Thank You: Mike’s fundraising in Leith for the NHS

Musician and PoLHA sheltered housing resident Mike Egan, 79, has released his first solo album to raise funds for the NHS.

Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has supported Mike Egan (79), one of its sheltered housing residents, to produce an album to raise funds for the NHS.

Session guitarist Mike Egan’s musical career includes recording and touring with Elton John, Carly Simon, Rick Wakeman, Shirley Bassey, Charles Aznavour, Sasha Distell and Engelbert Humperdinck. He played on the 1977 Bond soundtrack The Spy Who Loves Me and his song writing credits include Columns of Grey.

Having returned to Leith after living in Belgium for 38 years, Mike was inspired to write his first solo album which outlines his reflections on growing up in Leith.

Mike wanted to raise funds for the NHS after seeing their work during the Covid pandemic. All proceeds will be donated to the NHS.

The album’s production was financed by PoLHA’s Placemaking funds.

Mike Egan commented: “COVID 19 has been a really difficult time. I found solace in my guitar and song writing. Seeing the sacrifices everyone was making to get through the pandemic and those that were working hard to keep everyone safe including the NHS and our sheltered housing staff was inspiring.

“I really enjoyed recording the album, getting back in the studio was the best thing. Richard Werner from B&B Studios was excellent, he is a fantastic sound engineer.

John Murray, PoLHA Placemaking Manager, said: “Placemaking is all about working with members of the community to improve their lives and the environment we live and work in.

“It’s about looking at what people can bring to their community, not what can be done for them. Our communities are teeming with knowledge, talent and skills and this is just one example of how a little bit of input from an organisation can facilitate something great.”

Thank You, the new album by Mike Egan, can be purchased on Bandcamp:

It can be downloaded for £5 or bought as a CD for £8. All proceeds go to the NHS.

Cruden Homes reveals proposals for new Leith apartments

Edinburgh-based housebuilder Cruden Homes has revealed exciting proposals to deliver much-needed housing in Leith.

Located on the site of the former Edinburgh Carpet and Flooring Warehouse, on the corner of Salamander Street and Salamander Yards, the proposed development will aim to comprise 96 apartments.

Including a range of different sized apartments, the development will range from four to six storeys, with the added bonus of ground floor retail fronting onto Salamander Street. 

A proposal of application notice (PAN) has now been submitted with City of Edinburgh Council, noting the intent to submit a planning application following a minimum 12-week consultation period.

A web-based community consultation events, in line with Scottish Government Covid-guidelines, will allow the community to provide feedback on and shape the proposals.

The event will take place on 27th April from 3.30pm-7.30pm.

Commenting on these proposals, Rory Stephens from Cruden Homes said: “This exciting and ambitious scheme will serve to regenerate the current brownfield site, delivering much-needed sustainable housing, including affordable homes, as well as providing a retail offering on the ground floor.

“We’re very much looking forward to consulting widely with the local community and key stakeholders over the coming months, which will include a digital consultation event, and are keen to hear their views in shaping proposals for this site.”

Spring Equinox Celebration at Leith Community Croft

Event Announcement 📢📣

We are hosting a Spring Equinox Celebration & Fundraiser on the Croft on March 19th & 20th and we’d love you to join us!

See more info & get your tickets here:

#ceilidh #croft #leithevent

Port of Leith Housing Association is one of the best companies to work for

Port of Leith Housing Association has been named the 10th best housing association to work for and the 33rd best company to work for in the UK.

It is recognised as the 11th best company to work for in Scotland. Based in Leith and providing over 3,000 homes across north Edinburgh, it employs over one hundred staff who work closely with local communities.

The Best Companies rankings are based on staff feedback on workplace factors such as leadership, wellbeing and personal growth.

Heather Kiteley, Group Chief Executive said: “It is incredibly important to Port of Leith Housing Association that staff enjoy great working conditions and feel supported and motivated in their roles.

“This is captured in our strategic plan and we believe that employee engagement is key to being a brilliant company. It has been a great success to rank among the top companies to work for in the UK. I am immensely proud of all our members of staff who contribute to making our organisation a brilliant place to work.”

Three key workplace factors that stood out in Association’s Best Companies ranking were work life balance, charitable activities, and that the organisation is run on strong values and principles.

