Edinburgh Guarantee spells success for school leavers

Stephen Ramsay - Edinburgh Guarantee case study.

More school leavers than ever in Edinburgh are moving into work, education, or training, thanks to the strong partnership that has developed between the public and private sectors through the Edinburgh Guarantee.

Figures published by the Scottish Government today show that the success rate of school leavers in Edinburgh achieving and sustaining a positive destination are at the highest rate ever. The figure is up 10 per cent since the Edinburgh Guarantee began four years ago and is now at 93.1 per cent. The Capital is now the best performing city in Scotland and is 12th out of all local authority areas, which puts us well above the national average.

The statistics show that more school leavers in Edinburgh are getting into jobs compared to September 2013 with over one in four of school leavers in employment at the snapshot taken in March. Just over 40% are getting into and sustaining places in Higher Education while over a quarter of school leavers opt for Further Education.

The majority of schools improved their performance since September 2013.

The largest increase was at Craigroyston Community High school up 13.1 per cent (see separate article), Currie performed extremely well with their figure now sitting at 97.9 per cent, and Firrhill and Gracemount were up by 6.8 per cent.

This success has been underpinned by the active support of the city’s employers in recruiting young people into their businesses, with 350 opportunities offered since April 2015.

Sue Bruce, Chief Executive, the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Today’s figures will be welcomed across the city by young people, employers in the private, voluntary and public sectors and those working in education. Giving young people the best start they can have in life is a key priority and I am delighted that the Edinburgh Guarantee is playing such an important role in securing the future success of our young people in the city.”

Cllr Paul Godzik, Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee, said: “Whether it’s employment, apprenticeships or training, young people need to move out of school and into a positive destination quickly. It is really encouraging that there has been such an improvement in the figures this year as moving on to make a new start in life is the boost young people really need to raise their self esteem at this critical point in their lives.”

Cllr Frank Ross, Convener of the Economy Committee, said: “Ensuring that Edinburgh’s young people have opportunities is vital for the economic success of our city. These year’s figures demonstrate that initiatives such as the Edinburgh Guarantee are making a real difference to many young lives. I am confident that with sustained investment we’ll continue to drive up this figure and see many more young people taking a positive next step in their lives.”

Stephen Ramsay (pictured top) , panel beater modern apprentice at DSL Motors, said: “When I was at Craigroyston High School I was invovled in a Formula 1 project and I really enjoyed it. My career advisor helped me with an interview for Edinburgh College and I am now a modern apprentice doing a four year course in Automotive Paint Refinishing. As soon as I left school I wanted to get involved in this trade and I want to work in this field until I retire.”

A positive destination is defined as a place in Higher Education, Further Education, a job, paid apprenticeship, or work-focused training.

Click here for a short video featuring Cllrs Burns, Godzik and modern apprentice Stephen Ramsay.

Exhibition showcases the talents of our local women


North Edinburgh’s Women’s International Group invite you to their new exhibition which celebrates the many achievements of local women in this community.

The exhibition opens on Thursday at 10am in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre; there’s a free creche and lunch is provided too (please book creche place in advance to avoid disappointment).

For further information contact Lynn on 552 5700 or Rachel on 07891 525 663.


Getting together. Making a difference.

Super Sara – volunteer extraordinaire!

North Edinburgh Arts was even busier than usual this morning as friends and colleagues got together to congratulate one of their own. JULIE SMITH explains …


Congratulations to Sara Martin on being awarded an Inspiring Volunteer by the City of Edinburgh Council and Volunteer Centre Edinburgh. She is a great example of the many inspiring women North Edinburgh has produced over the years.

She has been active in the area since she moved here 11 years ago. From first attending Buggy Brigades with her daughter, she was a founder member of North Edinburgh Women’s Group. From there she has gone on to give her time to lots of projects in the area: she runs a Rainbows group at Drylaw Church, is an archery instructor in the archery group and a stalwart of West Pilton Park Action Group.


It is as a volunteer for North Edinburgh Timebank that she has truly made her mark. Throwing herself into the singing group – the Timebank Temptations – she has encouraged others to get involved and without her it’s doubtful if we’d ever end up singing the right notes in the right order!

