Draft legislation should generally set out a high degree of detail to ensure proper democratic engagement, Committee finds

A framework approach to legislation should only be used in very limited circumstances, according to Holyrood’s Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee.

In a new report, the Committee said that draft legislation in the Scottish Parliament should generally set out a high degree of detail on the face of a bill to allow for proper democratic engagement by both stakeholders and parliamentarians.

The report comes as the Committee concludes an inquiry into how framework legislation and so-called Henry VIII powers are used in Scotland and elsewhere.

There is not a single, precise definition for framework legislation. The Committee described it as legislation which sets out the principles for a policy, but without substantial detail as to how it will be given practical effect. Instead, broad powers are given to ministers or others to fill in this detail at a later stage.

While there was a lot of consensus around what this sort of legislation is in practice, the Committee recognised that, within this description, there will be a spectrum of framework provision, grey areas, and scope for reasonable disagreement.

The Committee recognised the need for framework legislation in appropriate and very limited circumstances, mainly to allow for flexibility. Although each bill needs to be considered on its own merits, flexibility is more likely to be needed in areas which need to be updated frequently, in ways which cannot reasonably be foreseen.

The Committee found that any framework provisions should be as clear and as narrow in scope as possible. Where a bill proposes the delegation of a broad power, the Scottish Government should think about using an appropriate super-affirmative procedure to improve parliamentary scrutiny of how the power is used.

Considering the balance of evidence across jurisdictions, the Committee concluded it is likely the occurrence of framework legislation has increased since 1932 when the Report of the Donoughmore Committee on Ministers’ Powers was published, and that the trend seems to be accelerating.

Framework powers that allow flexibility “just in case” are unlikely to be considered appropriate, the Committee also found, and consultation and “co-design” on a bill’s provisions should take place before it is introduced to enable sufficient policy detail to be provided.

Stuart McMillan MSP, Convener of the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee, said: “Proper scrutiny is vital to the work of the Scottish Parliament to improve the quality of legislation and ensure that laws are well considered and effective.

“Our Committee agreed that, where possible, parliamentarians and stakeholders should be able to engage with solid proposals to make it easier for them to consider the impact of legislation, set out views or advocate for a particular outcome.

“Where a framework approach is being taken, we see it as essential that a full justification is given at the bill’s introduction as to why the framework provision is appropriate in the circumstances.

“We hope our report is useful, by sharing our views on how to strengthen the scrutiny of primary legislation that delegates framework powers, and the secondary legislation made under them.

“We are keen to hear the Scottish Government’s response to our report.”

As part of its inquiry, the Committee was also interested in hearing views of how Henry VIII powers are used. These powers allow Ministers to amend primary legislation by secondary legislation

The Committee concluded that Henry VIII powers can be a necessary, efficient tool when used suitably but should be appropriately limited in scope.

Community Councils: Let’s Try Again!


The city council’s Governance Team has announced that the date for the second call for nominations for community councils who received insufficient elected member nominations has been amended.

Nominations will now open on 27 March 2025 and will close at 4pm on 17 April 2025. This is to avoid the nomination period being open over 2 public holidays and to ensure officers are available to support candidates with any enquiries.

The formal notice will be published on the Council’s website in due course.

The 8 community councils who did not receive sufficient valid nominations to establish were:

• Craigmillar

• Davidson’s Mains and Silverknowes

• Firrhill

• Hutchison / Chesser

• Muirhouse/ Salvesen

• Old Town

• Portobello

• West Pilton/ West Granton.

The new dates have been updated on our CC webpages.

Community Councils: Results are in!

Community Council Elections 2025 – Notice of Results

THE results of the Community Council elections are now available to view on the Council’s website.

The Declaration of Results includes the names of all successful elected members who will be duly elected to community councils when the new term commences from 28 March 2025.

An update which includes details on the number of valid nominations received for each community council and the number of valid Local Interest Group nominations can be found below.

When nominations closed, 39 community councils received sufficient valid nominations to establish.