This includes an ‘open-door’ approach to leadership, referring staff members to free counselling and supporting wellbeing during lockdowns, and distributing over £200,000 to local community organisations.

This ranking comes just months after an award for Excellence from the European Foundation of Quality Management last year. The award acknowledged the flexibility and responsiveness with which the Association met the impact of the pandemic.

National Lottery funds Venture Scotland’s Journey programme

Today Leith-based charity, Venture Scotland, is celebrating receiving nearly £100,000 in funding over 3 years from The National Lottery Community Fund, made possible by National Lottery players.

Since 1989, Venture Scotland has used the outdoors as a vehicle to transform the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of Young People across the Central Belt of Scotland. Every year, their small team delivers four, progressive outdoor-based personal development programmes, known as the “Journey”, to over 50 Young People who are facing challenges to their mental health.

Venture Scotland utilise Scotland’s natural environments to deliver group-based outdoor activities, such as gorge walking, kayaking and hill climbing, alongside groupwork, 1-to-1 support sessions and remote bothy residentials.

Venture Scotland’s ethos is to use the outdoor experience to help our Young People gain confidence, overcome challenges, and discover their potential – all of which they can channel into their daily lives.

The National Lottery Community Fund has made it possible for their graduate Young People to give back to Venture Scotland and has ensured that Young People are at the heart of our organisation.

Venture Scotland’s innovative Ambassador Programme has embedded four of our graduate Young People at all levels of Venture Scotland:

  • They attend and offer feedback at our Board meetings;
  • Support our fundraising team;
  • Help our Outreach Worker engage with new Young People;
  • Volunteer with our delivery team on activity days;
  • And have helped recruit new staff and trustees.

Most importantly, Venture Scotland’s Ambassadors bring their “lived experience” to motivate and inspire the project’s young people and ensure that their wellbeing is at the heart of everything VS we does.

Jo graduated from Venture Scotland’s Journey Programme in 2019. Before Venture Scotland, Jo was stuck in a cycle of self-destruction and experienced crippling anxiety, eating disorders and isolation.

After completing our Journey Programme, Jo became a Venture Scotland Ambassador; she has this to say about the Programme:

“The Ambassador Programme has given me a purpose and structure in these turbulent times, a chance to connect with people, learn new skills, keep up old ones and a chance to give back to a place and people that changed my life. It has given me hope; something to hold on to.”

The National Lottery Community Fund will allow us to officially launch our Ambassador Programme to a whole new generation of Young People and will ensure that Venture Scotland is the best it can be.

The National Lottery Community Fund, Scotland Chair, Kate Still, said: “National Lottery funding can make amazing things happen in local communities across the country.

“This project delivered by Venture Scotland is a great example of community activity in action, showing just what can be achieved when people come together for a common cause or to help others. National Lottery players can be proud to know that the money they raise is helping to support this vital work and to help communities thrive.” 

Venture Scotland’s CEO, David Brackenridge added: “Our Ambassador programme has put the voices of young people at the heart of our organisation and this has already had a transformational effect.

“So often, our Ambassadors have given us a whole new perspective on the work we do and the decisions we make and this has changed the way we operate, govern ourselves and has shaped our strategy going forward.

“I already can’t imagine them not being an integral part of Venture Scotland. A massive thanks to the National Lottery for funding this programme and for ensuring we can grow and develop it with young people.”

‘Green’ Freeport for Leith?

Scottish and UK Governments reach agreement

A partnership agreement to establish two ‘Green’ Freeports in Scotland has been reached between Scottish and UK Ministers.

Following ‘robust’ discussions in recent months, both governments have agreed:

  • to establish a joint applicant prospectus, with Ministers and officials from both the Scottish and UK Government having an equal say throughout the assessment and selection process
  • that applicants in Scotland are required to contribute towards a just transition to net-zero emissions by 2045, delivering net-zero benefits and creating new green jobs
  • that applicants in Scotland are required to set out how they will support high-quality employment opportunities that offer good salaries and conditions, and how fair work practices will be embedded in the green freeport area

Ministers have agreed that a joint offer set out in a prospectus offers the maximum benefits for the Scottish economy as both governments will be able to deliver tax reliefs and other incentives through a combination of devolved and reserved powers.

As a result of the recent negotiations, UK Ministers are expected to provide up to £52 million in seed funding to help establish Green Freeports in Scotland which is in line with funding offered to Freeports across England.

