Be part of a conversation with some of the candidates standing for election in Edinburgh
Edinburgh’s Third Sector Interface (EVOC, Volunteer Edinburgh, Edinburgh Social Enterprise) and the Poverty Alliance invite you to be part of an conversation with some of the candidates standing for election on Thu 5 May.
The main focus of this event is the challenges arising from cost-of-living increases that are impacting people and communities across the City linked to:
the importance of a thriving voluntary sector
the benefits of an enterprising City
the need for wealth building within communities
Welcome & Introduction: Bridie Ashrowan, Claire Pattullo, Paul Wilson.
Panel Q&A:
Claire Miller, Edinburgh Greens candidate for City Centre
Vicky Nicolson, SNP candidate for Inverleith
Ross McKenzie, Labour candidate for Sighthill / Gorgie
Neil Ross, Liberal Democrats candidate for Morningside
Representatives from each of the political parties have been invited.
Please submit any questions you have in advance, or if you are unable to attend the event to:
The link will be sent out to everyone who has registered by 1pm on the day.
Data shows scale of crucial voluntary sector impact in Lothian and beyond
Figures collated by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) using data from OSCR, Volunteer Scotland, the TSI Network Scotland, and the Social Enterprise in Scotland Census have highlighted the crucial role of charities, social enterprises, and community groups in Scotland.
The data reveals that across Lothian alone there are currently 3,729 registered charities, generating a combined annual income of £4,342,612,905, and 1,125 social enterprises operating across the TSI area.
Along with employing 64,190 paid staff, an amazing 234,336 people from across the area also support organisations by volunteering their time and skills to help people, communities and groups, making an invaluable contribution to their local community in the process.
Nationally, Scotland enjoys the benefits of over 40,000 voluntary sector organisations, employing over 100,000 paid staff – a similar number to the Scottish digital and technology sector.
The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and TSI Scotland Network believe that sharing this data will further highlight the indispensable contribution of the voluntary sector, particularly over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, during which charities and voluntary organisations, both local and national, have played a vital role across Scotland.
Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive for the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) said: “We know that the voluntary sector is a major player in Scotland in terms of economic impact and employment.
“Our recent #NeverMoreNeeded campaign highlighted how crucial the sector has been during the pandemic across the country, and continues to be essential in recovery.
“These findings highlight not only how vital charities, social enterprises and community groups are in Lothian, but also the level of local support provided to these organisations through volunteering, which is really encouraging.”
A spokesperson for Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council (EVOC) said: “Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector is a key asset in our communities, even more so over the last two years, but it is one which is often underestimated and overlooked.
“We hope that this data, which shows the size and scale of the sector, can emphasise just how vital the sector is and how much it supports us all, both locally and nationally.”
Foysol Choudhury, MSP for Lothian, said: “I welcome the figures produced by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), particularly those that highlight the invaluable contribution that charities and voluntary organisations make in Lothian.
“The voluntary sector has been crucial throughout this pandemic, both in the local area and nationwide, and it’s important that we not just recognise that incredible contribution, but also explore how the Scottish Parliament can work better with the sector to maximise these efforts.”
EVOC is delighted to announce that more than 120 community and voluntary organisations are to benefit from grants totalling £1.32 million from the Scottish Government’s Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund in Edinburgh.
This investment will support a wide range of projects and enable people across the City to access additional mental health and wellbeing support in their communities. Programmes being funded include activity-based canal boat trips; befriending services; art therapy sessions; community garden growing workshops; 1 to 1 mentoring with childcare; outdoor programmes for families; local pantries and counselling.
A full list of groups and organisations awarded grants is available here.
As a partner in Edinburgh’s Third Sector Interface we have taken the lead in developing a new community commissioning-based funding approach that invests the Scottish Government funding in projects that support the needs of different communities.
The process has taken both a geographical and thematic approach and focused on making sure people get the support they need, when they need it, where they need it.
Ian Brooke, EVOC’s Deputy Chief Executive said: “‘It is fantastic to see this investment going out to grass-roots organisations across Edinburgh and to know this is the result of shared decisions based on evidence of real need in the City’s communities.
