Still looking for the right course?


Edinburgh College is holding a Recruitment Day at Granton Campus tomorrow (Wednesday 3 September) when anyone wanting to sign up for a course can apply and have a fast-track interview.

The event will take place at the college’s Granton Campus from 3 – 7.30pm. Recruitment advisors and lecturers will be on hand to provide information about courses beginning this autumn, help with applications, and carry out interviews and auditions.

The college has places available on courses in:

• Business
• Computing
• Construction and Building Crafts
• Creative Industries
• Engineering
• English for speakers of other Languages
• Events
• Retail
• Tourism and Hospitality
• Hair and Beauty
• Health
• Languages.

Courses range from access to degree level, including vocational training and professional accredited qualifications. Successful applicants can begin some courses immediately.

Edinburgh College vice-principal (Education Leadership) Ray McCowan said: “This is a great opportunity to go through the whole application process in one go and get a place on a course that’s going to open up new employment or study opportunities.

“Anyone undecided about what they want to do can talk through course options with our teaching staff, find out what the best course for them is, get support with their application and have an interview on the same day. This will make the journey from applying to confirming their place faster. We’re looking forward to welcoming future students and their families, and helping them make the best choices for their educational journey.”

Anyone who cannot make the Recruitment Day can still apply online at

or by calling 0131 660 1010

You’ll find Edinburgh College Granton Campus at 350 West Granton Road, EH5 1QE.


Curriculum for Excellence report card: Russell must try harder

Less assessment would benefit pupils and teachers, say Greens

teacherGreen MSP Alison Johnstone says lower levels of assessment in schools would benefit pupils and reduce the massive workload of teachers.

A report published today looking at the first year of the Curriculum for Excellence qualifications (see below)  says that the new qualifications have been a success overall, but highlights ‘significant and unsustainable level of over‑assessment in many parts of the system’ and a ‘higher level of assessment than was necessary or desirable’.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and education spokesperson for the Scottish Greens said: “I congratulate every teacher who has worked hard to make a success of this last year with the new qualifications. We need to get the balance right between learning and assessment and this report reflects my concern that the system is still too heavily weighted towards exams, which doesn’t always lead to better educational outcomes.

“Workloads in the teaching profession remain far too high and the Scottish Education Secretary must address this as one of his top priorities. I believe the Curriculum for Excellence has set us on the right path in Scotland but there is more work to do to achieve a school system that is sustainable and rewarding for both pupils and teachers.”



Health advice for freshers

Health advice for students from NHS 24

freshers1STUDENTS starting university and college this year are being advised to prepare ahead byNHS 24, Scotland’s national telehealth and telecare organisation.

NHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks reminds students that there is a wealth of health advice and information available to them at the dedicated Freshers’ Health section at

He said: “Many students find themselves living away from home for the first time when they start university or college and I would urge them to use NHS inform for information on healthcare.

“During Freshers’ week, I would advise students to take the time to register with a GP in their new area. A number of universities have a dedicated GP practice for their students and for those that do not, you can search by postcode at NHS inform.
“For those students who use regular repeat prescriptions, make sure you take enough with you to last until you register with a GP and it is also a good idea to have a first aid kit and supply of pain relief with you.

“Setting up home on your own for the first time is a daunting, yet exciting experience. By preparing ahead and thinking about your health, students can make sure they make the most of it.”

For further health advice and information go to

The popular health resource provides a wealth of advice and information on health issues relevant to young people as they embark on or continue their higher education years, including safety advice, what to pack and where to go for health care.

The Health A-Z is packed with information about common illness, treatments and health services, covering topics from acne to yellow fever. The Common Health Questions section includes areas dedicated to sexual health, women’s and men’s health and food safety. Users can also find out about local health services and information on how to register with a GP.

Click on link (below) for an Audioboo clip of NHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks discussing the subject:


City meets the challenge of rising school rolls

Edinburgh is a desirable place to live, but that popularity creates some challenges. As more and more families choose to make Edinburgh their home, the city council faces an ongoing struggle to ensure there are enough school places to meet demand.

Victoria_Primary_SchoolTwenty-three new classrooms opened their doors to pupils in Edinburgh this week as the city council tackles the pressing issue of rising school rolls.

Four new buildings – providing 18 classrooms – have been built at Victoria, St David’s RC, Craigour Park and Broughton Primary Schools, and five extra class spaces have been created to meet increased pressure at Stockbridge, Bruntsfield, Fox Covert and Gylemuir. This programme has ensured that hundreds of new pupil places were ready across the city for the start of the school term.

