Doddie Weir to receive Helen Rollason Award at BBC Sports Personality of the Year

Scottish rugby legend Doddie Weir OBE is set to be honoured with the Helen Rollason award at tonight’s BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2019.

Continue reading Doddie Weir to receive Helen Rollason Award at BBC Sports Personality of the Year

Your chance to win uniquely Scottish prizes and support the Heart of Scotland appeal

National charity Heart Research UK has launched a very special prize draw as part of the Heart of Scotland appeal, a fundraising campaign to tackle heart disease, Scotland’s single biggest killer.   Continue reading Your chance to win uniquely Scottish prizes and support the Heart of Scotland appeal

Industry awards for modern apprentices

The hard work and dedication of modern apprentices at the City of Edinburgh Council was recognised this week as 18 young people graduated and were given an industry award.

Modern Apprentices graduating 2019

Among the graduates were three previous participants of Edinburgh Project SEARCH, the highly successful programme for young people with a disability.

Continue reading Industry awards for modern apprentices

A tale of two leaders

Johnson’s ‘people’s government’ and Corbyn says sorry

Election fallout continued today as Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn issued a public apology to supporters. Corbyn, certainly the most criticised opposition leader (since the last one!) by both hostile media and elements within his own party, announced on Friday morning that he will not fight the next general election as leader but will stay on to oversee an inquiry into what went wrong for the ‘People’s Party’.

The general election delivered a resounding victory for the Conservative Party, who fought a single-issue campaign of ‘Getting Brexit Done’. The voters – at least in England – bought it, and the Tories celebrated their greatest victory since the days of Margaret Thatcher with 365 seats, an overall majority of 35 – a result beyond their most bullish predictions.

On Friday, Boris Johnson – who throughout the general election campaign was criticised for hiding from scrunity (one one occasion, quite literally, in a fridge) told the nation: 

This morning I went to Buckingham Palace and I am forming a new government and on Monday MPs will arrive at Westminster to form a new parliament and I am proud to say that members of our new one nation government – a people’s government – will set out from constituencies that have never returned a Conservative MP for 100 years and yes they will have an overwhelming mandate, from this election, to get Brexit done and we will honour that mandate by Jan 31

And so in this moment of national resolution I want to speak directly to those who made it possible, and to all those who voted for us, for the first time, all those whose pencils may have wavered over the ballot and who heard the voices of their parents and their grandparents whispering anxiously in their ears – I say thank you for the trust you have placed in us and in me and we will work round the clock to repay your trust and to deliver on your priorities with a parliament that works for you.

And then I want to speak also to those who did not vote for us or for me and who wanted and perhaps still want to remain in the EU and I want you to know that we in this one nation conservative government will never ignore your good and positive feelings – of warmth and sympathy towards the other nations of Europe because now is the moment – precisely as we leave the EU – to let those natural feelings find renewed expression in building a new partnership, which is one of the great projects for next year.

And as we work together with the EU as friends and sovereign equals in tackling climate change and terrorism in building academic and scientific cooperation, redoubling our trading relationshipI frankly urge everyone on either side of what after three and a half years after all an increasingly arid argument I urge everyone to find closure and to let the healing begin because I believe – in fact I know, because I have heard it loud and clear from every corner of the country –  that the overwhelming priority of the British people now is that we should focus above all on the NHS, that simple and beautiful idea that represents the best of our country with the biggest ever cash boost: 50,000 more nurses, 40 new hospitals as well as providing better schools, safer streets and in the next few weeks and months we will be bringing forward proposals to transform this country with better infrastructure, better education, better technology.

And if you ask yourselves what is this new government going to do, what is he going to do with his extraordinary majority? I will tell you that is what we are going to do we are going to unite and level up – unite and level up – bringing together the whole of this incredible United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland together, taking us forward unleashing the potential of the whole country delivering opportunity across the entire nation.

And since I know that after five weeks frankly of electioneering this country deserves a break from wrangling, a break from politics, and a permanent break from talking about Brexit.

I want everyone to go about their Christmas preparations happy and secure in the knowledge that here in this people’s government the work is now being stepped up to make 2020 a year of prosperity and growth and hope and to deliver a Parliament that works for the people.

Thank you all very much and happy Christmas.

LABOUR PARTY leader Jeremy Corbyn has issued a public apology to Labour supporters over his party’s heavy defeat in the general election. Writing an open letter in the Sunday Mirror and the Observer today, he acknowledged the party’s failings in the poll and said he accepted his responsibility for it.

‘I will make no bones about it. The election result on Thursday was a body blow for everyone who so desperately needs real change in our country.

To every single person who voted for the Labour Party – everyone who shared the hope that Britain could be a fairer country that works for the many, not the few – I say thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

And to the Sunday Mirror and its readers, your support has been such a source of strength. I wanted to unite the country that I love but I’m sorry that we came up short and I take my responsibility for it.

