Theatre opportunity for young people at North Edinburgh Arts

Red and the Wolf: An exciting theatre opportunity for North Edinburgh’s young people – and it’s free

red and the wolf NEA

Red and the Wolf by Liminal Dance is an immersive theatre performance working with a locally-based community cast of young people aged 8-16 years, in partnership with North Edinburgh Arts. 

  • Explore movement, dance and storytelling
  • Perform with professional artists
  • Create your own unique performance
  • Open to all, no experience necessary
  • @ North Edinburgh Arts
  • Places are FREE

Rehearsals on:

  • Thursday 30 July
  • Saturday 1 August
  • Monday 3 August
  • Tuesday 4 August
  • Wednesday 5 August

Rehearsal times:  10-5pm (except Saturday, 10-1pm)

Performance on Wednesday 5 August, 7pm

To book places and tickets: 0131 315 2151 /

North Edinburgh Arts
15a Pennywell Court
EH4  4TZ

A sporting summer at Spartans

Youth Work Provision at Spartans Community Football Academy over the summer holidays:


Street Football In A Safe Place (SFiSP):

Monday to Friday throughout the holidays from 1 – 5pm

Ages: 7-18

Cost – FREE

Location – The Spartans Community Football Academy, 94 Pilton Drive EH5 2HF, next to Ainslie Park Leisure Centre.

Details – SFiSP offers the opportunity for young people to come and play (for free) in a safe, fun and friendly environment. Our Youth Work Team are on the pitch throughout the afternoon to join in the fun and also to make all participants feel safe.

Our 3G requires that everyone on the pitch must wear football boots while playing, but not to worry if you don’t have any as we have a boot bank for those who don’t have boots but would still like to play -and everyone is welcome to borrow a pair!

FooTEA:  Days

Friday Nights

Ages: 7 to 11yrs (5pm to 7:30pm), 12 to 15yrs (6pm to 8:15pm)

Cost – FREE

Location – The Spartans Community Football Academy, 94 Pilton Drive EH5 2HF, next to Ainslie Park Leisure Centre (although on occasion we do hold this elsewhere but parents/guardians will be given plenty of notice)

Details – FooTEA is one of the main youth provisions we run here at the SCFA. FooTEA runs from 5pm to 8:15pm every Friday night here at the Academy. The young people who attend spend the first hour playing football, and then afterwards we have a hot meal together, before they are allowed to take part in various activities such as Baking, Xbox, Pool, Table Tennis, Arts and Crafts, etc.

Coaching: Bend it like Beesley (BILB)

Monday to Friday 10am to 12pm throughout the school holidays

Ages: 3yrs to 12yrs (split into three groups:3 -4, 5-8 and 9 -12)

Cost – £40 for the whole week or £8 per day.

Location – The Spartans Community Football Academy, 94 Pilton Drive EH5 2HF, next to Ainslie Park Leisure Centre

Details – ‘Bend It Like Beesley’  is our fun packed holiday programme aimed at 3-12 year olds, named after Spartans First  Team star and SCFA Development Officer, Jack Beesley.

The emphasis is on developing young children’s football skills, whilst providing a thoroughly enjoyable week – all under the watchful eye of our highly-qualified Academy coaches.

For more info visit

Jamie Tomkinson, 

Youth and Community Worker, The Spartans Community Football Academy

Twitter: Spartans_CFA

Telephone: 0131-552-7854


Forth’s youth told: think BIG!


Think BIG. Think bold. Be creative. And there’s no such thing as a daft idea! That was the message to participants at an event held at Pilton Youth & Childrens Project last week – and the results of the day’s work will help to guide youth service provision across Forth Neighbourhood. 

Organised by Forth Neighbourhood Partnership and Total Craigroyston, YouthTalk brought together young people from across Forth with community representatives and decision makers to discuss three key issues.

‘Positively Engaging Young People’ is one of Forth Neighbourhood Partnership’s main priorities and Convener Cllr Cammy Day explained to delegates: “We want young people’s views and aspirations to influence decisions that are taken locally and to listen to their suggestions about how things can be improved for them. We want them to have a real say in the future of this community and how it develops over the next ten or more years”.

A background report to aid discussion was prepared prior to the Youth Talk event. During the review young people across Forth were approached in schools, libraries, at youth groups, basically anywhere they assembled – and asked their opinions on the area. North Edinburgh Young Peoples Forum organised and conducted a survey in four local High Schools and the local Street Work team also gathered views: all told around 1400 young people gave their opinions on their local community -what they like, what they hate and what Forth needs to make it better for young people.

Assisted by motivational speaker Mike Stevenson from Thinktastic, Wednesday’s YouthTalk event saw young people and ‘seniors’ working together in small groups to discuss three ‘ideas’:

How do we involve more young people in positive activity?

How do we better promote the positive contribution our young people make in their community?

