Record £41 billion per year for Scotland in budget

‘The Budget delivers for people in Scotland’

  • UK Government will provide a record £41 billion per year to the Scottish Government.
  • Scotland will also benefit from UK-wide support for people and businesses, green jobs and investment to level up opportunities.
  • Targeted funding will support local projects across Scotland, including road and infrastructure improvements, investment in local communities and funding for businesses.

The Chancellor today announced Barnett-based funding for the Scottish Government of £41 billion per year – delivering the largest annual funding settlement, in real terms, since devolution over 20 years ago. This includes a £4.6 billion per year spending boost – as part of a Budget and Spending Review that delivers a stronger economy for the whole of the UK.

Rishi Sunak set out a plan to deliver the priorities of the British people by investing in stronger public services, levelling up opportunity, driving business growth and helping working families with the cost of living.

As part of the significant spending plans, Scotland will receive an average of £41 billion per year in Barnett-based funding representing a 2.4% rise in the Scottish Government’s budget each year. The Scottish Government will now receive around £126 per person for every £100 per person of equivalent UK Government spending in England.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak said: “This is a budget for the whole of the UK. We’re focused on what matters most to the British people – the health of their loved ones, access to world-class public services, jobs for the future and tackling climate change.

“By providing record funding, the Scottish Government can tackle backlogs in the NHS and ensure people in Scotland get the support they need as we recover from the pandemic.

“The UK Government continues to level up opportunities across all parts of the UK, with investments in green jobs and high-speed internet access for thousands more homes in Scotland through Project Gigabit.

Scottish Secretary, Alister Jack said: “The Budget delivers for people in Scotland, and right across the UK.

“The Scottish Government’s block grant, boosted by an additional £4.6 billion a year due to spending in England, means that the funding for the Scottish Government is the highest it has ever been.

“It demonstrates our commitment to level up right across the UK. The Budget ushers in an era of real devolution, ensuring money is spent on projects that matter most to people in Scotland.

“The UK Government made a clear commitment to maintain Scotland’s level of funding following the vote to leave the EU, and we have delivered on that promise. We are taking decisions in the UK rather than in Brussels and dealing directly with local authorities who know their communities best.

“From the Knoydart community pub, to Dumbarton town centre and the Granton Gasworks – all these projects will bring real, visible improvements for local communities. Special funding for Glasgow’s iconic Burrell Collection and Extreme E will help drive economic growth and jobs on the back of culture and tourism.

“The continuation of the freeze on spirit duty will be a boost to Scotland’s thriving whisky industry.

“Over the past 18 months the UK Government has been focused on protecting people’s livelihoods, their incomes, and their jobs. We now need to look to the future, to build a stronger economy for people in all parts of the UK.”

Targeted funding in Scotland

On top of the record funding for the Scottish Government, Scotland will benefit from the UK Government’s commitment to invest in people, jobs, communities and businesses. Targeted projects in Scotland include:

Over £200 million to be invested in Scotland to boost the post-pandemic recovery and enhance the Scottish economy, including:

  • £172 million of the Levelling Up Fund for 8 important projects including the redevelopment of Inverness Castle, the much-needed renovation of the Westfield Roundabout in Falkirk, and a new marketplace in Aberdeen City Centre.
  • Over £1.07 million of the Community Ownership Fund for five projects in Whithorn, Inverie, New Galloway, Kinloch Rannoch and Callander that are protecting valued community assets.
  • Providing £1.9 billion for farmers and land managers and £42.2 million to support fisheries.
  • Up to £1 million, to support the delivery of a ‘green’ formula E race showcasing Hebridean Green Hydrogen to a global audience.
  • Expanding the existing trade and investment hub in Edinburgh to grow trade for Scotland.
  • Up to £3 million to bring world-class art exhibitions to the Burrell Collection in the heart of Glasgow.

UK-Wide Support

As a result of our strong United Kingdom, Scotland will benefit from:

  • A 50% cut in domestic Air Passenger Duty for flights between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and an additional £22.5 million of new funding in anticipation of the Union Connectivity
  • Review recommendations where we will work with the devolved administrations on improving UK-wide connectivity.
  • New funding for the British Business Bank to establish a £150 million fund in Scotland, helping Scottish businesses to get the financing they need.
  • The new £1.4 billion Global Britain Investment Fund which will support investment directly into Scotland.
  • A record £20 billion by 2024-25 in Research and Development supporting innovation in Scotland.
  • Confirmation that total funding will at a minimum match the size of EU Funds in Scotland, each year through the over £2.6bn UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which will invest in skills, people, businesses, and communities, including through ‘Multiply’, a new adult numeracy programme that will provide people across Scotland with essential numeracy skills.
  • An increase to the National Minimum Wage of £9.50 an hour, with young people and apprentices also seeing increases.
  • Freezes to fuel duty for the twelfth consecutive year and a freeze on Vehicle Excise Duty for heavy goods vehicles.
  • A freeze on alcohol duty, which will mean that whisky benefits from the lowest real terms tax rate since 1918.


Rachel Reeves MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, responding to the Budget, said: Families struggling with the cost of living crisis, businesses hit by a supply chain crisis, those who rely on our schools and our hospitals and our police – they won’t recognise the world that the Chancellor is describing. They will think that he is living in a parallel universe.

The Chancellor in this budget, has decided to cut taxes for banks. So, Madame Deputy Speaker, at least the bankers on short haul flights sipping champagne will be cheering this budget today.

And the arrogance, after taking £6 billion out of the pockets of some of the poorest people in this country, expecting them to cheer today for £2 billion given to compensate.

In the long story of this Parliament, never has a Chancellor asked the British people to pay so much for so little.

Time and again today, the Chancellor compared the investments that he is making to the last decade. But who was in charge in this lost decade? They were.

So, let’s just reflect on the choices the Chancellor has made today – the highest sustained tax burden in peacetime.

And who is going to pay for it?

It’s not international giants like Amazon – the Chancellor has found a tax deduction for them. It’s not property speculators – they’ve already pocketed a stamp duty cut. And it’s clearly not the banks  – even though bankers’ bonuses are set to hit a record high this year.

Instead, the Chancellor is loading the burden on working people. A National Insurance Tax rise – on working people. A Council Tax hike – on working people. And no support today for working people with VAT on their gas and electricity bills.

And what are working people getting in return? A record NHS waiting list, with no plan to clear it, no way to see a GP and still having to sell their home to pay for social care.

Community policing nowhere to be seen, a court backlog leaving victims without justice and almost every rape going unprosecuted.

A growing gap in results and opportunities between children at private and state schools. Soaring number of pupils in supersize classes and no serious plan to catch up on learning stolen by the virus. £2 million announced today – a pale imitation of the £15 billion catch up fund that the Prime Minister’s own education tsar said was needed. No wonder, Madame Deputy Speaker, that he resigned.

Now the Chancellor talks about world class public services. Tell that to a pensioner waiting for a hip operation. Tell that to a young woman waiting to go to court to get justice. Tell that to a mum and dad, waiting for their child the mental health support they need.

And the Chancellor says today that he has realised what a difference early years spending makes. I would just say to the Chancellor, has he ever heard of the Sure Start programme that this Tory government has cut?

And why are we in this position? Why are British businesses being stifled by debt while Amazon gets tax deductions?

Why are working people being asked to pay more tax and put up with worse services?

Why are billions of pounds in taxpayer money being funnelled to friends and donors of the Conservative party while millions of families are having £20 a week taken off them?

Madame Deputy Speaker, why can’t Britain do better than this?

The Government will always blame others. It’s business’ fault, it’s the EU’s fault, it’s the public’s fault.

The global problems, the same old excuses. But the blunt reality is this – working people are being asked to pay more for less for three simple reasons:

  •     Economic mismanagement,
  •     An unfair tax system,
  •     And wasteful spending.

Each of these problems is down to 11 years of Conservative failure and they shake their heads but the cuts to our public services have cut them to the bone. And while the Chancellor and the Prime Minister like to pretend they are different, the Budget they’ve delivered today will only make things worse.

The solution starts with growth. The Government is caught in a bind of its own making. Low growth inexorably leads to less money for public services, unless taxes rise.

Under the Conservatives, Britain has become a low growth economy. Let’s look at the last decade – the Tories have grown the economy at just 1.8 percent a year.

If we had grown at the same rate as other advanced economies, we could have spent over £30bn to invest in public services without needing to raise taxes.

Let’s compare this to the last Labour Government. Even taking into account the global financial crisis, Labour grew the economy much faster – 2.3 percent a year.

If the Tories matched our record, we would have spent £30bn more on public services without needing to raise taxes.

It could not be clearer. The Conservatives are now the party of high taxation, because the Conservatives are the party of low growth.

The Office for Budget Responsibility confirmed this today – that we will be back to anaemic growth. The OBR said that by the end of this Parliament, the UK economy will be growing by just 1.3%. Which is hardly the  plan for growth that the Chancellor boasted about today, hardly a ringing endorsement of his announcements.

Under the Tory decade we have had ow growth and there’s not much growth to look forward to.

The economy has been weakened by the pandemic but also by the Government’s mishandling of it.

Responding to the virus has been a huge challenge. Governments around the world have taken on debt, but our situation is worse than other countries.

Worse, because our economy was already fragile going into the crisis. Too much inequality, too much insecure work, too little resilience in our public services.

And worse, because the Prime Minister dithered and delayed, against scientific advice – egged on by the Chancellor – we ended up facing harsher and longer restrictions than other countries.

So, as well as having the highest death toll in Europe, Britain suffered the worst economic hit of any major economy.

The Chancellor now boasts that we are growing faster than others, but that’s because we fell the furthest.

And whilst the US and others have already bounced back to pre-pandemic levels, the UK hasn’t. Our economy is set to be permanently weaker.

On top of all of that, the Government is now lurching from crisis to crisis. People avoiding journeys because they can’t fill up their petrol tank is not good for the economy. People spending less because the cost of the weekly shop has exploded is not good for the economy. And British exporters facing more barriers than their European competitors because of the deal that this government did is not good for the economy.

If this were a plan, it would be economic sabotage. When the Prime Minister isn’t blagging that this chaos is part of his cunning plan, he says he’s “not worried about inflation.”

Tell that to families struggling with rising gas and electricity bills, with rising prices of petrol at the pump and with rising food prices. He’s out of touch, he’s out of ideas and he’s left working people out of pocket.

Madame Deputy Speaker, Conservative mismanagement has made the fiscal situation tight. And when times are tight it’s even more important to ensure that taxes are fair, that taxpayers get value for money. But the Government fails on both fronts.

We have a grossly unfair tax system with the burden heaped on working people.

Successive budgets have raised council tax, income tax and now National Insurance. But taxes on those with the broadest shoulders, those who earn their income from stocks, shares, and property portfolios have been left largely untouched.

Businesses based on the high street are the lifeblood of our communities and often the first venture for entrepreneurs.

But despite what the Chancellor has said today, businesses will still be held back by punitive and unfair business rates. The Government has failed to tax online giants and watered-down global efforts to create a level playing field.

And just when we need every penny of public money to make a difference, we have a government that is the by-word for waste, cronyism and vanity projects.

We’ve had £37 billion for a test and trace system that the spending watchdog says, ‘treats taxpayers like an ATM cash machine’. A yacht for ministers, a fancy paint job for the Prime Minister’s plane and a TV studio for Conservative Party broadcasts, which seems to have morphed into the world’s most expensive home cinema.

£3.5bn of Government contracts awarded to friends and donors of the Conservative Party, a £190 million loan to a company employing the PMs former Chief of Staff, £30 million to the former Health Secretary’s pub landlord. And every single one of those cheques signed by the Chancellor.

And now he comes to ordinary working people and asks them to pay more. More than they have ever been asked to pay before and at the same time, to put up with worse public services. All because of his economic mismanagement, his unfair tax system and his wasteful spending.

There are of course some welcome measures in this budget today, as there are in any budget.

Labour welcomes the increase in the National Minimum Wage, though the Government needs to go further and faster. If they had backed Labour’s position of an immediate rise to at least £10 an hour then a full-time worker on the minimum wage would be in line for an extra £1,000 a year.

Ending the punitive public sector pay freeze is welcome, but we know how much this Chancellor likes his smoke and mirrors. So, we’ll be checking the books to make sure the money is there for a real terms pay rise.

Labour also welcomes the Government’s decision to reduce the Universal Credit taper rate, as we have consistently called for. But the system has got so far out of whack that even after this reduction, working people on universal credit still face a higher marginal tax rate than the Prime Minister. And those unable to work – through no fault of their own – still face losing over £1000 a year. And for families who go out to work everyday but don’t get government benefits, on an average wage, who have to fill up their car with petrol to get to work, who do that weekly shop and who see their gas and electricity prices go up – this budget today does absolutely nothing for them.

We have a cost-of-living crisis.

The Government has no coherent plan to help families to cope with rising energy prices. Whilst we welcome the action taken today on Universal Credit, millions will struggle to pay the bills this winter.

The Government has done nothing to help people with their gas and electricity bills with that cut in VAT receipts as Labour has called for. A cut that is possible because we are outside the European Union and can be funded by the extra VAT receipts that have been experienced in the last few months.

Working people are left out in the cold while the Government hammers them with tax rises.

National Insurance is a regressive tax on working people, it is a tax on jobs.

Under the Chancellor’s plans, a landlord renting out dozens of properties won’t pay a penny more. But their tenants, in work, will face tax rises of hundreds of pounds a year. And he is failing to tackle another huge issue of the day. Adapting to climate change.

Adapting to climate change presents opportunities – more Jobs, lower bills and cleaner air. But only if we act now and at scale. According to the OBR, failure to act will mean public sector debt explodes later, to nearly 300% of GDP.

The only way to be a prudent and responsible Chancellor is to be a Green Chancellor. To invest in the transition to a zero-carbon economy and give British businesses a head-start in the industries of the future.

But with no mention of climate in his conference speech and the most passing  of references today, we are burdened with a Chancellor unwilling to meet the challenges we face.

Homeowners are left to face the costs of insulation on their own, industries like steel and hydrogen are in a global race without the support they need and the Chancellor is promoting domestic flights over high speed rail int he week before COP26.

It is because of this Chancellor that in the very week we try and persuade other countries to reduce emissions, this Government can’t even confirm it will meet its 2035 climate reduction target.

Madame Deputy Speaker, everywhere working people look at the moment they see prices going up and shortages on the shelves. But this Budget did nothing to address their fears.

Household budgets are being stretched thinner than ever but this Budget did nothing to deal with the spiralling cost of living. It is a shocking missed opportunity by a government that is completely out of touch.

There is an alternative.  Labour would scrap the business rates and replace it with something much better by ensuring online giants pay their fair share. That’s what being pro-business looks like.

We wouldn’t put up National Insurance for working people, we would ensure those with the broadest shoulders pay their share. That’s what being on the side of working people looks like.

We’d end the £1.7 billion subsidy the Government gives private schools and put it straight into local state schools. That’s what being on the side of working families looks like.

We’d deliver a climate investment pledge – £28bn every year for the rest of the decade. That’s Giga-factories to build batteries for electric vehicles, a thriving hydrogen industry and retrofitting, so we keep homes warm and get energy bills down. That’s what real action on climate change looks like.

This country deserves better but they’ll never get it under this Chancellor who gives with one hand but takes so much more with the other.

The truth is this – what you get with these two is a classic con game. It’s like one of those pickpocketing operations you see in crowded places. The Prime Minister is the front man – distracting people with his wild promises. All the while, his Chancellor dips his hand in their pocket. It all seems like fun and games until you walk away and realise your purse has been lifted.

But people are getting wise to them. Every month they feel the pinch. They are tired of the smoke and mirrors, of the bluster, of the false dawns, of the promises of jam tomorrow.

Labour would put working people first. We’d use the power of government and the skill of business to ensure that the next generation of quality jobs are created right here, in Britain.

We’d tax fairly, spend wisely and after a decade of faltering growth, we’d get Britain’s economy firing on all cylinders.

That is what a Labour budget would have done today.

Edinburgh Pentlands SNP MSP Gordon MacDonald said that the Tory UK Government’s budget makes it clear that “independence is the only way to give Edinburgh a fair recovery from the pandemic.”

Gordon MacDonald said that the budget, described by the head of the Institute for Fiscal Studies as “actually awful” for living standards, is failing the people of Scotland by failing to tackle the cost of living crisis, the Brexit crisis and the climate crisis whilst the Tory Government prioritise cuts to the cost of champagne and giving tax breaks to bankers.

The Edinburgh Pentlands MSP said: “What the Tory UK Government has outlined today does not meet the ambition needed to build a fair and sustainable recovery and to tackle the cost of living crisis.

“It’s painfully clear that there will be no fair recovery from the pandemic under Westminster control.

“This Tory budget fails Scotland as a whole and doesn’t go anywhere near supporting people in Edinburgh, who are being hit by an energy crisis, a Brexit crisis, labour shortages and an inflation crisis under Westminster control.

“The UK Government budget is leaving families in Edinburgh hundreds of pounds worse off next year due to Tory cuts, tax hikes and the soaring cost of Brexit.

It’s little wonder that, in May’s election, the people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly for a different future when they gave the SNP the highest share of the vote since the dawn of devolution and a clear mandate for an independence referendum – Independence is the only way to keep Scotland safe from Tory cuts.”

Commenting on today’s budget and spending review (Wednesday), TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “The chancellor has gone from pay freeze to pay squeeze.

“The chancellor admitted that we will have zero pay growth across the economy next year. And he has no plan to get real wages rising for everyone after an eleven year pay squeeze, with average real pay growth over the next four years predicted to be just 0.3 per cent.

“Millions of key workers who saw us through the pandemic will still be worse off than they were in 2010. That puts vital services under pressure as even more staff leave, and it risks the recovery.  

“He should have announced fair pay deals for whole industries, negotiated with unions, designed to get pay and productivity rising in every sector.

“Families face a triple whammy of a £1,000 universal credit cut, tax hikes and fast-rising energy and food bills. All the while wages across the economy stand still.”

On the universal credit taper cut, she added:

“Workers on universal credit should always have been able to keep more of their wages. This change does not make up for the £1,000 per year cut to universal credit, and does not help those on universal credit who cannot work.”

Centre for Cities’ Chief Executive Andrew Carter said: “Raising the National Living Wage is a quick win for the levelling up agenda and will have the biggest impact in the places that are crucial to the Prime Minister winning the next election. Four of the five places where the most people will benefit are in the North.

“While a pay increase is good news for people struggling with the cost of living crisis, it does not address the reasons why they live on low pay in the first place: a lack of well-paid jobs in their local area.

“We’ve seen today the beginnings of a plan focused on skills, innovation and infrastructure to address this, but turning it from rhetoric to reality will depend on ministers’ willingness to work with metro mayors and councils on delivering it.

“I am now looking to the delayed Levelling Up White Paper to set out how this will happen.”

Katie Schmuecker, Deputy Director of Policy & Partnerships at JRF said: “This is a tale of two Budgets for families on low incomes. 

“For those in work, the change to the taper rate and work allowance, alongside the National Living Wage increase, are very positive steps, allowing low-paid workers to keep more of what they earn. Together these measures improve our social security system for working families and demonstrate a serious intent to turn the tide on the pre-pandemic trend of rising in-work poverty.  

“But the reality is that millions of people who are unable to work or looking for work will not benefit from these changes. The Chancellor’s decision to ignore them today as the cost of living rises risks deepening poverty among this group, who now have the lowest main rate of out-of-work support in real terms since around 1990. 

“Among the people in our society who cannot work are cancer patients, people with disabilities and those caring for young children or elderly parents. 

“Their energy bills and weekly shop are going up like everyone else’s and they face immediate hardship, hunger and debt in the months ahead. The Chancellor had an opportunity to support families on the lowest incomes to weather the storm ahead, and he did not take it.” 

New analysis by the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation reveals that the rising cost of living wipes out much of the financial gain some families will receive from the Universal Credit changes announced today.

Weekly incomes and Costs for 2022/23Family 1: single adult, no children, not workingFamily 2: single parent, with one young child (assume age 5), part-time 16 hours per weekFamily 3: couple with two young children (assume 7 and 5). One FT workerFamily 4: single parent, with one young child (assume age 5), full-time 35 hours per weekFamily 5: Couple with two young children (assume 7 and 5). 1 FT worker (35 hours), 1 PT worker (16 hours)
Weekly income before new announcements£77£278£433£333£489
Weekly gain from taper rate and work allowance£0£8£19£19£31
Total loss from higher cost of living due to…-£13-£16-£23-£18-£24
1) increase in energy prices-£7-£7-£7-£7-£7
2) overall cost of living increase-£6-£8-£13-£8-£13
3) increase in National Insurance and impact of inflation on earnings£0-£1-£3-£3-£4
Overall weekly gain or loss after measures and cost of living-£13-£8-£4£1£7

Note all five families lost £20-a-week in October 2021, due to the cut in the Universal Credit Standard Allowance, so all are worse-off than they would have been in September 2021. All workers are assumed to be paid at the National Living Wage rate, so benefit from its increase.

Peter Kelly,Director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “It is a shameful, unjust decision that makes the Chancellor’s rhetoric about ‘levelling up’ seem as empty as the pockets of the hundreds of thousands of people swept into poverty as a result.”

£150 million budget boost for Scottish small businesses

The Chancellor is expected to announce a new, £150 million fund to help thousands of small and medium sized enterprises in Scotland in tomorrow’s budget – building on the Government’s commitment to level up opportunities across the UK.

The fund will be delivered through the British Business Bank, working closely with local partners, and will help Scottish SMEs to invest and grow. It will build on the success of existing funds in other parts of the UK, which have been shown to support the creation of high-paying high productivity jobs and the upskilling of existing workforces.

Similar existing funds in England and Northern Ireland typically provide loans or invest in local companies – this can be recent start-ups looking to borrow smaller amounts to kickstart activity or established SMEs looking for larger investments to grow their business. Details on how businesses in Scotland can access the fund will be outlined in due course.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: “This fund will help thousands of small businesses in Scotland to make ideas a reality and grow their companies . I’m always impressed by the innovation and determination of SMEs and the UK government will continue to support businesses across the UK.”

Since the start of the pandemic the UK Government has spent £352 billion right across the UK on support measures. In Scotland this included protecting more than 900,000 jobs through the furlough scheme, £294 million in self-employment support, help for businesses and the procurement of vaccines.

In addition to the £150 million for Scotland, Wales will benefit from £130 million for a new fund and the British Business Bank will receive an additional £70 million to build on existing programmes in Northern Ireland.

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail

Did you know Scotland is home to six World Heritage Sites, two Biosphere Reserves, two Global Geoparks, and three creative cities? That’s a supersized helping of history, nature and culture right on your doorstep!

If you aren’t sure what UNESCO status means, it’s similar to how National Park status helps to tell you a place is special.

Scotland is now the first country in the world to bring these truly unique sites together into trails to enjoy at a pace that suits you.

Discover destinations with a difference:


What are Low Emission Zones? Car insurance expert explains all

The brand new ​​E10 fuel has been introduced in the UK, designed to cut CO2 emissions by quite a considerable amount, however, it still won’t affect whether cars have to pay an emissions tax.