Insufficient nominations were received to establish 8 community councils:

  • Craigmillar
  • Davidson’s Mains and Silverknowes
  • Firrhill
  • Hutchison / Chesser
  • Muirhouse/ Salvesen
  • Old Town
  • Portobello
  • West Pilton/ West Granton

A second call for nominations will be issued for the 8 community councils who did not achieve sufficient nominations to establish. Nominations will open on 31 March 2025 and will close at 4pm on 21 April 2025.

The city council’s webpages will be updated in due course with further information.

UK Youth Parliament annual session at Westminster today

TODAY (Friday 28 February), more than 300 elected Members of Youth Parliament (MYPs) aged 11-18 will represent the views of their peers and hold debates on a range of topics.

Young people from across the UK, British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies will return to the House of Commons Chamber today for the annual sitting of UK Youth Parliament.  

The debated motions will include:

  • 16- and 17-year-olds should be allowed to vote in all elections and referendums, accompanied with more political education throughout school.  
  • That the National Minimum Wage for every worker under 22 be raised, to match the National Living Wage for those over 22.  
  • All public transport should be free for young people. 
  • All young people in the UK must have access to a standardised level of political literacy and democratic education to improve engagement in politics on a local, national and international level to develop critical thinking skills.  
  • To establish period dignity, there should be free, accessible, good quality period products available in public spaces for everyone.  

The debate areas are part of the UK Youth Parliament Manifesto for 2024-2026 ‘Shaping Our Future, Today Not Tomorrow’ which was created by the MYP’s at their Annual Conference in October 2024, drawing on the views and issues raised by young people from across the UK. 

For the first time in the House of Commons, an MYP will use British Sign Language to deliver his speech. A BSL interpreter will communicate this via a microphone in the Commons Chamber. 

Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, said that he is “very proud that this sitting of the UK Youth Parliament will be the most inclusive and exciting yet.

“I cannot wait to hear the thoughts and views of young people from across the UK, the British Overseas Territories, and the Crown Dependencies, on the issues that matter to them.”   

Leigh Middleton, OBE, CEO, National Youth Agency: “Youth voice is a central tenet of youth work and the UK Youth Parliament provides young people with a valuable opportunity to debate the issues which they have identified as being important whilst gaining first-hand experience of the political process. 

“The Annual Sitting really is the highlight of the UK Youth Parliament calendar when we get to see the young Members of Youth Parliament shine in the prestigious setting as they deliver their impassioned speeches and arguments for reform.”  

The debates will be streamed live (with an approximately 20-minute delay) on parliamentlive.tv and YouTube

Find more information about UK Youth Parliament from the House of Commons Library Research Briefing. 

Blow for local democracy as many areas unlikely to form Community Councils


IT’S looking increasingly likely that many areas across Edinburgh will not have active community councils following the current election process.

With just ONE DAY left before nominations close:

NINETEEN (of 47) Community Councils in Edinburgh have reached the minimum number of elected members numbers needed to form but 28 Community Councils still require more elected member nominations to form.

Muirhouse/Salvesen, West Pilton/West Granton and Davidsons Mains/Silverknowes are among eight areas across the city to have received NO nominations at all so far.

At time of writing no elections will be necessary in any community council area. Elections would only be necessary if more local people came forward than there are places available.

Community Councils are an important element in local and national community planning structures, but lukewarm support at best – and complete apathy at worst – will be a disappointment to those who hoped to see a renewed appetite for community participation.

The city council is currently reviewing community planning in Edinburgh.

Election organisers continue to urge members of the public to play a part in improving their local neighbourhoods – and there’s still time to submit a nomination form by the closing date at 4pm TOMORROW – Thursday 27 February 2025.

The quickest method to return completed nomination forms is by email to the Governance Team at community.councils@edinburgh.gov.uk

If you choose to return by hand or by post please ensure you have allowed sufficient time for the nomination form to be received before the deadline at 4pm on Thursday 27 February 2025.  

Example completed nomination forms are attached – see below. All sections that must be completed are highlighted in yellow.

