Council cuts double whammy: first Health and Social Care, now Children and Families?

Deja Vu.Too many voluntary organisations seeking grant funding, not enough money in the council pot … with community projects already reeling from news of severe cuts to Edinburgh’s Health & Social Care grants, the city’s youth and children projects are now also braced for potentially catastrophic cuts. Continue reading Council cuts double whammy: first Health and Social Care, now Children and Families?

Funding cuts crisis: Voluntary Sector Forum meets this morning

Forth & Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum meets this morning (Monday 18th February) from 9:30 – 11.30am at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. 

Forum members will discuss funding cuts of over £600,000 to local projects and will consider the impact this will have on the community. A plan for a local voluntary sector response will also developed at the meeting.

Choose Youth Work funding update

Choose Youth Work is funding provided by the City of Edinburgh Council to support universal youth work. It has been agreed that wherever possible in localities, the Choose Youth Work funds will support the outcomes of YouthTalk. Continue reading Choose Youth Work funding update


Join the protests

Thursday 21 February from 9am

UNISON, the biggest union in Edinburgh Council, will join Edinburgh Trades Union Council and community groups to lobby the council and the Scottish Parliament on 21 February 2019 to say ‘enough is enough’ as Edinburgh faces yet another cut of over £30 million. Continue reading ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: No More Cuts!

Edinburgh Hub to open doors to success in education

EDINBURGH’S universities, colleges and the local authority have joined forces to increase the educational opportunities open to people who have spent time in care. Continue reading Edinburgh Hub to open doors to success in education