Recently, Google Maps introduced notifications to drivers hat they’re about to enter a low-emission zone that could incur a hefty fine.

Several major cities in the UK have schemes in place, but where the zones begin is often unclear – and can catch drivers out. Alex Kindred, car insurance expert at explains what they are, where they are, and how you can avoid an accidental fine. 

What are Low Emission Zones (LEZ) or Clean Air Zones (CAZ)?

A Low Emission Zone (LEZ), or Clean Air Zone (CAZ) is put in place with the aim of reducing pollution levels and to improve air quality in the area – usually towns and cities. 

In most cases, you’ll only pay to travel through these zones if your vehicle doesn’t meet minimum emissions standards. If you don’t pay the fee, you may have to pay a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). 

Why do we have Low Emission Zones (LEZ) or Clean Air Zones (CAZ)?

The latest IPCC report has been named a ‘code red for humanity’, meaning our attempts to tackle CO2 emissions are vital in order to keep the rise in global temperatures well below 1.5C in the next century.

The report shows that humanity emits approximately 40 billion tonnes of CO2 every year. 

With such high numbers, the IPCC report authors believe we are destined to hit a global temperature increase of 1.5C by 2040 if emissions aren’t slashed in upcoming years, highlighting the importance of measures such as Low Emission Zones. 

Will my vehicle trigger a fine? 

Most fees apply to diesels built before September 2015. Usually these vehicles don’t meet emissions standards and in some cases the fees don’t apply to petrol cars built after January 2006. 

Which cities are creating Low Emission Zones?

Birmingham, London, Oxford, Bristol and Scotland are all planning to have Low Emission Zones (LEZ) or Clean Air Zones (CAZ) in the near future. 

Birmingham’s Clean Air Zone

On 1 June 2021, Birmingham launched its Clean Air Zone. It’ll operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

You can enter the zone with no charge if your vehicle is one of the following:  

  • A moped or a motorcycle
  • A diesel vehicle minimum standard Euro 6A 
  • A petrol vehicle minimum standard Euro 4
  • A vehicle with zero emissions (electric, hydrogen)
  • A low emissions vehicle 

You can check your vehicle here

The charge: 

  • Cars that don’t meet emissions standards will pay £8 per day. 
  • Residents with a car registered within the CAZ will be exempt from the charge for two years. 

Support available: 

  • The Birmingham local authority has support available to help people adjust to the CAZ. For example, a £1,000 mobility credit or £2000 scrappage scheme.

London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone

The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is in central London within the same area of the congestion charge zone and it covers all vehicles that don’t meet emissions standards.

In 2020, they announced that the ULEZ would extend to create a single larger zone bounded by the North Circular Road (A406) and South Circular Road (A205).

The charge: 

If your vehicle doesn’t meet the emissions standards, then you’ll receive a daily fee. This can be up to £200 for some vehicles. 

Is my vehicle exempt?

Check if your vehicle meets emissions standards on the Transport for London website here.  

Oxford’s Zero Emission Zone

Oxford’s Zero Emission Zone will now run in summer this year. The zone will cover five streets in the centre of Oxford to begin with and a larger Green Zone will expand and cover the rest of the city centre. 

You can enter the zone with no charge if your vehicle is one of the following:  

  • A cars that emits 50 g of CO2/km and can drive 70 miles without any emissions 
  • A van that emits less than 75 g of CO2/km and can drive 10 miles without any emissions
  • Motorcycles and mopeds that don’t emit any CO2

The charge: 

  • Vehicles that don’t meet emissions standards will face a charge of £10 between the hours of 7am and 7pm. 
  • There’ll be a discount for blue badge holders until December 2024. 
  • Oxford residents will receive a 90% discount until 2030.

Bristol’s Clean Air Zone

According to, 71% of vehicles in Bristol are already compliant and so only a minority of vehicles driving in the CAZ could be charged. The scheme implemented in Bristol is exactly the same as the one in Birmingham, which means you can use the tool here to check your vehicle’s registration.  

You can enter the zone with no charge if your vehicle is one of the following:  

  • A moped or a motorcycle
  • A diesel vehicle minimum standard Euro 6A 
  • A petrol vehicle minimum standard Euro 4
  • A vehicle with zero emissions (electric, hydrogen)
  • A low emissions vehicle 

The charges: 

Non-compliant vehicles would only be charged once in each 24-hour period, and they would apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Private petrol cars: £9 per day
  • Private diesel cars: £9 per day
  • Taxis: £9 per day
  • LGVs: £9 per day
  • HGVs: £100 per day
  • Buses: £100 per day
  • Coaches: £100 per day

Scotland’s Low Emission Zones

LEZs were proposed for Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow but these plans have been delayed due to coronavirus. All being well, the zones should go ahead between February and May 2022.

Edinburgh’s plans

The Edinburgh LEZ will apply to the city centre for all vehicles that don’t meet emissions standards. 

Glasgow’s plans

Glasgow introduced a LEZ in 2018, but it only applies to local service buses. In 2022 it’ll apply to all vehicles entering the zone that don’t meet emissions standards.

Aberdeen’s plans

Currently Aberdeen are still consulting the public on their Low Emission Zone, but more progress will be made this year. 

Dundee’s plans

Dundee’s low emission zone should be implemented between February and May 2022. It will apply to all vehicles that don’t meet emissions standards.

Worried about getting an accidental fine for driving into a low emission zone? Alex Kindred, car insurance expert at has provided these three tips for motorists to ensure they don’t get a hefty bill in the post: 

  1. Upgrade to a low-emissions vehicle using a manufacturer scrappage scheme to help with the cost

“Upgrading to a newer vehicle that meets the standards could mean opting for an electric vehicle. The government no longer runs an official scrappage scheme to encourage drivers to upgrade to a low-emission vehicle, but many car manufacturers do, including Citroen, Dacia, Hyundai, Kia, Renault and Toyota. 

  1. Consider retrofitting your current vehicle, but this can be costly

“Some older vehicles may be able to be retrofitted with emissions reduction technology such as selective catalytic reduction (which reduces NOx emissions) or even converting the vehicle to electric power. 

“But any retrofitting would have to be approved. If you’re able to show a booking with a CVRAS-approved fitter or an approved retrofit solution, you get a three-month grace period and might not have to pay the LEZ driving charge if driving in the zone

  1. Use Google Maps as your SatNav

“Google Maps will now notify drivers that they’re about to enter a low-emission zone that could incur a hefty fine. So if you’re driving in one of the areas that has emission zones in place, it’s worth having this installed and working to alert you if you’re close to a zone.“

Scotland set to lead UK’s green economic growth

•          Scotland is in pole position to lead the green economic revolution as the UK seeks to recover from the pandemic

•          Scotland has the highest concentration of green jobs in the UK and the highest density of students studying green-related subjects

•          The UK Green Growth Index, developed by Oxford Economics for Lloyds Banking Group, analyses the UK’s readiness to drive a greener economy

Scotland is in the strongest position to drive the growth of the green economy in the UK, according to the UK Green Growth Index, which has been developed by Oxford Economics and Lloyds Banking Group.

The nation leads the Growth Index (80.6) by a significant margin and is best-positioned to support the UK’s green economy based on its existing green infrastructure and future potential.

Scotland has a strong base of 21,000 existing green economy jobs in sectors such as onshore and offshore wind and hydroelectric power. Based on the size of its labour market, Scotland has the highest concentration of green jobs in the UK.

Relative to its population, Scotland also benefits from the largest number of higher education students studying green-related subjects such as engineering and technology, building and planning, and agriculture. The density of students in green-related subjects is more than 27% greater than in second placed Wales.

Philip Grant, chair of Lloyds Banking Group’s Scottish Executive Committee said: “Scotland’s long been at the forefront of energy technology and this research shows how it’s now best-placed to build on that experience and create a more sustainable future.

“Every part of the UK has opportunities to capitalise on green growth, but Scotland’s rich talent pool and skilled workforce give it an edge.

“The report shows a promising start to the transition, but we must accelerate progress towards a greener economy. There couldn’t be a better time for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) to take place, here in Scotland, in just a few months’ time.

“All eyes will be on the UK, and on Scotland in particular, when it comes to adopting greener ways of living and doing business. As well as being a moment of international cooperation, COP26 is a prompt for us to consider how our domestic economy can thrive in the future.

“We’ll be working with businesses and communities across the country, and throughout the UK, to ensure no nation or region is left behind in the transition to a greener future.”


The UK Green Growth Index explores how well placed the nations and regions across the UK are to capitalise on the opportunities of the green economy – defined as low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.

Currently it is estimated the UK would need to invest £1.4 trillion between 2020 and 2050 with the potential for up to 2.5 million green jobs needed before 2050 to meet its net zero objective by 2050.**

The Index considers each region’s existing base of green industry; innovation activity; take-up of relevant skills and training; and renewable energy infrastructure and use, to determine a ‘Green Growth Opportunity’ score for each part of the UK.

UK Green Growth Index
RankNations and RegionsGreen Growth Opportunity score
3South West England54.6
4South East England52.0
6North of England48.3
7East of England45.6
8Yorkshire and the Humber45.1
9Northern Ireland42.7

Companies across the UK are actively participating in the green economy, according to additional Lloyds Banking Group research provided by YouGov.

More than one-third of UK businesses (36%) say engaging in the green economy is a high or very high priority for their company, rising to more than half (55%) of large organisations.***

A quarter of those in North East England (26%), London (25%) and South West England (25%) say participating in the green economy is something they’re already exploring or operating in.***

Take off for Loganair’s new Scotland-Wales air link

Loganair, the UK’s largest regional airline, today launches its new direct service linking the capital cities of Scotland and Wales.

To mark the launch of the new route between Edinburgh and Cardiff, Loganair’s head of revenue and sales, Donna McHugh, will fly to the Welsh capital to meet Spencer Birns, CEO at Cardiff Airport.

The service will operate up to five times weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, connecting Scotland and Wales for business and leisure travellers alike.

Flights will be on Loganair’s 49-seat Embraer 145 regional jets, with prices on the 1hr 20min trip starting at £50.99 one way including all taxes and charges. All Loganair fares include a free checked baggage allowance.  

The direct flights represent the last major route to be restored by Loganair and other carriers, thereby bringing back the domestic connectivity lost when Flybe collapsed in March 2020.

The Cardiff service adds to the eight others already flown from Edinburgh by Loganair, including Southampton, Newquay and the Isle of Man.

Donna McHugh, head of revenue and sales at Loganair, said: “Loganair is delighted to once again be operating the Edinburgh to Cardiff route.

“It is vital that connectivity is maintained between these two major cities and we know it will prove very popular with both our leisure and business travellers.”

Spencer Birns, CEO at Cardiff Airport said: “It’s fantastic that Loganair has re-instated such a vital and in-demand route, re-connecting the Scottish and Welsh capitals.

“Once again, customers will be able to fly with ease between Cardiff and Edinburgh, and fly from their local Airport for business travel, to visit friends and family, or to experience the vibrant city of Edinburgh and Scotland’s natural beauty.

“It is our priority to re-instate routes lost due to COVID-19 pandemic, and we are delighted that Scotland’s airline has stepped in to provide an essential service to both our business and leisure customers. We’d like to extend a warm Welsh welcome to Loganair and thank the airline for their support.”

Kate Sherry, aviation director at Edinburgh Airport said: “We’re excited to be reconnecting the capitals of Scotland and Wales, a route which will allow family members to reunite as well as enable people to enjoy a well-earned break in Edinburgh and Cardiff.

“It’s been an extremely tough period and we know people are looking forward to enjoying some time away from home, and this is further good news as the airport looks to provide those opportunities for our passengers. Loganair is a valued partner and its confidence in Edinburgh Airport is welcome now and going forward.”

First Minister announces changes to self-isolation rules in Scotland

It is essential that lifeline services and critical national infrastructure are maintained– FM NICOLA STURGEON

Changes are being made to self-isolation rules for close contacts of COVID cases to allow essential staff in critical roles to return to work to maintain lifeline services and critical national infrastructure.

It will be possible to apply to exempt those who work in critical roles where staff shortages are in danger of putting essential services, such as health and social care, transport and the provision of food supplies at risk.

Exemption will only be granted in respect of members of staff who voluntarily agree not to self isolate, and the employers’ duty of care to all their employees must be respected.

Strict conditions will apply – staff must be double-vaccinated and in receipt of their second dose at least two weeks previously. They will also require to have a negative PCR test and to agree to undertake daily lateral flow tests.

Applications may be made via the Scottish Government website.

Exemptions will be made on a temporary basis and last only for as long as there is an immediate risk to business or service continuity.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “It is essential that lifeline services and critical national infrastructure are maintained and we are implementing these changes now – ahead of possible changes to self-isolation rules for close contacts that may apply more generally in future – to ensure staff shortages do not put key services at risk.

“We have seen significant staff shortages in a small number of organisations in recent days and we have worked with them to protect services. Applications for exemptions are being considered from today and we will consider applications as they come in.

“Clinical evidence tells us we can safely and effectively release some critical staff from self-isolation, with appropriate safeguards. However, this is a very limited change at this stage, to be applied on a case by case basis and only where absolutely necessary.

“We will not allow key services to be threatened by staff shortages but equally we must continue to protect public health.”


Responding to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement , GMB Scotland Secretary Louise Gilmour said: “The decision taken by the Scottish Government to introduce exemptions for critical workers from self-isolation guidance has been driven by resource, not by what’s safe for the workers or their families.

“It’s not frontline workers following COVID precautions that threatens to put key services at risk, but the cuts, underfunding and understaffing of these services that means we don’t have the capacity we need to respond in times of crisis.

“Whether it’s in the NHS, our social care sector or in our supermarkets, the story is the same: it’s low paid, exhausted and predominantly women workers who have to make sacrifices as a result of the failure of those at the top to plan and invest.

“GMB is urging the Scottish Government to rethink their decision to gamble with the lives of our key workers, before it’s too late.”

COVID recovery: Easing on hold as Johnson presses pause button

Prime Minister: “We must learn to live with COVID”

  • Step 4 of England’s Roadmap paused for four weeks while vaccination programme is accelerated following significant rise in more transmissible variant
  • Second dose brought forward to 8 weeks for over 40s to provide strongest protection against Delta variant sooner
  • Restrictions to be lifted on weddings and wakes on 21 June

Step 4 will be delayed by up to four weeks in England and the vaccination programme accelerated to respond to the rapid spread of the Delta variant, the Prime Minister confirmed yesterday.

Scotland’s First Minister will give an update on Scotland’s plans later today. At present it’s planned that Scotland would move to Level 0 on 28 June, but concerns over rising numbers of the Delta variant make it likely that the date will be put back.

By 19 July, all adults in England will have been offered a first dose and around two thirds of all adults will have been offered two doses of the vaccine.

Data suggests that the Delta variant is between 40% and 80% more transmissible than the Alpha variant and is rapidly driving up case numbers.

There are currently around 8,000 cases a day, the highest since the end of February, and these are increasing by around 64% each week.

Hospitalisations are starting to rise, with the average number of people admitted to hospital increasing in England by 50% per week, and 61% per week in the North-West.

Our successful vaccination programme is weakening the link between cases and hospitalisations, but the latest evidence shows that two doses are needed to provide effective protection against the Delta variant.

The Roadmap has always been led by data and not dates, and the government’s four tests have not been met. In order to offer two vaccine doses to more people, prevent thousands of unnecessary deaths and protect the NHS, Step 4 will be delayed by up to four weeks to Monday 19 July. If the data rapidly improves this could be brought forward to 5 July.

The four tests are:

  • The vaccine deployment programme continues successfully
  • Evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated
  • Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS
  • Our assessment of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern

Two vaccine doses have now been shown to be highly effective in reducing hospitalisation from the Delta variant, with the latest PHE data suggesting this could be up to 96% for Pfizer-BioNTech and 92% for the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

All adults aged 18 and over will now be offered a first dose by 19 July, 2 weeks earlier than planned. All adults aged 23 and 24 will be able to book their first dose from tomorrow (15 June).

By 19 July, all those aged over 50 and the clinically extremely vulnerable will have been offered their second dose, and those second doses will have taken effect.

Second doses for all over 40s will be accelerated by reducing the dosing interval from 12 weeks to 8 weeks. All over 40s who received a first dose by mid-May will be offered a second dose by 19 July.

The school holidays in England begin at the end of July, further reducing transmission among the younger age groups. Step 3 restrictions will continue in their current format with the following exceptions implemented from 21 June. No restrictions will be reimposed.

The 30-person limit will be lifted for weddings and wakes. There will be no set limit on the number of attendees, but venues must adhere to covid secure guidance, maintain social distancing and provide table service. All weddings in private settings, such as gardens, must have completed a covid risk assessment to ascertain how many guests they can host safely.

Event pilots will continue, including some Euro 2020 matches, Wimbledon, and some arts and music performances. Attendees will show proof of vaccination or a recent negative test.

Care home residents will no longer need to isolate if they leave their residence. Exceptions will include high risk visits including overnight stays in hospital.

Cases are expected to continue rising due to the transmissibility of the Delta variant, but with the acceleration of the vaccination programme hospitalisations are expected to stabilise.

