Epic awards nominations open

The UK’s body for championing participation in creative cultural activities, Voluntary Arts, has launched the Epic Awards


Thousands of people across the UK give up their time to share their passion for arts and creative activities. Leading groups of young and old, these people improve the lives of millions of people across the country.

The Epic Awards offer the opportunity to celebrate and reward these volunteers and groups and spread the word about the huge range of activities enriching our lives in all areas of Scotland.

  • UK and Ireland’s premier award for amateur cultural groups, the Epic Awards opens for nominations.
  • A winner and a runner up will be chosen from Scotland, England, Northern & Republic of Ireland, and Wales.
  • Over 60,000 voluntary arts groups across the UK and Republic of Ireland are eligible.
  • Groups can nominate themselves online at epicawards.co.uk
  • Closing date for nominations is 7 December.
  • The Epic Awards will be presented at a dinner in Cardiff on 2 April 2016.
  • Once the shortlist is announced there will also be a People’s Choice award voted for by the public, a Peer award in which groups vote for each other and additional awards for excellent work with young people and disabled people.
  • The Epic Awards are run by Voluntary Arts to recognise and reward excellence and innovation in the amateur cultural sector.


Are you involved in an arts or crafts group that is doing something new and interesting? Have you struck up an interesting collaboration, inspired others or solved a problem in your home town?

From singing to knitting, amateur dramatics to painting, over 60,000 amateur arts groups across the UK and Republic of Ireland are making a difference to lives in their local areas. The Epic Awards shines a spotlight on their achievements.

You can nominate your group for an award by filling in the form on www.epicawards.co.uk and put them forward for national recognition and a range of prizes from financial support to advice, partnership and performance opportunities.

Winning groups have usually run initiatives or activities that involve interesting collaborations, or engage with their local community or beyond, undertake creative activity that inspires others or increases participation, or use new ideas in innovative ways.

Last year’s Scottish winner, Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts Trail (below), is a volunteer-led arts trail which has grown to include over 100 venues filled with work created by over 200 participants attracting audiences from far and wide.


Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts Trail’s Pauline Saul reflected on what winning the Epic Award meant for the group. She said: “We were delighted to be short listed for the Epic Award for Scotland. When the email came saying that we had won we were extremely proud of our achievement, wanting to run outside and tell everyone!

“The Epic Award has given the trail some good publicity through local papers and town folk have been really pleased both for us and for Kirkcudbright. Following the Epic Award we have grown in confidence, and become more forward thinking, planning a Christmas event and our theme for 2016.”

Last year’s runner-up in Scotland DD8 Music is a group run by volunteers in Kirriemuir, which provides free lessons, jams and recording equipment for young people. DD8 Music also picked up the UK wide award for exceptional work with young people.

The public have their chance to vote and award a prize to one of the shortlisted groups through The People’s Choice Award. Last year’s winners were Knitted Knockers UK, a group of over 650 people across the UK who co-ordinate online to create and send 100 per cent cotton breast prostheses to women who have had mastectomies.

Jemma Neville, director of Voluntary Arts Scotland, said: “The Epic Awards demonstrate the scale and diversity of self-led creative cultural activity in Scotland. From volunteer-led festivals to community radio stations, and poetry groups to choirs, there are creative people across the country with the passion and initiative to provide opportunities for people to take part in voluntary arts activity. I strongly encourage groups thinking of applying to do so.”

Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Europe and External Affairs, Fiona Hyslopsaid: “The Voluntary Arts Epic Awards showcase excellent examples of inclusive and local participation in the arts and the initiative and drive of many dedicated volunteers across the country who set up and run thousands of arts and cultural groups.

“Voluntary arts contribute much to Scotland’s rich and varied cultural life and Voluntary Arts Scotland’s support helps enable more people to get involved in creative activities.

“These awards demonstrate an ongoing commitment to ensuring that communities across Scotland are supported to create and participate so that all the hard work and imagination that contribute to the cultural life of our communities, often undertaken by volunteers, is recognised.

“I’m looking forward to hearing more about the exciting work taking place the length and breadth of Scotland in the run up to this year’s awards and encourage Scottish nominations to be put forward.”

The Epic Awards are supported by Spirit of 2012, an independent trust created to sustain the spirit and opportunities from London 2012, and are themselves supporting BBC Get Creative. Spirit has also helped to create two new categories of Epic Award as well as the Epic Places project. Voluntary Arts also acknowledges funding from Arts Council England, Arts Council Wales, Creative Scotland and Arts Council Northern Ireland.

Debbie Lye, chief executive of Spirit of 2012, said: “We at Spirit are delighted to be supporting the Epic Awards again in 2016. I was blown away by the sheer breadth of high-quality award nominations last year – it’s clear we’ve got a voluntary arts scene to be proud of.

