Carers Scotland calls for urgent action to tackle Scotland’s growing mental health crisis for unpaid carers

State of Caring in Scotland 2024: Health and social care support for unpaid carers

  • 36% of unpaid carers reported their mental health as ‘bad or very bad’– a 29% increase in 12 months.  
  • 65% stated they need more support with their health and wellbeing.  
  • 56% often or always feel overwhelmed by their caring role. 
  • 59% said that support services were not there when they needed them. 
  • 80% have been unable to take a break because of a lack of support from social services. 

There is a growing mental health crisis in Scotland’s unpaid carer population – this is the message from Carers Scotland in ‘State of Caring in Scotland 2024: Health and social care support for unpaid carers’.

This new research, based on a survey of over 1,700 unpaid carers in Scotland, saw a 29% increase in the last 12 months of the number of unpaid carers who reported their mental health as “bad or very bad” – 36% of respondents in 2024, compared to 28% in 2023.  

This statistic was even more severe when a carer reported struggling financially, with 59% of carers who are struggling to make ends meet saying they had “bad or very bad” mental health. 28% of respondents also rated their physical health as “bad or very bad”, with this number rising to 49% among carers struggling to make ends meet. 

80% of unpaid carers from the research stated that the main challenge they will face over the next year is the impact of caring on their physical and/or mental health. 

These new findings show that unpaid carers are not receiving the support they need to maintain their health and wellbeing whilst managing their caring responsibilities. More support with health and wellbeing was the number one need cited by unpaid carers in the research, with long waiting times for appointments, inflexible GP appointment systems, and insufficient replacement care all highlighted as barriers to support. 

Another challenge is the inability of many unpaid carers to take a physical and mental break from their caring role. Taking a break from caring is essential for carers to recharge, spend time with family and friends, and engage with their own hobbies and interests to improve their wellbeing. However, 63% of carers who stated in the research that they felt overwhelmed in their caring role said that this was due to them not having a break from caring. 

Richard Meade from Carers Scotland said: “Unpaid carers in Scotland are in a mental and physical health crisis, which only threatens to get worse without immediate action. 

“Unpaid carers continue to bear the weight of an overstretched health and social care system as they are increasingly expected to fill the growing gaps in service provision without increased support for themselves.

“Whilst the Scottish Government has focused on reducing NHS waiting lists, improving hospital discharge delays and access to essential health services there still remains an urgent need for investment in social care and support for unpaid carers.

“Unpaid carers provide the equivalent of £15.9bn in health and social care support and without them the system would collapse, yet they receive a fraction of the support they need.  

“The stalled National Care Service provided hope for many unpaid carers that things could change. However, many feel their needs have been lost to a wider political debate and little has changed to improve their lives.  

“The Scottish Government, the NHS, and local councils must act now to ensure that carers can access the support they need to continue to care without such devastating consequences to their physical and mental health.” 

The monetary value of the contribution of unpaid carers in Scotland estimated at £15.9 billion(1) a year. Despite this, unpaid carers face deteriorating physical and mental health, loneliness and isolation, with too many driven to despair and unable to access to the supports they need to maintain a healthy life. 

Carers Scotland has included a range of recommendations alongside this research for the Scottish Government, NHS Boards and Health and Social Care Partnerships to ensure all unpaid carers get the support they need to look after their health and wellbeing and receive the right help for caring. 

Download and read the report in full at the link below:

Scottish carers urged to access respite funding


The UK’s largest community of unpaid carers is urging hundreds of thousands of Scots providing unpaid care for loved ones to access vital respite funding, following research which reveals that almost half of unpaid carers have never taken a break.

This comes as the Scottish Government considers making breaks from unpaid caring roles the legal right of all Scots who look after loved ones – as many as 800,000 people.

The research, carried out by the carer-led community Mobilise, shows that 47% of unpaid carers living in the UK have never had a break. A further 1 in 5 (19%) said that their last break was over six months ago, and less than a third (29%) had taken a break in the past 12 weeks. 

Many survey respondents cited a lack of available support as their reason for being unable to take a break from their caring responsibilities. 