She makes sure everyone is organised and up-to-date with what’s going on and isn’t slow to tell us off if we forget our folders or pencils! Equally, she is hugely encouraging to everyone else involved in all activities.

Without her, the Teddy Bears’ Picnic last month couldn’t have happened, and she is also a stalwart of the Knit and Natter group. It’s been a real privilege to work with her, and I know all her friends in the Timebank want to congratulate her. She has been there for lots of them at various points when they needed a chum – as they have been there to support her. She’s been active in North Edinburgh Fights Back and is a huge champion of the local community. She is a woman of strong opinions and a willingness to muck in wherever and whenever she can.


North Edinburgh is full of people making a difference in innumerable ways to their communities. As carers and cleaners, cooks and comforters, campaigners and confidantes – everyone is needed and valued. I hope Sara will act as an inspiration to others to take that first step and get involved in something they feel passionate about!

If you would like to get involved in North Edinburgh Timebank, or find out more about the activities it organises, contact Julie Smith on 07958540438 or email north.timebank@volunteeredinburgh.org.uk

Chain reaction: Community rallies to support Forthview following bike thefts

Mackenzies serves up support for school hit by robbery


The Forthview Primary School community was devastated when their storage shed was broken into over a holiday weekend in May. Thieves stole bikes which had been borrowed to help teach pupils cycling proficiency, leaving the school facing a potential bill of one thousand pounds it could ill-afford to pay.

Forthview’s Tracey Berry said at the time: “Bikes that we had borrowed, so that Bill Stobie could teach bike ability to P6, have been stolen, along with footballs and gardening equipment. We are responsible for the bikes: it will cost us about £1000 to replace the them!

“Our fundraising is meant to be for outings and activities for Forthview children, not replacing things that thoughtless people have stolen. If you find one please hand it to the school – the more we find, the less money we have to pay out from the school funds.”

An appeal went out to trace the stolen bikes (see NEN blog ‘Forthview break-in: can you help trace bikes?, 11 May) – and the community response has been nothing short of remarkable!

Forthview head teacher Eileen Littlewood said: “Not only have parents, grandparents and their friends rallied to make donations for us, but a fairly new restaurant in Davidson’s Mains contacted us when they heard about the theft. They are very eager to support the community in any way they can and they offered to hold a fundraising night where staff and other people could come and enjoy a taster menu with wine for £30 a head.

“Staff who went along had a wonderful evening and the food was delicious. We enjoyed 8 courses and half a bottle of wine each. The cuisine was superb and at the end of the evening, Grant and Jamie who are the partners in the business gave us every penny back – £550!

“They did not even want to cover the costs of the food. We have been overwhelmed by their generosity. As one staff member said: ‘what a fundraiser – we made a lot of money, had a brilliant meal and wine as well!’Forthview FundraiserThe business in question is Mackenzies Restaurant and Bar in Davidson’s Mains, which opened under new management at the end of April. Mine hosts Grant and Jamie are local lads- from Granton and Wardieburn – and together with Grant’s partner Trisha pledged to help a local school in need.

The Mackenzies team’s tremendous support is greatly appreciated by all at Forthview – and they may just find that their generosity is reciprocated by a grateful community. Well done, Mackenzies!

PS: And the icing on the cake – a number of the missing bikes have been recovered too! 



Crumbs! PCHP cake will put North Edinburgh on the map!

cake mapbeingbuilt

Pilton Community Health Project will be producing a cake to highlight the best of North Edinburgh as part of this month’s Edinburgh’s Cake Fest – and they could use your help!

PCHP’s Community Development Manager Anita Aggarwal explained: “We are delighted to have been asked to contribute a cake to Cake Fest – they are building a map of Edinburgh made in cake!

“A master cake decorator (a member of the Sugarcraft Guild) will be with us on Thursday 18 June from 9.30am – 1pm to help us decorate our cake, which will be our building and a community garden – hopefully decorated with symbols and figures that represent the best of the area.

“Drop in anytime between 9.30 and 1 to contribute to the cake which will be displayed at the Botanics. Let us know if you need a creche.”

“You can see all the entire map of Edinburgh made from cake at the Botanic Gardens on Sunday 21 June – its all free and the cake will be shared around from 5pm.”

And what exactly is Cake Fest Edinburgh? Well, it’s part of The Year of Food and Drink Scotland 2015 events and, simply put, it’s a free day of cake, entertainment and Scotland’s best food and drink!

Sunday 21 June 2015 is Midsummer’s Day, and on Inverleith House lawn in the Botanic Gardens, Cake Fest Edinburgh will build a giant edible map of the city including over 50 magnificent landmark buildings in cake! Join us to witness this marvel, explore the gardens and sample delicious local produce.

There’s street food and a producer’s market from 10am and throughout the afternoon there will be workshops for the kids and free entertainment all day and evening long. From midday, the cake map will be assembled – careful, now! – and by 5pm the cake map will be complete …

Once the cake map is complete it will be left for all to admire whilst each baking team casts its vote for the Bakers Choice cake. Shortly after 5pm the winner will be announced by a very special guest – and bakers will then be invited onto the map to cut up their cakes to share with onlookers, all for free!

cakefest logo

This event is for all the family and free to attend. For further information visit http://edinburgh.cakefest.org.uk/

Power of Food Festival is fast approaching …

North Edinburgh plays a major part in this month’s Power of Food Festival with events and activities in Blackhall, Drylaw, Granton, Leith, Muirhouse and the Botanics to name just a few …! PF poster
 Hello everyone!
It’s an amazing privilege to be in a position today to launch the programme of Edinburgh’s first Power of Food Festival, only five and a half months after we decided to turn the original idea into a reality. It’s been a bit of a mad time getting everything in place, but really exhilarating to see it all coming together thanks to the efforts of a wide range of individuals keen to share their resources, skills, energy and passion. And how appropriate to be launching such an initiative on Volunteers Week! Volunteers are at the heart of community food growing and of the centre of the Festival. 
We look forward to seeing you in one (or several!) of the 15 gardens of the Festival on 20-21 June and hope you enjoy the celebration!
Best wishes from

The Power of Food Festival Committee
             Rebecca Crowther
             Christine Giraud
             Marie-Amélie Viatte
Power of Food festival
After months of preparation, The Power of Food Festival is pleased to announce an exciting programme of free events organised by each venue in line with what they do best: connecting people!

From well established award winning gardens, to new grassroot food growing projects, the diversity of the initiatives which feature in the programme will surprise and delight Festival goers. Venues open on the weekend of 20 and 21 June include a library, an office block, a secret garden, and a farmhouse which is undergoing an incredible transformation!

A citywide celebration

From Portobello to Wester Hailes, Granton to Blackhall, Tollcross to Old Dalkeith Road, and many others in between, every corner of Edinburgh will have a garden celebrating the joy of community food growing. There will be a rich menu of events suited for every taste, for children and adults alike, including: children’s poetry writing, bug hunting, storytelling and sharing, choir music, conversations on nature, food and sustainability, wind band, foraging, cooking and eating, as well as practical gardening workshops, and the launch of Edible Edinburgh Food Charter of a Sustainable Food City.

In association with Sustrans, visitors can also join in a guided bike tour of the
gardens (free but ticketed). Bookings can be made online.

Whether on foot or on two wheels, visitors can plan their Festival trip and keep up to date with the latest events and information via The Power of Food Festival website (details below).

Power of Food festival

A Festival for everyone

Why not invite your friends and family to take part in the first Edinburgh Power of Food Festival? The weekend will give everyone a chance to meet people in their local community, to join those who are transforming the city landscape everyday, and to give a deeper meaning to the word ‘community’. Maybe it will be the beginning of a great adventure: who knows where The Power of Food will take you?

The full programme of events can be accessed here: PoF Programme


Come with family and friends to The Power of Food Festival

Celebrating community food growing and local change makers

summer solstice weekend 20-21 June

W: poweroffoodfestival.wordpress.com E:poweroffoodfestival@outlook.com

Twitter @PoFFest                        FacebookEdinburghPowerofFoodFestival

Power of food poster 2