“The Epic Awards really do showcase the cream of the UK and Ireland’s amateur artistic and cultural crop, and I am eager to see who’s in the running in 2016. Best of luck!”

Remember that closing date for nominations: Monday 7 December

Gearing up for The Gang Show

The fabulous Edinburgh Gang Show is back!


Over 250 young people from Scouting and Girlguiding will swap their camping gear and the outdoor life for the glitz and glamour of the theatre world when the annual Gang Show returns to the capital next week. Continue reading Gearing up for The Gang Show

Special double bill at North Edinburgh Arts tonight

Tonight at NEA: The Bridge and Remembering Tomorrow


We are delighted to be presenting not one but two fantastic events on Friday 23 October, from Annie George, and the North Edinburgh Theatre project:

7pm THE BRIDGE by Annie George

TICKETS: £8 full/£5 concession/£3.50 Good Neighbours
Box Office 0131 315 2151, admin@northedinburgharts.co.uk

Written and performed by Annie George
Directed by Sarah MacDonald
Composer, Niroshini Thambar
Design by Alice Wilson

The Bridge is a compelling and inspiring piece of visual theatre, which tells a remarkable story of the short life and lost work of PM John, a poet and author from Kerala India, living in the days running up to Independence from the British in 1947. His story is interwoven with that of his family, their struggles, and journeys they took across continents to new lives and opportunities.

8.30pm Remembering Tomorrow

theatre group

A short film from the North Edinburgh Theatre project as part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts & Film Festival

Join us for the premiere of a short film devised and presented by the group who brought you the sell-out 1D Tenement Opera in January this year, The North Edinburgh Theatre group (above) have used film, scripted and devised pieces to reflect on their own and others’ experiences around wellbeing.

Director: Stephanie Knight
Filmmaker: Elliott Hatherley

Free – but contact the box office to book. The cafe will be open serving light refreshments, wines and beer so why not join us for the evening?


The Prentice Centre’s guid fur a laugh!

With two free fun courses starting in October, The Prentice Centre in Granton Mains is the place to be for fans of Scottish culture this autumn …

francie and josie

‘Guid fer a Laugh’ takes a seriously funny look at Scottish comedy over the years. The course starts on Tuesday 6 October from 6 -8pm and runs for ten weeks (and maybe more if there are calls for an encore!)


slab boys

A bit more highbrow (but only a wee bit!) is ‘An Introduction to the History of Scottish Theatre’. This free ten-week course starts on Monday 5 October from 1.30 – 3.30pm and includes theatre visits.


Both courses are free. To book your place or for further information call The Prentice Centre on 552 0485.

A pure cornucopia of Scottish culture, so it is!

Otesha comes to North Edinburgh Arts

An exciting new project is coming to North Edinburgh Arts next week …

OTESHA 2015-Play-Poster-WEB

The Otesha Project UK

Invites you to come and see the Otesha UK cycling and performing extravaganza this summer at North Edinburgh Arts.

  • Monday 24 August, straight after school
  • 12 years and under and families
  • Food growing workshops
  • Bicycle maintenance workshops
  • Watch the Otesha UK Play
  • All for free!

Get involved as they collect ideas on how to create a better world – from composting to clothes swapping!

The Otesha Project is a mobile community of young people who are spending three weeks cycling through Scotland visiting schools, youth clubs and communities to perform the magnificent Otesha UK Play, and running workshops about how global issues meet everyday lives.

They won’t be counting carbon. They will, however, be having a brilliant time discovering how to live in a way that makes good things happen without harming others or the planet.And they invite YOU to do it with them and help them to do it better.

Book your FREE space now:
0131 315 2151



Musical Director? Choreographer? Join the A-Team!

a team pic
A-Team Productions are seeking a musical director and choreographer for their 2016 production, Next Stop: Broadway.
Rehearsals span October through February, twice a week on Wednesday and Sunday evenings.
This year we are not in a position to pay our Musical Director therefore this is a voluntary opportunity open to someone who has the time to commit to auditions, rehearsals and production week.
Do you know someone who has got what it takes? Can you please spread the word and let relevant people know.
Candidates should email
with a cover letter and CV.

A-Team productions are a not-for-profit organisation based in North Edinburgh, run by a team of experienced volunteers. Our ethos is simple: to provide a platform for young people ages 11-18 to construct and perform one musical per annum.

Kind Regards

Sean Quinn
Chair, A-Team Productions

Theatre opportunity for young people at North Edinburgh Arts

Red and the Wolf: An exciting theatre opportunity for North Edinburgh’s young people – and it’s free

red and the wolf NEA

Red and the Wolf by Liminal Dance is an immersive theatre performance working with a locally-based community cast of young people aged 8-16 years, in partnership with North Edinburgh Arts. 

  • Explore movement, dance and storytelling
  • Perform with professional artists
  • Create your own unique performance
  • Open to all, no experience necessary
  • @ North Edinburgh Arts
  • Places are FREE

Rehearsals on:

  • Thursday 30 July
  • Saturday 1 August
  • Monday 3 August
  • Tuesday 4 August
  • Wednesday 5 August

Rehearsal times:  10-5pm (except Saturday, 10-1pm)

Performance on Wednesday 5 August, 7pm

To book places and tickets: 0131 315 2151 / admin@northedinburgharts.co.uk

North Edinburgh Arts
15a Pennywell Court
EH4  4TZ


Students take Stardust to Romania

Edinburgh College acting students are stars in Romania

PASS at the national

Edinburgh College acting students brought a sprinkling of stardust to Romania as they performed to a sell-out crowd at one of the country’s prestigious national theatres.

Twenty-one students from the HND Acting and Performance course travelled to Romania to perform a show and take part in workshops and theatre tours, and watch performances by their Romanian contemporaries.

The students were visiting the country to present their show We are Made of Stardust at the National Theatre in Târgu Mureș, where they played to a full house and received a five-minute standing ovation. The students previously performed this show at the college’s Performing Arts Studio Scotland in Granton.

We are Made of Stardust was originally developed in Romania by college lecturer Scott Johnston, who has been travelling to the country for 22 years. Scott worked with the first youth theatre based at the National Theatre Târgu Mureș to develop the show, before developing a new version with his Edinburgh College students.

He said: “This was a hugely exciting opportunity for our students to perform on a prestigious stage and share their experience with Romanian actors. The students organised a Scottish theme night, attended Romanian and Hungarian nights and saw five productions at the national theatre and other venues.”

To help his students put their own stamp on the production, Scott used a technique he developed called bookends devising. He said: “Simply put, this means that I have written and designed the beginning and end 10 minutes of the production. The cast along with me devise and write the piece in between. The show I will take to Romania has exactly the same beginning and ending as the one I made here at college.”

In 2010 the University of the Arts in Târgu Mureș awarded Scott the university medal for developing artistic and academic work at the university – the first Briton to be awarded this honour. Last year, supported by the college, he completed a Masters in Stage Directing at the University. He has worked throughout Romania and done workshops and directed plays in many of the major theatres. He has also directed international professional co-productions for Romanian and Scottish companies including Stellar Quines and Cumbernauld theatre.

Students from the college’s performing arts courses will be taking part in performances as part of the college’s Let’s Glow festival throughout May and June. Let’s Glow is a celebration of the college’s creative students, featuring performance and exhibitions covering everything from music, theatre and dance to photography, film, art animation, textiles and design. The full programme of events can be found at www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/letsglow

To find out more about performing arts courses at Edinburgh College, which include dance, musical theatre, acting, technical theatre, textiles and make-up courses visitwww.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/courses

Electrifying talent on show in Let’s Glow festival

Let’s Glow festival shines a light on Edinburgh College’s creative talent

Dance Students

Edinburgh College’s dazzling creative students are about to light up the city with a two-month celebration of their luminous talents.

The Let’s Glow festival gives Edinburgh the chance to enjoy performances and exhibitions from college students covering everything from music, theatre and dance to photography, film, art, animation, textiles and design. The programme of events will showcase the skills and talents of the students, demonstrating the work they have undertaken at Edinburgh College over the last year.

Let’s Glow runs from 4 May to 22 June, with events taking place at venues across the city – including the college’s campuses, Summerhall, The King’s Theatre, The Traverse Theatre, The Edinburgh Filmhouse and The Queen’s Hall. Photography students are also taking their work to exhibit at Brick Lane in London.

The festival will feature students from all the college’s creative industries study programmes: Art and Design; Broadcast Media and Photography; Computing; Music and Sound Production; and Performing Arts.

The programme includes large-scale end-of-year shows by music, arts, photography, film and animation students; the PASS Cross Currents dance event choreographed by college staff and performed by students; an exhibition of make-up artistry; a graphic design exhibition; performances of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale and contemporary Scottish play My Romantic History; the PASS Out showcase for final-year Acting and Performance students; a musical theatre revue; and the premier of an original musical about Scotland’s most revered and most controversial instrument – the bagpipes!

Acting and Performance Students

The festival launched last night with sneak peek performances at the city’s La Belle Angele.

Jon Buglass, head of the Centre for Creative Industries at Edinburgh College, said: “Following the success of the first Let’s Glow festival last year, we’re delighted to showcase the incredible talents of our current crop of students. The events at this year’s festival allow us to celebrate and share the remarkable work our students have been producing over the last year. We are constantly blown away by the quality of their work and the time, effort and dedication they put into its production.

“The diversity in the programme means there really is something for everyone on offer. So if you want to be inspired by the talents of our students, get along to one of our Let’s Glow events.”

The full programme of events – some of which are free – and details of where to buy tickets can be found at www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/letsglow.

Keep up to date with Let’s Glow events on Facebook and Twitter.
