A targeted emergency response, on a par with action taken during the pandemic, is needed to address the energy bills crisis, says Holyrood’s Net Zero, Energy & Transport Committee in a report published today.
The report, which lays out the Committee’s findings following an inquiry into rising energy prices, says the Scottish and UK Governments must provide more immediate, carefully targeted support to those struggling with increasing fuel bills.
The report highlights three areas where the Committee believe immediate action and targeted support for the most vulnerable could be improved. These include additional financial help for households, better energy education and advice services and acceleration of programmes to retrofit and insulate homes.
It also says that medium and long-term plans and strategies must accelerate to reduce future exposure to volatile energy prices and help meet net zero targets.
Dean Lockhart MSP, Convener of the Committee, said: “This is a crisis unfolding in real time and one which we are told threatens ‘a catastrophic loss of life’ if swift action is not taken.
“We recognise some of the actions taken by the UK and Scottish Governments even over the short period of our inquiry, but more can and must be done now and in a more targeted way to get help to those most in need.
“Over the medium to longer term, it is also clear that we need to escape dependence on volatile international energy markets and accelerate all our efforts to enable this.
“For now, our message is clear: the Scottish Government must demonstrate a targeted emergency response to this crisis, on a par with action taken during the pandemic, to ensure the least well off are not vulnerable to death or serious ill-health due to rising energy costs and associated cost of living expenses.”
In the report, the Committee agrees with the Scottish Government on the need to take action through available welfare provisions but asks them to set out how social security and other assistance will be targeted specifically at lower-paid families with young children, those with disabilities and health conditions, older people, and those identified as experiencing or at risk of experiencing fuel poverty.
The report says that a national publicity campaign – akin to those used during the pandemic – and increased support and funding for those providing advice and advocacy at a local level is needed, so that everyone in Scotland looking for help can find it.
The Committee also recommends that plans for a programme of home heating and insulation, towards which the Scottish Government has committed an investment of £1.8bn, be accelerated and targeted at those most in need.
The Committee is writing separately to the Minister of State for the UK Government, Greg Hands MP, calling for similar urgent action in relation to matters for which he is responsible.
The big issues facing people in Scotland will feature at the Festival of Politics, with the programme for the event being unveiled today.
Taking place over three days from Thursday 11 until Saturday 13 August, the Festival features a number of online and in-person events taking place in the iconic surroundings of the Scottish Parliament.
Themes such as end of life choices, the state of the UK union, cost of living crisis, our climate, migration and equality will all feature. Alongside distinguished panel guests drawn from all walks of life across Scotland and beyond, sessions will allow festivalgoers to share their own experiences and ask questions.
The Debating Chamber will also see well-known figures address the audience in a series of ‘in conversation’ style events. On Thursday, philosopher Professor A.C. Grayling will talk about the three most urgent challenges facing the world today: climate change, technology and justice. On Friday, well-known footballer John Barnes will talk about his experiences of racism and what needs to be done to tackle this in modern society.
This year the Festival will also feature a rehearsed reading of Holding / Holding On from the National Theatre of Scotland scripted by Nicola McCartney in collaboration with care-experienced people and those within the care system. A powerful reading that has, at its heart, the intersection where care, class and poverty meet.
The Rt Hon Alison Johnstone MSP, Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, said: “This programme that has been unveiled today captures the topics of conversations that are happening all over Scotland with family and friends around kitchen tables, on social media, in newspapers and on television.
“We wanted to bring together those issues that are important to people and allow them to hear different perspectives drawn from people across civic society about how we can make a difference.
“I really do hope that there is something for everyone in this programme and I’m delighted to be welcoming people back into the Parliament for this event.”
TheCOVID-19 Recovery Committeeis to analyse the impact of the pandemic on the Scottish labour market, including how long Covid, long-term sickness and early retirement is affecting the number of those in work.
As the country starts the process of recovery from the pandemic, a key issue that has emerged is a persistently high number of people no longer part of the workforce, termed ‘economically inactive’.
A blog by the Fraser of Allander Institute concluded in April 2022 that: “More worrying for the outlook for the Scottish labour market is the fact that we now have over 20,000 more people economically inactive because of long-term sickness than we had pre-pandemic.”
The Committee will investigate the reasons behind these high numbers, including the emergence of above average numbers of long-term sick.
They want to understand if this is this due to pre-existing conditions, or new conditions, such as long COVID, or other factors, such as stress brought on by pandemic experiences. The Committee will also look at whether early retirement is one of the drivers behind this change in the labour market.
