Mass clinic vaccinates 5,000 staff at NHS Louisa Jordan

More than 5,000 health and social care staff were vaccinated at NHS Louisa Jordan today as part of a mass vaccination drive by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
The operation saw a team of 95 NHSGGC staff working in close collaboration with NHS Louisa Jordan staff to deliver up to 500 doses of the Pfizer vaccine per hour over the course of the day.
Located at the Scottish Events Campus (SEC), a total of 65 vaccine stations have been mobilised, utilising the large floor space at NHS Louisa Jordan to ensure a rapid turnaround in a safe environment. The first injection was administered at 8:45am, with the last vaccination targeted for 7:30pm.
Across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde an additional 2,350 staff are being vaccinated over the weekend at different sites.
The rapid rollout will help ensure a well-trained workforce is in place and processes are well developed to deliver the wider national vaccination deployment plan which will see 400,000 people across Scotland receive jags each week by the end of February.
In line with the national plan, once the vaccine has been offered to all eligible health and social staff within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Louisa Jordan will play a key role as a vaccination hub for the general public.
Members of the public will be informed when they are eligible to book an appointment for a vaccine.

Dr Linda De Caestecker, Director of Public Health for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said: “Today’s mass clinic at NHS Louisa Jordan is testament to the careful planning and professionalism of all the staff involved and I’d like to thank everyone who has made this possible.
“This will play a crucial role in preventing the harm caused by this virus and keeping our vital staff safe to care for patients across healthcare settings.
“While Saturday marks a significant milestone, much work is yet to be done. The rates of infection remain very high in this area and vaccination must work alongside other measures if we are to suppress the virus. Everyone must remember to follow the FACTS and to avoid social mixing in order to save as many lives as possible.”

Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman, said: “To have 5000 vaccinations taking place at NHS Louisa Jordan in a single day is testament to the hard work of all the staff at the hospital and I want to thank each and every one of them for their part in the roll-out of the biggest vaccination programme ever undertaken in Scotland.
“The vaccine offers us hope and as we vaccinate more and more people that hope becomes more real.
“On its own, it won’t be enough to win the race against this virus. Our testing programme is crucial. In addition, each one of us needs to follow the guidance, abide by the restrictions, wash our hands, wear face coverings and maintain 2m distance from others. If we all play our part to suppress the prevalence of the virus, then vaccination can do the job we need it to do.
“Doing all of this will protect us, protect the NHS and save lives.”