Electrifying talent on show in Let’s Glow festival

Let’s Glow festival shines a light on Edinburgh College’s creative talent

Dance Students

Edinburgh College’s dazzling creative students are about to light up the city with a two-month celebration of their luminous talents.

The Let’s Glow festival gives Edinburgh the chance to enjoy performances and exhibitions from college students covering everything from music, theatre and dance to photography, film, art, animation, textiles and design. The programme of events will showcase the skills and talents of the students, demonstrating the work they have undertaken at Edinburgh College over the last year.

Let’s Glow runs from 4 May to 22 June, with events taking place at venues across the city – including the college’s campuses, Summerhall, The King’s Theatre, The Traverse Theatre, The Edinburgh Filmhouse and The Queen’s Hall. Photography students are also taking their work to exhibit at Brick Lane in London.

The festival will feature students from all the college’s creative industries study programmes: Art and Design; Broadcast Media and Photography; Computing; Music and Sound Production; and Performing Arts.

The programme includes large-scale end-of-year shows by music, arts, photography, film and animation students; the PASS Cross Currents dance event choreographed by college staff and performed by students; an exhibition of make-up artistry; a graphic design exhibition; performances of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale and contemporary Scottish play My Romantic History; the PASS Out showcase for final-year Acting and Performance students; a musical theatre revue; and the premier of an original musical about Scotland’s most revered and most controversial instrument – the bagpipes!

Acting and Performance Students

The festival launched last night with sneak peek performances at the city’s La Belle Angele.

Jon Buglass, head of the Centre for Creative Industries at Edinburgh College, said: “Following the success of the first Let’s Glow festival last year, we’re delighted to showcase the incredible talents of our current crop of students. The events at this year’s festival allow us to celebrate and share the remarkable work our students have been producing over the last year. We are constantly blown away by the quality of their work and the time, effort and dedication they put into its production.

“The diversity in the programme means there really is something for everyone on offer. So if you want to be inspired by the talents of our students, get along to one of our Let’s Glow events.”

The full programme of events – some of which are free – and details of where to buy tickets can be found at www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/letsglow.

Keep up to date with Let’s Glow events on Facebook and Twitter.



Pick up the pieces with Granton’s Garden Buddies

Community Mosaic afternoon: 9 May at Granton Library


Jill Marple from Granton Library has asked me to pass on the attached invitation to you all – happily the library have received some funding to create a story garden with a community mosaic as part of it, and they would really like members of the community to come along and get involved with creating the mosaic – they would love it to have influences from lots of different cultures.

This will be happening on Saturday 9 May from 2pm -4pm (see poster (below)for details). 

No artistic experience is necessary – it will be very relaxed and refreshments will be provided. Please let Gill know if you (or anyone you know) would like to go along  – her contact details are on the poster.

It sounds like it will be a really fun way to create something for the whole community to enjoy!

 Garden buddies Living In Harmony invite

Rachel Farrier

Development Worker – Living in Harmony

Pilton Community Health Project

Art? Free workshops

Hey, we just wanted to email to say it was great to meet you -we’ve loved meeting people during our performances of Treat, our workshops in the streets or through the books and scripts we’ve left around Edinburgh. Or maybe you picked up some FREE MONEY that we hid in the Grassmarket during our Do You Need This? campaign.
Now we need you. We’re looking for people to help us create art for Edinburgh. Art that speaks to people. That interacts with the public. This could be visual, performance, video or street art. Its really up to you.
We’d love to see you on a Thursday night 7 – 9pm at The Bongo Club.
Workshops and materials are free. Everyone aged 15-25 is welcome to come in and create new work.
For further information on Creative Electric and our work check out:
ART? workshops run on the following dates:
26/3/15, 2/4/15, 9/4/15, 16/4/15, 23/4/15, 30/4/15, 7/5/15, 14/5/15, 21/5/15 & 28/5/15
with work being exhibited at The Bongo Lives Festival.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Best Wishes
Heather & Christie
Creative Electric

Lallie Wilson exhibition at North Edinburgh Arts


Lallie Wilson: Exhibition Opening Invite
Friday 20th March 
North Edinburgh Arts
6 – 7.30pm

North Edinburgh Arts is pleased to present the first major painting exhibition by the artist Lallie Wilson. Based in Musselburgh, Lallie has a body of mixed media artworks and colourful paintings. The exhibition portrays Lallie’s life story; from a young girl in wartime Britain, to a woman still painting many years later.