COVID-19 Recovery Committee Convener Siobhian Brown MSP said: “Unlike previous economic shocks, where the labour force numbers recovered much more quickly, we are seeing concerning persistent numbers of long term economically inactive people.
“We want to find out why this has happened and what needs to be done to encourage these people back into the work place.
“We are keen to learn more about the labour market impact of the pandemic on people with pre-existing health conditions, what influenced people to take early retirement and whether specific groups of society or areas of the country have been impacted more than others.
“There is no doubt that the reasons behind this will be complex but in order to address this issue we must first understand why people are no longer working.”
A modern parliament that is committed to embracing technology and change to become more accessible and inclusive for the people it serves. That is the vision for the Scottish Parliament in a new report published yesterday by Holyrood’s Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.
The report makes it clear that the hybrid parliament, where Members and committee witnesses can take part virtually, should be here to stay. But this must be supported by on-going investment in technology and infrastructure.
The report follows an inquiry by the Committee which looked at ways in which scrutiny and debate can be conducted in hybrid format as well as exploring wider changes to procedures to improve scrutiny.
Measures in the report include a recommendation to introduce proxy voting for those on parental leave or ill.
Speaking as the report published, Committee Convener Martin Whitfield MSP said: “Parliament cannot stand still. During the pandemic we saw a huge amount of change across the country.
“Working from home, zoom video calls and remote learning became the norm for many of us, including Parliament. It is important we continue to evolve and take advantage of the technology around us.
“But these changes need to be about more than just technology. Our practices and procedures should be fit for the Scotland of today and ready for the Scotland of tomorrow. We must challenge ourselves to innovate and introduce new measures and be willing to look closely at how we work
“Our report recommends the introduction of a proxy voting pilot scheme for MSPs. This will ensure your MSP can still represent you even when circumstances rightly mean they cannot cast their vote.”
Deputy Convener Bob Doris MSP said: “This Parliament was founded on principles of accountability, equality and accessibility and we heard throughout our inquiry about the benefits of having a hybrid system which allows a broader range of people to engage with their Parliament, including those who may have been previously excluded.
“We cannot shy away from embracing change which makes us a more accessible and reflective Parliament of the people of Scotland. However, we must also ensure that the Parliament itself remains a place to come together, share ideas and debate the issues of the day.
“This is why our report makes clear that we must continue to invest to in technology that supports the Members in their work.”
How will the rising cost of living affect the Scottish Budget in 2023-24? Will the Scottish Government’s proposals for reforming the public service deliver the efficiencies expected?
The committee is seeking views from organisations and the public to inform its pre-budget scrutiny work, prior to the Scottish Government publishing its 2023/24 budget later this year.
Committee Convener Kenneth Gibson MSP said: “The next Scottish Budget will be challenging as the current cost-of-living crisis impacts on Scotland.
The Committee is therefore keen to hear from organisations and individuals how the Scottish Government’s Budget in 2023-24 should respond to this crisis.
“We also want to hear views on how the government’s proposed reform of the public service will support its future spending plans.”
Mr Gibson concluded: “Using the government’s resource spending review announced in May, we will focus our pre-budget scrutiny on the proposals for reforming the public service, the impact of the cost of living crisis on the Scottish Budget, and how spending priorities might affect the delivery of national outcomes.”
‘Freedom of speech and the views of elected lawmakers will be given greater weight in law’ under a Bill of Rights introduced to the Westminster Parliament yesterday. The Bill has been condemned by the Scottish Government, who say the proposals are ‘shocking and unnecessary’.
Freedom of speech to be given greater weight in law
New permission stage in court to prevent trivial legal claims wasting taxpayers’ money
Allows future laws to make it harder for foreign criminals to frustrate deportation process
The Bill will ensure courts cannot interpret laws in ways that were never intended by Parliament and will empower people to express their views freely.
At the same time, it will help prevent trivial human rights claims from wasting judges’ time and taxpayer money. A permission stage in court will be introduced requiring people to show they have suffered a significant disadvantage before their claim can go ahead.
The Bill will also reinforce in law the principle that responsibilities to society are as important as personal rights. It will do this by ensuring courts consider a claimant’s relevant conduct, like a prisoner’s violent or criminal behaviour, when awarding damages.