Additional support is available for areas with high cases rates of the Delta variant, including surge testing, isolation support, and efforts to maximise vaccination uptake.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a statement at a press conference last night:

The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP

When we set out on our roadmap to freedom a few months ago, we were determined to make progress that was cautious but irreversible. And step by step – thanks to the enormous efforts of the British people and the spectacular vaccine roll-out we now have one of the most open economies and societies in this part of the world.

And as we have always known and as the February roadmap explicitly predicted – this opening up has inevitably been accompanied by more infection and more hospitalisation. Because we must be clear that we cannot simply eliminate Covid – we must learn to live with it. And with every day that goes by we are better protected by the vaccines and we are better able to live with the disease.

Vaccination greatly reduces transmission and two doses provide a very high degree of protection against serious illness and death. But there are still millions of younger adults who have not been vaccinated and sadly a proportion of the elderly and vulnerable may still succumb even if they have had two jabs.

And that is why we are so concerned by the Delta variant that is now spreading faster than the third wave predicted in the February roadmap. We’re seeing cases growing by about 64 per cent per week, and in the worst affected areas, it’s doubling every week.

And the average number of people being admitted to hospital in England has increased by 50 per cent week on week, and by 61 per cent in the North West, which may be the shape of things to come. Because we know the remorseless logic of exponential growth and even if the link between infection and hospitalisation has been weakened it has not been severed.

And even if the link between hospitalisation and death has also been weakened, I’m afraid numbers in intensive care, in ICU are also rising. And so we have faced a very difficult choice. We can simply keep going with all of step 4 on June 21st even though there is a real possibility that the virus will outrun the vaccines and that thousands more deaths would ensue that could otherwise have been avoided.

Or else we can give our NHS a few more crucial weeks to get those remaining jabs into the arms of those who need them. And since today I cannot say that we have met all four tests for proceeding with step four, I do think it is sensible to wait just a little longer.

By Monday 19th July we will aim to have double jabbed around two thirds of the adult population including everyone over 50, all the vulnerable, all the frontline health and care workers and everyone over 40 who received their first dose by mid-May. And to do this we will now accelerate the 2nd jabs for those over 40 – just as we did for the vulnerable groups – so they get maximum protection as fast as possible.

And we will bring forward our target to give every adult in this country a first dose by 19th July that is including young people over the age of 18 with 23 and 24 year olds invited to book jabs from tomorrow – so we reduce the risk of transmission among groups that mix the most.

And to give the NHS that extra time we will hold off step 4 openings until July 19th except for weddings that can still go ahead with more than 30 guests provided social distancing remains in place and the same will apply to wakes. And we will continue the pilot events – such as Euro2020 and some theatrical performances.

We will monitor the position every day and if after 2 weeks we have concluded that the risk has diminished then we reserve the possibility of proceeding to Step 4 and full opening sooner.

As things stand – and on the basis of the evidence I can see right now – I am confident we will not need any more than 4 weeks and we won’t need to go beyond July 19th. It is unmistakably clear the vaccines are working and the sheer scale of the vaccine roll-out has made our position incomparably better than in previous waves.

But now is the time to ease off the accelerator because by being cautious now we have the chance – in the next four weeks – to save many thousands of lives by vaccinating millions more people.

And once the adults of this country have been overwhelmingly vaccinated, which is what we can achieve in a short space of time, we will be in a far stronger position to keep hospitalisations down, to live with this disease, and to complete our cautious but irreversible roadmap to freedom.

Scotland’s First Minister will give an update on Scotland’s plans later today. At present it’s planned that Scotland would move to Level 0 on 28 June, but concerns over rising numbers of the Delta variant make it likely that the date will be put back.

Slàinte! New limited-edition whisky celebrates Scotland’s Euros return after 23 Years

Whisky lovers will soon be raising a glass to a new limited-edition single malt that has been specially ageing for nearly 23 years – and has only been released to mark Scotland’s reappearance at a major men’s football tournament.

Released by the Gleann Mòr Spirits Company, the Rare Find whisky has been produced in a unique partnership with the Scotland National Team.

The dram was first poured into its cask on 24 June 1998 – the day after Scotland went out of the World Cup to Morocco, losing 3-0 in St Etienne, France.

After decades of hurt, it will now be bottled the day before Scotland’s opening fixture of Euro 2020 against the Czech Republic on 14 June 2021at Hampden Park, Glasgow.

Karin Mair of Gleann Mòr Spirits said: “We are delighted to finally be able to share this special edition with Scotland’s long-suffering football fans.

“During the almost 23 years that it’s been ageing, Scotland may have endured football heartache, but this sublime single malt has been waiting patiently, developing its distinctively divine character.

“Along with the rest of the nation, we’ve also waited patiently, but the time has finally come to crack open this whisky and toast Scotland’s return to the major football stage.”

Only 280 individually numbered bottles will be made available, giving aficionados an unrivalled opportunity to own a unique piece of Scottish footballing history.

Karin added: “This whisky is a truly historic collector’s item that no fan of football or fine malt will want to miss. Its creation has been a long time coming and we know there will be plenty to celebrate on and off the pitch when it’s finally poured.”

Tasting notes

Big, bold and salty on the nose with a hint of sweet autumnal peat and baked apples in the mouth, the sweet peat develops into a sugary cereal layer with a softly spice, gentle ash and a dulcet phenolic finish.

How to buy

The limited-edition Rare Find, which originated from Cask 353892 at the Bowmore distillery, is the star player in a glittering line-up of Scottish National Team whiskies.

Only available to pre-order online, its team-mates in the Gleann Mòr squad are:

  • Glen Elgin 20-year-old single malt – a smooth and classy dram combining sweetly satisfying Scottish honey, warm spice and butter toffee.
  • Scottish National Team Blended Malt Whisky – a mix of select Speyside single malts, rich in lemon shortbread, dried fruit and toasted oak flavours.
  • Scottish National Team Blended Whisky – a winning combination of strength and style, with warming tones of toffee, vanilla, pears and spiced oak.

To find out more and order, please go to