoor play and activity packs – treasure hunts, exercising, crafts, storytelling, drawing and board games – plus grow your own window ledge kits – creative and educational for all

Chief Executive of Foundation Scotland, Giles Ruck, said: “In this time of national crisis, it is critical to get funds quickly to where its needed. The Response Fund is open and up and running.

“I’m pleased to see word is spreading fast and community charities are getting in touch – we had about 100 new applications over the weekend. We can provide immediate funding of between £1,000 and £5,000. We aim to turn around funding applications swiftly, and to keep our application process straightforward.”

Lord Dannatt, chair of the National Emergencies Trust, said: “We are delighted that there is growing support for the Trust and that we have been able to start getting money out to organisations who can help people within a week of launching – but we need much more.

“That’s why we are calling on everyone, even at this unsettling time to dig deep and make a contribution. That generosity will ensure that we get through this unprecedented time with our most vulnerable communities cared for and supported.”

Big Hearts: Gorgie charity opens new helplines

Big Hearts, the charity of Heart of Midlothian FC, is shifting their activity to focus on phone and online support, through new dedicated helplines launched today.

Over the past two weeks the Big Hearts’ team of nine staff has been working on alternative ways to maintain their vital work to local groups at a high risk of loneliness, poor mental health, complex family backgrounds and food poverty.

The new Big Hearts helplines are designed to provide regular support over the phone and use digital means to address people’s urgent needs – whilst ensuring the safety of all staff, volunteers and beneficiaries.

Based at Tynecastle Stadium, the charity supports more than 150 vulnerable adults and children on a weekly basis, through a range of programmes including the Kinship Care after school club, The Changing Room project and Football Memories for over 65s.

Craig Wilson, Big Hearts General Manager said: “On 13 March we decided to suspend all our face to face activity to ensure everyone’s safety. Our staff team has been working remotely, completing hundreds of calls to families, isolated adults and older people to assess their immediate needs and offer some guidance and support.

“After a couple of weeks working in this new setting, we are delighted to announce a new series of landline numbers that people can call for a confidential chat and some targeted support.”

Kinship Care Helpline: 0131 603 4927
Advice on parenting strategies, peer support & service referrals for local kinship care families.

The Changing Room at Hearts: 0131 603 4929
Mental health support, wellbeing info and regular peer support in partnership with SAMH.

Community Helpline: 0131 603 4928
Social connection & advice for beneficiaries and volunteers at risk of loneliness & poverty.