Nomination form – further clarification

We being persons residing in and appearing on the electoral register for the area of’ – ‘area’ means the community council area that you are being nominated for. Please ensure that you include the correct name of the Community Council and not the constituency or ward information. You can check the name of your community council on our website.

An individual can be both a single proposer and a single seconder, e.g.  They could propose Individual A and second Individual B. They cannot propose or second any other individuals.

A nominees family member (e.g. Wife, husband, brother etc.) can propose or second them in compliance with the point above.

Please only submit 1 nomination form via 1 method of submission e.g. via email OR by hand OR by post. Please do not send multiple copies of nomination forms to the Governance Team as this creates additional administrative pressures.

The quickest method to return completed nomination forms is by email to the Governance Team at community.councils@edinburgh.gov.uk

Since nominations opened we have received a number of nominations which have been assessed as not valid.  All candidates have been provided with advice on how to rectify and re-submit by the closing date of 4pm on Thursday 27 February 2025.

Common ‘not valid’ reasons

Below are common reasons why nomination forms have been assessed as not valid:

  • The nomination form does not detail the name of the Community Council area that the candidate has been nominated for.
  • The nomination form has not been signed in ink by the proposer, seconder and candidate.
  • The nomination form has not been dated by the proposer, seconder and candidate.
  • Photo of nomination form and signatures must be legible.

Below are common reasons why Local Interest Group nomination forms have been assessed as not valid:

  • The LIG nomination form has not been signed in ink by the President/Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer.
  • A copy of the LIGs constitution has not been supplied.
  • The LIG nomination does not include the name(s) of the Community Council.

If you need any assistance with completing a nomination form then please do not hesitate to contact the Governance Team at community.councils@edinburgh.gov.uk

Community Hub morning at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre

FRIDAY 21st FEBRUARY from 10am – 12.30pm

Need advice, support, or just a friendly chat? Drop into our Community Hub Morning this Friday 10am – 12:30pm for a cuppa and connect with local organisations that can help.

Meet experts from:

✅Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) – money, benefits & housing advice

✅ Manor Estates & Tenants Federation – tenant support & housing help

✅ Community Police – safety & local issues

✅ Energy Advice & Home Energy Scotland – energy-saving tips

…and more!

You can also find out about how you can support your local community by becoming a Community Councillor.

Community Council recruitment is underway across the capital and Drylaw Telford’s returning officer Cllr Vicky Nicholson – who was a member of the local community council before becoming a city councillor – will be available to provide information and answer your questions

No appointments needed – just drop in! Come along, bring a friend, and let’s build a stronger community together!

Take the chance to represent your community


It’s been over half a century since community councils came into existence in Scotland in 1973 – and in that time, we’ve seen over 1,200 established across the country (writes Culture and Communities Convener CLLR VAL WALKER).

These bodies are groups of residents who are passionate about their communities and play an important role in grassroots democracy.

Here in Edinburgh, the election period for our community councils has begun. Last week nominations opened to stand for election as a community councillor, this closes on 27 February. Following that we’ll hold an election only if there are more people nominated than places on the community council.

This is your chance to take a lead in your local area and make your community a better place. From campaigning on key local issues, organising meetings, chairing debates, looking out for vulnerable individuals and groups, to liaising with local and national representatives and much more – the life of a community councillor in the Capital is never ordinary.

I’m continually inspired by the stories I come across of community councils. In Lady Nairne, the Northfield and Willowbrae Community Council worked tirelessly to ensure that a solution was found when the previous 69 supported bus service ceased operations several years ago.

Following extensive engagement with ward councillors and Council officers a new route was implemented just in time for Christmas last year, which I know was a welcome gift to those residents who had long campaigned for its reinstation.

We’ve also seen Longstone Community Council lead a campaign to erect a new bridge to link their community to the Hutchison/Chesser community, as part of a new active travel project.

Initially a bridge was not part of these plans but following successful meetings with their ward councillor, Council officers and the developer some £170,000 worth of contributions were earmarked to support the delivery of the bridge. This will now go to consultation as part of the as the Longstone Link project.