“Our ambition to roll out a community commissioning-based approach for this fund, in less than six months, has relied on the hard work, commitment and energy of everyone involved.
“We believe this is the first process of its kind to be delivered in Scotland, if not the UK and have commissioned a research team to make sure that lessons learned and further improvements are made from this experience which can then be used to develop and refine future cross-sector funding models.”
Fresh Startis one of more than a hundred and twenty organisations and partnerships that have received a grant in this the second phase of the Fund – fourteen grants of under £2,500 were awarded earlier this month.
They have been awarded £10,673 to deliver a project that reduces the anxiety and stress that parents and care givers encounter trying to keep food on the table.
Fresh Start will run a variety of food related projects including family Fridays, provide Dish of Day cook bags, deliver community meals and provide additional support to families to tackle holiday hunger.
It is envisaged that they will support over 100 families in North Edinburgh.
Biddy Kelly, Managing Director, Fresh Start said: “We are delighted to have been successful in our application to the Scottish Government Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund and are looking forward to getting the services to people at a time when they are most in need.
“I am also delighted that our collective Respond and Recovery Group in North Edinburgh could co-ordinate our applications to ensure maximum impact and reduce duplication, and that we saw a significant amount of essential work being not only funded but recognised by this process of funding in a new way.’
A partnership between Leith Community Growers and Leith Growing has been awarded £17,341.72 to explore views about local community garden development, develop community garden spaces across the North East of Edinburgh and deliver a programme of workshops on gardening, growing, connecting with nature and outdoor play.
Patrick Dunne, Leith Community Growers said: “‘Leith Community Growers aims to support and develop growing and green space initiatives in Leith.
“This funding allows us to run sessions about gardening with local organisations and our own community to the benefit of their wellbeing and mental health, and also supports us to encourage local community members to develop their local spaces in whatever way they can.
“It’s been interesting to be a part of this new model of funding process. While challenging at times it has encouraged us to reach out and collaborate with groups and spaces that are new to us and we are very happy that those new relationships will grow and be of benefit in our community in the next 12 months.
“We are looking forward to growing alongside the people of Leith this year.”
EVOC has worked alongside key partners in the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, Edinburgh’s Thrive Collaborative, Volunteer Edinburgh and others from the voluntary sector to develop a process that prioritises what works at a grass-roots level and what the people and communities of Edinburgh really value.
These efforts will continue and build on the City’s partnership working, developing new ways in which people and local organisations can be supported.
In addition, the work being carried out toward the development of an Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact offers opportunities for organisations to get involved throughout the next year.
Judith Proctor, Chief Officer, Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, said: “The pandemic has seen rises in health inequalities, mental health challenges, and growth in social isolation.
“Whilst this is a national picture, in Edinburgh we are committed to finding ways to reach people and ensure they have access to the right kind of support at the right time. Everyone’s different.
“Via this funding, we’ve not only been able to accelerate work in this area, but through the engagement led by EVOC and our Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact, we’ve been able to reach a wide range of communities and reach those with lived experiences who are not always heard.
“Without doubt, we are very encouraged by what’s been achieved and are committed to building on this as we move forward.
“We’re incredibly thankful to all who have engaged and taken part in this process, particularly to our partners at EVOC for their hard work throughout.”
A full list of groups and organisations awarded grants from the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for the City of Edinburgh can be found here.
The Scottish Government announced the £15 million-pound Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund in October last year and announced additional investment for this fund on 25 February.
An overview of the community commissioning process devised and delivered for the Edinburgh funding by EVOC and other key partners can be found here.
EVOC & EHSCP invite you to a shared learning and networking event focused on building partnerships and networks in Edinburgh’s NW Locality.
Hosted by EVOC and the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership, this is one of four locality-based events focusing on how we can develop relationships and referral networks to improve support for clients – particularly those who might benefit by engaging with local organisations to explore preventative and early intervention ‘Conversation 1’ type activities.
Dr Linda Irvine-Fitzpatrick, EVOC’s Bridie Ashrowan andthe NW Locality Manager will discuss the interconnections and learning from the Three Conversations Model, The Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact and work within communities.