The £3.8m Council investment has been carried out in conjunction with partners Hub South East Scotland Ltd and Morrison Construction.

Victoria Primary School had a special opening ceremony on Wednesday, with 93-year-old local resident George Hackland, who attended the school in 1927, as their guest of honour (pictured above).

George, said: “The new building is very different from when I was a pupil at the school 80 years ago! It’s nice and big and open for the children to learn in. It’s a great school who do a lot with the local community.”

Laura Thomson, head teacher at Victoria Primary School, said: “There’s a real buzz of excitement around the school with the new classrooms opening. Staff and pupils have watched them being built over the past few months so to start teaching in them will be great as they will provide a bright and stimulating learning environment. The children are so excited about starting the school year in their brand new classrooms.”

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “I’m delighted that for the second year in a row we have successfully delivered much-needed class spaces for our primary schools pupils. While many local authorities across the United Kingdom struggle to find sustainable solutions to the increase in pupil numbers the Capital Coalition has delivered 46 new rooms in two years.

“Dealing with rising rolls is a challenge, but it is a challenge we are meeting. However we know that with primary school rolls currently projected to rise to a peak of nearly 31,000 pupils by 2019 there is still a lot more work to be done. That’s why the Capital Coalition is committed to tackling the rise and despite the difficult economic climate we’ve already pledged £15m to build the required accommodation.

“We will continue to listen to parents’ views and work with school communities as we move forward together on our plans for even more new class spaces. Whether it is traditional extensions, new buildings or the refurbishment of existing space, we are committed to providing the very best educational environment for our pupils.”

Jo Elliot, Chair of Hub South East Scotland Ltd, said: “This is the second year running that we have successfully delivered additional classrooms on schedule and on budget for the City of Edinburgh Council, and we are proud to have played our part in finding innovative solutions to assist with the issue of rising school rolls.

“Last year’s projects were very well received, and this year we’ve kept the same high quality design and construction, whilst reducing the cost for the Council. We look forward to continuing this successful working relationship in future phases, ensuring staff and pupils benefits from modern, fit for purpose facilities.”

David Wilson, Project Director for Morrison Construction,  said: “We are delighted to be able to continue our relationship with the City of Edinburgh Council and Hub South East Scotland Ltd and have successfully together, for the second year running, completed the construction of additional classroom space to meet the changing needs of the schools involved with regarding to rising school rolls. We hope the pupils and staff will enjoy their first academic year in the brand new facilities.”

The breakdown of classrooms in the new buildings is Victoria (4), St David’s RC (4), Craigour Park (6) and Broughton (4). Both St David’s RC and Craigour Park have a second phase of more classrooms designed if they are needed in future years.

The Council has identified nine more primary schools where additional classrooms may be required for the 2015/16 session to meet the increased demand from catchment pupils and are already starting to plan for the delivery of these for August 2015 should they be needed.

Childrens’ health advice from NHS24

As children return to school this week, NHS24 – Scotland’s national telehealth and telecare organisation – is reminding parents of the wealth of health advice and information available to help their families stay fit and healthy throughout the year …

skoolNHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks said: “With children returning to school this week, what better time than for parents to think about their children’s health and preparing for the year ahead.

“NHS inform includes a section on common health questions associated with children’s health, with information on a wide variety of matters from diet and exercise to pain relief and blood types.
“There is also a section dedicated to answering those common questions you may have about vaccinations and you can also find out what to have in your first aid kit at home.

“It is a busy time of year for parents as they get ready for the new school year but I would advise them to take some time now to think about their children’s health. By taking simple steps, you can help prevent minor illnesses affecting your family.”

For further health advice and information go to

The popular health resource provides a wealth of advice and information on health issues relevant to young people as they embark on or continue their higher education years.

The Health A-Z is packed with information about common illness, treatments and health services, covering topics from acne to yellow fever. Users can also find out about local health services and information on how to register with a GP.


Autumn/winter courses at North Edinburgh Childcare

welcomeWe now have dates in place for all the short courses that are taking place through September to December – see poster (below) for details.

Workers Short Courses September to December 2014

If you would like further information on any of these courses please do not hesitate to contact me.


Audrey O’Neill
Training Administrator
North Edinburgh Childcare
18b Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 4BL

Tel: 0131 311 6931
Fax: 0131 315 4420



Record pass rate as Scottish students receive results

Higher and new National Qualification results out today

examStudents across Scotland have achieved a record number of Higher passes in the last school year, it’s been revealed today. Over 140,000 candidates across Scotland received their results this morning, and Schools Minister Dr Alasdair Allan has congratulated pupils and teachers on their hard work and effort.

In addition to Access, Intermediates, Highers and Advanced Highers, this year saw the first students study for the new National Qualifications – part of the ongoing implementation of Curriculum for Excellence.

This year saw a record number of Higher passes, with the overall pass rate remaining virtually unchanged – 77.1 per cent this year compared with 77.4 per cent last year. The number of Highers sat was 191,850 across all subjects – an increase of more than 9,000.

Students also received the first ever results for National 3 and 4 – assessed during the year– and National 5, assessed during the year and through a traditional end-of-year exam. The pass rate was 93.0 per cent for National 4 and 81.1 per cent for National 5.

While direct comparisons between the new National qualifications and Standard Grade pass rates cannot be made, as a broad comparison, National 5 is the same level of challenge as Intermediate 2 and Standard Grade Credit.

text resultOf the tens of thousands of students who received their results today, 37,237 chose to be informed by text message or email. All candidates were also notified by post.

Dr Allan said: “Congratulations to the thousands of young people who have worked so hard, their families who have supported them and the teachers who have worked tirelessly to prepare them. Today sees them well equipped to progress to new challenges, whatever those may be.

“Our education system has taken another significant step forward today. The new National qualifications represent a shift towards deeper learning and a greater emphasis on analysis, engagement and understanding. These are the qualities on which we will continue to strengthen our education system.

“Scotland’s teachers have been key to delivering our new curriculum and new qualifications. They have worked outstandingly hard and I thank them for all they have done. I know it has been a challenging year for them and, once again, I’ve been hugely impressed by their commitment to supporting Scotland’s young people.

“So many pupils have achieved strong grades in their Highers, Advanced Highers, Intermediates, Access and new Nationals – against very rigorous standards – and are now in a position to make exciting decisions about what they do next. My congratulations also go to the thousands of young people across Scotland who have achieved a wide variety of qualifications which meet a wider range of learners’ needs, such as SQA awards, National Progression Awards and Skills for Work and Personal Development.

“The fact that there has been such a marked increase in the number of Highers attained is a real success story. Students are now sitting a greater number of Highers, demonstrating real ambition and aspiration among young learners to achieve the best qualifications they can.

“I am also encouraged to see so many young people attaining National Qualifications, which are an important component within Curriculum for Excellence.

“This is a significant achievement for our learners and our schools, and clear evidence of continued improvement in Scottish education.

“As we celebrate these achievements I also offer my thanks to all of the parents and carers who have risen to the challenge of supporting them through their new qualifications.

“Clearly not everyone will have received the results they had hoped for, while others may simply be unsure of what to do next. Rest assured, help is available through the exam results helpline on 0808 100 8000 for those who may not have got what they needed.”

Larry Flanagan, general secretary of teachers trade union EIS, said: “Scotland’s pupils and teachers deserve high praise for a strong set of exam results which have been achieved during a very significant period of change for Scottish education.

“It is of great credit to the work of our schools, pupils and teachers that the diet has been so successful, at a time when budgets have been declining and workload pressures increasing.

“Pupils, parents and teachers should be extremely proud of this strong set of results and the EIS sends its congratulations to all pupils who have been successful in their exams this year.”

exam2Early indications are that candidates in Edinburgh have once again exceeded expectations and that the city’s overall good performance has been maintained.

A total of 42,780 resulted awards were certificated for 8,402 candidates.

Highlights include:

  • By the end of S6 61% of all pupils achieved one or more Highers – a four percentage point improvement on last year and a 13 percentage point improvement since 2009.
  • By the end of S5 54% of all pupils achieved one or more Highers – a two percentage point improvement on last year and a 12 percentage point improvement since 2009.
  • Overall for S4 pupils who sat the new qualifications for the first time, 13,585 awards were certificated at the new National 5 level, 8,342 awards were certificated at the new National 4 level and 1,846 awards were certificated at the new National 3 level.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, welcomed today’s results. He said: ““Recently published figures from Audit Scotland showed Edinburgh is outperforming similar city and neighbouring local authorities and early indications from the SQA exam results show that 2014 has been another really positive year for our pupils, with performance rising yet again.

“This year’s provisional results are very encouraging with 100% of pupils achieving an English qualification by the end of S5. By the end of S6, an impressive 61% achieved one or more Highers which is a 13 percentage point improvement since 2009.

“I want to congratulate all those who sat exams this year, and thanks must also go to all our teaching staff who have been working extremely hard for the introduction of the new National exams.

“Another key aim is to make sure all school leavers enter a positive destination of employment, training or further education. Initiatives such as the Edinburgh Guarantee are going a long way to making this a reality for many of our ex-pupils.

“This year a record 91% of young people achieved and sustained a positive destination. This is something we will continue to build on in the coming years and look forward to seeing many more placements and positive results.”

How did you do? Let us know!

Simply the best! Students’ union scoops top award

Edinburgh College Students’ Association is best in UK

NUS 2Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA) has won the Further Education Students’ Union of the Year Award 2014, beating off competition from across the UK.

Up against some of the best students’ unions and associations across the country, ECSA came out on top in the National Union of Students (NUS) annual awards. It was the only Scottish college students’ association to be nominated in any category at the awards.

ECSA trumped category rivals from English and Welsh counterparts, including Sheffield College Students’ Union, South Eastern Regional College Students’ Union, Burton and South Derbyshire College Students’ Union and Coleg Gwent in Wales.

Kelly Parry, ECSA president for 2013/14, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to win the NUS FE Students’ Union of the Year Award. It’s a huge credit to the work ethic, dedication and enthusiasm of everyone involved in making ECSA a success – students, student officers and staff – and it’s proof that college students’ associations can make a real and positive difference to the lives of thousands of students.

“Over the last year, Edinburgh College Students’ Association and Edinburgh College have been doing some fantastic work to empower students to give them the best possible learning experiences. Winning this award has been a brilliant note to end on as president and I’m very confident that the new president and student officers will be able to build on our successes in the next coming year.”

ECSA provides a strong and independent voice for students at the college, which has 26,000 student enrolments, and works closely with the college to ensure that all students have a life-changing educational experience.

The judging panel from the NUS – which recognises students and students’ unions who do incredible things for their colleges and universities – was impressed with several of the association’s initiatives. The judges were particularly impressed with ECSA’s efforts to ensure that the college is reaching, representing and supporting under-represented groups. For example, ECSA was praised for its support of students from care backgrounds, with an event to showcase the hard work and determination of young people in and leaving care and the great challenges they face.

ECSA was also recognised for successfully lobbying the Scottish Parliament on behalf of the student body. One of ECSA’s major achievements was getting MSP Kezia Dugdale to raise the question of discrepancies of further education childcare funding in the Scottish Parliament, ensuring that student support and funding is at the forefront of the political agenda. The ECSA president also met with MSP Mike Russell, cabinet secretary for education and lifelong learning, to discuss this issue, and he subsequently committed to reviewing childcare funding for students.

The NUS FE Students’ Union of the Year award follows a recent partnership agreement with Edinburgh College, giving ECSA more influence over the college’s strategic direction. The partnership agreement – which strengthens ECSA’s ability to develop and meet students’ needs – breaks new ground for the further education sector in Scotland. Under the new agreement, ECSA will have a stronger voice at all decision-making levels of the college.

Pictured: Raphael Lehmann (ECSA Vice President Welfare and Activities) and Graham Smith (Student Liaison Officer).

Edinburgh College is top class!

Top accolade for Edinburgh College following inspection

EdCollEdinburgh College has achieved the highest possible rating in its Education Scotland inspection report published today.

Education Scotland’s overarching judgement on the college is that “Edinburgh College has in place effective arrangements to maintain and enhance the quality of its provision and outcomes for students and other stakeholders.” This is the highest rating a college can achieve in the review process.

This means that “in relation to quality assurance and enhancement, the college is led well, has sufficiently robust arrangements to address any identified minor weaknesses, and is likely to continue to improve the quality of its services for students and other stakeholders.”

Principal Mandy Exley welcomed the report: “I am delighted that we achieved the top rating in our recent inspection. I know we have all worked extremely hard since merger to create a college that meets the needs of students and industry. This has been demonstrated by our students’ excellence and success, but it is also important to receive such a strong inspection report, highlighting success and innovation across the organisation.

“We will continue to work with our industry partners and our students’ association to build on this success and to deliver even more opportunities that are relevant to the economic needs of Edinburgh and Scotland.”

Her Majesty’s inspectors spent a full week at the college in late April and early May conducting in-depth research, observations and interviews with staff, students and stakeholders to test the quality of the learning experience.

Looking at strategic direction, the regional chair, board and principal are praised as “working well together to provide clear direction for the college’s development” with strategies and operational plans providing a clear and comprehensive basis for its future.

The report comments widely on many aspects of the college’s operations. The curriculum is described as meeting the needs of students and industry well, while the report notes that the college has extensive and highly successful strategic links with key partners within the region and further afield.

Dr Allan Colquhoun, university liaison and emerging technologies manager at Selex ES and chair of the newly launched Edinburgh College Development Trust, supports the college’s work with industry, commenting: “Edinburgh College should congratulate itself on a positive report. Although “effective” is the highest rating, this wording does not truly reflect the college’s achievements. Edinburgh College has delivered education in depth and breadth from schools to degree level that has resulted in most students moving on to employment or to other studies. The college successfully prepares students for work and supports business through apprenticeship and CPD programmes.”

He continued: “It is clear that some of the good work done by the college has influenced the Wood Commission and will result in its good practice being shared across Scotland. The pioneering work on the Academies project, creating smooth pathways from school through college and onto university, will hopefully become the norm in the post-Wood landscape alongside the blending of academic and work-based learning as exemplified by the Graphic Design mentoring programme highlighted in the report.”

The inspectors recognised the college’s commitment to fully involving students at every level of decision making, noting that “the college works very effectively in partnership at a strategic level with Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA) and the student voice is influential at Board, College committee and campus level. The college has ensured that the student voice has been a major influence as it progressed through merger to become one institution and has pioneered an approach to student representation at a strategic level.”

Student achievement and success is strong, with 94% of students whose destinations are known progressing successfully to further study, apprenticeships or employment. The report goes on to state that successful completion rates on FE and HE full time programmes were above the national sector performance level, while within the subject areas of art and design, care, engineering, hospitality, land-based and sport and leisure, the levels of student success rank amongst the best in the sector.

As part of the report, the inspectors also highlight initiatives which are sector-leading. They singled out the college’s effective partnership working in setting up the South East Scotland Academies Partnership in conjunction with Queen Margaret University, employers and schools – a programme which benefits both students and employers.

Karen Prophet, education manager at the City of Edinburgh Council added: “The City of Edinburgh Council wish to acknowledge the positive partnership working through effective school college partnership provision which was recognised as innovative practice in today’s Education Scotland report on Edinburgh College. We look forward to developing our successful collaboration further to jointly deliver improved outcomes for young people. I’d like to congratulate Edinburgh College on this very positive inspection report.”

Links with industry are also key to another highlighted sector-leading initiative, the college’s innovative and imaginative industry mentoring programme for HND Visual Communication Graphic Design students. The design industry links integral to this programme have resulted in students winning prestigious national awards and high numbers going on to further study or directly to successful careers in the industry.


Lazarowicz calls for education for all in Africa

Praise for local school’s ‘Send my sisters to school’ campaign


Edinburgh North and Leith MP Mark Lazarawicz has stressed the role of education in offering a better life for children in the world’s poorest countries.

Speaking during a Westminster debate in Africa, the MP referred to sub-Saharan Africa in particular but pointed to how young women are so often still denied even the chance of a primary education.

That’s a point highlighted to Mark recently by children from St Mary’s (Edinburgh) Primary School in East London Street, who delivered 300 cut-out figures the pupils had produced as part of the Send My Sister to School campaign.

Commenting after the debate, Mark said: “Education is a basic human right and yet the recent shock of the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls in Nigeria by extremists highlighted how girls and young women especially still so often fail to get the chance of finishing even primary school.

“I was really impressed by how the letters written by the children from St Mary’s Primary School showed a genuine desire for children whose lives are so different to have the same chance children here have to an education.

“There is a vital meeting next week to decide funding for the next four years of the international Global Partnership for Education initiative yet the UK Government has not yet said if a Minister will be attending.

“Education should be a right not a privilege for people in the world’s poorest countries as here but without funding we won’t move closer to making that a reality.”

Progress has been made: since 1999 the number of children out of school around the world has fallen by almost by half. Yet in many countries the goal of universal completion of even primary school remains far-off and inequality of opportunity remains deep-rooted between children from rich and poor backgrounds and also between girls and boys.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, 30 million primary-aged children are out of school – 22% of the region’s primary school age population. One in four girls don’t receive even a basic education and only about a quarter of those from the poorest households will complete primary school.

A meeting to decide funding over the next four years for the Global Partnership for Education programme takes place in Brussels on Thursday (26th June). There has been a decline in recent years in external aid for education so Mr Lazarowicz believes it is important that the UK Government gives a strong lead there.