School ‘Booknic’ events hosted by Fort Kinnaird to inspire children to read

More than 180 school children across three schools in Edinburgh have taken part in a celebratory ‘booknic’ event organised by Fort Kinnaird in partnership with the National Literacy Trust.

The ‘booknic’ involved children enjoying a picnic and a book while also taking part in a range of fun reading-themed activities.

Schoolchildren from St Francis RC Primary School, Castleview Primary School and Niddrie Mill Primary School took part in the event, with each child also able to take a book of their choice home.

The ‘booknic’ was part of the Young Readers Programme, an award-winning initiative sponsored by Fort Kinnaird’s co-owner British Land and run in partnership with the National Literacy Trust, designed to encourage children to read outside of the classroom.

The initiative also gave the schools access to virtual interactive storytelling sessions and a literary quiz.

British Land and the National Literacy Trust celebrates its 10th year in partnership this year. Since the programme launched in Edinburgh, it has supported more than 2,000 schoolchildren and seen more than 6,100 books donated across the city.

Research from the National Literacy Trust shows that children who own their own books are six times more likely to read above the level expected for their age and three times more likely to enjoy reading.

Liam Smith, centre director at Fort Kinnaird, said: “Supporting our community is so important to us and the Young Readers Programme plays a massive part in that. It’s a brilliant initiative which we look forward to every year and it’s great to see the children celebrating at our booknic event.

“Thanks also needs to go to the National Literacy Trust for their hard work on this event and over the years. They’ve helped us to ensure that the additional support and books go to those who need them most.”  

Jonathan Douglas CBE, Chief Executive of the National Literacy Trust, said: “Encouraging children to develop a love of reading from a young age can have a tangible impact on their literacy skills, mental wellbeing and futures.

“Yet hundreds of thousands of children across the UK are missing out on these benefits simply because they don’t have a book of their own to read at home.

“The Young Readers Programme, with support from British Land, tackles this and we’d like to thank them for all their support over the years.”

Five city schools recognised with Eco-Schools Green Flag Awards

Environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful, is delighted to award five schools in Edinburgh City with an Eco-Schools Green Flag.

The international award recognises nurseries and schools which have demonstrated a commitment to the Eco-Schools Scotland programme and over two years have engaged their whole school community in local environmental action.

The five schools are: Brunstane Primary School (which has held a Green Flag since 2016), Liberton Nursery (which has held a Green Flag since 2011), Carrick Knowe Primary School (which has held a Green Flag since 2007), St John’s Primary School (which has held a Green Flag since 2013) and George Heriot’s Junior (a Green Flag school since 2007).

Brunstane Primary School was recognised for carrying out regular community litter picks and forming a pupil parliament group to address road safety concerns near the school. 

Children at Liberton Nursery carried out regular litter picks in the woods where they have nature play time, recorded types of litter in a survey and carried out extensive work on biodiversity. 

Pupils at St. John’s Primary School carried out an anti-litter poster campaign and whole school assembly and organised regular litter picks in a new park near the school ensuring it stays clean and welcoming. They also worked with the Woodland Trust to plant native trees around the school. 

At Carrick Knowe Primary School, pupils organised litter picks with every year group, and ran class workshops on single use plastics.

George Heriot’s pupils increased the effectiveness of the school’s recycling and explored possibilities of hosting renewable energy sources at the school.

Through the Eco-Schools Scotland programme, Keep Scotland Beautiful aims to make environmental awareness and action to tackle climate change an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of schools, for both pupils and for staff. 

The programme provides a framework to engage the wider school community in action and support aligned with the purposes of Curriculum for Excellence and Learning for Sustainability.

To complete the Green Flag journey each school has a choice of ten topics to engage with, from food and the environment, to litter, to energy. The schools also choose one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to link their Eco-Schools work to.

Barry Fisher, Chief Executive of Keep Scotland Beautiful, said: “Congratulations to the Eco-Committee, pupils and staff at each of these schools, who have worked so hard schools, who have worked so hard to achieve their Green Flag Award, particularly during a time of unprecedented adjustment and change to education caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. 