What should an ideal youth-friendly community look like – and how do we get there?

Once participants got into the swing of things, the conversation – and the ideas – began to flow. Some of the ideas generated – for example a common social media address for local youth groups to share information, and an annual celebration of young people’s achievements – proved very popular and could be acted on almost immediately. Others, however, may take longer – you did ask the young people to think BIG, Mike!

All of the ideas generated – big and small – will be recorded and a report of the YouthTalk event will be circulated in due course. It will make interesting reading!

And finally, thanks so much for the warm words and that round of applause for the NEN – it was really touching and much appreciated!

It’s Power of Food Festival weekend!


It’s here! Edinburgh’s community gardeners take centre stage this weekend as The Power of Food Festival takes place at venues and locations across the city.

PoF Programme

 For further info visit

Exhibition showcases the talents of our local women


North Edinburgh’s Women’s International Group invite you to their new exhibition which celebrates the many achievements of local women in this community.

The exhibition opens on Thursday at 10am in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre; there’s a free creche and lunch is provided too (please book creche place in advance to avoid disappointment).

For further information contact Lynn on 552 5700 or Rachel on 07891 525 663.


Getting together. Making a difference.

Summer Fun at North Edinburgh Arts

Come and help celebrate the start of summer with us on Saturday 20 June (of course it will be sunny!)

All events in or near to North Edinburgh Arts:

Porridge and Play at the new Centipede play area at Muirhouse Drive, meeting at North Edinburgh Arts from 9.30am; for more, see 

Free family performances of Calvinball at 10am and 11.30am in the garden here at North Edinburgh Arts by Ipdip Theatre, particular geared towards those of us under 5 and our families

And the Power of Food Festival open day, see for more

All we need is you!

Calvinball is inspired by the game played by Calvin and Hobbes in their comic strip it’s part Mornington Crescent, part Caucus-race; we’re on a quest to find the rules and the only way to do it is to play and see. The action and materials are chosen to appeal to the youngest of audience members and the open, outdoor setting frees parents from that particular theatre worry – will they sit? Lively, musical, slightly wild, and this time – outdoors!

Ring the box office on 0131 315 2151 or email

to book your free spaces for the 10am or 11.30am show.


Don’t stop believin’!

Congratulations to Craigroyston Primary School choir

cps Glee

Craigroyston Primary School children flew the flag for North Edinburgh at The Assembly Rooms in George Street when they took part in the inaugural Edinburgh Glee Challenge last week.

The Frisson Foundation charity’s vision is to get every primary school child in Scotland singing, and back in 2013 they held their first GLEE event in Fife. Glee has been a real phenomenon and the event proved a huge success. Since then the idea has continued to grow in popularity and last week’s competition was the first event to be staged in the capital.

Craigroyston’s young singers warmed up for the event at the opening of the school’s popular art exhibition at North Edinburgh Arts – where they performed brilliantly without a backing track!

Joining Craigroyston at the event were Bun-Sgoil Taobh Na Pairce, Carrick Knowe Primary School, Clovenstone Primary School and Clermiston Primary School, and after some excellent performances Clermiston were crowned champions.

Congratulations to Clermiston, but well done too to Craigroyston and all the other participants. No doubt they’ll be joined by a few more next year – don’t stop believin’!

For more information on the charity –

‘Eye-opening’ year for local community council

Excellent: West Pilton West Granton CC ticks the five ‘E’ boxes


West Pilton West Granton Community Council (WPWGCC) was praised as being a great example of what a good community organisation should be at their annual general meeting in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre last night.

Eric Dobbie, chair of the recently re-elected Edinburgh Association of Community Councils, said the local community council ticks ‘all the boxes – all the five ‘E’s’: Engagement, Encouragement, Empathy, Environment and Enterprise.

He told the meeting: “We have some good community councils and, frankly, we have some rubbish community councils. We can create better and more effective CCs. What you are doing here is very exciting, and your work is a prime example of how it can be done. I’m really encouraged by how you have gone about this – it’s been quite an eye-opener.”

More than thirty people – including members from neighbouring community councils Trinity, Muirhouse Salvesen and Drylaw Telford – attended the meeting. Guest speaker was Councillor Maureen Childs, who talked about the changing role of community councils in community planning.

Secretary Willie Black told the meeting: “It’s been an eventful year for our community council. We’ve had some criticism but we’ve made quite a difference to the area.”

He went on to detail the active role WPWGCC has played in local initiatives over the last twelve months: bringing community councils together with the North team to stage a regeneration conference was one notable example, and community councillors have been active members of other local groups and organisations. There have been community clean-ups too – local folk have cleared ten tonnes of rubbish in four separate area cleanups!

“This sort of activity is being rolled out across the whole area – it’s a different kind of engagement but local people see the benefits and it gives people some pride”, Willie said. “We are lucky to have a lot of experience on our community council. We have members who work with young people and other members who have vast  experience of community activities. That’s a real plus – we know what is happening on the ground.”