Daily opening times of exhibition:

Monday 10am – 5pm
Tuesday – Thursday 10am – 7pm (except Thursdays 1-5pm)

The exhibition will run until 27 April.

North Edinburgh Arts are always on the look out for groups and artists who would like to exhibit their work. Find out more on our exhibition page here.

ART? Treat yourself!

Guerilla Arts Project

Launching on Sunday 8 March with a public performance of 



A performance that explores the development and deterioration of emotion over time. 
An interactive experience where audiences and performers share ice cream. 
A social experiment. 
A beautiful moment to be eaten or shared.

Treat will be performed in various locations throughout the city centre including:

Hunters Square 12.30pm

Teviot Square 1.30pm

The Grassmarket 2.30pm

With more locations to be added or discovered on the day!

Treat is the launch of Creative Electric’s new guerilla arts project supported by Creative Scotland’s Time to Shine fund and Artcore Edinburgh

Join us for performances, ice cream and to find out how you can create artwork for Edinburgh.


Creative Electric will be holding workshops that explore visual and performance art inspired by artists that create work on and for the streets.

Street art. Installations. Interventions. Performances. Responses. The work created is up to you.

Workshops will take place on Thursday evenings from 19 March at The Bongo Club and are open to all young people aged 15+. Workshops are free and no previous arts experience is required.

Email Heather at Creative_electric@hotmail.com for more information. 

Treat Background

In August 2014 director and theatre artist Heather Marshall worked alongside Kulturhuset and Stoff in Stockholm to create Treat -an exploration into the fragility of 21st century life. Over a period of four hours she aimed to strip away the human protective façade to find a connection with someone, anyone, anything.

Heather is concerned by the exposing nature of many of today’s performance artists work and wants to keep something back for herself. Is this possible when a performer is laid bare in front of an audience over a length of time with only the drip of ice cream to focus on?

Does the façade deteriorate just as the ice cream does?

Whilst Treat was open to all it was aimed at audiences aged 15+ who may not necessarily attend arts events. It was staged in a nightclub space in the main square of Stockholm. Studion had floor to ceiling windows and an open door policy so that audiences could wander in and out or observe from outside.

There was no pressure to stay for any set amount of time, although many did stay for the full four hours. Many of the audience members said that they enjoyed the informal setting which allowed them to visit the cafe, chat to friends and engage with the performance in their own way.

Through her work with Creative Electric Heather aims to challenge how we view theatre. She is excited to create a new version of Treat for Edinburgh with short pop up performances on 8 March and durational performances at The Hidden Door Festival.

Creative Leith collaborates on ‘Love Leith’ bruncheon

Saturday 14 February 2015, 11.30 – 3.00pm
It’s been a quiet start of the year for Citizen Curator but we are back this month with some interesting new collaborations …
Leith Creative
In partnership with LeithLate we are launching Leith Creative at a very special ‘Love Leith’ Creative Bruncheon in conjunction with Out of Blue Drill Hall.
Leith Creative is a research project investigating the cultural resources and creative industries that make up the wider area. As part of this we have been talking to some of the creative hubs that inhabit Leith, but to find out more we want to hear from individual artists and organisations living, or working, in the area. What are the success you have had or challenges that you face?
To find out more … 
Join us at the Drill Hall on Dalmeny Street for informal networking, where a host of family friendly Bruncheon treats will be available from the OOTB café, as well as live music from local Leith musicians, curated by William Douglas.
This is a free event but booking is appreciated.
If you can’t make it on the day, remember to fill out and share this online survey.
Also remember to check out our new Leith Creative facebook page for future events.
For further details contact
Citizen Curator
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
21 Hawthornvale, Edinburgh, EH6 4JT
‘like’ us on Facebook
follow us on Twitter
Citizen Curator is a contemporary arts organisation working with the history and identity of Leith and North Edinburgh. This project is supported by Creative Scotland, the City of Edinburgh Council and the Leith Benevolent Society
Our Leith Creative logo, and soon to come interactive map, is by artist/designer David Lemm. David also has work on display at the Edinburgh Printmakers, until 7 March.


Giant Christmas Doodle at Broughton High School

Burgerman loves Broughton artwork 

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In the run up to the holidays Broughton High School pupils have created a giant Jon Burgerman-style feast for the eyes at the main entrance to the school.

A talented group of young artists was formed – S1 pupils Robin McGillivray, Rachel Moir, Aisha Maughan, Dexter Black, Bayley Glasgow and Keeley Muir worked alongside Advanced Higher pupils Harriet Johnston, Owen Morrison, Victoria Sturgeon and Rose Subido – and after being set the challenge, the group set about adorning the windows with a herd of reindeer and festive characters which have come alive in the sky above a rooftop scene.

work 1

They worked away together over a couple of weeks to create an ‘inspired Christmas doodle’ which has raised many a smile on the way into the school!

As well as the enjoyment that being involved in a project like this brings to participants, visitors and other pupils admiring the display, the artists heard that artist Jon Burgerman himself thinks it’s awesome and has actually retweeted some of our amazing artwork!

Oh, the joys that Christmas brings! Ho ho ho!

Natalie Wingate (Broughton High School teacher)
Callum McLeod (CLD Worker Forth & Inverleith)
Photographs by Len Fife











window 2

work 1

Anonymous donation funds Creative Laboratories building

‘Stunning’ new cultural hub opens in Newhaven

Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (Credit Sutherland Hussey Architects) (1)Creative Labs are GO! Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop proudly unveiled the new Creative Laboratories building on Thursday – an architecturally stunning facility specifically designed for sculptors.

Situated on old railway sidings in Newhaven, North Edinburgh Creative Laboratories will create a cultural hub, dedicated to the research and production of contemporary visual art.

Designed by Sutherland Hussey Architects as an inspiring environment where artists can make and present work, the new facility is equipped with viewing and meeting spaces designed to bring audiences closer to the art being made.

It features a 22.5m high triangular tower – a new addition to the city’s iconic skyline – and the development of the site has resulted in a significant area of land being re-gifted to the public by ESW as an extension of the adjacent cycle pathway where wildflower meadows have been planted.

The building has been fully funded by the Arts Funding Prize for Edinburgh administered by Foundation Scotland by means of a £3 million anonymous donation.

CreativeLabs2_Credit_SutherlandHusseyArchitectsIrene Kernan, director of Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (ESW) said: “This is an amazing opportunity for Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop which will enable us to fulfil our ambitions to create a world class sculpture centre in the city.

“We are very fortunate to have an internationally renowned architectural practise on our doorstop in Sutherland Hussey Architects. The Arts Funding Prize represents a major investment in future generations of artists and will be a major resource for our local community in Newhaven as well as the city as a whole.”

Bob Benson, Foundation Scotland Trustee and Chair of the Judging Panel added: “The donors have let us know they could not have been more pleased with the outcome of the Arts Prize competition. On their behalf, Foundation Scotland is delighted to have funded this building, which we expect to achieve social and community benefits, not just artistic ones.

“Being open to the community and integrated into its neighbourhood, it will be a space for artists to work in and also a place for the public to engage in the visual arts.”

Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop Creative Laboratories (Credit Sutherland Hussey Architects)A single storey pavilion surrounds an outdoor courtyard linking a series of internal and external environments for events and the production and exhibition of work. Incorporating sculpture bays, project spaces, and a bronze foundry the new facilities will complement those already in use at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop’s Bill Scott Sculpture Centre (also designed by Sutherland Hussey) which opened in July 2012.

To mark the beginning of ESW’s new international programme, Swedish artist Johanna Billing will begin her project How Do You Do?  this month and a mini-retrospective of her acclaimed film work will be exhibited in January.

How Do You Doattempts to capture the collective knowledge, expertise and erudition of Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop’s community by soliciting contributions from members and artists who have been involved with the organisation. Johanna will compile a book that will be part manual, part portrait of the organisation reflecting the scope of contemporary sculpture and the ambiguity of its borders. It aims to survey the ideas, skills and interests of ESW’s members and simultaneously the activity and concerns of a generation of contemporary artists.

On exhibition in the covered sculpture bays, a specialist stone-working space, are Jessica Harrison’s series of carved Kilkenny Limestone sculptures 00:09:34. These sculptures are scaled up from hand-sized clay maquettes made by participants and draw the viewer onto and into the surface of the forms to engage in a mimetic relationship with the hand that produced them. Each stone is titled according to the time spent handling the clay in making the original maquette, the collective title of which increases as the series grows.

A print commission by Miranda Blennerhassett and Bronze edition by Kate Ive will also launch with the opening of the new building; sales from the editions will continue to support the programme at ESW:

Miranda Blennerhassett’s specially commissioned print edition ESW explores the relationship between art and architecture by using the architect’s drawings for Creative Laboratories as their starting point. Informed by her research into Brian Dillon’s discussion of the theory of the ruin, the edition of 25 screen-prints will focus on “the fleeting moment that exists between a building having been built and the moment that the doors open and it begins to function and take on its own life beyond any control of the designer”.

