Encouraging Fair Work

New conditions placed on public sector grants

Applicants for public sector grants must support better pay and conditions for workers in order to qualify, under new strengthened criteria which has come into force.

From today, organisations will need to demonstrate they pay at least the real Living Wage and provide channels for workers to have an effective voice, as a condition of the application.

The requirement forms part of the Bute House Agreement, a plan to work together with the Scottish Green Party to build a fairer and more equal economy.

This applies to organisations receiving public sector grants, and limited exceptions may be applied to ensure the measure remains proportionate.

Wellbeing Economy and Fair Work Secretary Neil Gray said: “Public sector funding should be used for the wider benefits needed in a wellbeing economy, such as the promotion of fair work – including the creation of more high quality, well paid jobs. This in turn will support stronger businesses, and vibrant, healthy communities.

“By extending the reach of our Fair Work First criteria – which has already been applied to some £4 billion of public funds since 2019 – we can better tackle the cost crisis, poverty and social inequalities.”

Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater said: “While this is essential to improving worker experience, research has also shown businesses with stronger employee voice and representation perform better and are more productive.    

“We will work with employers, workers and trade unions connected to organisations applying for a public sector grant to ensure we are continuing to improve terms and conditions, worker wellbeing and to develop progressive and fairer workplaces.”

Tackling the environmental impact of disposable vapes

Zero Waste Scotland delivers Government-commissioned review

Up to 26 million disposable vapes were consumed and thrown away in Scotland in the last year, of which an estimated 10 per cent were littered and more than half were incorrectly disposed of, according to a new report.

The Scottish Government commissioned Zero Waste Scotland to carry out a review of the environmental impact of single use vapes and potential policy options for addressing the problems that they cause.

The review estimates that in the year ending January 2023, there were 543,000 vapers in Scotland – of which 51,000 (9%) were under 16 and 78,000 (14%) were under 18. Most under 18 e-cigarette users prefer single use vapes.

Environmental impacts highlighted by the review include the waste impact of littering; risks associated with unsafe disposal of their contents; and greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption generated in their manufacture.

Total emissions associated with disposable vapes in 2022 are estimated to have been up to 4,292 tonnes CO2e – the equivalent of around 2,100 cars on Scotland’s roads. The lithium batteries used in the most popular disposable vapes could be recharged up to 500 times if the product design allowed.

Lorna Slater, Minister for Circular Economy, Green Skills and Biodiversity said: “This report shows that single use vapes have become a big problem – for our environment, local communities and young people.

“I will take action and will engage with those affected, including young people, over the coming months, with a view to setting out a way forward in the Autumn.

Single use vapes are an issue across the UK, so I have invited Ministers from the other UK governments to meet to discuss the findings of the report and what we can do in response.

“Those who sell single use vapes are already required to take them back for safe disposal, or contribute to the cost of recycling, but this is clearly not happening as it should. I will therefore write to the UK Minister responsible to share our findings and to ask what they will do to ensure these obligations are met.”

The report shortlists nine potential measures to address environmental impacts of single use e-cigarettes, including a ban on sales, regulations to set certain design criteria, and charges to encourage behaviour change or producer fees to offset the environmental costs, such as a levy based on recycling rates. The report assesses the potential of each option for reducing environmental impact and the benefits of multiple measures in combination.

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive, Zero Waste Scotland said: “Any form of littering is unacceptable – it damages the environment, economy, and is a blight on the areas where we live, work, and socialise.

“Single use vapes are made up of components which, unless disposed of safely and responsibly, can last on our planet for years and years. And the sight of them, discarded on our streets, is becoming far too common.

“This is why Zero Waste Scotland was happy to lead on this important report. Tackling our throwaway culture is a priority for us and we will continue to work with the Scottish Government in highlighting the huge impact that littering these items has on the environment.”

Zero Waste Scotland report

Strengthening the safety net

Action plan to ensure Scottish Welfare Fund reaches those in most need

Improvements to the way crisis support is delivered in Scotland are set out in a plan published yesterday.

The Scottish Welfare Fund provides a vital safety net which has paid out more than £380 million in emergency funds to more than half a million households over the last ten years.

The plan sets out 22 commitments to help the Fund better address unmet need and make decisions more consistent across the country. Actions include a simplified application form, clearer guidance and better promotion to those who may not currently be being reached, including older people.

Improved guidance on referrals to wider services such as debt and welfare advice will also aim to help people with their finances so they can avoid future crisis.  

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Ten years on from the introduction of the Scottish Welfare Fund, it is time to make improvements to ensure it continues to provide lifeline support. These actions will help to ensure that no matter where people live, they can access support they are eligible for in their time of need.

“The current financial pressures facing many households and the hardship that brings has shone a spotlight on the need for such emergency funds, and as the independent review of the fund made clear in March, the inadequacy of UK Government welfare has contributed to increased demand.

“The publication of this plan demonstrates the Scottish Government’s dedication to strengthening our social security system and working to best meet the requirements of people in Scotland.”

The Scottish Welfare Fund Action Plan published in June 2023

Scotland’s fallen heroes remembered on the Somme

Veterans Minister attends commemorations

The role played by professional footballers, and the many others who served at the Battle of the Somme, has been marked at a ceremony in France.

Veterans Minister Graeme Dey took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the McCrae’s Battalion Cairn in Contalmaison, as part of the memorial events to mark the first day of the Battle of the Somme (1st July 1916).

Representatives from clubs including Heart of Midlothian, Hibernian, Falkirk, Dunfermline, and Raith Rovers regularly attend the annual event.

Mr Dey said: “At the start of WW1 a campaign was launched against professional footballers who were labelled ‘shirkers’ and ‘cowards’ who were happy to stay at home while better men risked their lives at the front.

“The players who joined McCrae’s Battalion proved the critics wrong and demonstrated incredible bravery.  Indeed, many of them made the ultimate sacrifice. They went from being called shirkers and cowards to become known as ‘Edinburgh’s finest – Scotland’s Sporting Battalion’.

“Today we honour the bravery of those young men and all those who fought and died on the Somme.”

During his visit Mr Dey also met with the Mayor of Arras, Frédérique Leturque, as part of the Scottish Government’s European engagement work, which aims to strengthen ties with priority EU countries and their regions.

The 1,350 strong McCrae’s Battalion, led by Sir George McCrae, was formed in Edinburgh and included volunteers from Heart of Midlothian, Raith Rovers, Falkirk, Dunfermline, Hibernian, St Bernard’s and East Fife.

In all around 75 clubs (of all levels) provided volunteers along with many other athletes and football supporters most notably of Hearts and Hibernian.

The Battle of the Somme eventually lasted for 141 days. Some 20,000 soldiers were killed in the initial assault on 1 July 2016 with a further 37,000 wounded.

A new deal with local government

Verity House Agreement signed by First Minister and COSLA President

A landmark agreement to forge a stronger partnership between local and national government has been signed by First Minister Humza Yousaf and COSLA President Shona Morrison.

The Verity House Agreement sets out principles for working together to empower local communities, tackle poverty, transform the economy and provide high-quality public services.

It includes commitments to:

  • agree a new Fiscal Framework governing how local authorities’ funding is allocated, reducing ring-fencing and giving them greater control over their budgets to meet local needs
  • regularly review councils’ powers and funding, with the expectation that services will be delivered at a local level unless agreed otherwise
  • incorporate the European Charter of Local Self-Government into Scots Law
  • reform public services, building on the partnership working established during the pandemic recovery
  • develop a framework for collecting and sharing evidence to ensure progress is maintained

The First Minister said: “Today we have committed to build a stronger relationship with local government, with mutual trust and respect at its core.

“The Verity House Agreement is based on the idea that councils know best how to serve the people in their communities. By giving them greater flexibility over how they use their budgets and regularly reviewing their powers and funding, we can empower them to put that knowledge into practice – whether that’s to tackle poverty, transform our economy to deliver net zero, or to provide the high quality public services on which we all rely.  

“This is just the start of the process, and we look forward to working further with COSLA and councils in the interests of the people of Scotland.”

Councillor Morrison said: “Signing the Verity House Agreement today at COSLA’s offices is a clear signal that both parties want to reset the relationship between central and local government in Scotland. 

“This agreement is about creating a new way of working as a partnership of equals – discussing key issues as early as possible and using our collective expertise to deliver for communities across Scotland.

“Scottish local government is the sphere of government closest to the people of Scotland and delivers a range of essential services that impact on people’s everyday lives and livelihoods – from education to improving health; from social care to the fabric of our communities.

“When national and local government work together to tackle shared priorities, the result will be better outcomes for the people of Scotland. This is ultimately what councils seek to achieve every day of every year – better local outcomes for the people we serve, enabling everyone to live well locally.”

Whoopy Do! King and Queen are coming to Edinburgh

Viewing opportunities for the public at city centre events

Public viewing areas will be available along the Royal Mile in Edinburgh as part of events to mark the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Camilla on Wednesday 5 July.

Events will begin around lunchtime and will include:

  • a People’s Procession, involving around 100 people representing different aspects of Scottish life, walking on foot from Edinburgh Castle to St Giles’ Cathedral, accompanied by a military escort and cadet force bands
  • the Honours of Scotland escorted from Edinburgh Castle to St Giles’ Cathedral by The King’s Body Guard for Scotland (the Royal Company of Archers) and a Tri-Service Guard of Honour formed by contingents of the Navy, Army and Royal Air Force with a military band and pipes and drums
  • military pipe and drums, bands, and members of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment processing along the Royal Mile from the Palace of Holyroodhouse to St Giles’ Cathedral
  • a Royal Procession from the Palace of Holyroodhouse to St Giles’ Cathedral, attended by The King and Queen and The Duke and Duchess of Rothesay
  • a National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication at St Giles’ Cathedral and presentation of the Honours of Scotland to The King. The Stone of Destiny will also form part of the ceremony
  • a 21 Gun Salute from Edinburgh Castle at the end of the St Giles’ Service, before the Royal Procession travels back to the Palace of Holyroodhouse
  • a flypast by the Red Arrows (in the direction of Edinburgh Castle to the Palace of Holyroodhouse)

There will be pavement space along the Royal Mile for people who wish to watch events in person. Those intending to come are advised to arrive early and prepare for changeable weather conditions.

Traffic restrictions and temporary road closures will be in place around the Royal Mile on the day of the events.

First Minister Humza Yousaf said: “Next week Scotland will welcome the new King and Queen with a series of events to mark their Coronation. Highlights include a People’s Procession, a Royal Procession, a National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication, and a Gun Salute in Edinburgh.

“Many different people, charities and organisations from across the country will be involved. I will attend the Service at St Giles’ Cathedral and I look forward to representing the people of Scotland at this historic event.

“Any members of the public who wish to get involved will be able to follow TV or radio coverage, or view events in person along the Royal Mile. Space will be limited so those planning to come should arrive early and be prepared for whatever the weather may hold.”

King and Queen visit to Edinburgh July 2023: events – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)


1315   People’s Procession departs Edinburgh Castle Esplanade

1330   People’s Procession arrives at St Giles’ Cathedral

1340   The Honours of Scotland leave Edinburgh Castle Esplanade under military escort

1340   Military pipe and drums bands and the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment move from the Palace of Holyroodhouse to West Parliament Square

1350   The Honours of Scotland arrive at West Parliament Square by vehicle

1405   Royal Procession leaves the Palace of Holyroodhouse 

1410   Royal Procession arrives at St Giles’ Cathedral

1415   National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication begins

1515   Service ends

1520   The King and Queen exit St Giles’ to Gun Salute from Edinburgh Castle

1527   Royal party arrive at Palace of Holyroodhouse

1540   RAF flypast down the Royal Mile


Engagement with protest groups is ongoing as part of preparations for a Coronation event being held in Edinburgh on Wednesday 5 July.

The event will take place during Royal Week where His Majesty King Charles III will be presented with the Honours of Scotland at a National Service of Thanksgiving at St Giles’ Cathedral, following processions on the Royal Mile. 

Police Scotland has been working with a number of key planning partners including the Scottish Government, Palace of Holyroodhouse, transport agencies and City of Edinburgh Council.

Police Scotland’s supporting role is to help the organiser deliver their event safely and securely and with dignity. One part of that is considering potential protests and a proactive engagement approach.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, police lead for the event, said: “Our priority is public safety and a policing plan is in place to maintain people’s safety, ensure the safe delivery of this significant event, enable peaceful protest and minimise disruption.

“Decisions about how to police protests require us to balance complex and often competing rights and issues.

“We have a legal duty to protect the rights of people who wish to peacefully protest or counter-protest. Our human rights based approach and legislation that applies in Scotland is unique amongst UK policing.

“Campaigning and demonstration is a legitimate, necessary and vital part of life. Abusive, threatening behaviour or activity intended to disrupt the event that risks public safety is not legitimate protest.

“Officers on the ground have to make dynamic assessments to quickly consider whether someone’s behaviour breaches the threshold of criminality. There are a range of factors and circumstances that affect this decision making, including considering the risk that behaviour has on the safety of those at the event, as well as any triggers that may lead to wider disruption.

“Every situation is unique. Safety is our priority, balanced against people’s rights.”

There will be road closures in Edinburgh and people should plan ahead by checking with City of Edinburgh Council and Traffic Scotland on their website and social media channels. Air restrictions for drones will also be in place.

Protest groups can contact Police Scotland by emailing OSDPLO@scotland.police.uk

More information about the event can be found on the Scottish Government’s website: Scotland marks Coronation of The King and Queen – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

The Public Order Act 2023, which has recently been referred to in England and Wales, does not apply to Scotland.

Marine protection plans sunk

Further community and industry engagement planned

Plans to deliver increased protection for Scotland’s marine environment will be revised, with a new pathway and timetable, Net Zero Secretary Mairi McAllan has confirmed.

Addressing the Scottish Parliament, the Cabinet Secretary said proposals consulted on to implement Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) across 10% of Scotland’s seas by 2026 ‘will not be progressed’.

Instead, the Scottish Government will take more time to work with industry, communities and conservation organisations to enhance marine protection, while supporting any groups that wish to pursue community-led marine protection in their local area on a quicker timescale, such as those initiatives in Lamlash Bay on Arran and St Abbs & Eyemouth in Berwickshire.

It follows a public consultation which ran earlier in the year on the principles of HPMA policy in Scotland and attracted thousands of responses.

Ms McAllan said: “We are in the midst of a nature and climate crisis and we must be prepared to take action commensurate with the scale of that challenge.

“Failure to safeguard and improve the resilience of Scotland’s marine ecosystems to a changing climate risks the very basis on which our marine industries and coastal communities are built.

“We chose to consult as early and widely as possible on the principles of HPMAs, with no pre-determined sites. It has always been, and continues to be, this government’s plan to work cooperatively with communities to identify how and where to enhance marine protection in a way that minimises impact and maximises opportunity.

“Therefore, while we remain firmly committed to the outcome of enhanced marine protection, the proposal as consulted on will not be progressed.

“I will outline more on our next steps after the summer recess, but I hope that it is clear that I am determined to protect our oceans in a way that is fair, and to find a way forward that ensures our seas remain a source of prosperity for the nation, especially in our remote, coastal and island communities.”

In the statement to Parliament, the Cabinet Secretary also confirmed that an ongoing programme of work to implement fisheries management measures in existing MPAs where they are yet to be introduced, and to protect some of the most vulnerable Priority Marine Features outside of MPAs, will be taken forward as a priority.

A full response to the consultation and the next steps will be published after the eight-week long summer recess.

Promote, Prevent, Provide: Scotland’s new mental health strategy published

A new strategy to improve the mental health and wellbeing of people across Scotland has been published.

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, published in partnership with the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), is built around three pillars of “Promote, Prevent, Provide”:

  • promoting positive mental health and wellbeing
  • preventing mental health issues occurring or escalating while tackling underlying causes
  • providing mental health and wellbeing support and care.

The strategy reflects views from more than 18 months of consultation, with a particular focus on the voices of lived experience and the role of inequalities. It details the standard of help people can expect, and outlines that it should be available locally where possible. It also recognises that specialist services are a crucial part of a high-functioning mental health system.

Social determinants and underlying causes of poor mental health have shaped the new approach, with a renewed focus on prevention and early intervention.

Mental Wellbeing Minister Maree Todd said: “Mental health does not just mean mental illness. It is important that we all maintain good mental wellbeing, and that we recognise there are many underlying social determinants, circumstances and inequalities that can affect people’s mental health.

“To deliver the ambitions of this strategy, and to create real and lasting change, we will need collaboration from a wide range of partners across Scotland including health boards, integration joint boards health and social care partnerships, as well as the third sector.

“This strategy has equalities at its heart. We have set out the outcomes we want to achieve so that we can be held to account for our progress and to show how this strategy is making a real difference to people’s lives. The accompanying Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan will be published in the autumn and will detail the work we will take forward to achieve those outcomes.”

Councillor Paul Kelly, Health and Social Care spokesperson for COSLA, said: “This strategy sets out an ambitious vision to improve the mental health and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland.

“Through the strategy and the associated delivery plan we seek to bring real change, ensuring for example, that our communities are equipped to support people’s mental health and wellbeing and  that there is  increased availability of timely and effective care, support and treatment.  

“We know that working collectively presents the best opportunity to achieve these goals and bring lasting change. We are committed to working in partnership across spheres of government, with those with lived experience, those who deliver services, and our valued  partners and stakeholders, to realise this vision together.” 

Gordon Johnston, Chair of Voices of Experience (VOX Scotland), said: “We welcome the new strategy and we are particularly heartened by the meaningful involvement of our members and people with lived experience of mental health conditions throughout the development of this.

“It is positive to see the strategy outline outcomes and priorities which reflect our members’ feedback and needs regarding timely and effective support, better informed policy shaped by people with lived experience, greater community resources and the expansion and improvement of services for those in distress and crisis.

“We also look forward to the publication of the delivery plan and continuing to work with the Scottish Government on the implementation of the new strategy.”

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Charities Regulation Bill passed

Strengthening charity law and maintaining public trust

The Scottish Parliament has voted unanimously to pass the Charities (Regulation and Administration) Bill.

The Bill will improve the accountability and transparency of charities and increase the powers of the independent Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “The charity sector plays a vital role in society and support for charities is high amongst the public who volunteer and donate to thousands of charities across the country.

This legislation makes practical improvements and updates to existing charity regulation increasing transparency and to help ensure public trust is maintained.

“Scottish charities have a combined income of £14 billion each year so it is crucial that the way they are regulated remains fit for purpose. These reforms will support the effective regulation of charities, helping them to have the best possible environment to thrive.

“I am delighted that the Parliament has unanimously backed this legislation from the start.”

Provisions in The Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill include:

  • updating the criteria for the automatic disqualification of charity trustees and extending them to individuals with specific senior management positions in charities
  • removal from the Scottish Charity Register of unresponsive charities that fail to submit statements of account
  • a requirement for all charities in the Scottish Charity Register to have and retain a connection to Scotland
  • a requirement on OSCR to publish the statements of account for all charities in the Scottish Charity Register
  • requirements on OSCR to include charity trustee names in the Scottish Charity Register, to keep an internal schedule of charity trustees’ details and to create a publicly searchable record of charity trustees removed by the courts

Slater announces new strategy to tackle litter scourge

Tougher sanctions for flytipping

Fines for flytipping will be more than doubled as part of a range of new measures to prevent litter and flytipping and support Scotland’s circular economy.

A new six-year National Litter and Flytipping Strategy sets out how national and local government, business, third sector, communities and individuals can work together to drive behaviour change, improve infrastructure and strengthen enforcement.

Also published is an action plan detailing specific actions and interventions to be progressed by the Scottish Government and its partners and agencies in the first year.

Key measures include:

  • Fines for flytipping to be more than doubled to £500
  • Introduction of new powers to impose a fine on the registered keeper of a vehicle from which a littering offence is committed
  • A new national online litter hub to provide information, advice and support to community groups and other relevant local organisations on tackling litter and littering behaviour
  • Dedicated support for private landowners, including funding for trials, to help deter and deal with flytipping affecting their land
  • Increased action to detect and disrupt flytippers, especially unregistered waste carriers advertising online, such as proactive engagement with online platforms and dedicated SEPA activity to tackle rogue operators

Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, Lorna Slater, said: “Scotland is a beautiful country and we all have a responsibility to keep it that way. This Government makes no apologies for taking bold action on tackling litter and flytipping, which is a blight on our streets, communities and countryside, as well as threatening our natural environment and wildlife.

“This strategy will drive further change in behaviours and the delivery of services. Enforcement is a key theme, and the strategy sets out robust commitments, including raising fixed penalty notices for flytipping to £500 and considering increasing fines further if required.

“It is part of a wider package of measures to tackle Scotland’s throwaway culture, including becoming the first nation in the UK to ban some of the most problematic single-use plastics, a commitment to introduce a charge on single-use cups, the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme, and reform of extended producer responsibility for packaging.”

The Strategy has been developed in partnership with Zero Waste Scotland, Keep Scotland Beautiful and Scottish Environment Protection Agency following engagement with other key partners and stakeholders, including local authorities and landowners, and has been informed by responses to consultations.

National Litter and Flytipping Strategy and 2023-24 Action Plan.