“This is a great achievement and testament to the resilience and creativity of both pupils and educators.

“Keep Scotland Beautiful is committed to supporting all our children and young people to develop the capacities, skills and attributes required to protect our planet for the future.”

More information about the world’s largest sustainable schools programme and Eco-Schools Scotland can be found at:

New learning resource to support young people’s mental health

The Scottish Government has unveiled a new online learning resource to help school staff support young people’s mental health.

Staff can learn more about factors influencing mental health and wellbeing; prevention-based approaches in schools and tips on how to end mental health stigma and discrimination.

The Mental Health Foundation, Children in Scotland and training provider Digital Bricks developed the resource that is open to all school staff in primary, secondary and special schools.

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing is of vital importance and this resource is a significant addition to the suite of resources that school staff can access. It will provide essential learning and knowledge on mental health and wellbeing that schools can adopt and embed across all aspects of the school environment.

“Although aimed primarily at school staff, it can also be accessed and used by anyone who wants to learn more about mental health and how to support children and young people.”

Councillor Stephen McCabe, COSLA spokesperson for Children and Young People, said: “The mental health and wellbeing of our children and young people must be a priority as we recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.

“Ensuring those working with young people, in all capacities, have access to resources that develop their understanding of, and equip them to appropriately support mental health would be crucial; I welcome this comprehensive resource providing training and information for all school staff.”

‘Curriculum for Excellence is the right approach for Scotland’

SQA to be replaced

‘Substantial reform’ for Education Scotland

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation (OECD) has backed Scotland’s school curriculum in its independent review.

The Scottish Government last year commissioned the OECD to carry out a review of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). The remit of the review was to help the government better understand how the curriculum is being designed and implemented in schools and to identify areas for improvement across the country.

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville today announced that all 12 of the review’s recommendations will be accepted in full, including recommendations on curriculum, assessment and qualifications which will see the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) replaced and Education Scotland substantially reformed.

The Scottish Government will actively consider what changes are required to our qualifications and assessment system. This work will be heavily informed by the next OECD report, expected in the autumn, and by consultation with young people, parents, teachers and the wider education system.

Education Scotland will no longer undertake inspections, with this work becoming a separate, independent role. The Scottish Government will engage widely on the options for the future of inspection.  

The OECD also suggests that the curriculum work currently undertaken by Education Scotland might best sit with any new curriculum and assessment body which will replace the SQA.

Publication of the OECD report into Scotland’s curriculum system, known as Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), meets another of the Scottish Government’s commitments for the first 100 days since the First Minister was elected.

Ms Somerville said: “The last few years have accelerated a debate about the future of Curriculum for Excellence and senior phase education in particular. The OECD report is crystal clear – Curriculum for Excellence is the right approach for Scotland.

“In fact, despite all the criticism here at home, the OECD tells us it is viewed internationally as an inspiring example of curriculum practice.

“However, 10 years on from CfE being introduced, it is right and proper that we review how it is being implemented. 

 “We accept in full all 12 recommendations from the OECD. We will replace the SQA. We will talk to young people, parents and teachers to build a system that works in line with CfE – exactly as the OECD recommends.

“Responsibility for inspection will no longer sit with Education Scotland and we will look at what further reform of the agency’s functions is required.

“Everyone across the education system, including at the SQA and Education Scotland, has worked tirelessly this year under very challenging circumstances. They are owed a debt of gratitude.

“What comes next is a period of change. But it is change in order to improve, to achieve more and to deliver for Scotland’s pupils.

“Our commitment is to do exactly that and we will work with everyone and anyone willing to help to make that a reality.”

EIS welcomes decision to axe SQA

The EIS has welcomed today’s announcement by the Cabinet Secretary for Education that the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) is to be scrapped.

The announcement came following the publication of the OECD Review of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), which identified a ‘disconnect’ between the core aims of CfE and Scotland’s qualifications system.

Commenting, EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said, “The EIS welcomes the publication of the OECD report, and the announcement by the Cabinet Secretary that the SQA is to be scrapped and replaced by a new body.

“It is essential that any new body is properly configured and is accountable to the profession through a model of governance based on educational, rather than political, considerations and with a teacher voice at its heart.”

On the OECD report, Mr Flanagan said, “The OECD report highlights some of the strengths of the Scottish Education system, not least being Scotland’s place in the top 5 nations in the world regarding global competency, but it also confirms what the EIS has been saying for a number of years, which is that there is a disconnect between the BGE (Broad General Education 3-15) and the Senior Phase (15-18). 

“There is massive assessment overload in the senior phase, which squeezes out the time needed for both depth and breadth of learning – two of CfE’s big ambitions. This overload is also the driver of excessive workload, and that has been exposed clearly during the pandemic.

“The comparatively high level of teacher class contact time was another area highlighted, with the OECD highlighting the need for reduction in class contact time – a key priority for the EIS – if teachers are to be able to collaborate around curriculum and assessment. We welcome that EIS lobbying in this area has already had some impact, with the Scottish Government pledging to deliver an early reduction of 1.5 hours per week in teachers’ class contact time to bring Scotland closer to OECD norms.”

Mr Flanagan continued: “The report also seems to confirm that the Government’s focus on Standardised National Assessments has been a monumental distraction with little impact other than adding to the bureaucracy that bedevils teachers’ working lives.

“The absence of any comment on the pre-5 sector is both disappointing and worrying. CfE runs from 3-18 but we are seeing a continuing reduction in the number of nursery teachers deployed in early years, which is a betrayal of the Scottish Government’s previous commitment to protecting the role of the teacher in pre 5 provision.”

Larry Flanagan Audio Recording

£215 million to target poverty-related attainment gap

Pupils living in Scotland’s most deprived communities will be among those to benefit from £215 million of targeted funding in 2021-22 to help close the poverty-related attainment gap.

The announcement meets the Government’s commitment to pay the first instalment of the expanded £1 billion Attainment Scotland Fund in the first 100 days of Parliament, and is the largest amount awarded for a single year.

The funding will be distributed through five different programmes, nine local councils with the highest concentrations of deprivation in Scotland, known as “Challenge Authorities”, will share £43 million of investment. A further £7 million from the Schools’ Programme will be shared between 73 additional schools with the highest concentration of pupils from areas of deprivation.

Headteachers will receive £147 million of Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) which they will decide how best to invest to support disadvantaged pupils. This includes a top up payment of £20 million, recognising the new and additional challenges schools face as a result of the pandemic.

Local authority work to help improve the attainment of care experienced young people, including through mentoring programmes, will receive up to £12 million. A further £7 million is being invested in a number of a national programmes, including third-sector organisations, to support their targeted work to raise the attainment of young people.  

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Closing the poverty-related attainment gap and ensuring every young person has the chance to fulfil their potential remains central to this Government’s work.

“Our ambition is a long-term one and we know that the challenges presented by the pandemic mean our efforts to deliver equity in education are more vital than ever.  

“This first instalment of the expanded Attainment Scotland Fund, with record funding of more than £215 million, will allow headteachers, schools, councils and other partners to provide targeted help for some of our most disadvantaged pupils.

“We are providing investment across a number of diverse programmes which will benefit looked after children, support pupils in our most deprived areas and empower headteachers to invest their funding on initiatives that are right for the children in their schools.”

COP26 launches environment education packs for UK schools and students

  • UK schools to promote the environment to students ahead of COP26 climate conference in November
  • Prime Minister visits school in Cornwall as part of school education pack launch
  • Education Pack to encourage student climate leaders to come forward as an inspiration to others

Schools across the UK are being encouraged to start a conversation on climate change with their students, ahead of the UK hosting global climate summit COP26 later this year, as the Together for Our Planet Schools Pack launches today (Thursday 10 June).

The pack, which is hosted on the COP26 website and sent to UK schools, is designed to engage students on climate action, encourage conversations about tackling climate change, and help students learn more about the COP26 summit in Glasgow this year. This will include a guide for running a green assembly, along with ideas like a ‘walk to school’ week and resources that have been created by the likes of WWF and TED Talks to support schools.

