PEEP at West Pilton

New PEEP group starts at West Pilton on Monday


PEEP supports parents and children to learn together, and there’s a new weekly group starting in West Pilton next week.

Join the PEEP group at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre on Monday from 9am – activities, singing, rhymes, snacks and much, much more!

See flyer (below) for more info or telephone 551 3194

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University Open Days at Edinburgh College

University advice at Granton Campus tomorrow


Edinburgh College will be hosting a series of university open days to give students, school pupils and members of the public the opportunity to find out which routes to university would be best for them.

Representatives from universities across Scotland will be on hand to provide advice on the courses they have to offer. The Scottish Institute of Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland will also be there to talk about the support they provide for students. There will also be a chance to talk to SAAS about funding options.

The university open days will take place at 11am-2pm at Edinburgh College’s Granton Campus (20 October), Milton Road Campus (21 October) and Sighthill Campus (22 October).


Granton: Tuesday 20 October. 11am-2pm.

University of Edinburgh, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University, University of Stirling, University of Dundee, Glasgow Caledonian University, SAAS, Scottish Institute of Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland.

Milton Road: Wednesday 21 October. 11am-2pm.

University of Edinburgh, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University, SAAS, Scottish Institute for Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland.

Sighthill: Thursday 22 October. 11am-2pm.

University of Edinburgh, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University, University of Stirling, University of Dundee, Glasgow Caledonian, Glasgow School of Art, Robert Gordon University, Abertay Dundee University, University of Aberdeen, SAAS, Scottish Institute for Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland.

Czech mates! Muirhouse welcomes European students

Czech students make Muirhouse Millennium Centre home


Today we welcome our second group of students from the Czech Republic Students to the Centre ((writes James McGinty). Last week’s group stayed all week and included ‘Sunday Learning’ in the large Hall. Both groups planned to visit the Capital of the North – Inverness – with a ‘Nessie Hunt’ trip to Loch Ness!


We would like to thank St Andrews & the Old Kirk for their help in catering to the educational needs of the students by providing ‘learning rooms’ due to the large number of Students, as our Centre continues to be ambassadors for both Edinburgh and Scotland.

Lari Don opens Forthview’s ‘magical’ new library

‘There is nothing like a library to make you smile’: Forthview’s Patron of Reading opens school library


‘I love being an author. The best bit is writing stories and adventures, but I love lots of the other bits of being an author too. I enjoy redrafting and I really love working with editors. I love meeting readers and talking about my books too. But the one bit of being an author that I really don’t enjoy is … getting my photo taken!’

Edinburgh-based author Lari Don called in to Forthview Primary School this morning to officially open the school’s new library. Award-winning writer Lari, who became the West Pilton school’s Patron of Reading in May last year, said the new library offers ‘endless possibilities’.

Before welcoming the Lari and guests, Forthview Head Teacher Eileen Littlewood explained: “One of the first things I wanted to do when I came to Forthview was to re-open the school library, which was being used for other purposes.

“We were able to do this thanks to funding from the Scottish Government’s Raising Attainment for All initiative along with a grant from the Foyle Foundation. Our parents have been so much help in planning and putting the library together, so we have a lot to celebrate today.”

Cutting a ribbon to mark the event, Lari told the children: “I always feel happy when I walk into Forthview, because I always meet kids with amazing imaginations so I’m always smiling.

“But today, I came into the library and I just couldn’t stop grinning. Because there’s nothing like a library to make you smile, to make you feel endless possibilities – and you have got the most beautiful, the most spacious, the most cheerful, the most colourful, the most magical library and I really hope you all enjoy it! And now, I’m so happy to declare the Forthview Library open!”

Official duty performed, Lari went on to host a workshop for Forthview’s young writers. And yes, she had her photo taken too!


“When a child connects to a book – even if it’s a book that we as adults might not care for – it can really change the course of that child’s life.” – Dan Pilkey, author

Adult education classes at Craigroyston: places available

It’s never too late to learn something new!


Craigroyston Community High School Adult Learning

Creative Writing Wednesday 6.30-8.30pm
Woodwork Friday 2-4pm
Yoga Tuesday / Thursday 10-11.30am
Pottery Friday 2-4pm
Genealogy Thursday 2-4pm
Photography Wednesday 2-4pm
Guid for a Laugh (Scottish Humour) Tuesdays 2-4pm
History of Scottish Music Fridays 10am-12 noon
Computing Monday nights / Tuesday mornings

Book now for classes starting this week – ring 477 7801

or pop in to the school

or book at

Edinburgh College student Sarah is ‘tres bon’!

Auld Alliance: Award for Scotland’s top French student


An Edinburgh College student said ‘bonjour‘ to success as she was crowned the country’s best Advanced Higher French student after working her way to top marks in her final exam.

Sarah McArthur scored 190 out of 200 in her final exam, the highest mark in the country. The Franco-Scottish Society has presented her with the Lansdowne Prize, awarded annually to the candidate who achieves the best mark in Advanced Higher French.

Sarah studied for the qualification at the college through open learning while completing her sixth year at Balerno High School, which was unable to run the Advanced Higher course.

Her college lecturer, Caroline Cordier, said: “I am extremely proud of Sarah. I would like to emphasise the difficulty of the Advanced Higher exam. The Advanced Higher courses is a huge jump from Higher and is very challenging academically. Taking an Advanced Higher course is the perfect way to prepare yourself for progressing to university study.

“Her achievement is all the more outstanding considering that she took an open learning course, which requires a great deal of self-motivation. Thanks to resources and feedback available through new tools like Skype tutorials, Sarah was able to make huge progress and have a fulfilling learning experience.”

Sarah, who is now going to the University of St Andrews to study Sustainable Development and hopes to work for charities in the developing world, said: “I was surprised and delighted to discover that I had won the Lansdowne Prize, and I am of course very grateful to the Franco-Scottish Society for presenting me with this award and for the support they give to French language learners.

“I am also very grateful to Edinburgh College for running the course, as otherwise I would have been unable to study Advanced Higher French. I am especially grateful to my lecturer Caroline. She was so flexible and willing to work around my busy timetable as I’m sure I was not the most convenient student.”

Tom Wight, vice-president of Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland, said: “Sarah McArthur’s results in the Advanced Higher Exam are outstanding. She is a worthy recipient of the prize and an inspiration to young language learners throughout Scotland.”

Since studying at the college, Sarah has taken part in an eight-month placement in the Democratic Republic of Congo with Africa Inland Mission where she taught English to English teacher trainees and developed her French-language skills.

Pictured: Lecturer Caroline Cordier, Sarah McArthur, Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland president the Rt Hon Lord Brodie, vice president Tom Wight and honorary treasurer Anne Collette Lequet.

Some places are still available on a range of part-time Higher and Advanced Higher courses at Edinburgh College including a range of languages courses such as French, Spanish, Italian, German and Gaelic.

For more information on available courses, visit

Last chance to get your full-time place at Edinburgh College


Edinburgh College has last-minute places still available on a range of full-time courses across its curriculum until the application deadline this Friday (11th  September). 

Spaces are also available on a part-time, evening and leisure courses aimed at boosting and expanding professional skills or learning a new hobby.

The college’s courses offer routes to employment and further studies in specialities from hair and beauty and dance to childcare, science, construction, events management and engineering.

The college has full-time places across its curriculum:

  • Community-based programmes including Entry to Learning and Preparation for Employment
  • Creative Industries courses including dance, musical theatre, music and computing subjects including HND Computer Games Development
  • Engineering programmes including electrical, manufacture, fabrication and welding, and the college’s BEng Energy and Environmental Engineering, delivered with Edinburgh Napier University
  • Science courses including Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP) courses to prepare students for university study, and NC Higher Applied Science courses to develop practical laboratory skills
  • Health, Wellbeing and Social Sciences courses including early education and childcare, and courses to prepare students for Higher studies
  • Construction HND courses in construction management and architectural technology
  • Hair and Beauty therapy
  • Events management

Students get access to industry-standard resources, from specialist engineering facilities including renewable and sustainable technology to our arts rehearsal and performance spaces and theatres, and our hair and beauty salons.

The college’s Creative Industries Department is also holding a clearing day to provide more information on courses available for application. This will take place on Sighthill Campus (for Broadcast Media & Photography, Computing, Music & Sound Production) and Granton Campus (for Performing Arts and Art & Design) on Thursday 10 September, 1.30-6pm.

Part-time, evening and leisure courses are also available across the curriculum, including: languages; National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher; Engineering, including occupational health and safety; Business and finance including accounting, marketing, management and admin; creative courses in photography, art portfolio and computing; courses in hygiene and food standards; counselling and social care and medical and pharmacy courses.

For more information on the full-time courses with spaces, visit

For part-time courses, visit

Stories with taste: Green Pencil writing competition launched


Tasty treats were on the menu at the launch of this year’s popular Green Pencil Award writing competition yesterday, when Carrick Knowe Primary School pupils were joined by leading children’s author Vivian French for a food-themed story workshop.

This year’s Green Pencil theme is ‘Food for thought: Scotland’s food and drink’. Entrants can write a poem or story about a favourite meal, or a memorable Scottish picnic, a drink they love or hate, or perhaps even invent a new Scottish food!

Or they could think about the journey of a vegetable from being planted as a seed to ending up as part of a delicious, nutritious meal.

Budding writers can get inspiration by visiting local  libraries, which have lots of ideas and books to help, and also by asking in schools, which have resources available to support this award.

All entries can be made by following this link and should be no longer than one side of A4 – entries longer than that cannot be considered.

The closing date is Friday 9 October, with an awards ceremony at the Central Library in late November.

Councillor Richard Lewis, Culture and Sport Convener, said: “The Council has been running this competition for eight years and it grows in popularity each time. We have so many budding writers with fabulous imaginations in our schools, and reading the entries is always a joy for our library staff.

“Reading skills are such vital aspects to learning, but also a really fun way of doing so. Thanks so much to Vivian for bringing it to life so vividly for these lucky pupils. Good luck to everyone who enters.”

Ms French said: “I love the Green Pencil Award, because it encourages children to look at the world around them, and to think about things they might otherwise take for granted.

“It inspires curiosity, consideration, and critical judgement … essential ingredients for everyone – especially writers!”

The Prentice Centre’s guid fur a laugh!

With two free fun courses starting in October, The Prentice Centre in Granton Mains is the place to be for fans of Scottish culture this autumn …

francie and josie

‘Guid fer a Laugh’ takes a seriously funny look at Scottish comedy over the years. The course starts on Tuesday 6 October from 6 -8pm and runs for ten weeks (and maybe more if there are calls for an encore!)


slab boys

A bit more highbrow (but only a wee bit!) is ‘An Introduction to the History of Scottish Theatre’. This free ten-week course starts on Monday 5 October from 1.30 – 3.30pm and includes theatre visits.


Both courses are free. To book your place or for further information call The Prentice Centre on 552 0485.

A pure cornucopia of Scottish culture, so it is!