The Bill will make clear that the UK Supreme Court is the ultimate judicial decision-maker on human rights issues and that the case law of the European Court of Human Rights does not always need to be followed by UK courts.
Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Dominic Raab said: “The Bill of Rights will strengthen our UK tradition of freedom whilst injecting a healthy dose of common sense into the system.
“These reforms will reinforce freedom of speech, enable us to deport more foreign offenders and better protect the public from dangerous criminals.”
The Bill of Rights will make it easier to deport foreign criminals by allowing future laws to restrict the circumstances in which their right to family life would trump public safety and the need to remove them.
It will mean that under future immigration laws, to evade removal a foreign criminal would have to prove that a child or dependent would come to overwhelming, unavoidable harm if they were deported.
As a result, any new laws will curb the abuse of the system that has seen those convicted of hurting their own partners and children evade removal by claiming it would breach their right to family life in the UK.
The Bill of Rights will also:
Boost freedom of the press and freedom of expression by introducing a stronger test for courts to consider before they can order journalists to disclose their sources.
Prevent courts from placing new costly obligations on public authorities to actively protect someone’s human rights and limit the circumstances in which current obligations apply, for example, police forces having to notify gang members of threats towards them from other gangs.
Insulate the Government’s plans to increase the use of prison Separation Centres against legal challenge from extremist offenders claiming ‘a right to socialise’.
Recognise that trial by jury is a fundamental component of fair trials in the UK.
Prevent human rights from being used as a way to bring claims on overseas military operations once alternative options are provided by upcoming legislation.
Confirm that interim measures from the European Court of Human Rights under Rule 39, such as the one issued last week which prevented the removal flight to Rwanda, are not binding on UK courts.
This will be achieved while retaining the UK’s fundamental commitment to the European Convention on Human Rights.
Call for Scottish Parliament to be consulted
Proposals to repeal the Human Rights Act are a “shocking and unnecessary” attempt to remove safeguards afforded to every member of society, Equalities Minister Christina McKelvie has said.
Putting on record the Scottish Government’s unequivocal opposition to the UK Government’s Bill of Rights, published today, Ms McKelvie stressed that the Scottish Parliament would have to agree to any changes affecting the devolution settlement.
Ms McKelvie said: “This shocking and unnecessary legislation seeks to put UK Ministers above some of the most fundamental checks and balances that underpin our democracy.
“The fact remains that we do not need a new Bill of Rights. The Human Rights Act is one of the most important laws passed by the UK Parliament. For more than 20 years it has delivered fairness and justice – protecting our rights to privacy and liberty, freedom of expression and peaceful protest. It has prevented discrimination, inhumanity and the abuse of power.
“The UK Government’s Rwanda policy has been challenged in the European Court of Human Rights. This legislation appears to be part of its response – an attempt to remove safeguards protecting every member of our society.
“As a founding signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights, the UK Government should be championing international human rights standards and the rule of law. Instead its Ministers appear intent on damaging the UK’s global reputation.
“I would urge them to stop this act of vandalism which will have an impact on public bodies that must adhere to it. The UK Government must also remain fully committed to the European Convention on Human Rights and to membership of the Council of Europe.
“The Human Rights Act is built into the heart of the devolution settlement, and any legislation that breaches the Act has no force in law. Let me make clear that it would therefore be wholly unacceptable to make changes affecting Scotland without the explicit agreement of the Scottish Parliament.
“I am proud that the Scottish Government is treading a different path, showing human rights leadership by protecting and enhancing our rights and freedoms, with plans for future Scottish legislation to extend devolved human rights safeguards even further.”
Scotland has become the first of the home nations to pardon former miners convicted of certain offences related to strike action in the 1980s.
The historic legislation passed by MSPs ensures a collective and automatic pardon for miners involved in strike action which extends to members of a miner’s household and other close family members who may also have been convicted.
The legislation was recommended by an independent review, led by John Scott QC, into the impact of policing on Scottish communities during the industrial dispute.
Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans Keith Brown described the legislation as ‘ground-breaking’ and said the UK Government should now give consideration to a UK-wide public inquiry into the strike and compensating former miners.
He said: “The miners’ strike was one of the most bitter and divisive industrial disputes in living memory. This landmark moment will go some way to aid reconciliation – and to help heal wounds within Scotland’s mining communities.
“This ground-breaking legislation will restore dignity to those convicted, provide comfort to their families and, I hope, bring some closure to the sense of injustice members of mining communities may continue to feel.