Ahead of the G7 Leaders’ Summit, the Prime Minister will visit a school in Cornwall today to see how schools and students are already playing their part in protecting the environment and learning about the fight against climate change.

As part of the pack, there will also be content focused on identifying the UK’s future student climate leaders, remarkable young people who are already contributing to climate action in many ways including recycling, eating seasonal foods and walking to school. The actions that schools and pupils are taking across the country will help inspire others to follow their lead.

On the launch of pack, the COP26 President-Designate, Alok Sharma said: “The role of young people in tackling climate change, one of the greatest challenges of our generation, will be crucial.

“I am delighted to see this school pack being launched today which will be made available right across the UK so that pupils can bring discussion and debate on the environment directly to their classrooms.

“It will be exciting to see young people engage on this pressing issue ahead of COP26.”

The Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson said: “When I visit schools around the country, something I’m always struck by is how engaged in environmental issues young people are. Tackling climate change requires action from each of us on an individual and collective basis and this pack helps schools encourage both those things.

“I’m excited to see how schools’ climate leaders bring their passion, creativity and intelligence to help us secure a sustainable future.”

Matt Larsen-Daw, Education Manager, WWF-UK said: “I’m delighted to be involved in the launch of today’s Together For Our Planet Schools Pack and to have been part of its development.

“Young people have the biggest stake in the outcomes of the UN COP in November, and it is vital that they are informed and engaged as this pivotal milestone in the fight against climate change takes place on their doorstep, here in the UK.

“This pack can help educators bring COP and the issues it seeks to address to life for their students and the whole school community.”

Matt Hipperson, Head Teacher, St Luke’s CEVA Primary School said: “The issue of climate change is probably the most important problem of our age. It is destroying opportunities for large areas of our planet to prosper and live sustainably.

“Our most important resource in the struggle against the impact of climate change is our young people who have the bravery to make the changes needed to give the world hope for a sustainable future.

“This resource will help our children access trustworthy information, organise their thoughts and work towards the solutions that our planet is crying out for.”

Education agencies to be reformed

Key national agencies Education Scotland (ES) and the SQA will be reformed as part of ambitious plans for Scotland’s education recovery, Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville has announced.

The Education Secretary said the role, remit and purpose of both organisations will be considered, as well as their functions and governance arrangements. 

Ms Somerville announced the reforms as she outlined wide-ranging plans for education recovery in the first 100 days of government and beyond.

These include:

  • investing over £1 billion to close the poverty related attainment gap
  • recruiting 3,500 additional teachers and classroom assistants
  • ensuring every schoolchild has access to the technology they need to support their education
  • making free school lunches available to all P4 children before extending to all primary school children, all year round
  • expanding free early learning and childcare and developing the provision of wraparound care and after-school clubs
  • increasing the school clothing grant and the Best Start Food grant
  • providing interim support – including a £100 payment near the start of the summer holidays – for eligible children before the formal expansion of the Scottish Child Payment next year
  • offering a £20 million Summer Programme to help restore the wellbeing of children and young people, particularly those worst hit by COVID-19
  • removing charges for core curriculum activities and music and arts education
  • working with colleges and universities to ensure they remain sustainable and at the forefront of global education and research.

Laying out the Scottish Government’s visions and ambitions for education, the Education Secretary said the priority was to continue to deliver excellence and equity, despite the pandemic, with the health and wellbeing of pupils at the forefront of the plans.

This next phase of recovery activity builds on almost £400 million of investment committed in this area to date.

Ms Somerville said: “I hope this programme outlines our determination to deliver improvements with pace and urgency. I am open to considering what further reform is necessary, with the clear purpose of doing all we can to improve outcomes for children.  This includes reducing variability in the outcomes children and young people achieve across the country.

“I want to look at options for reform which ensure that schools get the best possible support and challenge to enable them to improve further and to do the very best for the children in their care; to enable them to focus relentlessly on providing the highest quality of learning and teaching for our children, and to ensure that those working in education outwith schools are fully focused on doing everything they can to provide the highest quality of support.

