Making a safe return to school

A campaign has launched across city schools encouraging parents, carers and families to take extra care at the school gates when they return this week.

Ahead of all pupils resuming in-school learning from today (Tuesday 20 April), we’re sharing advice on steps to take to help limit the potential spread of COVID and make sure schools and childcare settings can remain open.

Posters, leaflets and social media posts are encouraging people to wear face coverings, stay two metres apart and to stick to one adult when dropping off and picking up children, as well as discouraging car sharing and urging neighbouring households to make sure hedges are cut back to give extra space.

Every school in Edinburgh has been assessed for improvements to help families physically distance too. Measures have been put in place at every Council and independent school where extra space is needed to help people walk, cycle and wheel safely.

Amongst the changes are road closures, prohibition of motor vehicles, widened footpaths or better signage, as well as the removal of guardrails and new access gates to aid one-way systems.

Councillor Karen Doran, Transport and Environment Vice Convener, said: “I’m sure children and young people across the city will be looking forward to the return to school and a sense of normality, and the chance to interact with their classmates.

“While this is a positive step in the lifting of lockdown restrictions, we must continue to observe guidance and take care when mixing with other people. Over the last year we’ve been working hard to introduce measures outside of every school to help children and carers walk, cycle and wheel safely and easily while physically distancing.

“We’re also encouraging everyone to follow advice to limit the spread of the virus, helping to make sure children can continue enjoying being back in the classroom.

In February we also introduced a temporary ‘Quiet Connection’ between Greenbank and the Meadows, providing a safer route for children travelling to nearby schools South Morningside Primary School, St Peter’s RC Primary School, James Gillespie’s Primary and High Schools, Bruntsfield Primary School, Boroughmuir High School and Edinburgh Steiner School.

Jessica Cameron, whose children go to James Gillespie’s Primary School, said: “My family really appreciate the new quiet route to the Meadows, which covers a significant portion of our trip to school.

“With traffic reduced on Whitehouse Loan, we have more options for getting to school safely. My kids love cycling and riding scooters, and they’re building their skills and confidence while not having to worry about avoiding cars. With more space, it’s easy for us to socially distance if we run into their friends on the way to school.”

All primary school pupils returned full-time from 15 March, with secondary school pupils resuming in-school learning on a part-time blended basis.

Earlier this month the Scottish Government confirmed all primary and secondary pupils would return to the classroom full-time as part of its easing of lockdown from 12 April (Edinburgh’s Easter holidays run until 20 April), with restrictions in place.

Find out more about the measures to help safe travel and physical distancing outside schools on the Council website.

Edinburgh College lecturers to strike this week

Edinburgh College lecturers are scheduled for further industrial action this week, Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st April in defence of the Further Education sector and the professional status of qualified lecturers. This follows previous strongly supported strike action taken prior to the Easter holidays.

Colleges Scotland’s refusal to ratify their own agreed definition of the lecturer’s role, a definition the union accepts, has so far prevented a settlement. Their refusal threatens to undermine the delivery of quality education to Edinburgh College students, many of whom have over the years seen unqualified staff on poorer pay, terms and conditions deliver qualifications up to HN level.

EIS FELA members will this week also be balloted on Action Short of Strike Action. This constitutes an escalation of the dispute incorporating a withdrawal of good will. 

Edinburgh College Branch Secretary Penny Gower described what is at stake: ‘Our members are losing money by striking, but this action is not for personal gain. It is to make sure our students get the quality of education they deserve.

“All we ask is that the employers ratify their own proposals which we have already accepted. If they care about students they should do that immediately.”

EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said, “Our members are continuing to stand firm against the practice of replacing lecturers with less qualified, lower paid staff. Colleges claim that there is no plan to do this, yet they continue to refuse to ratify an agreement that would halt this practice.

“If colleges are not seeking to replace lecturers with lower qualified staff, why are they so reluctant to ratify the agreement – incorporating their own proposals – that would stop it from happening?”

A spokesperson for the Colleges Scotland Employers’ Association, said: “Colleges will do everything they can to ensure that students are supported during this difficult time, and that any disruption is minimised.

“The EIS-FELA has refused repeated requests to suspend the strikes while meaningful discussions carry on – national industrial action is wholly unnecessary.” 

Project investigating the effects of COVID-19 on blood vessels and blood pressure receives Heart Research UK grant

A University of Glasgow project that is aiming to better understand the effects that COVID-19 infection has on blood vessels and blood pressure has received a grant of £250,000 from Heart Research UK.

Research has shown that people who are older, obese, male or those who have other medical problems including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or chronic lung conditions, have a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and is very common with more than one quarter of adults in the UK affected.

The virus causing COVID-19 enters the body’s cells through a receptor called ACE2 which is found in the lungs, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and bowel. ACE2 is very important for maintaining many of the body’s important processes including blood pressure, inflammation, and wound healing.

COVID-19 can also cause damage to the walls of the blood vessels which makes the risk of blood clots higher and this has been seen more often in people with high blood pressure. The reasons for this are not yet known which is why we need to understand more about the links between COVID-19 and high blood pressure.

This study, which will be led by Professor Sandosh Padmanabhan, Professor of Cardiovascular Genomics and Therapeutics, aims to answer whether:

  • High blood pressure makes COVID-19 infection worse and if so, why.
  • COVID-19 infection makes high blood pressure worse and if so, why.
  • Monitoring and management of high blood pressure needs to be a greater priority during the pandemic.

The study will look at routinely collected health records for people in the West of Scotland who attended hospital or had a positive test for COVID-19 between April 2020 and April 2021. This will be compared to the records of patients who attended hospital during 2019, for another reason. They will also look in detail at a group of people with high blood pressure.

Prof Padmanabhan’s team will also study a group of people that have recovered from COVID-19 infection. They will undergo blood pressure monitoring, and tests of heart and blood vessel health. These tests will be repeated after 12 and 18 months to see if there have been any changes. They will be compared to a group of people who have not had COVID-19.

Finally, the study will look at markers in the blood (biomarkers) with the aim of identifying any which are linked with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or death in COVID-19.

This study will give us a better understanding of the links between COVID-19 infection and high blood pressure, and help to improve the long-term outcomes for survivors of COVID-19. Also, the findings may lead to recommendations on the monitoring and management of blood pressure during the pandemic.

Prof Padmanabhan said: “The current COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has exposed unexpected cardiovascular vulnerabilities at all stages of the disease.

“The mechanism by which the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes infection is believed to directly and indirectly affect the cardiovascular system potentially resulting in new-onset hypertension, heart failure and stroke and represents an insidious feature of long-COVID.

“The burden of hypertension as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is unknown, but given the scale of the infection especially among the young this will be a major concern for the future. In this project, we plan to generate valuable evidence that will inform hypertension management strategies and reduce cardiovascular risk for survivors of COVID-19.”

Kate Bratt-Farrar, Chief Executive of Heart Research UK, said: “We are delighted to be supporting the work of ProfessorPadmanabhan and his team, who are conducting vital research into one of the biggest medical challenges the world has ever faced.

“We have known for some time that those with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions are more susceptible to developing severe complications from COVID-19. We hope that this research will help to explain why this is the case, reduce the risk for this vulnerable group and, ultimately, help to save more lives.

“Our grants are all about helping patients. They aim to bring the latest developments to those who need them as soon as possible.

“The dedication we see from UK researchers is both encouraging and inspiring, and we at Heart Research UK are proud to be part of it.”

Majority of pupils to go back after Easter break

Nearly all pupils will return to full-time school when the Easter holidays end. However, children who are on the shielding list are advised to stay at home until 26 April, in line with advice from the Chief Medical Officer. All other pupils, will return to school once the summer term starts.

Strict 2 metre physical distancing between pupils in secondary schools will be removed and schools will consider how they can strengthen other mitigations.

Following the national expansion of lateral flow testing, twice-weekly tests are available for all school staff in primary, secondary and special schools and for secondary school pupils.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “This I know, will be a huge relief to many children and young people – and of course to many parents and carers.

“I know though that the return to school, particularly for older pupils, will cause concern and anxiety – to pupils, to parents and of course to teachers and others who work in schools. So let me give an assurance that we will continue to give paramount consideration to safety.  

“The return to school will involve the removal, where necessary, of strict 2m physical distancing between pupils in secondary schools – but we are asking schools to consider how they strengthen other mitigations. Twice-weekly lateral flow testing is already available for all school staff, in primary, secondary and special schools and also for all secondary school pupils and I would encourage as many staff and pupils as possible to make use that testing.

“We will, of course, continue to study and assess the data, in order to quickly identify and limit any outbreaks that do arise, and make sure that we are also learning from them. For now, let me thank everyone who is working to make this return to school possible. For many teachers and school staff, I know, this  has been the hardest year of your professional lives. I am very grateful for the way in which you have adapted to such difficult circumstances.”

Edinburgh’s education leaders have welcomed confirmation from the Scottish Government that schools will fully reopen in Edinburgh on Tuesday 20 April.

All pupils will be back in school on that day except for those shielding who are advised to return on Monday 26 April, in line with the advice of the Chief Medical Officer.

Cllr Ian Perry, Education, Children and Families Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This is the news that families of our high school pupils have been looking forward to hearing and it’s great that they have confirmation their children will be back in school full time after the Easter holidays.

“There’s been excellent home learning involving our young people, teaching staff and parents taking place but everyone knows there’s no better place for children than being back in school with their peers and learning face to face.”

Cllr Alison Dickie, Education, Children and Families Vice Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: I’m delighted that our young people will be back in school after the school holidays.

“These are really challenging times for many families and it’s so important for children’s learning and development that they’re back in school where they belong.

“We will make sure our schools continue to be safe learning and teaching environments for all our young people and staff by following the latest health advice.”

The First Minister’s confirmation that there will be a full pupil return post-Easter is of little surprise but the EIS continues to urge great caution.

The removal of physical distancing between pupils, particularly older pupils, represents a heightened risk that more pupils will be infected and the larger numbers in classrooms also creates more risk of airborne transmission, which is why face coverings remain important, including the provision of medical grade face masks for staff.

Whilst some Councils have made progress in relation to monitoring and improving ventilation, others have dragged their heels.

EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said, “The full return of pupils needs to be treated with great caution. It will undoubtedly lead to an increase in school Covid outbreaks which will require to be dealt with quickly, particularly for senior pupils who will be in the final stages of their qualification work.

“If we had made more progress on the EIS demands of ventilation, vaccination, and facemasks, we would be in a stronger position. Improving such mitigations is still possible.

“Notwithstanding their concerns, however, teachers will be keen to engage positively with pupils to support their well-being and their progress in learning. There will be a particular challenge for senior pupils as lockdown has squeezed the time available for the alternative certification model.”

Digital boost for Edinburgh pupils

Every school pupil from P6 to S6 in Edinburgh will receive their own digital device as part of an ambitious and inclusive education strategy, Edinburgh Learns for Life.

The 1:1 roll out, being carried out in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council’s ICT services provider CGI, will start from September thanks to a £17.6m boost to learning and teaching. In addition to the personal distribution additional iPads will be also be issued to P1 to P5 year groups on an agreed ratio.

Key elements of the Empowered Learning programme, which will see a phased roll out of all the devices completed by the end of 2022, include: 27,000 new iPads being issued to pupils/staff, refreshed iPads for up to 12,000 pupils/staff and expanding the wireless connectivity in schools by providing wireless access points and a comprehensive programme of professional learning for teachers.                                                                                          

Benefits for young people include:

  • Fair and equal access from P6 to S6, ensuring all pupils have personal access to digital learning with their teacher in school or at home
  • Effective digital workflow to increase engagement, improve teacher feedback and raise attainment
  • A range of innovative accessibility features to improve access to the curriculum for pupils with additional support needs
  • Pupils can work online simultaneously in a class or collaboratively outside the classroom
  • High quality digital applications for productivity and creativity, providing more ways to personalise and choose how they learn
  • Development of learning, thinking and digital literacy skills vital for success in today’s rapidly evolving, technological society

The roll-out meets a key element of one of the 15 outcomes and actions from the Council’s three year business plan ‘Our Future Council, Our Future City’: ‘increasing attainment for all and reducing the poverty-related attainment gap’.

The business plan was approved by Councillors during their budget meeting on 18 February where they also agreed £8m funding for additional digital devices.

The 1:1 programme reinforces our commitment to becoming one of the world’s ‘smartest cities’ – last year Edinburgh was listed in the Smart City of Year Digital 100 shortlist following recent work by the Council, CGI and other providers to enhance connectivity and embrace new technologies. 

The roll-out also meets Article 29 (goals of education) for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which highlights the importance of developing every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

Councillor Ian Perry, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This is a really exciting project which is going to be a real game-changer for the learning and teaching in our schools.

“Giving pupils their own device has been shown to improve outcomes and result in increased engagement and motivation for our young people. It will create a learning environment which will drive higher levels of creativity also improve teacher and learner collaboration.

“The roll out will build on the skills developed by our teaching staff by having many more opportunities to use digital technology and create effective digital leadership teams in all our schools. In addition to giving pupils their own devices we’ll make sure the IT infrastructure is in place by increasing the bandwidth capacity and wi-fi connectivity in our schools.”

Councillor Alison Dickie, Education Vice Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This 1:1 roll out fits with the three goals of Edinburgh learns for Life – to transform, connect and empower.

“Giving every young person from P6 upwards their own device, is yet another tool in the educational toolbox to support and ensure the fullest potential of every child. 

“It’s so important for all our young people to have equal access as lockdown demonstrated quite starkly how some of our young people struggled because they didn’t have their own device.

“It’s essential that each learner is on a level playing field so the equity gap in Edinburgh does not widen. It will help equip all of our young people with the skills required for the modern workplace and our way of life in the digital age.”

Lindsay McGranaghan, CGI Vice President and Scotland Business Unit Lead, said: “We are delighted to be undertaking this project with the City of Edinburgh Council. We look forward to working in partnership to provide an effective and exciting digital solution for nearly 40,000 pupils and teachers.  

“Empowered Learning provides a learning environment that’s engaging and inspirational. It directly tackles the attainment gap, and recognises the key role of educators in delivering a digital classroom. Through Empowered Learning, educators can create and tailor lessons to personalise learning and access new ways of bringing teaching to life.

“Above all, Empowered Learning helps educators provide learning that is richer and more rewarding for both pupils, and for their parents, while also providing the highest level of security and safety standards.”

Edinburgh charities to benefit from Barratt’s £57,500 charity fund to aid pandemic recovery

– Funds set to boost employability and supported education in east Scotland –

Local housebuilder Barratt Developments Scotland has pledged to support the nation’s recovery from the pandemic with a £57,500 investment in employability and education, including £20,000 for the east of Scotland.

Two Edinburgh charities which aim to bolster employability and promote a fair and inclusive education for vulnerable young people have been selected to receive a share of the funds – employability charity WorkingRite and education charity Kindred.

Alison Condie, Managing Director at Barratt Developments East Scotland, said: “Employability and education are two areas which will be vital in aiding Scotland’s recovery from the pandemic – which is why we are focusing our efforts on supporting charities carrying out this work day to day.

“It’s always been the Barratt way to give back to the communities in which we have a presence, and it’s been great to hear how the donations will help WorkingRite and Kindred support people into employment and give young people the best chance to succeed at such a challenging time.”


With redundancy levels across the UK hitting record highs, the need for new opportunities and reskilling programmes has never been greater. Barratt’s donation to WorkingRite comes at a vital time and will ensure that young people have access to potentially life changing support.

WorkingRite has a proven track record in helping individuals improve their prospects and maximise their potential by matching a young person to a small business in their local community, where they learn valuable skills ‘on-the-job’.

Barratt Developments itself is a major champion of employability. Its graduate and apprenticeship recruitment programmes have continued in spite of the pandemic, and it is currently working with the veteran community to create opportunities for those leaving the armed forces.

Sandy Campbell, Founder of WorkingRite, said: “WorkingRite greatly appreciate the generous donation from Barratt Homes. As we emerge from Covid restrictions, young people from disadvantaged backgrounds need all the help they can get to achieve a working future.

“Barratt’s donation will help make that happen – by funding the training and mentoring we provide for those of our young people who are hoping for careers in the construction trades.”

Supported education

Also receiving a donation is Kindred, a parent-led organisation that helps support children with disabilities and long-term conditions. Last year, Kindred supported hundreds of families with its services, which include a team at Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children and a community team that works across its services with parents of children with exceptional healthcare needs.

Sophie Pilgrim, Director of Kindred, said: “We are delighted to accept an amazing donation from Barratt Homes East Scotland. We support over 700 families of children with complex needs each year from across Scotland.

“Living in a safe and comfortable home has been especially important to families of children with disabilities over the last year. Kindred has supported 98 families to find the right, adapted accommodation so we are particularly pleased to be supported by a housing provider.

“Our hospital team will be moving to the new Royal Hospital for Children and Young People Edinburgh and we will use the funds from Barratt to help us manage to move to our own new home! A big thank you from our staff and families.”

For more information on Barratt Developments East Scotland, which includes Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes, visit

Pirniehall Primary’s Mrs Ryan is retiring: send her your message!

After 35 years as Pirnie Headteacher Mrs Ryan is approaching her well deserved retirement!🎉💐

Did you attend Pirniehall Primary over the last 35 years or are you the parent/carer of a pupil? If so please send us a message of any good wishes, memories you have of Mrs Ryan or any pictures.

Please include your name and the year you attended.

Please send a private message to Pirniehall’s Facebook page, comment or write a message and post to Pirniehall Primary School, 4 West Pilton Crescent, Edinburgh EH4 4HP.

We would love to hear from you!

Education attainment gap remains wide, says Audit Scotland

Progress on closing the poverty-related attainment gap between the most and least deprived school pupils has been limited. And more evidence is needed to understand educational achievement beyond exams.

A joint report by the Auditor General for Scotland and the Accounts Commission found that exam performance and other attainment measures at the national level have improved.

However, progress since 2013-14 has been inconsistent. And there are large variations in local authority performance, with some councils’ performance getting worse on some measures.

The poverty-related attainment gap remains wide and existing inequalities have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The national curriculum recognises that school is about more than exams.

And there has been an increase in the types of pathways, awards and qualifications available to young people. But better data is needed to understand if other important broad outcomes, like wellbeing and self-confidence, are improving.

The Scottish Government, councils, schools and the other bodies responsible for planning and delivering education were working well together before Covid-19.

That allowed them to respond rapidly in exceptionally difficult circumstances. Funding for education has remained largely static – rising from £4.1 billion in 2013/14 to £4.3 billion in 2018/19.

However, most of that real-terms increase was due to the Attainment Scotland Fund, which the Scottish Government set up to close the attainment gap.

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland, said: “Significantly reducing the attainment gap is complex. But the pace of improvement has to increase as part of the Scottish Government’s Covid-19 recovery planning.

“That process needs to particularly focus on the pandemic’s impact on the most disadvantaged children and young people.”

Elma Murray, Interim Chair of the Accounts Commission, said: “There is variation in educational performance across Scotland, but this is not solely about exam performance.

“Education also supports and improves the health and wellbeing of children and young people, which has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It is vital that councils, schools and their partners work to reduce the wide variation in outcomes as well as understanding and tackling the short and longer-term impact of Covid-19 on learning and wellbeing.”

EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said: “The impact of poverty on children’s life chances remains a matter of huge concern, and much more needs to be done to support young people living in poverty to overcome the barriers that they continue to face.

“Schools do all that they can with insufficient resources to support young people from all backgrounds but cannot, in isolation, overcome such serious societal issues as inequality and poverty.”

“We have long known of the devastating impact that poverty can have on young people, and this has been made worse during the pandemic when young people from less affluent backgrounds have been far more likely to have had their in-school learning disrupted and to face barriers in accessing education outwith the school environment.”

“It is clear that much greater and sustained investment is needed to tackle the impact of poverty on young people’s education, and all of Scotland’s political parties must fully commit to tackling this issue in the context of education recovery during the next Parliament.”

Closing the Gap progress report

Good progress is being made towards closing the poverty-related attainment gap, a new report has found.

The study examines improvements made through the Scottish Attainment Challenge, and wider education policies, towards closing the attainment gap during this Parliamentary term.

The report highlights a number of key strengths in the education system, including a systemic change in culture and ethos, improved learning and teaching, strengthened collaboration, work with families and communities and a focus on health and wellbeing.

The findings show:

  • the gap between the proportion of primary pupils (P1, P4 and P7 combined) from the most and least deprived areas achieving the expected level in literacy and numeracy has narrowed since 2016-17
  • the gap between the proportion of S3 pupils from the most and least deprived areas who achieved their expected level in numeracy narrowed between 2016-17 and 2018-19
  • the participation gap between those who live in the most deprived and least deprived areas has narrowed year-on-year between 2016-17 and 2019-2020
  • 96% of headteachers felt that they had a good awareness of the range of approaches that can help close the poverty-related attainment gap
  • 90% of headteachers reported they had seen an improvement in closing the gap in their schools in the past five years
  • 88% of headteachers expect to see improvements in closing the gap over the next five years

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said: “Closing the poverty-related attainment gap and giving every young person the chance to fulfil their full potential, regardless of their background, remains our defining mission.

“Our ambition is a long-term one and this report clearly shows significant progress has been made in the last five years. We know that COVID-19 has made our ambition of achieving equity in education harder and I would like to thank all of our teachers and support staff for their extraordinary contribution and resilience shown throughout the pandemic.

“We have put in place a comprehensive range of measures, supported by the £750 million Attainment Scotland Fund, to turn the corner with the attainment gap.

“We have seen improvements across a number of indicators, including a narrowing of the gap between pupils from the most and least deprived areas achieving the expected level in literacy and numeracy.

“Longer term, we have also seen the gap narrow in initial positive destinations and the proportion of pupils achieving one pass or more at SCQF Level 5 and 6.

“The International Council of Education Advisers has acknowledged progress is being made and headteachers are positive about the impact of our measures, have a clear understanding of what is working and are optimistic about improvements being embedded and continuing over the next five years. I am greatly encouraged by this welcome progress and am confident we are on the right path.

“To mitigate against the impact of the pandemic, we are investing a record £200 million in the Attainment Scotland Fund in 2021-22, including an additional £20 million of Pupil Equity Funding.

“We are also investing £50 million in the Challenge Authorities and Schools Programmes next year and will support the Care Experienced Children and Young People Fund with more than £11 million. This is alongside £375 million in education recovery over this year and next to recruit additional teachers and support staff and address digital exclusion.

“I am determined to continue to support our young people through these unprecedented times and the evidence from this report and the Equity Audit will guide our thinking for the next phase of the Scottish Attainment Challenge. Now, more than ever, there is a need to stay the course with our vision of equity and excellence.”

Looking at performance of pupils since 2009-10, the report also finds:

  • the percentage of school leavers in a positive initial destination consistently increased between 2009-10 and 2018-19, for all leavers. The gap in positive initial destinations also decreased in this period
  • the gap between pupils achieving 1 pass or more at SCQF Level 5 has reduced from 33.3 percentage points in 2009-10 to 20.8 percentage points in 2019-20
  • the gap between pupils achieving 1 pass or more at SCQF Level 6 has reduced from 45.6 percentage points in 2009-10 to 36.1 percentage points in 2019-20

Gayle Gorman, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Chief Executive of Education Scotland, said: “We are happy to see the improvements detailed in the report and it is heartening that nine out of ten schools have seen a recent improvement in closing the poverty-related attainment gap.

“We recognise this work is more important than ever and the evidence from this report and the Equity Audit will inform the Scottish Attainment Challenge moving forward.

“Our Attainment Advisors have strong partnerships with every local authority and remain focused on working collaboratively with them, our schools and their community partners to ensure our most disadvantaged learners continue to be supported to achieve their aspirations.

“This is a long-term commitment that has been supported by a system-wide, collaborative endeavour across Scottish education to make Scotland the best place to grow and learn.”

Professor Chris Chapman, Senior Academic Adviser to the Scottish Attainment Challenge programme, said: “This report highlights both government’s commitment to equity and the cultural change that has occurred in Scottish education over the past five years.

“The drive to improve outcomes for children and young people from Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities has been placed centre stage of the reform agenda.

“Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the challenge and magnified the necessity of ensuring that all children and young people reach their full potential irrespective of their circumstances.”

Being everything you can be

Support for children with disabilities

Education, Children and Families Vice Convener Cllr Alison Dickie writes about support for children with disabilities:

Being everything you can be.

It’s a grand line, and actually one of the aims of our new children’s services plan.  In true Council style though, there are more words: ‘It is important to promote and support every child’s aspirations to ensure they can become everything they can be, now and in the future.’

Yip, that all sounds hunky dory but I’m wondering … does that truly include children with disabilities, particularly those with the most complex needs?

Let’s put it this way.  Have you ever watched a parent’s eyes well up as they plead for their young person to be given a purpose to get out of bed every morning?  Or for recognition of their worth, and their ability to contribute to society in some way? 

Or, as fears replace tears, hear them voice their deepest dread …what will happen to them when I am gone?

I have and it’s heart-breaking.

Despite the wide range of dedicated work going on across Edinburgh to deliver for children with disabilities and their families, parents have shared that it can sometimes feel that they’ve had to fight for the right of their child to be everything they can be.

I first questioned the message we send out to young people with disabilities whilst on a tour of St Crispin’s school in my ward.  I was appalled at its condition, its failure to reflect the fantastic work of the staff and pupils within, and the story of our value of them.  Thankfully, a new chapter has been written and they will, this year, move into their wonderful and much deserved new school at Burdiehouse.

How do you solve a ‘problem’ like … the holiday support programme? 

I’m asked this every year, and the education committee discussed it just last week.  In the past, it’s been cited as a non-statutory service, even a luxury not afforded by other Councils.  But, listen to the stories of families at breaking point, who cry out for this need, and you’re convinced this is vital respite for the whole family and to help young people thrive.

So, whilst there are big issues to be addressed, such as safety and staffing, we aim to return to the pre-covid provision in the summer, and through engagement with parents, look to how we can further improve this service.

And what of those positive destinations…more so, the lack of them, for young adults with the most complex needs? 

Here, communication about what is available, earlier and stronger transitional support, an understanding that one size doesn’t fit all, and a more flexible and collaborative approach are all being considered as we explore with parents how to grow these opportunities and give every young person a future. 

Some of this will have budgetary implications, and some the need for more innovative thinking, but one thing’s for sure…every young person has strengths, interests and potential to use in their unique way.

Lockdown has been difficult for everyone, but it’s been particularly challenging for these children and their families. As part of the recovery process, let’s push for progress and help all young people to be what they can be.

This article first appeared in the Edinburgh Evening News