“I very much sympathise with miners who lost out on redundancy payments and pension rights as a result of being sacked by the National Coal Board after being arrested or convicted for actions while participating in the strike.
“By securing this pardon, we have done what we can within our powers to restore dignity to individuals who meet the qualifying criteria and their families.
“It is now right that the UK Government recognises the passing of this historic legislation and gives further consideration to a UK-wide public inquiry and the payment of compensation to former miners. I have written to the Home Secretary this week urging her to reconsider her position given the strong support for this landmark Bill.”
Professor Jim Murdoch of the School of Law at Glasgow University who worked with Mr Scott QC on the independent review said: “As members of the independent review, our task was primarily to listen: to show that those affected by the miners’ strike had a voice more than a third of a century later.
“At each of the meetings we held, it was clear that the pain felt by former miners and their families was still raw.
“The response to the miners’ strike at the time left a deep scar on too many communities. Their stories showed without doubt that the criminal justice system all too often reacted in an arbitrary and disproportionate manner.
“Our task was to seek to promote a sense of reconciliation, and we are pleased that our report and its recommendation have received clear support today in the Scottish Parliament.”
Nicky Wilson, President of the National Union of Mineworkers (Scotland), said: “The NUM welcomes the passing of the Miners’ Pardon Bill. It removes the stigma of a criminal record given to miners who were striking to save their industry, jobs and communities which led to their convictions and sacking in some cases.”
Please respond to the Scottish Government Consultation on buffer zones.
Sending a response only takes 10 minutes.
The DEADLINE to respond is 10th August 2022 Gillian Mackay MSP has launched a Private Member’s Bill for Safe Access Zones, or buffer zones, outside abortion facilities across Scotland.
This is a really important step in the move for buffer zones. You can access the consultation here www.bufferzones.scot Y
The challenge of reaching net zero in Scotland’s communities is to be explored in a series of visits by a Scottish Parliament committee.
Holyrood’s Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee is looking at the role of local government and its partners in making a real and lasting impact on the environment. Now the Committee want to see this work in action by visiting projects across Scotland.
The Committee will begin the series of visits by going to Stirling, Orkney and Aberdeen where they will explore how the private sector, third sector, social enterprises and local communities are working with local government to meet net zero targets.
Speaking ahead of the visits, Committee Convener, Dean Lockhart MSP, said: “So many of the key areas in helping Scotland reach its net zero targets sit with local government. Issues such as travel, housing, recycling and the circular economy have a huge impact on Scotland’s environment.
“But we know that local government can’t make this change alone. That is why we want to see how councils across Scotland are working with their communities and building relationships with business and the voluntary sector to embed these changes and make a difference to climate change.
“Our visits will allow us to see first-hand the positive work happening across this country as well as finding out what more needs to be done to make the net zero targets a reality.”
The Committee will be visiting Stirling tomorrow (23 May), Aberdeen on 30 May and Orkney on 6 June.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon welcomed Michelle O’Neill MLA to Bute House today (Friday 20 May).
The meeting, which was arranged at the request of Michelle O’Neill, provided an opportunity to discuss shared areas of interest including the current cost of living crisis, the importance of the Northern Ireland Protocol negotiated with the EU and the prospects for the formation of a new Northern Ireland Executive.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Today’s meeting was an excellent opportunity to discuss some of the shared challenges Scotland and Northern Ireland face and I thank Michelle for reaching out and enabling us to discuss these extremely important issues in person.
“It was a particularly timely conversation which provided an update on the ongoing developments around establishing the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive following elections earlier this month.
“We also discussed the Northern Ireland protocol – most notably the extremely concerning announcement by the UK Government that they intend to legislate to enable unilateral action to dis-apply parts of the protocol – and the incredibly damaging effects this would have in communities right across the UK.
“In a cost of living crisis and teetering on the edge of recession, pitching us into a trade dispute with the EU could be what tips us over.
“Intergovernmental relations are essential when it comes to tackling shared challenges and it is clear that much more needs to be done by the UK Government to ensure a rapid and effective response to the devastating cost of living crisis facing households across these islands. No one should ever have to make a choice between heating and eating.
“Today’s meeting was a further example of the close relationship between Scotland and Northern Ireland. In that spirit, I have written today to the leaders of the DUP and Alliance parties with an offer to meet to discuss these important matters.”
The First Minister today wrote to the other main political parties in Northern Ireland to make them aware of the meeting and offer a similar engagement, should they wish it.