In response, experts at Mobilise are calling for greater awareness of funding for replacement care services and holiday accommodation which can give unpaid carers desperately needed breaks, as well as new developments around Scottish carers’ rights to breaks. 

What rights do unpaid carers have to take breaks? 

Local Authorities have a duty, under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, to provide services for unpaid carers which help prevent burnout. Plus, anyone in a caring role has the right to be assessed for an ‘Adult Carer Support Plan’ (or Young Carer Statement, if you’re caring for a child).

This can lead to free respite care services, or funding for breaks and activities that offer time away from caring responsibilities – ranging from regular time off to a short holiday.

In addition, Scottish politicians are currently proposing more direct routes to respite. All unpaid carers living in Scotland would be legally entitled to take a break under the National Care Service Bill, which is being debated in Parliament on 25th February

What respite care funding is available? 

Adult Carer Support Plans aren’t the only way to access replacement care services. A number of different funding options are available to give Scottish carers respite breaks (sometimes known as ‘carers breaks’ or ‘short breaks’), depending on the level of care you provide and the needs of the person you are caring for. 

Respite care costs can also be covered by:  

  • Local council funding via Social Care Assessments – Depending on where you live, respite care funding may fall under the care plan of the person you care for, which is put in place following what’s known as a Social Care or Community Care Assessment. You can ask your local council’s social care department for help with this. 
  • NHS Continuing Healthcare funding – This funding can provide professional care services for the person you look after, whilst you take a break. Eligibility is based on the health care needs and circumstances of the care recipient. The NHS has more information about this criteria, and your GP can also advise and help you apply.
  • Local Carers’ Centre funding – Your local Carers’ Centre may have their own respite scheme, offer grants, or be able to offer details of other funding available in your area. Find out more here.
  • Charitable funds & grants – Other organisations that provide free respite care include:
  • Turn2Us – This charity offers grants for respite care 
  • The Respite Association – Specialist respite care for disabled, sick, elderly and terminally ill people is available through this charity
  • HRH Princess Royal’s Respite Fund for Carers – This fund offers grants for replacement care costs as well as group activities, which may offer a short break and/or time to socialise with other carers

Where can carers get free respite accommodation?

Even with respite care services in place, holiday accommodation costs can be prohibitive for carers who often face additional expenses, and may have to drop out of paid roles or reduce their hours. To help break down this barrier to breaks, a number of organisations offer free accommodation for carers. Some also offer support for your cared-for person to join you.

Free respite accommodation options include:

  • Take A Break Scotland – Scottish carers who look after disabled children and young people can apply for cash grants towards short breaks via this charity
  • Shared Care Scotland – From accessible hotels that host carers and their loved ones, to home-based respite services and holiday accommodation for carers, this charity helps carers find and fund regular short breaks
  • Carefree – This charity offers 1-2 night hotel stays, which you can have a companion join you for (someone other than the person you look after, to give you a break from caring)
  • After Umbrage – Free 4-day cottage breaks are available through this charity for those caring for loved ones with life-limiting and terminal conditions
  • The Respite Association – As well as free respite care, if you look after someone with a disability or additional health needs, this charity offers week-long seaside holidays
  • Disability Grants – If you look after a disabled person, this organisation lists holiday grants, with a ‘supported holiday’ option to make breaks more accessible for you both

To get more help finding and applying for respite care funding and support, you can visit Mobilise’s detailed Guide to Respite.

Care support experts are also on hand to help via the Mobilise website.

Look after a loved one? £288 should hit your bank account tomorrow

There are around 80,000 unpaid carers in Scotland. Tomorrow, many of these Scots will see £288.60 deposited into their bank accounts. This payment is part of the Carer’s Allowance Supplement, and up to 30,000 carers who were not previously eligible could now be amongst those entitled to the support, thanks to crucial changes to the Scottish system which took place just last month.

To help carers navigate the complex system correctly, Suzanne Bourne – Head of Carer Support at the UK’s largest community of unpaid carers, Mobilise – explains more. Her advice below covers what the Carer’s Allowance Supplement is, how to check if you’re eligible and what to do if you think you’ve missed out on support you’re entitled to: 

What is Carer’s Allowance Supplement?