“I want to signal my intention to start this process by considering how to reform the SQA and Education Scotland. This will be a key priority for me.”

Ms Somerville said the reform plans would be informed by the findings of the OECD review into Curriculum for Excellence, which is due to be published on 21 June.

The EIS has welcomed the review. EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said, “We have for some time been arguing for reform of the SQA and, in particular, the need for a stronger governance model which would see the qualifications authority more accountable to the Education system and the profession, rather than to the Scottish Government or an opaque, Government appointed, Board.

“Our members have often found the SQA to be too remote from classroom practice and a significant generator of additional workload for teachers. Reform of the qualifications body should be matched by changes to the senior phase, which focus on creating time for deeper learning, breadth of study and parity between ‘academic’ and vocational’ qualifications.”

Mr Flanagan added, “With regard to Education Scotland the key issue is to create more independence for this body and move it closer to its role of supporting schools and teachers rather than being under the direction of the Scottish Government.

“Education Scotland should be free to challenge Government rather than being an extension of the civil service. There also needs to be a significant review of the usefulness of the current inspection process in what is meant to be an empowered education system.”

Free school meals for all P4 & 5s

More than 90,000 primary school pupils will be entitled to new free school meal support in term time.

The Scottish Government and local authority partners have reached agreement to introduce universal free school lunches for primary 4 and 5 children and targeted support during school holidays for all eligible primary and secondary children and young people.

The £28 million commitment will deliver free school lunches during term time for P4 children by August 2021 and to P5 children by January 2022

A further £21.75 million will provide targeted free school meal support during school holidays in 2021-22. This will start in July for around 145,000 primary and secondary children and young people from low income households.

Councils will determine what approach in school holidays meets local needs and circumstances, which may include the provision of direct payments, vouchers or food parcels. 

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Free school meals are a vital support to thousands of children and young people across the country – ensuring that children have access to a free, healthy and nutritious meal every day they are in school and are ready to engage in learning. 

“The provision of £49.75 million in new funding to local authorities demonstrates our support for the health and wellbeing of children and young people and our commitment to reduce the impact of poverty on thousands of families across the country.”

Councillor Stephen McCabe of COSLA said: “Councils across Scotland have long been committed to delivering healthy free school meals – to eligible children and young people.

“We are pleased that, in partnership with Scottish Government, this commitment can be further expanded upon by providing free school meals to all Primary 4s in August 2021 and Primary 5s in the later part of the academic year.

“Local authorities will continue to work hard to ensure that children and young people have access to healthy and nourishing meals so that they are fully able to learn, play, and engage with their peers and communities.”

Wave of Thanks

Your chance to thank an inspirational educator or school on Edinburgh’s billboards

People across Edinburgh are being asked to send in messages to thank schools and members of the education community that have supported them during the pandemic. These messages will then be placed on billboards across the city, to show appreciation and raise awareness of everything educators have done to help others. 

Through repeated lockdowns and with remote teaching and social distancing, the teaching community of Edinburgh have gone the extra mile to support their pupils. Whether it’s a teacher who helped a pupil struggling at home, a lunchtime supervisor who kept everyone safe at meal times or a teaching assistant that is an unsung hero – it is hoped the messages will highlight individuals and schools that have made a difference. 

People are invited to send in their messages in any format to show their appreciation, be this a drawing, written message, poem or video.

They can be submitted to appear on the billboards using this nomination form before 6th June, by sending to or by simply posting on social media using the hashtag #WaveOfThanksEdinburgh by Wednesday 23rd June.

The digital billboards will be live from Thursday 10th to Thursday 24th June, located at the Edinburgh Arch and local supermarkets. 

Any schools nominated using the form before 6th June will also be in with the chance of receiving one of 500 wellbeing bundles. These will be packed full of goodies including tea and biscuits (staples of staff rooms around the world), thank you postcards and notepads and pens.

