Women: Breaking the Mould at Royston Wardieburn




Breaking the Mould is a new project which aims to record and celebrate inspirational women from North Edinburgh who have made a difference to the lives of others locally, nationally, internationally. The North Edinburgh project is looking to find women from the community who have ‘broken the mould’, and who will be featured in an Edinburgh wide publication.

We are trying to find out and learn more about local women of North Edinburgh, who did/ are doing amazing and remarkable things for their community and who we feel can inspire women and girls today and in the future. To do this we are discussing women from the North Edinburgh area who are or were engaged in a range of social and political campaigns, including women’s involvement in the recent Scottish Independence Referendum. Other areas of women’s activism that will be looked at are throughout the 20th century looking at the 1960s and 70s, the war years and the women’s suffrage movement.

At the moment we are chatting about what we mean by a women having ‘broken the mould’.

The group of women meet every Wednesday from 11 – 1pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. A free crèche is provided for participants’ children. Free Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.

If you would like more information or to join the group please call Lynn McCabe at Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700 or Janette Bond, from the Workers’ Education Association on 225 2580.

Flyer B New Breaking the Mould NorthEd NEW

Talking walking (and cycling) in Inverleith


Walking, cycling and sustainable transport were the themes of Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s annual community conference held at Broughton High School last night.

Active travel, in particular encouraging walking and cycling to school, features high on the list of community priorities in Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s hot-off-the-press local community plan for 2014 – 2107, so the conference theme was well chosen.

Around fifty delegates attended the event which was hosted by Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership convener Councillor Nigel Bagshaw, who spoke enthusiastically of the considerable health and environmental benefits of choosing to walk or cycle rather than take the car.

Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Convener Cllr Lesley Hinds outlined the city council’s current transport systems, ongoing initiatives and future plans before delegates broke into workshop groups to discuss: ‘What are the challenges to making walking and cycling better in Inverleith?‘ and ‘What are potential solutions to improve and increase walking and cycling, including how can we make best use of local greenspace?’

A full conference report will follow, meanwhile here are some images taken during the event:













Inverleith Community Conference: still time to book your place

Inverleith’s annual community conference takes place on Thursday 30 October from 6 – 9pm in Broughton High School. The theme of this year’s event is ‘increasing walking and cycling in Inverleith‘ – and there’s still time to book your place …


Come join us on Thursday 30th October from 6-9pm at Broughton High School to find out about tips, advice and support available to help you get started, to share your thoughts on how we can get people in Inverleith walking and cycling more, and what the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership can do to make this happen!

The evening will include marketplace where organisations and businesses will be on hand to showcase their work and services and offer tips and advice to take up or increase your walking and cycling. Then we will have a chance to share views, discuss issues and consider solutions to increasing physical activity in Inverleith. Teas, coffees and biscuits will be provided.

Email Anne Brown to book your place here

or book quickly and easily here through eventbrite

Email Elaine Lennon for more information.


Youth Parliament Chair encourages candidates to stand for election

 ‘grasp this opportunity to ensure young people are continually at the forefront of shaping our society’ – Louise Cameron, Chair SYP


The Scottish Youth Parliament elections will be held in March next year and the call is now open for young people all over the country to register their interest and stand as candidates to represent young people in their area.

The Scottish Youth Parliament is the democratically elected voice of Scotland’s young people and campaigns on a wide range of issues, and represents young people all over Scotland. It gives young people a national platform to voice their issues, turn them into positive actions, and influence Scotland’s decision makers.

To register interest to represent a local constituency, young people aged 14-25 should complete a Candidate Expression of Interest Form by Friday 31 October. Further information is available atwww.syp.org.uk/elections.

Louise Cameron, Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament, said: “During what is such an exciting time to be involved in the heart of Scottish politics, I am delighted to announce that the call for candidates is now open for the SYP Elections 2015.

“The Scottish Youth Parliament is an entirely youth-led organisation, and Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament represent the views of young people across Scotland and strive to make a real difference by campaigning on the issues that matter the most to young people.

“Being a Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament is a truly life changing experience. I would like to encourage young people from all over the country to consider standing as a candidate and to grasp this opportunity to ensure young people are continually at the forefront of shaping our society.”

Current Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) have produced a promotional video to encourage others to get involved in this opportunity to stand as a candidate and potentially become an MSYP.

The SYP Elections promotional video can be viewed at:


Free environmental workshops this autumn

ELGT banner

Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust (ELGT) are running free workshops over Autumn & Winter:

 Fungi Foray

Sunday 5 October, 10am – 12noon

Colinton Dell, Edinburgh

Bird Watching

Sunday 19 October, 10am – 1pm

Colinton Dell, Edinburgh


Tuesday 21 October, 6pm-8pm

Hermitage of Braid, Edinburgh

Herbal First Aid

Saturday 8 November, 10am-1pm

Hermitage of Braid & Blackford Hill, Edinburgh

Basic Bush Craft – Family Friendly

Saturday 6 December, 10am-12.30pm

Hailes Quarry Woodland Park, Edinburgh 

Woodland Christmas Crafts – Family Friendly

Saturday 13 December, 10am – 1pm

Water of Leith, Edinburgh.

All workshops are FREE – but booking is essential

If you wish to reserve more than one workshop please prioritise your choice and we will place you on reserve for the others.

For further information or to book contact ruth@elgt.org.uk  or telephone  0131 445 4025.

Ruth Wyatt

Community Projects Officer, Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust

NEN back on the streets next month

NENfrontpageNorth Edinburgh’s own community newspaper will be printed again next month. The North Edinburgh News (NEN) will be delivered to thousands of homes across Forth and Inverleith, with copies of the newspaper available in community venues across the area too.

NEN is leading the Contact in the Capital – North pilot project and we plan to print three editions before the first year of the initiative ends next March. The first of these will be published in October.

Deadline for all copy is Friday 26 September

Like to contribute? A community newspaper is by, for and about the community it serves – so be involved!

Stories and Articles

Doing something you’d like to share with the North Edinburgh community? Won something? Achieved something great? Starting something new? Let us know – we welcome contributions from individuals and organisations.


Want to advertise your service or a forthcoming event? Use the NEN – a copy of our advertising rates can be found below.

 Ad Rate Card NEN

Community Directory

NEN’s Community Directory has  always been an important section of the paper, listing schools, groups and organisations’ names, addresses and telephone numbers. It’s probably about time we revised this to include website addresses, Facebook details and Twitter info too – it seems this social media thing is catching on …!

Send us your contact info and we’ll include your details it in our bright new Community Directory – and there’s NO CHARGE for this service!

How to get in touch:

If you have articles for inclusion, would like to place an ad or just want more information, email us at northedinnews@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you, but remember that copy deadline:

Friday 26 September!



PYCP’s Gig Group to stage referendum sketch show

yes no images

Pilton Youth & Children’s Project (PYCP) Gig Group is staging a drama sketch show about democracy and the independence referendum next week. Yes? No? Maybe So!! takes place in The Greenhouse on Tuesday (16 September) at 6.45pm.

Tickets are only 50p, and all proceeds go to a charity of the young people’s choosing – but hurry … places are strictly limited and tickets are selling fast!

An outstandingly brilliant performance from the kids…this show will be a hit and these young stars will surely soon be appearing in West End shows…a must see!! ***** – PY Times

Now with reviews like that, can you afford to miss this show?




Women: ask Elaine anything at North Edinburgh Arts!

Actress and comedian Elaine C Smith will visit North Edinburgh Arts on Saturday at 11.30am to talk to women about the referendum, life, anything!


Elaine is a commited YES supporter of course, so in the interests of balance we should point out that other voting options are available!