Here’s some of that wonderful feedback we received last year:
“So much out there – great to come up to date with the resources and look at the potential supports.”
Wednesday 17 November, 9.30am to 1pm (online event)
We’re delighted to present 3 great keynote speakers at our 2021 Conference + AGM:
· Dona Milne (Director of Public Health, NHS Lothian): Public Health & Health Inequalities
· Daisy Narayanan (Senior Manager, City of Edinburgh Council): 20 minute neighbourhoods and living well locally
· Paul Wilson (Chief Executive, Volunteer Edinburgh): The impact of COVID-19 and the future of volunteering
There will also be a selection of breakout group discussions focused on the communities mental health funding; a new climate initiative for Edinburgh; the children, young people & families taskforce and a strategic refresh for EVOC.
As Cop26 kicks off EVOC are celebrating the citizens & communities across #Edinburgh (Scotland, the UK, & the World) who are already taking climate action!
We want you to share your #MyClimateAction story – a picture, short video, or something more!
EVOC is inviting Edinburgh-based charities and local good causes of all sizes, to attend the Good Cause Launch Event on Thursday 9th September at 2pm, where you will get a chance to find out more and sign up.
How the Lottery Works:
Tickets for the Edinburgh Community Lottery will cost £1. A whopping 60p (compared to just 25p from tickets by the National Lottery) from every ticket goes towards local good causes.
There will be a weekly draw with a jackpot of £25,000 for a matching sequence of six numbers. The other prizes on offer include: £2500, £250, £25, or three free tickets!
There are two parts to the Edinburgh Community Lottery scheme:
Good causes across Edinburgh will be able to set up their own lottery page, receiving 50p from every £1 spent by players. A further 10p from every £1 will go into an EVOC good causes fund, with the remainder being put towards prizes, operating costs, and VAT.
Players who do not wish to support a specific cause can still take part in the Edinburgh Community Lottery, with 60p from their ticket going into the general EVOC good causes fund, which will then be distributed by the organsation.
EVOC’s Deputy Chief Executive, Ian Brooke, said: “We’re really excited to be launching the Edinburgh Community Lottery, a new way to support communities and good causes in Edinburgh.
“While the past eighteen months have thrown a spotlight on the amazing work of community groups and voluntary organisations everywhere, it has also stretched staff, volunteers, and resources up to and beyond breaking point.
“That, combined with the loss of fundraising activities in light of Covid restrictions, means that the Lottery is a really important new opportunity for good causes to raise money, making sure they can continue to support citizens and communities across our city.”
If you would like to find out more, get in touch with the Edinburgh Community Lottery team at EVOC:
As the current plan comes to an end, it’s time to explore opportunities, hopes and aspirations for the next 3 years.
Help make sure the community and voluntary sector has a voice in this process, by getting involved in this discussion.
You’re invited to have a say on Edinburgh’s Community Learning and Development Plan for 2021 – 2024.
About this event
You might ask yourself what is Community Learning & Development (CLD) and why is it important for my group or organisation to have a say in future planning?
The ambition for the Edinburgh CLD plan is to make a positive difference for the citizens and communities of the City and the organisations in the community / voluntary sector work with children, young people and adults to do just that.
That means it’s essential that our sector plays a part in strategic planning in areas like adult learning, youthwork, community centres, communities and citizens who are seldom heard and so much more.
Paul McCloskey (CEC Lifelong Learning Strategic Manager – CLD and Libraries), Laurene Edgar (LAYC Director and Edinburgh Community Learning and Development Partnership Chair) will lead this event.
They’ll take you through the plan and the potential for this to be a key aspect of the development of citizens and communities in Edinburgh.
You will also have the chance to join in 2 of the following themed breakout groups:
Adult Learning
Community Centres
Seldom Heard Communities & Voices
Registration for this event closes TODAY – Wednesday 18 August at 6pm.
You will receive an email through Eventbrite by 9am on Thu 19 Aug that includes the Zoom link for this event.
If you don’t receive this email please get in touch, but we recommend checking your email junk folder: