Young homeless in Edinburgh to benefit from conflict resolution workshops

Cyrenians will continue to transform the lives of the homeless in Edinburgh and Lothians with the help of £7,500 from Aberdeen Standard Investments Charitable Foundation to offer conflict resolution workshops to 100 more young people. Continue reading Young homeless in Edinburgh to benefit from conflict resolution workshops

Housing First: Scottish Government commits £6.5m to tackle homelessness

Vulnerable people with complex needs who need help to get into settled accommodation are to be supported by funding of up to £6.5 million, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced. Continue reading Housing First: Scottish Government commits £6.5m to tackle homelessness

Social Bite to hold Wee Sleep Out for younger people

Wee Sleep Out is calling on all teachers, youth leaders, parents and guardians to challenge young people between 8 and 16 years old to get out of their beds, and their comfort zones by organising their very own Wee Sleep Outs on 9 November, as part of Scotland’s Year of Young People 2018. Continue reading Social Bite to hold Wee Sleep Out for younger people

Homelessness Service hub earmarked for former school site

Recommendations to house a new Inclusive Homelessness Service on the site of the former Panmure St Ann’s school in the Cowgate have been approved by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB). Continue reading Homelessness Service hub earmarked for former school site

Cyrenians consortium to head up Housing First Edinburgh

Cyrenians has been announced as the lead organisation for a new fund aimed at tackling homelessness in Edinburgh. The Edinburgh based homelessness charity, who are currently marking their 50th year, are delighted to be selected as the lead organisation in the ambitious Housing First Edinburgh programme. Continue reading Cyrenians consortium to head up Housing First Edinburgh

Government backs action plan to end rough sleeping

New recommendations to ensure the commitment to eradicate rough sleeping is met have been set out by the Scottish Government’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group. The recommendations have all been accepted in principle by the Scottish Government, and build on the group’s earlier advice to tackle rough sleeping over the winter period.

The measures include a national system of rapid rehousing, involving integrated support from frontline outreach services and local authorities. This will include moving to a ‘Housing First’ model for those with most complex needs – where people move straight into a permanent, settled home rather than temporary accommodation.

In December, £328,000 was invested to support additional capacity for night shelters and extra staff to help get more people into accommodation over winter. The Scottish Government will now provide a further £150,000 to continue to provide some services to the summer, while the latest recommendations are taken forward.

Housing Minister Kevin Stewart said: “As we come out of a particularly bad winter period, the action group’s work so far has been vital in ensuring front-line staff are supported  and that people are helped to move into safe and warm places to stay. Additional funding will allow the work that has taken place in our main cities to continue while we take the group’s hard work forward.   

“I was extremely impressed by the fast and effective work of organisations supporting those sleeping rough during last week’s unprecedented and extreme winter weather and want to thank everyone involved for the work and commitment they have shown. It is now important that we build on this good work and these latest recommendations provide a blueprint to do that and reach our national priority to eradicate rough sleeping for good.

“The group’s recommendations focus on improving advice and support for those sleeping rough, and ensuring that housing, funding and services are directed at those who need them most.

“They will play a vital role in meeting our commitment to end homelessness and transform temporary accommodation, backed by our £50 million fund – which is why we have accepted them all in principle, and will now work closely with partners to implement.”

Action group chair and chief executive of Crisis UK, Jon Sparkes said: “Nobody in Scotland should have to endure the danger and indignity of sleeping rough, and these recommendations show what is needed to prevent people from being forced to live on the streets.

These include providing immediate access to permanent housing for people who are sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness, such as people leaving a state institution, such as care or prison, and giving frontline staff the power to make informed decisions based on the needs of each individual.

“The members of the action group have gone above and beyond to dedicate themselves to bringing forward the right recommendations that will have the biggest impact on the way people sleeping rough can access and receive services. The group members have engaged colleagues across the sector, reviewed  international evidence on what works, and listened to people from across the country who have experience of homelessness.

“We can end rough sleeping in Scotland. Other countries and cities around the world have done it, so we know it’s possible. With the right political will and momentum, we can make this a reality in Scotland too.”

The full recommendations of the group are available online.

Housing First, says Holyrood Committee

Scotland should make a number of improvements in its approach to tackling homelessness and rough sleeping, including the implementation of a ‘Scottish style Housing First’ that would give people a safe and permanent home. Continue reading Housing First, says Holyrood Committee