However the year was dominated by a rise in criminality and antisocial behaviour across the neighbourhood – and this escalated to reach a peak which saw the attempted murder of a local takeaway owner. The community council again came to the fore.

“Following that incident our usual monthly meeting was changed to become a public meeting to discuss community safety and for local people to voice their fears and concerns. There’s no doubt the senior police officers present at that meeting felt the anger of local people – the #StrongerNorth initiative was born out of  this and the community council is still playing a leading role there.”

There’s still a lot of work to be done – Willie referred to the ‘Hanging Gardens of Pilton’ – rooftop vegetation on poorly maintained rented properties – and said the community council is working with others to bring landlords together to discuss issues of common concern. Access to Forthview School is another issue for the community council and WPWG also have some exciting plans to improve job prospects for local people – particularly young people – through the establishment of a community factoring service as a social enterprise.

The community council will be taking meetings out to a variety of venues and locations over the next year in a hope that this will generate more interest, and members will also undertake training to make them even more effective at representing their communities.

“The CC has made a marked difference in our area; we have achieved a lot that we can be proud of over the last year. There is momentum and we will build on that”.

Decisions, decisions: Time for truly local councils?

A meeting taking place in Oban this weekend might just change the way communities engage with politics and politicians. Local democracy needs to change – is it time for a People’s Council?

Peoples Council event

A grassroots movement created to transform local democracy is to hold an event in Oban  this weekend. The People’s Council believes that local democracy in Scotland is broken – and it’s up to people and communities themselves to fix it.

The movement has it’s roots in the west of Scotland, where community activists in Argyll & Bute started the ball rolling. Frustrated by the way their local authority operates, campaigners aim to revolutionise decision-making, taking it back to the local communities themselves. They’ve had enough of the council’s ‘we know what’s good for you’ attitude and believe that decisions made about a community are best made by the people who are affected by them – the people who live there. Sound familiar?

Community campaigners were particularly aggrieved over their local authority’s lack of support for a community buy-out of Castle Toward, their council’s failure to challenge budget cuts and the subsequent cuts to services in their communities that inevitably followed.

Activists began chatting online – and an online community, the People’s Council movement, was formed. It soon became clear that people and communities across the country are also concerned about the state of local democracy, and the decision was made to widen the campaign and make the movement Scotland wide.

The group feels that the structure and ethos of councils, and not just their actions and decisions, must be challenged.

It is calling for fundamental reform of local government in Scotland and have called a People’s Council meeting to look at how this can be achieved.

A People’s Council spokesperson said: “This grassroots event in Argyll is set to challenge the nature of local democracy in Scotland. Scotland may be topping the UK charts in terms of voter turnout at the recent election but there’s still a huge local democratic deficit we need to tackle.

“Join us in Oban on 6 June for this one day event full of speakers, workshops, discussion and action to explore local democracy reform from a grassroots level organised by a collective of community activists from across Argyll.

“Speakers include writer and broadcaster Lesley Riddoch, Common Weal’s Robin McAlpine, Paddy Bort of the University of Edinburgh, campaigner Cat Boyd, local MSP Mike Russell and Councillor Vivien Dance, among others.

“The aim of the event is to plan and organise how people can effect change in our local communities and across Scotland. Everyone knows that local democracy in Scotland is broken. The People’s Council wants to try and fix it.”

Broadcaster Lesley Riddoch has thrown her weight behind the campaign and is one of a number of high profile speakers who will address the People’s Council event on Saturday.

She said: “Scotland has Europe’s largest councils by population and physical size. That means distant decision-making, low levels of participation and constant battles between communities and councils.

“Argyll and Bute Council’s shameful failure to transfer Castle Toward to the local community as agreed was one of the lowest points in the history of Scottish local democracy. But now activists from across Argyll are demonstrating real leadership by deciding to get even – not angry.

“These campaigners have kick-started a process to devise a new workable template of truly local government in Scotland involving folk from all over Scotland – the People’s Councils.

“There’s been support for this novel, grassroots idea at every meeting I’ve spoken at during the election campaign from Assynt in the Highlands to Duns in the Borders. Truly local councils are an idea whose time has come – well done Argyll for getting the ball rolling.”

Independent MSP John Finnie, who will also speak at the Oban event, said: “In far too many local authorities decisions reached indicate just how far, both in terms of geography and mind-set, those charged with representing communities are from what really matters.

“That must and will change as the growing debate around the need to ensure meaningful local democracy, which reflects community aspirations, gathers momentum.”

The event takes place at Oban High School on Saturday 6 June from 9.30am to 4.30pm. Tickets are £10/£7 and can be purchased online from Ticket Tailor, or via

A number of free tickets are also available.