Economy Secretary Kate Forbes said: “I am pleased we have been able to reach an agreement on a joint approach that recognises the distinct needs of Scotland’s economy and enshrines the Scottish Government’s commitment to achieving net-zero and embedding fair work practices through public investment.  

“The Scottish Government will have an equal say on all bids, and will expect bidders to adhere to fair work practices including payment of the Real Living Wage.

“Scotland has a rich history of innovative manufacturers and so as we look to grasp the many opportunities of achieving net-zero, the establishment of internationally competitive clusters of excellence will help us create new green jobs, deliver a just transition and support our economic transformation.

“We can only seize Scotland’s economic potential if we create secure, sustainable and satisfying jobs that also help build a fairer, more prosperous economy for everyone. That is my absolute priority and establishing Green Freeports will be integral to achieving this.”

Secretary of State Michael Gove said:  “This is a truly exciting moment for Scotland, and I am delighted we will be working together with the Scottish Government to set up two new Green Freeports.

“Green Freeports help inject billions into the local economy, while levelling-up by creating jobs for local people, and opportunities for people all over the UK to flourish.  

“By collaborating using opportunities like Green Freeports we can work to level-up the whole of the UK and bring benefits and opportunities to communities that need it most.” 

The term ‘Green Freeports’ reflects the Scottish Government’s distinctive net zero aspirations. The UK Government will continue to use the term ‘Freeports’ for its programme in the rest of the UK.

Forth Ports – which owns and operates seven ports on Scotland’s East coast and the Port of Tilbury, which is part of the recently-announced Thames Freeport  – has issued a statement following the announcement.

Stuart Wallace, Chief Operating Officer at Forth Ports, said: “We welcome the announcement by the UK and Scottish governments of the forthcoming bid process for two Green Freeports in Scotland and confirm that we plan to participate in this process. 

“A Firth of Forth Green Freeport will catalyse the decarbonisation of Scotland’s major industrial cluster, creating 50,000 new, high-quality jobs in renewable energy, manufacturing, sustainable fuels and construction.

“Building on our first-hand experience of freeports, we plan to create an ambitious set of programmes to harness the regeneration benefits of this economic policy. 

“The legacy of our green freeport will be the creation of large-scale green manufacturing industries with significant export potential and a sustainable fuel cluster, alongside major upgrades to infrastructure and skills development among young adults to ensure a Team Scotland approach as the UK transitions to a decarbonised future.”

Port of Leith Housing Association: Fuel Support Fund now available

£33,000 funding secured from the Scottish Government to help with fuel poverty debts

Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA), in partnership with Changeworks, has secured £33,000 in funding from the Scottish Government and Scottish Federation of Housing Associations to support tenants with existing fuel poverty related debts.

The fund ensures we can support up to 50 households with this issue until the end of March 2022.

Currently, 21% of Edinburgh households live in fuel poverty, rising to 44% for social housing tenants. In Leith, 24% households live in material deprivation which has been further exacerbated by the pandemic.

Affordable Warmth Services Team Manager at Changeworks, Lisa Bygate, commented: “Through our work on the Link-Up Leith project we have seen increasing demand for support as people find themselves struggling with high bills and fuel debt.

“We are now seeing the highest incidences of households at risk of disconnection since the project started. This much welcomed funding will support people living on low incomes to have improved life skills and confidence to tackle fuel poverty issues themselves.

“We are delighted to be strengthening our partnership with Port of Leith Housing Association to provide support to their tenants and Leith residents with energy debt. We will be working closely with their welfare rights staff and other members of the Link-Up Leith project to identify and provide assistance to those who need it.”

PoLHA Group Chief Executive, Heather Kiteley, said: “I’m thankful that we have secured this funding to help our community during this time of rapidly escalating fuel costs.

“We are committed to ensuring our tenants’ welfare and I’m proud that the PoLHA Group has been able to react so quickly to our tenants’ needs and provide vital support.”

Eligible tenants will be identified for this grant through PoLHA’s Tenant Advice Service and Changeworks existing Link-Up Leith project run in partnership with Edinburgh Community Food and Stepping Stones.

Changeworks will also identify people eligible for support through referrals to their Affordable Warmth Service.