Kate Ive has chosen to make a small artwork Dressed which relates to the construction of the Creative Laboratories by working with a large, life-size steel nail. Sculpting the nail by hand to inlay a delicate lace pattern (referencing Grinling Gibbons’ Cravat) the artist transforms a functional mundane object into something precious. Ive’s specially-commissioned artist’s edition has been cast by the artist in bronze onsite in ESW’s new facilities.

Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop has commissioned a multi-disciplinary collaboration between designer Catherine Aitken and sculptor David Murphy to design furniture for use throughout the new buildings. At the heart of the Edward Marshall Trust commission was the notion that the designs would both be conceived and realised on site at ESW, involving staff and studio holders and helping to promote the range of facilities on offer.

At the heart of the new facility, the tower is a statement of ESW’s progressive, interdisciplinary ambition.

It will act both as a visual and cultural beacon attracting visitors to the complex. The triangular tower will house a newly-commissioned sound installation by Tommy Perman, Professor Simon Kirby and Rob St. John which will launch in the New Year: Concrete Antenna sonically explores the past, present and (potential) future of the Workshop’s site via sound gathered from audio archives and specially made field recordings. The installation subtly responds to the movements of visitors, creating a unique experience for every listener. It will extend by gathering new audio throughout the months it is on site.

Creative Laboratories will enable sculptors to make ambitiously-scaled pieces while public facilities – including a cafe situated to overlook the production of sculpture – will encourage greater interaction between artists and their local and international publics.


Leith exhibition will be big draw

Exhibition celebrates Edinburgh College illustration graduates’ work

Alumni Show D&AD shark (c) Daniel Seex

An exhibition celebrating the talented illustrators nurtured by Edinburgh College will go on display in Leith tomorrow. This is the first exhibition of the work of former illustration students who have graduated and are now working in the industry. 

The exhibition, titled ‘Alumni’, will be on display at the Creative Exchange from 21 November to 4 December.

The exhibitors completed the college’s HND Visual Communication: Illustration course between 2009 and 2014, and the exhibition is intended as a celebration of their success in starting their careers as illustrators. The exhibition features a range of art using different mediums including pen and ink, digital art, spray-paint and lino-cut prints.


Sculpture Workshop to unveil stunning new building

Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop to launch Creative Laboratories next month

unnamedEdinburgh Sculpture Workshop will proudly unveil the new Creative Laboratories building – an architecturally stunning facility specifically designed for sculptors – on 20 November.

Situated on old railway sidings in Newhaven, Creative Laboratories will create a cultural hub, dedicated to the research and production of contemporary visual art.

Designed by Sutherland Hussey Architects as an inspiring environment where artists can make and present work, the new facility is equipped with viewing and meeting spaces designed to bring audiences closer to the art being made. It will feature a 22.5m high triangular tower, a dramatic new addition to Edinburgh’s iconic skyline.

The building has been fully funded by the Arts Funding Prize for Edinburgh administered by Foundation Scotland by means of an anonymous £3 million donation.

Irene Kernan, director of Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (ESW) said: “This is an amazing opportunity for Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop which will enable us to fulfil our ambitions to create a world class sculpture centre in the city.

We are very fortunate to have an internationally renowned architectural practise on our doorstop in Sutherland Hussey Architects. The Arts Funding Prize represents a major investment in future generations of artists and will be a major resource for our local community in Newhaven as well as the city as a whole.”

A single-storey pavilion surrounds an outdoor courtyard linking a series of internal and external environments for events and the production and exhibition of work; Incorporating sculpture bays, project spaces, and a foundry the new facilities will complement those already in use at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop’s Bill Scott Sculpture Centre, also designed by Sutherland Hussey, which opened in July 2012.

To mark the beginning of ESW’s new International programme, Johanna Billing will be in residence in November. A print commission by Miranda Blennerhassett and Bronze edition by Kate Ive will also launch with the opening of the new building.

At the heart of the new facility the tower is a statement of ESW’s progressive, interdisciplinary ambition. It will house a new sound commission by Tommy Perman, Simon Kirby and Rob St John and will act both as a visual and cultural beacon attracting visitors to the complex.

This large outdoor arena will enable sculptors to make ambitiously-scaled pieces while a public cafe overlooking the courtyard will encourage greater interaction with the wider area.