I remain proud of the campaign we fought. I’m proud that no matter how low our opponents went, we refused to join them in the gutter. And I’m proud that our message was one of hope, rather than fear.

Millions of people saw in our manifesto a better future for themselves and their communities. Our policies to protect the NHS, end austerity, invest in every part of our country and tackle inequality, were popular with voters who saw through a ferocious smear and fear campaign against us.

But despite our best efforts, this election was ultimately about Brexit. The Tory campaign, amplified by most of the media, managed to persuade many that only Boris Johnson could “get Brexit done.”

That will soon be exposed for the falsehood it is, but in this election it overpowered our attempt to reach across the divide and bring our country together

We will learn the lessons of this defeat, above all by listening to those lifelong Labour voters who we’ve lost in working class communities. This party exists to represent them. We will earn their trust back.

Make no mistake: Labour is the greatest force for progressive change this country has ever known, and although this wasn’t our moment, our time will come again under new leadership. We will never give up on the commitment and determination to build a fairer and more decent society.

Elections always result in winners and losers. Only time will tell if the biggest losers after this bruising battle could be those who still believe in a United Kingdom.

Don’t ignore your heating system this winter, households in Scotland urged

As a new survey reveals the majority of people have turned their heating back on over the past two months, households in Scotland are being urged not to forget to check their systems are working correctly in the busy pre-Christmas period to help avoid a winter breakdown. Continue reading Don’t ignore your heating system this winter, households in Scotland urged

More than 500 house fires recorded across Scotland during last festive season

The latest statistics revealed this week show that hundreds of Scottish homes were affected by fire over the festive period in 2018.

Figures show the extent of seasonal dwelling fires responded to by firefighters, with a total of 509 incidents recorded between December 10 and January 14. Continue reading More than 500 house fires recorded across Scotland during last festive season

City centre opportunity to donate food to help those in need

Once again Edinburgh’s Christmas is teaming up with The Trussell Trust – who supports a nationwide network of food banks – to encourage Christmas Market visitors to donate non-perishable and essential non-food items which will help those in need this winter. 

The donation point is located at the Box Office on The Mound, just in front of the National Gallery and Royal Scottish Academy. Continue reading City centre opportunity to donate food to help those in need

Treat your dog to a ‘pawsome’ Christmas!

The festive season is a time for family, so when you’re getting ready for party season this year don’t forget to make it a ‘yappy Christmas’ for your dog too!

Pets are very much part of the family, but at a busy time of year they can be faced with many new situations and people. Here, Company of Animals, leading dog training and behaviour experts, share some tips on how to treat your dog this December to some TLC to get them looking – and feeling – their best.

Paws to admire

‘Tis the season to be joyful, but it’s also the season of cold, wet and icy weather. During the colder months dogs can get dirty and sore paws.

To combat this issue here are a few easy solutions:

  • Regularly clean your dog’s paws to ensure grit doesn’t get stuck and cause irritation.
  • Keep an eye on your dog and their paws. If they have been on a long walk on a cold day, be mindful they may have sore feet just like you.
  • Treat them with Pet Head Oatmeal Paw Butter, which soothes and nourishes dry and cracked paws. By massaging into your dog’s paws, you are not only supporting their comfort, but also giving them a lovely massage to boot. Paw Butter also works really well for a dog’s nose in the winter if they are getting a bit dry or sore.

Wonderful winter coat

While your dog is reliant on having a coat to keep warm in the winter months, being out in the cold and exposed to the elements everyday can leave their skin feeling sensitive and their fur in need of a bit of care.

To keep your dog feeling comfortable and looking great this festive season be sure to groom them regularly. By brushing your dog, you will give them some much loved attention, and also get rid of any irritating hair or bits that may have got caught in their coat.

Dog owners can also shampoo their dog to keep their skin clean and their fur smelling great. Use Pet Head Life’s an Itch shampoo, which is packed with natural ingredients to soothe sensitive skin.

Looking good

Your dog is always out and about, but over the December months they may be exposed to new people and new places. To make sure they look – and smell – their best, even when you don’t have much time, we have a quick fix for you.

Try giving your dog a quick spritz of Pet Head Dry Clean Shampoo, followed by a quick brush to catch any fly away fur. The spray on non-rinsing shampoo cleanses the coat without water and is perfect when your pet needs a quick fix.

If you would like more information on Pet Head, visit:

Comments on the general election result

With all the votes now counted, the Conservatives now have a clear majority at Westminster. They have 365 seats, while the Labour Party had a disastrous night – their worst since the 1930s.

But while England voted to ‘get Brexit done’, it was a markedly different story north of the border where the SNP cemented their position as the dominant force in Scottish politics, winning 48 of the 59 seats- a rise of 13. Continue reading Comments on the general election result