These are just a couple of the many examples of the excellent work community councils are doing across our city every day. I’d encourage all residents to consider standing as a community councillor.

From Pilton to Portobello, Muirhouse to Morningside and beyond, Edinburgh draws its strength from its people, and we need their views, ideas and expertise to move forward together.

Find out more about community councils and how to stand for election on CEC website.

Community Council elections: Nominations now open

The Notice of Election to community councils in Edinburgh was published yesterday (Wednesday 5th February).

Community councils are groups of elected local residents who care about their communities. These councils play an important role in the democratic process and act in the interests of their local areas.

The nomination period runs from today until 27 February. During this time you can nominate yourself to stand for election as a community councillor.

An election will only be held in a community council area if there are more people nominated than places on the community council. Should this be necessary the election date will be 27 March.

The new community council term will start on 28 March and will last four years. The next community council elections are planned for 2029 though this may be subject to change.

Find out more about community councils and how to stand for election on our website along with the full text of the Notice of Election. 

Culture and Communities Convener, Councillor Val Walker said:Community councils remain an integral part of the social and democratic fabric of our city. In my experience as a ward councillor, I truly value my relationship with community councils and the excellent work that they do.

“From campaigning on key local issues, to organising meetings, chairing debates, liaising with local and national representatives and much more – the life of a community councillor in the Capital is never ordinary.

“This is an excellent opportunity to take a lead in your local area and make your community a better place. I’d encourage all residents to consider standing as a community councillor. Edinburgh draws its strength from its citizens, and we need their views and ideas to move forward together.”

Secretary of Edinburgh Association of Community Councils, Ken Robertson said:You have a community council voice in city life, by right.

“Don’t step to the side and stay silent.”

Community gardening at PYCP

To all our PY Parents, Guardians, Family, friends and Neighbours.

Do you want to join us in the Community garden (behind PYCP) on Wednesdays 10 – 12 midday and get gardening!

Enjoy fresh produce, herbs and flowers. Meet new friends and neighbours and enjoy the outdoors.

Find out more by emailing gardening@pycp.co.uk



EVOC: CEO Update

I have now been in post as CEO with EVOC for 25 days (on 22/1), though it sometimes feels like a lot longer! I have had a whirlwind of an introduction, and my feet have hardly touched the ground, which has made it exciting. 

I have met a lot of great people from across the sector and our partner organisations, including the City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Government. I have been made to feel welcome and have learned a lot from a diverse mix of individuals.

I have heard of the challenges different organisations are facing right now, and these conversations are shaping my understanding and giving me insights that I will be distilling, with colleagues, into our future planning. 

We are currently seeking the views of members and voluntary organisations in Edinburgh to tell us about their needs and the challenges that they are facing in 2025 and beyond. To increase the number of people who can contribute, we are using a survey that will be circulated to our members.

Please take a few minutes to complete it to ensure we consider the needs of more organisations in shaping how we work in future and what our priorities will be.

This month we are preparing for our Annual General Meeting at 4pm on Wednesday 26 February which will be held on Zoom. We will report on the year 2023/24 and give a flavour of our plans for the future.

We are looking for new individuals with business skills to be elected to the board of EVOC to join a committed group of volunteers who are interested in the development of EVOC as representatives to serve third sector organisations in Edinburgh. You can find how to apply to join the Board of Directors here.

Separately we are seeking a new Convener to chair the board and provide leadership to the organisation and directors. We’re looking for somebody with integrity good governance, leadership, finance and change management experience. If you are interested in this role, please see the details here.

We are spending a great deal of time currently in seeking ways to support those organisations affected by the impending cuts to the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) grants scheme which is a partnership between the NHS and the City of Edinburgh Council. 

In recent months we have increased our engagement across the sector, so that we are better able to represent the views and interests of voluntary organisations in strategic forums such as the EIJB and the Edinburgh Partnership.

We are doing this as we strengthen our culture of service, to our members and to the sector. 

With best wishes  

Bruce Crawford, CEO