Carer’s Allowance Supplement is worth £577.20 in total, and is split into two twice-yearly payments of £288.60. Eligible carers should have received the first of these payments on 7 June 2024. The second payment is due on Friday 6 December 2024.

The supplement isn’t new. But rules surrounding a different benefit, which determines whether or not people receive the supplement, changed just last month. 

In November, the Carer Support Payment was introduced to replace Carer’s Allowance for carers living in Scotland. Carers who receive the Carer Support Payment are automatically paid the £288.60 Carer’s Allowance Supplement.

And, thanks to the recent rule changes, both forms of financial support are now available to many more of Scotland’s 30,000 young carers

Who is eligible? 

Carers who received either Carer’s Allowance or Carer Support Payment on 7th October should automatically get the £288.60 supplement on 6th December. 

To be eligible for the Carer Support Payment you must be:

  • Aged 16 or over
  • Providing care for over 35 hours per week to someone who receives disability benefits
  • Earning less than £151 a week 
  • Living in Scotland
  • Students must be in full-time education, and meet additional criteria (find out more here)

If you’re due to receive the supplement, you’ll get a letter from Social Security Scotland before the payment is made. If you do not get a letter or payment by 16 December 2024 but believe you are eligible, contact Social Security Scotland.

Who needs to be careful?

In particular, given the recent rule changes, young carers should seek help from Social Security Scotland if they believe they are missing out on vital financial support which they are entitled to.

All carers should also be aware of the upper earnings limit trip hazards. The threshold for Carer’s Allowance – which is still in place for carers in England and Wales – increased to £181 a week following the recent Budget. For Scottish carers, the earnings limit is still £151 a week. 

So make sure your earnings are within the limit where you live, and update Social Security Scotland if your situation changes. Especially since this threshold is the source of the ongoing ‘overpayments’ scandal, whereby hardworking carers are having to pay back their benefits. 

How can I check if I’m eligible?

If you’re unsure whether you meet the criteria for Carer Support Payment – and, in-turn, the  Carer’s Allowance Supplement – you can check using the government’s free eligibility checker tool.

How can I apply?

Applications for Carer Support Payment are now open Scotland-wide. If you’re eligible you can apply online, by phone, by post, or in-person. See the government’s website for full details. 

Receiving Carer Support Payment Carer’s Allowance Supplement may affect any other benefits you receive, or the benefits of the person you look after. So it’s important to be aware and seek additional guidance from Social Security Scotland before you apply if you are concerned. 

What additional support is available? 

There are a number of other forms of financial support on offer for those who look after loved ones. Some of these benefits can be claimed instead of the Carer Support Payment and supplement, for those not eligible, and some can be claimed in addition. These benefits include: 

  • Young Carer Grant – Scottish carers aged 16, 17 or 18 can apply for this yearly payment of £383.75 if they provide care for an average of 16 hours per week. Find more details and apply via the Scottish government’s website 
  • Carer’s Credit – Anyone that provides 20 hours of unpaid care a week is eligible for this National Insurance credit, which helps individuals qualify for state pensions later on. Check whether you’re eligible using this credit checker tool
  • Carer’s Element – If you’re on a low income and receiving Universal Credit, you may be entitled to an additional £185.86 a month. The Universal Credit team can advise you on this
  • Carer’s Support Plan – By requesting an assessment from your local council, you can find out if you’re eligible for any additional, one-off, direct payments to help you manage the impact of caregiving. Find out more here
  • Pension Credit – The Carer Addition (or ‘Carer Premium’) – If you’re aged 65 or over, and on a low income, you may also be entitled to credit which is separate from your State Pension to help with living costs. Find out more via the government’s website
  • Grants from local councils – Grants to help with caring costs can also be made by councils. Check what support is available to you using this grant search tool
  • Council tax discounts – If you’re on a low income and claiming a benefit, you may be eligible for reduced council tax. Apply via the government’s website 
  • Heating benefits – It’s also worth checking if you’re eligible for the Warm Home Discount, Winter Fuel Payment, or the Cold Weather Payment. Find out more here
  • Discounts – There are a number of discounts available exclusively to people who look after loved ones, including discounted train tickets, days out (see a list of attractions that apply here), and even free cinema tickets (with a CEA card)

For more advice and guidance on the financial support available to unpaid carers, you can find detailed information or speak to a carer support expert via the Mobilise website.

Unpaid carers from across Scotland seek answers from decision makers at the Carers Parliament

Unpaid carers from across the country sought to address their concerns and questions on caring directly to national and local Government officials at the Carers Parliament, held on Wednesday 27 November. 

Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, and Councillor Paul Kelly, COSLA Spokesperson for Health and Social Care, responded to the unpaid carers about their experiences with caring and issues with the current social care system.

At the event, Social Care Minister Maree Todd outlined her admiration for the work done by carers as she said: “Your words highlight your commitment and dedication to getting the best possible services and support for your loved ones, and they hold us to account to ensure that we are doing everything possible to make sure this happens.

“I truly appreciate your bravery in sharing your personal experiences and stories. I know that this isn’t always easy to do. It is however vital that we hear from carers and understand the challenges that you are facing.

“You have my commitment that I will continue to work tirelessly, alongside the people who really matter – the people of Scotland – to deliver the improvements we all want and need to see through social care reform to bring about fundamental, sustainable change.”

A recent report, ‘Valuing Carers 2022: Scotland’, valued the work of the 627,700 unpaid carers in Scotland at £15.9 billion, highlighting how vital this labour is within our society.

However, unpaid carers at the Carers Parliament expressed how they often do not get the support they need in their caring role, leaving many feeling failed by the system.

Over 100 unpaid carers attended the event from across Scotland. The Carers Parliament 2024 was held as a hybrid event, with carers attending in person at COSLA Conference Centre in Edinburgh, while others were able to join online and ask questions via a video link.

For the afternoon session, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, provided a video address on future improvements in carer benefits in Scotland.

This was followed by officials from the Social Security Policy Division within the Scottish Government, who answered questions and addressed issues on social security and the new Carer Support Payment which is in the process of replacing Carer’s Allowance in Scotland.

Other highlights from the day included films created by young carers at the Scottish Young Carers Festival, discussion groups, which focused on benefits and financial security for unpaid carers, and insights from the event Chair, Professor Ian Welsh OBE. 

The Carers Parliament is an annual event, funded by the Scottish Government and organised by Carers Scotland on behalf of the National Carer Organisations in Scotland – Carers Scotland, Carers Trust Scotland, Coalition of Carers in Scotland, MECOPP, Shared Care Scotland and the Scottish Young Carers Services Alliance.

28% unpaid carers across Scotland are living in poverty


28% unpaid carers across Scotland live in poverty, with 1 in 12 in deep poverty 

  • The rate of poverty amongst unpaid carers is 56% higher than those who do not provide unpaid care in Scotland.  
  • 8% of unpaid carers in Scotland live in deep poverty; 50% below the poverty line. 
  • As many as 100,000 unpaid carers in Scotland are living in poverty. 
  • Carers Scotland is calling for an increase in the value of Carer Support Payment and in its earnings-limit along with an increase in support for unpaid carers on means-tested benefits.


New research finds that unpaid carers in Scotland are significantly more likely to experience financial hardship compared to those who do not provide unpaid care. The report by WPI Economics for Carers UK, funded by arbdn Financial Fairness Trust, explores the drivers and extent of poverty amongst unpaid carers in Scotland, finding that 28% are living in poverty, with 8% classed as being in “deep poverty”. 

One of the main drivers of poverty highlighted in the report is the difficulty unpaid carers have combining paid work with their caring role. Many unpaid carers have to give up their careers or reduce their working hours as a result of their unpaid caring responsibilities, which can result in a loss of income and their ability to accumulate savings and pensions.  

Other drivers of carer poverty include high housing costs, lack of support and access to social care services and the inadequacy of social security.  

Fiona Collie, Head of Public Affairs and Communications for Carers Scotland, said: “It’s deeply disturbing and shocking to hear that as many as 100,000 unpaid carers in Scotland are living in poverty.

“Every day across the country, the care they provide helps to hold society together, and too many are finding themselves in precarious financial positions as a result. Relatively small increases to support can have a big impact on carers’ lives and lift many thousands out of poverty. 

“Many carers face huge challenges juggling paid work and unpaid care. We need better support for carers in paid work, and to see visible change for those facing high costs linked to caring by the planned National Care Service meeting the needs of unpaid carers and supports them to continue with paid work, where they are able to combine this with their caring role.  

“Carers who are struggling financially, caring for more hours, and caring over a longer period of time are under immense pressure. They urgently need proper support, new rights and legal protections to ensure that they are not penalised as a result of their caring role.” 

Vivienne Jackson, Programme Manager at abrdn Financial Fairness Trust, said: “The care system would collapse without the vital people who provide unpaid care.

“It’s not right that those who provide essential services to some of the most vulnerable people in our society are living in poverty. Government and employers need to work together to help lift carers out of poverty.” 

Carers Scotland is now calling on the both the UK and Scottish Governments to act on the detailed recommendations laid out in the report, including committing to reviewing Carer Support Payment to increase its low value, reducing complexity and to increasing carer top-ups for those on means tested benefits such as Universal Credit. 

The Scottish Government must also continue to develop and deliver its commitment to pilot a minimum income guarantee for unpaid carers in Scotland 

The charity also wants to see better support for carers who might be able to combine paid work with unpaid care, including increasing the earnings threshold in Carer Support Payment to 21 hours at the National Living Wage.   

LifeCare offers free relaxing activities for local unpaid carers

This Carers Week (10th – 14th June) local charity LifeCare Edinburgh is highlighting the support offered to unpaid carers every week of the year

 Are you an unpaid carer? Do you support another adult – friend or relative – due to their age, illness or disability?  Then this could be for you!

LifeCare Edinburgh understands how important it is for unpaid carers to get a well-deserved break.  The charity offers a range of respite services such as their registered day clubs, outreach care, help at home and meals on wheels services. The charity also offers a fantastic range of free drop-in activities designed for unpaid carers to relax, do something for them and meet others in a similar position. 

Join LifeCare to try a new activity or get back to something you love. All unpaid carer activity sessions take place in the LifeCare Hub on Cheyne Street and run through the week at different days and times.  

Why not pop along to Zumba on a Monday 6pm, Watercolours on a Tuesday at 11am, Painting and Sculpture for Beginners on a Thursday at 11am or Yoga on Sunday at 5pm?  Everyone that joins a class receives a voucher for a free tea or coffee in the charity’s community café CafeLife based within the hub.

Thanks to these activities, carers report feeling supported, connected, valued, refreshed and overall they feel better equipped to continue in their caring role.  One carer recently told us “I feel like myself again”

All activities are drop-in, no need to book, and are completely free thanks to funding from The Short Break Fund and LNER Community Fund.  You’re welcome to bring along the person you care for.  

To find out more drop in to the hub on Cheyne Street, call 0131 343 0940, email or visit

We can’t wait to welcome you!

‘No choice but to care’ report launches


Millions of unpaid carers across the UK provide support to a family member, friend or neighbour due to a disability, illness or frailty due to old age. Yet a majority of unpaid carers have no choice but to take on a caring role. While providing unpaid care can be rewarding, it also comes with significant negative impacts on carers’ lives.

The No choice but to care report, published on the first day of Carers Week 2024 found that:

  • 62% of those who are currently providing or those who have previously provided unpaid care said that they had no choice in taking on the role because no other care options were available – this is around 10 million people. [1]
  • The impact of caring has been more negative than positive for all areas current and former unpaid carers were asked about, particularly for mental health (63%), physical health (53%), Job and ability to work (48%) and finances and savings (47%).
  • The negative impacts as a result of caring were also felt most strongly by those who had no choice but to take on an unpaid caring role as well as women and those aged 45-54.
  • The research also found that 73% of members of the public surveyed for the research think that unpaid carers should receive more support from the next Government, particularly financial support and investment in social care.

The report recommends the establishment of a National Carers Strategy, review and reform of social security benefits for carers and better workplace protections and workplace support for unpaid carers.

To ensure carers’ health and wellbeing is better supported, the report recommends a new duty on the NHS to have regard to unpaid carers as well as further investment in social care and carers’ breaks.

The report also makes recommendations aimed at employers, public bodies and specific recommendations for the UK nations.

Read the report in full here

Social security payments rise

Support for more than 1.2 million people in Scotland

All Scottish social security benefits are increasing by 6.7% in April, providing more support for disabled people, unpaid carers and people on low incomes.

Scottish Child Payment, which helps the families of more than 327,000 children, is now worth £26.70 per child per week.

A person eligible for the highest rate of Adult Disability Payment will receive £184.30 per week.

Carer Support Payment, Scotland’s newest benefit, has gone up to £81.90 every four weeks. The benefit for unpaid carers launched in three local authorities last year and will be available across Scotland by Autumn 2024.

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Our investment in social security helps low‑income families with their living costs, enables disabled people to live full and independent lives, and supports older people to heat their homes in winter.

“This financial year we are committing a record £6.3 billion for benefits expenditure – which is £1.1 billion more than the UK Government gives to the Scottish Government for social security.

“We are making a choice to increase direct support for people who need it the most and that is more important than ever during the current cost of living crisis.”

New benefit for unpaid carers launches today

Carer Support Payment pilot opens for new applications

The pilot phase of a new benefit that will be paid to over 80,000 carers has begun in Scotland.

Unpaid carers in Perth and Kinross, Dundee City and Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles) are the first to be able to apply for Carer Support Payment. The benefit is replacing Carer’s Allowance, currently delivered by the Department for Work and Pensions, in Scotland.

Carers in more local authority areas will be able to apply from Spring next year as part of the phased roll-out. The benefit will be available nationally by Autumn 2024.

Carer Support Payment was designed with carers to offer them a better experience than Carer’s Allowance. This includes providing information to carers to help them access wider support and extending the eligibility criteria to let full-time students apply. Around 1,500 more people across Scotland are expected to be eligible for Carer Support Payment as a result.

The pilot phase will allow Social Security Scotland to put the new approach into practice. Learnings will be used to shape the roll-out of the benefit across Scotland. Carers in Scotland who get Carer’s Allowance will have their awards transferred to Carer Support Payment, starting from February next year.

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “The Scottish Government is working hard to support households in the middle of a cost of living crisis. 

“Carer Support Payment, which supports carers who have the most intensive caring roles and the lowest earnings, is part of our mission to reduce poverty. We have expanded the eligibility criteria so 1,500 people who couldn’t get Carer’s Allowance because they studied full-time, can get Carer Support Payment. We also made it easier to apply.

“A huge amount of work has been done to create a benefit and system that better meets the needs of carers who play a vital role in the lives of the people they look after and their community. This pilot phase allows us to put our new approach into practice, learning and improving ahead of the benefit beginning its phased roll out from Spring next year.

“I urge anyone in the pilot areas who thinks they might be eligible for Carer Support Payment to check if they are entitled and if so, apply. Carers living in other parts of Scotland who think they may be eligible should still apply for Carer’s Allowance.” 

For mum-of-two Gemma, who carers for her two disabled children and her grandparents, the introduction of Carer Support Payment in Dundee means she can pursue her dreams of studying.

Gemma, 37, said: “I’ve worked since I was 13 but had to give up my job seven years ago because my oldest needed me so often that I was always having to take time off.

“I’ve always dreamed of going to university to study but didn’t think it would happen as I couldn’t afford to lose Carer’s Allowance.  Being able to get Carer Support Payment while studying will be life-changing. It gives me an opportunity I didn’t think was possible.

 “A lot of people don’t realise they’re carers, especially mums.  They think they’re just being a mum and technically they are but they’re also dealing with a lot that other parents don’t, so they are much more than that.  It’s important they know that help is available.”

 Neil Campbell, CEO of Dundee Carers Centre, said: “We’re delighted that Dundee is one of the pilot areas where Carer Support Payment is now open for applications. We know that this money will help many unpaid carers looking after a loved one, friend or neighbour.

“At Dundee Carers Centre we support unpaid carers of all ages, including young people in education. We welcome that local full-time students who are carers will now benefit from being eligible for this payment, allowing them to continue their studies alongside their caring role.”