The billboard messages are part of a campaign organised by the educational resource publisher Twinkl, with the charity Mind and school supplier YPO, after they recognised the huge lengths educators have gone to for others throughout the past year. The campaign includes a range of other activities and surprises that celebrate educators for their dedication and give people an opportunity to thank someone close to their heart. 

As part of this, the public sector buying organisation YPO, which supplies materials and contract support to schools across the UK, is sending 100 surprise ‘Thank you’ gifts to teachers and school staff. They will also be running a competition to give communities a chance to name 40 new delivery fleet vehicles after inspirational teachers. 

Leon Smith, Chief Customer Officer at Twinkl, said: “The wellbeing bundles and billboards are a way of showing school staff how valued and appreciated they are. We’d love them to see a heartfelt message of thanks on a billboard on their way to work, giving them a boost after such a challenging year.

“Despite the difficulties they have faced, educators have gone above and beyond to offer the very best teaching, care and support during the pandemic. It’s so important to show them how thankful people are for their ongoing support and commitment to their pupils.”

To find out more, please visit: 

Covid forces closure of Davidsons Mains Primary School

Davidsons Mains Primary School has been closed due to increasing numbers of Covid cases.

In a statement on the school’s website yesterday, Head Teacher Astrid Gracie told parents and carers:

Dear Families,

Thank you for your support over the past 8 days. Unfortunately, we continue to be notified of new positive cases, affecting more classes in the school. I will be in touch with the families of close contacts in the latest classes affected very soon and provide guidance around isolation dates and PCR testing.    

Following further consultation with the Health Protection Team, NHS Lothian & City of Edinburgh Education and Environmental Services we have had to make the difficult decision to return to remote learning for all pupils until the end of this week and close the School and Nursery to all children. 

This is because cases are continuing to spread and further steps, including self-isolation of close contacts and closing the school are considered necessary by the Health Protection Team, to reduce the risks of transmission of the virus.  

We recognise that this will be very challenging for many families and I can assure you that it is not a decision that has been taken lightly.

Remote Learning Provision

Learning tasks and live classes will take place on TEAMS, as happened during the recent lockdown.  Class teachers will post further information on TEAMS.  Nursery staff will provide learning at home tasks via Learning Journals for our Nursery children.  Should you need to borrow a digital device to access the online content please email or call the school and we will make arrangements for you to collect this tomorrow.

Free School Meal Provision

Pupils in P1-7 (who meet free school meals entitlements) will be able to collect their meal from the main gym hall/dining room door (currently P4/5 entrance). If your child is entitled to free school meals and their class have been asked to isolate, we will contact you to arrange delivery.  

Please only attend at the times noted below to allow us to distribute meals safely.  You will receive a refund should your child be in P4-7 and you have paid for their meal:

Primary 1 – 3:  11.45-12.00

Primary 4 -7: 12.15-12.30

Hub provision for Key Workers

The return to remote learning is a response to the number of cases in the community and the number of classes and staff self-isolating.   We are therefore unable to offer key worker provision.

After School Provision

As a result of the return to remote learning  breakfast club and after school provision will not be available this week.

Review of School Closure

We continue to work closely with the Health Protection Team, NHS Lothian, Senior Education Leaders  and Environmental Health Services to closely monitor the spread of the virus. Our next review meeting is on Friday 28TH May.

We are committed to re-opening the school as soon as it is considered safe to do so. I will send updated information after the meeting.

PCR testing

We continue to ask that all close contacts and those displaying COVID symptoms take a PCR test. Walk-in test centres are open at Drumbrae and Ainslie Park. A drive-through centre is at the airport. Test results are received fairly quickly, so if you do not hear back within 36 hours please call the NHS to check if the test has been misplaced. 

The following links may be helpful:

Should you have difficulty getting to a test centre, please email the school at

I would like to thank you for your ongoing support throughout this turbulent year.  Throughout, we have continued to work in partnership and to look out for all in our community. 

I know that if we continue to pull together, to follow FACTS and each play our part in sticking to the guidance, it won’t be long before we can welcome our children back in to the school building.

Best wishes,

Astrid Gracie

Head Teacher