How to apply

Tenants can apply for the fund by speaking to their Housing Officer or our Tenant Advice team who can make a referral to Changeworks.

Other services

PoLHA offers the following support services to social housing tenants: welfare benefits advice, money advice and tenancy sustainment advice.

Visit advice and support for help.

Proposals for major new residential serviced living development next to Ocean Terminal to go on display

The public is to be given the opportunity to view proposals by Crosslane Residential Developments (Crosslane) for an exciting new residential serviced living development at Ocean Point 2, next to Leith’s Ocean Terminal. 

Residential serviced living is a new type of fully furnished accommodation, with shared social spaces focused on creating a vibrant sense of community and all-inclusive rents, covering utilities and other living costs.

The scheme will comprise 293 units providing a mix of studio, 1, 2 and 3-bed apartments, with 74 of these offered at affordable intermediate rent levels.

The proposed high-quality, new development will be entirely different to other residential accommodation. The entire building is designed to be a living environment. The principle is that residents sleep in their room but ‘live’ in the building by taking advantage of the wide range of shared communal space and facilities available, generating a real sense of community within the development.

A development such as this responds to market demand for quality rental homes. This is fuelled by a lack of new housing supply coming to the market, an increasing proportion of young professionals looking for more flexibility in how they live and work, and challenges in affordability with many young people being priced out of an expensive and highly competitive apartment-based rental marketplace.

Research from letting portal Citylets reveals the average monthly rent in Edinburgh’s private rental sector rose by 9.8% to £1,191 in the last three months of 2021. This is rent cost alone and does not include utilities and other normal living costs.

93% of one and two-bedroom properties in the Capital found new tenants within one month, with average rents reaching £813 (up 4.9%) for a one-bed apartment, while two-bed apartments achieved average rentals of £1,111, up 9.8%.

The proposal from Crosslane will provide a new residential serviced living development that is affordable and hassle-free,  in a convenient, accessible location, inclusive of utilities and bills. Target customers include local residents, young professionals, key workers and nomadic professionals drawn to Edinburgh by project led employment.

A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) has been submitted to the City of Edinburgh Council, and two consultation events will be held. 

Due to the ongoing pandemic and issues surrounding the COVID-19 virus, the Scottish Government has issued guidance encouraging developers to use online or digital engagement methods whilst public gatherings are prohibited. 

On Thursday, 10 February 2022, between 3 pm and 7 pm, the development team will be available at to answer your questions through a dedicated chat system as part of the digital consultation.  

This will enable visitors to communicate directly with the design and advisory team and for them to answer any questions. 

Details of the proposals will go live on the website from 9am. A second event is planned for March.

Visitors who do not have online access to exhibition materials can request hard copies from or contact Orbit Communications on 0131 202 3259 or at 4 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JE.  

Mark Hughes, Managing Director at Crosslane Residential Developments, said: “Crosslane and its advisory team are looking forward to be giving the local public the chance to view and comment on exciting proposals for our Ocean Point 2 development in Leith.

“This is an incredibly appealing prospect for both Leith and Edinburgh as a whole. Residential serviced living represents an innovative affordable housing solution at a time when rental accommodation prices in the capital are soaring, and there are serious demands on housing supply.

“Our proposals will significantly assist in the regeneration and expansion of this part of the city. We are consulting extensively to ensure that people from across the local area have an opportunity to input their views and shape our ambitious proposals.  

“We encourage all interested parties to speak to the team on 10 February and to put any questions you have to them.”  

SYP by-election Northern and Leith

The Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) represents Scotland’s young people.

Democratically elected members listen to and recognise the issues that are most important to young people, ensuring that their voices are heard by decision-makers.  All young people aged between 14 and 25 years old can stand for election to the SYP. 

Following on from last year’s successful SYP elections in Edinburgh, one seat remains unfilled in Northern and Leith.  SYP rules state that the vacancy should be filled.

Where a seat is vacant, it can be filled through existing youth structures.  

We are therefore asking young people involved in pupil/student councils or other youth structures such as participation groups in youth work agencies if they are interested in becoming a Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament for Northern and Leith.

Interested young people must live, study (i.e. go to school or college) or work in the constituency.

More information on becoming an MSYP is available at

Any interested young people can contact Andy Welsh ( if they are interested by Friday 11 February

Full training and support is provided.